Ayurvedic Practitioner Study Guide 1. Introduction to Ayurveda a. Ṣad Darśana i. Sāṃkhya 1. 24 tattvas (Caturviṃśati tattvas) ii. Yoga 1. Aṣṭāñga Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prāṇāyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhāraṇa, Dhyāna, Samādhi) iii. Nyāya iv. Vaiśeṣika 1. Pratyakṣa pramāṇa 2. Anumāna pramāṇa 3. Upamāna pramāṇa 4. Śabda / Āptopadeśa pramāṇa 5. Yukti (mentioned in Caraka) pramāṇa v. Pūrva Mīmāṃsa vi. Uttara Mīmāṃsa / Vedānta b. Nava Dravya i. Pañca Mahā Bhūta (elements) ii. Kāla – time iii. Dik – Direction iv. Ātma – Soul v. Manas – mind c. Definition of Āyurveda, Historical background and origins d. Bṛhad Treyi – Caraka Saṃhitā, Śusruta Saṃhitā, Aṣṭāñga Saṃgraha & Aṣṭāñga Hṛdayam a. Laghu Treyi- Śāraṅgadhara Saṃhitā, Bhāva Prakāśa Nighantu, Mādhava Nidāna b. Aṣṭāñgas of Āyurveda – i. Kāya Cikitsā (General Medicine) ii. Bāla Cikitsā (Pediatrics) iii. Graha Cikitsā (Vedic Astrology) iv. Ūrdhvāñga Cikitsā (ENT and Ophthalmology) v. Śalya Cikitsā (Surgery) vi. Dāṃṣtra Cikitsā / Agada Tantra (toxicology) vii. Jarā Cikitsā (Rasāyana – rejuvenation) viii. Vṛṣa Cikitsā (Vājīkarana – Fertility) c. Concept of Macrocosm and Microcosm d. Samānya Viśeṣa siddhānta (Concept of similarity and dissimilarity) 1 2. Āyurvedic Fundamental principles a. Doṣas i. Definition ii. Elemental composition of each doṣas iii. Location of doṣas in the body (predominant areas - sthāna) iv. Doṣa functions v. Predominance in time of day, night, digestion, season and stage of life vi. Guṇas (qualities) of each doṣa vii. Vāta subdoṣas viii. Pitta subdoṣas ix. Kapha subdoṣas x. What aggravates Vāta, Pitta and Kapha xi. Signs and symptoms of doṣa vṛddhi (aggravated) xii. Signs and symptoms of doṣa kṣaya (decreased) xiii. Doṣa gati (movement of dosas, causes and treatment principles) 1. Ūrdhvaga (upwards) 2. Adhoga (downwards) 3. Tīryak (horizontally) 4. From koṣṭha (GIT) to śākha (extremities) to asthi (bones) to Marma (vital spots) xiv. General measures of doṣa upakrama (Pacification of doṣa) xv. Nānātmaja Vyadhis 1. 80 Vāta vikāras 2. 40 Pitta vikāras 3. 20 Kapha vikāras b. Dhātu – i. Definition ii. Functions iii. Elemental composition of dhātus iv. Relation between doṣa and dhātus v. Causes, signs and symptoms of dhātu vṛddhi (aggravated) vi. How to pacify aggravated dhātus vii. Causes, signs and symptoms of dhātu kṣaya (decreased) c. Malas i. Definition ii. Functions iii. Relation between doṣa and malas iv. Causes, signs and symptoms of aggravated malas v. How to pacify aggravated malas vi. Causes, signs and symptoms of decreased malas vii. Elimination frequency various qualities of waste products – indications 2 viii. Types of Koṣṭha d. Srotāṃsi i. Definition, origin, associated organs, pathway and associated disorders of each srotas. ii. Types of Sroto duṣṭi – abnormalities 1. Atipravṛtti (Increased Flow) 2. Saṅga (Obstructed) 3. Vimārga gamana (Diverted flow) 4. Sira Granthi (Nodules in channels) iii. Prānavaha srotas iv. Annavaha srotas v. Udakavaha / Ambuvaha srotas vi. Rasavaha srotas vii. Raktavaha srotas viii. Māṃsavaha srotas ix. Medovaha srotas x. Asthivaha srotas xi. Majjavaha srotas xii. Śukravaha srotas xiii. Purīṣavaha srotas xiv. Mūtravaha srotas xv. Svedovaha srotas xvi. Arthavavaha /Rajovaha srotas xvii. Stanyavaha srotas xviii. Manovaha srotas 3. Prakṛti – Constitution types a. Vāta – characteristics, qualities and associated signs and symptoms b. Pitta - characteristics, qualities and associated signs and symptoms c. Kapha - characteristics, qualities and associated signs and symptoms d. Combination of two or more doṣas in a constitution e. Method of assessment f. Aṣṭasāra Puruṣa (8 types of ideal constitution) g. Samhanana (Physical Build) h. Pramāṇa (Measurement of Body- Height, Weight, Posture, Circumference of Head) i. Sātmya or client’s ability to adapt to Āhāra (Diet), Dravya (Herbs), Vihāra (Lifestyle and Behavior) j. Āhāra Śakti (Ability to Digest) k. Vyāyāma Śakti (Stamina, endurance and capacity to exercise) 4. Prāṇa, Tejas and Ojas a. Definitions of each 3 b. Factors which increase each and signs, symptoms and diseases related c. Factors which decrease each and signs, symptoms and disease related 5. Svastha – Definition and importance a. Methods for maintenance of health b. Factors that promote mental health c. Factors that promote spirituality 6. Trayopasthamba - Three Pillars of life I. Āhāra: Food, digestion and methods of nutrition a. Āhāra - Food & Digestion i. Agni 1. Definition 2. Types (13) 3. Types of Jaṭharāgni (4) 4. Association of agni with doṣas 5. What affects the normal and abnormal variations of agni 6. Methods to enhance agni (Dīpana, Pācana etc.) ii. Digestion 1. Dosas involved in digestion in the Āmāśaya 2. Stages of digestion and predominance of doṣas 3. Factors which influence the rate and quality of digestion 4. Dhātu parināma (transformation of dhātus) a. Upadhātus (by products of dhātu formation) b. Dhātu mala (end products of dhātu formation) 5. Appropriate quantity of food 6. Healthy eating habits (Āhāra sevana vidhi) 7. Unhealthy eating habits 8. Definition of Sātmya and Oka-sātmya iii. Āma 1. Definition 2. Causes 3. Signs & Symptoms 4. Methods of assessment 5. Sāma doṣa signs and symptoms 6. Nirāma doṣas signs and symptoms 7. Sāma malas signs and symptoms 8. Nirāma malas signs and symptoms 9. Management of āma- with diet, lifestyle and / or spices 10. Āma Viṣa: signs, symptoms and treatment 11. Daṇḍaka: signs, symptoms and treatment 12. Ālasaka: signs, symptoms and treatment iv. Rasa (taste) 4 1. Types and elemental composition 2. Rasa that aggravate and pacify each doṣa 3. Effects, qualities and examples of each rasa 4. Effects of excessive or inadequate consumption of each rasa 5. Examples of food predominant in each rasa v. Guṇas (qualities) 1. 20 types 2. Effect on doṣas 3. Other Guṇas a. Vyavāyi (absorbed quickly without digestion) b. Vikāṣī (spreads quickly and Harmful to dhātus) c. Grahi (moisture absorbent) vi. Vīrya (Potency) 1. Uṣṇa vīrya, effect on doṣas, and uses 2. Śīta vīrya, effect on doṣas and uses vii. Vipāka (post digestive effect) 1. Definition 2. Types and effect on doṣas viii. Prabhāva (Specialized therapeutic effect) 1. Definition and uses b. Food regimens i. Quantity of food to be consumed according to doṣa, agni, age ii. Pathya - Healthy eating habits, time for meals etc. iii. Apathya - Unhealthy food habits iv. Definition of sātmya v. Uṣṇodaka – Boiled water vi. Foods that aggravate Vata, Pitta and Kapha vii. Foods that pacify Vata, Pitta and Kapha viii. Viruddha Āhāra – Incompatible food ix. Examples of food that are Rasāyana (rejuvenate) x. Examples of food that are Vājikaraṇa (Aphrodisiac) II. Nidra - Sleep • Importance of sleep • Rātricarya • Causes and Effects of Rātri Jagaraṇa (Night vigil) • Methods to induce healthy sleep III. Abrahmacarya: Sexual activity and natural urges 7. Dinacaryā a. Brahma mūhurta – ideal time for waking up b. Malotsarga – elimination of wastes 5 c. Danta Dhāvana – brushing teeth, tongue scraping d. Gaṇḍūṣa & Kavala – Oil pulling e. Vyāyāma – Exercise, effects, types appropriate for each dosa and benefits f. Abhyaṅga – Oil application / massage – effects, indications and benefits, g. Snāna – Bath / shower effects and benefits h. Nasya – nasal drops i. Sadvṛtta – good conduct and ethics 8. Ṛtu Caryā – Seasonal regimens a. Four seasons and predominance of dosas b. Ṛtu sandhi – management of seasonal transition and cleanses c. Seasonal related signs and symptoms Vikṛti (Pathological Condition) 1. Nidāna Pañcaka a. Nidāna – Etiology i. Trividha kāraṇa – three general causes for disease 1. Asātmya indriya artha saṃyoga – hīna, mithya and atī yoga of indriya and artha 2. Prajñāparādha - willful transgression 3. Pariṇāma – seasonal related disorders ii. Classification of disease iii. 4 Types of prognosis in Ayurveda iv. Sāmānya / Viśeṣa v. Nija / Āghantu vi. Primary / Secondary vii. Doṣa Hetu viii. Vyādhi Hetu ix. Ubhaya Hetu x. Vyanjaka / Utpādaka xi. Prākṛta xii. Vaikṛta xiii. Sāma / Nirāma xiv. Śāririka xv. Mānasika xvi. Ātmaja xvii. Karmaja xviii. Annaja xix. Kṛmija xx. Vyvasāya xxi. Abhighātaja xxii. Auṣadhaja 6 xxiii. Adhyātmika xxiv. Adibhoutika xxv. Adidaivika b. Pūrva Rūpa xxvi. Sāmānya – General xxvii. Viśeṣa – Specific c. Śad Kriya Kala – 6 stages of Saṃprāpti d. Rūpa – Signs & symptoms e. Upaśaya & Anupaśaya – Differential diagnosis f. Saṃprāpti – Pathogenesis and manifestation of disease 2. Roga Mārga – Pathway for disease i. Bāhya (external) ii. ābhyantara (internal) iii. Madhyama (intermediate) 3. Parīkṣā – Examination a. Trividha Parīkṣā i. Darśana – definition, utilization, and methods The ability to interpret information that has been received upon observation to determine the vitiation of doṣas, sub-doṣas, dhātus (tissues) and srotas. ii. Sparśana – Definitions, methods and utilization The ability to interpret information that has been received upon palpation to determine the vitiation of doṣas, sub-doṣas, dhātus and srotas. iii. Praśna – methods and utilization 1. Client intake process 2. Social history 3. Medication history 4. Vital signs 5. Family History 6. Medical history 7. Asking questions about the current state of digestion, elimination, sleep, stress level, energy level and emotional level. b. Daśa Vidha Parīkṣā i. Duśya (Structural and functional abnormalities of the body) ii. Deśa (Geographical nature of the place where client lives) iii. Bala (Physical strength) iv. Kāla (season and climatic conditions) v. Anala (Digestive fire of the client) vi. Prakṛti (Constitution) 7 vii. Vaya (Age of the client) viii. Sattva (Psychological nature of the client) ix. Sātmya (General and personal habits of the client) x. Āhāra (Nature of the patient’s diet) c. Aṣṭa Vidha Parīkṣā i. Naḍī (Pulse diagnosis) ii. Mala (Stool Assessment) iii. Mūtra (Urine Assessment) iv. Jihva (Tongue Assessment) v. Śabda (Speech and Voice Assessment) vi. Sparśa (Palpation and Skin assessment) vii. Dṛk (Assessment of Eyes) viii. Ākṛti (General Appearance of external features - Face, Nose) d. Assessment of state of mind i. Sattva qualities of mind ii. Rajas qualities of mind iii. Tamas qualities of mind e. Assessment of Vital Signs Methods of assessment, interpretation of findings and when to refer clients: i. Raktacapa (Blood Pressure) ii. Taking pulse iii. Respiration 4. Vyādhi: Disease Knowledge of the nidānas (causative factors), pūrva rūpas (premonitory signs and symptoms), saṃprāpti (pathogenesis), upaśaya and anupaśaya (method of differential diagnosis, if stated in the classical texts), bheda (types of the disease), upadravas (complications), cikitsa sūtra (line of treatment), cikitsa (treatment measures) and auśadha (medicines) indicated for each vyādhi listed below. (Please note that the translation on the disease as stated in Ayurveda, my not be limited to just those listed as the English correlation. The signs, and symptoms of the following conditions as per Ayurvedic classical texts and how it can be recognized in clients is required) 1. Ajīrṇa (Indigestion), 2. Aruci (Ageusia/ inability to taste) 3. Cardi (vomiting), 4. Amlapitta (Peptic ulcers), 5. Ānāha (heartburn), 6. Udara śūla (colic pain), 7. Kṛmi (infection / parasites), 8. Grahaṇi (Spru / IBS/ Celiac disease), 9. Atisāra (Diarrhea), 8 10. Arśhas (hemorrhoids) 11. Kāsa (Cough), 12. Śvāsa (Asthma / difficulty in breathing), 13. Hicca (hiccups) 14. Tṛṣṇa (Morbid thirst), 15. Prameha (Urinary disorders including diabetes), 16. Śotha (Swelling / edema) 17. Jvara (All types of fevers), 18. Pāṇdu (Anemia) 19. Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders), 20. Dāha (burning sensation), 21. Vātarakta (Rheumatoid arthritis / Gout), 22. Kāmala (Jaundice) 23. Granthi (Aneurysm), 24. Galaganda (Goiter), 25. Gandamala (mumps / Scrofula) 26. Staulya – obesity (Medo roga – disease of fatty tissue) 27. Asthigata vāta (Abnormal vāta localized in the joints), 28. Sandhigata vāta (osteo arthritis), 29. Āma vāta (Rheumatic fever) 30. Pakṣāvadha (Paralysis associated with stroke), 31. Ākṣepaka (Spasm / convulsions), 32. Kampavāta (Parkinson’s disease), Other Vāta Vyādhis (disorders of Vāta) 33. Apasmāra (epilepsy), 34. Gṛdrasi (sciatica) 35. Klaibya (impotency) 36. Yoni vyāpat (disorders of the uterus), 37. Pradara (Leucorrhea), 38. Stanya rogas (disorders of the breasts) 39. Unmāda (Insanity), 40. Smṛti bhramṣa (memory loss, lack of cognition) 41. Hṛd roga (Heart Disease) 42. Visarpa (Erysipelas), 43. Kaṇdu (Urticaria), 44. Kuṣṭha (Skin Disorders) 45. Aśmari (Kidney calculi) 46. Gulma (Abdominal tumors), 47. Arbuda (All types of Cancers) (Note: references for all types of disease along with their brief definition is also stated in the reference section and vocabulary list in an alphabetical order) 9 5. Types of therapies I. Śamana: Palliative Care (non-elimination of Doṣas) Indications and contraindication for palliative care. Methods of designing an appropriate palliation program suitable for management of specific disorders. Assessment of appropriate time and duration of interventions including the transition off palliative care into preventative measures. a. Preventative Therapies: i. Dīpana ii. Pācana iii. Kṣut Nigraha iv. Tṛṣṇa v. Vyāyāma vi. Ātapa sevana vii. Māruta Sevana b. Āhāra (Diet) i. Determine appropriate dietary guidelines for the client c. Vihāra (Lifestyle) i. Determine appropriate lifestyle guidelines for the client ii. Self abhyaṅga (oil application) iii. Uṣnodaka (Drinking boiled water) iv. Tongue cleaning v. Sadvṛtta (Good moral conduct) etc. d. Auśadha: Medicines Various single herbs and formulas indicated for management of specific conditions. Drug of choice for specific disorders as stated in classical texts. Refer to table 1: Single herbs and table 2: Formulas required for Ayurvedic Practitioners. Knowledge of the formulas, method of preparation, dose, frequency, appropriate time for use according to stage of disease, age etc., indications and contraindications is required. i. Auśadha Kala: Time for administration of medicines ii. Anupāna: vehicle or adjuvants to formulas iii. Matra (dose) e. Sensory Therapies i. Aromatic therapy ii. Taste therapy iii. Touch therapy iv. Sound Therapy v. Visual therapy II. Śodhana: Methods of elimination including preparatory procedures Knowledge of methods, procedures, indications and contraindications, signs and symptoms of appropriate use of procedure and inappropriate results of procedure and 10 methods of management of any complications for all the following methods. Note: some procedures mentioned here are for the basis of theoretical knowledge, even if it may be beyond the scope of practice of an Ayurvedic Practitioner) a. Pūrva Karmas 1. Snehana – Utility of fats (Ghṛta – ghee, Taila -oils, Vasa – meat fats, Majja- Bone marrow) 1. Internally – Sneha Pāna 2. Externally 1. Abhyaṅga (oil application) 2. Dhāra (pouring of oil) 3. Picchu (Oil soaked cotton) 4. Vasti (Oil well) etc. 2. Svedana – Sweating procedures 1. Bāṣpa – steam 2. Avagāha – liquid immersion 3. Pinda – Poultice 4. Upanaha – Warm pastes 5. Sankara – Bandage with warm paste 6. Nadi – localized steam through a tube 7. Prastara – steam tent 8. Jentaka – sweating in a hut (sauna, steam room) 9. Aśmaghna – hot stone therapy 10. Niragni – methods to induce sweating without the use of fire ex. Exercise, heavy blankets, exposure to sun etc. b. Pradhāna Karma: Primary elimination methods 1. Vamana – emesis 2. Virecana – purgation 3. Nasya – nasal medication 4. Asthāpana vasti – Decoction based enemas 5. Anuvāsana vasti – Fat based enemas c. Paschat Karma: Post procedure care 1. Saṃsarjana Krama – Diet increments followed to increase agni 2. Dhuma pāna – medicated smoke inhalation 3. Gandūṣa – Medicated liquid used for mouth salve 4. Kavala – gargling d. Other therapies: 1. Udvartana: Dry powder massage 2. Śirodhara 6. Rasāyana: Rejuvenation Therapy 11 a. b. c. d. Indications Contraindications Preparatory measures such as mild cleanses etc. Methods i. Kutipraveśa Rasāyana: Confined rejuvenation (Retreat style) ii. Vāta Ātāpika: Rejuvenation while exposed to wind and sunlight (non retreat style) e. Use of herbs and formulas for Rasāyana f. Follow up procedures: Dīpana, Pācana 7. Bṛṃhaṇa: Tonification a. Dietary measures that promote nourishment b. Herbal formulas that promote nourishment c. External therapies that promote tonification d. Daily Routines which promote tonification e. Indications and Contraindications for tonification 8. Prasūti Tantra: Pre-Natal, and Post Natal therapies a. Diet and life style measures for both new born and mother b. Assessment and interventions for mild vikṛti which may occur during postpartum period i. Food and herbs which promote lactation ii. Food and Herbs which improve strength and rejuvenation iii. External therapies suitable for post-partum care c. Assessment and interventions for mild vikṛti which may occur in the first year of the child till adolescence i. Food and herbs along with dose and appropriate method of administration for infants ii. External therapies suitable for an infant 9. Kaumārabhṛtya: children’s Health a. Diet and lifestyle appropriate for different age groups b. Herbs suitable to promote health c. Assessment of mild vikṛti or disease which may occur in different age groups along with suitable interventions according to age, season, prakṛti, etc. d. Herbs suitable for children, dosage according to age, formulas and mode of administration for various age groups 10. ŚālākyaTantra: ENT / Head and Neck Region a. Knowledge of the anatomy of all the structures at and above neck b. Knowledge of imbalanced doṣas, sub-doṣas, dhātus (tissues), upadhātus (by products of nutrition), at these regions c. Samprāpti (pathogenesis) of their diseases d. Nidān pañcaka (five stages of pathogenesis) of their diseases 12 e. f. g. h. i. j. Knowledge of herbs, creating herbal formulas for these diseases Knowledge of herbal preparations (oils, ghees etc) Knowledge of appropriate dosage, time of taking herbs Knowledge of anupānas (adjuvants) Knowledge of designing and performing special Āyurvedic therapy Knowledge of indications and contraindications of such procedures 11. Bhūtavidyā/Manovijñāna: Psychiatry a. Knowledge of the Mind and its various functions, causative factors for pathological changes, stages of pathology, various diseases presenting with psychological and physical symptoms. b. Assessment of various psychological disorders from an Ayurvedic perspective c. Determination of predominance of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas in specific conditions d. Diet and Life style, herbal recommendation to improve mental health and balance of prāṇa (vital energy), tejas (radiance) and ojas (essence of life) e. Additional sensory therapies that not only balance the doṣas of the mind and restore a healthy balance of prana (vital force) –tejas (radiance) and ojas (essence of life) but also are an important part of treating specific disease conditions including visual (color), olfactory (aromas, netī (nasal salve), nasya – medicated nasal drops) , auditory (mantra and music) and touch (massage / oil therapies). f. Utility of Sattva Avajaya Cikitsa: methods to improve the health and stable functions of the mind by enhancing sattva guna. 12. Yoga a. b. c. d. e. Ayurveda and Therapeutic Yoga What a practitioner of Ayurveda and Therapeutic Yoga does The scope of practice of Ayurveda and Therapeutic Yoga How an Ayurveda and Therapeutic Yoga can complement client care Therapeutic tools utilized by a practitioner of Ayurveda and Therapeutic Yoga 13. Jyotiṣa (Vedic Astrology) a. b. c. d. e. What Vedic or Medical Jyotiṣi (vedic astrology) is What a Vedic or Medical Jyotiṣi (vedic astrology) does The scope of practice of Vedic or Medical Jyotiṣi (vedic astrology) How a Vedic or Medical Jyotiṣi (vedic astrology) can complement client care Therapeutic tools utilized by a Vedic or Medical Jyotiṣi (vdic astrology) 13 14. Vastu Śāstra (Vedic Architecture) a. What Vāstu (vedic architecture) is b. What a Vāstu (vedic architecture) practitioner does c. The scope of practice of Vāstu śāstra (vedic architecture) Table 1: Basic Herb List for the Ayurvedic Practitioner Qualities of each herb including Rasa (taste), Guṇa (qualities), Vīrya (Potency), Vipāka (post digestive effect), and Prabhāva (Specialized therapeutic effect) as well as the dose, frequency and duration of administration. Indications and contraindications, as well as measures to correct side effects of inappropriate use is required. Saṁskṛta Name Latin Name Āmalakī Emblica officinalis Anantamūla Hemidesmus indicus Arjuna Terminalia arjuna Aśoka Saraca indica Aśvagandha Withania somnifera Balā Sida cordifolia Bhṛṅgarāja Eclipta alba Bhūmyāmalakī Phyllanthus amarus Bilva Aegle marmelos Brahmī Bacopa monnieri, Centella asiatica (active debate on this) Citraka Plumbago zeylanica Dāruharidrā* Berberis aristata Devadāru* Cedrus deodara Dhānyaka Coriandrum sativum Elā Elettaria cardamomum Eraṇḍa Ricinus communis Gokṣura Tribulus terrestris Gudūcī Tinospora cordifolia Guggulu Commiphora mukul Haridrā Curcuma longa 14 Harītakī Terminalia chebula Hiṅgu Ferula assa-foetida Jaṭāmāmsī* Nardostachys jatamansi Jātīphalā Myristica fragrans Jīraka Cuminum cyminum Jyotiṣmatī* Celastrus paniculatus Kalamegha* Andrographis paniculata Kapikacchu Mucuna pruriens Kaṭukī* Picrorhiza kurroa Kirātatikta* Swertia chirata Kumārī Aloe barbadensis Kuṭaja Holarrhena antidysenterica Laśuna Allium sativum Lavaṅga Syzygium aromaticum Lodhra* Symplocos racemosa Maṇḍūkaparṇī Centella asiatica Mañjiṣṭhā Rubia cordifolia Marica Piper nigrum Meṣaśṛṅgī Gymnema sylvestre Methikā Trigonella foenum-graeceum Miśreya Foeniculum vulgare Mustā Cyperus rotundus Nimba Azadirachta indica Padmaka Nelumbo nucifera Pippali Piper longum Punarnavā Boerhaavia diffusa Rājikā Brassica juncea Rakta Candana Pterocarpus santalinus Raktapuṣpi Hibiscus rosa Rāsnā Alpina officinarum 15 Saindhava Lavaṇa Śallakī Boswellia serrata Śaṅkhapuṣpī Evolvulus alsinoides Sat Isabgol Plantago psyllium Śatāvarī Asparagus racemosus Śilājitu Asphaltum Śuṇṭhī Zingiber officinale Svarṇapatrī Senna alexandrina Tagara Valeriana wallichi Tarunī Rosa centifolia Tavakṣīrī Maranta arundinacea Tila Sesamum indicum Tulasī Ocimum sanctum Tvak Cinnamomum cassia Uśīra Vetiveria zizanioides Vacā Acorus calamus Vasaka Adhatoda vasica Vibhītakī Terminalia belerica Viḍaṅga Embelia ribes Vidārī Kanda Ipomoea digitata Yaṣṭi Madhu Glycyrrhiza glabra Yavānī Carum copticum 16 Table 2: List of Classical Formulas for the Ayurvedic Practitioner Knowledge of the most traditional herbal formulations from classical Āyurvedic texts indicated for therapeutic utility. Powders (Cūrṇa) or General Combinations Tablets (Vaṭi) Decoctions (Kashaya) Oil (Taila) Ghee (Ghṛta) Fermented Preparations (Āsava/Ariṣṭa) Jams (Lehyam) Avipattikara Ārogyavardhinī Vaṭi Indukantham Aṇu Taila Aśvagandha Ghṛta Abhaya Ariṣṭa Cyavanprāśa Daśamūla Candraprabhā Vaṭi Daśamulam Aśvagandha Bala Taila Śatāvarī Ghṛta Arjuna Ariṣṭa Brahmiprash Hiṅgvāṣṭaka Citrakādi Vaṭi Amṛtotharam Bhṛṅgarāja/ Mahābhṛṅgarāja Taila Triphala Ghṛta Aśoka Ariṣṭa Draksha avelaha Lavaṇabhāskara Eraṇḍa Harītakī Gandhavahastādi Brāhmī Taila Yaṣṭi Madhu (Licorice) Ghṛta Aśvagandha Ariṣṭa Ashwagandha avelaha Panchakola Gokṣurādi Guggulu Dhanwantaram Eraṅḍa (Castor) Taila Phala sarpis Bala Ariṣṭa Adrak avelaha Sitopalādi Kaiṣora Guggulu Kṣāra Taila Brahmi Ghṛta Candana Āsava Pippali rasayana Tālīsādi Khadirādi Vaṭi Guggulutiktaka Mahāmaricyādi Taila Jatyadi Ghṛta Daśamūla Ariṣṭa Agastya Rasayana Trikaṭu Laśunādi Vaṭi Maha Rasnadi Mahāṇārāyan Taila Kalyanaka Ghṛta Drakṣa Āsava Narsimha Rasayana Triphala Lavaṅgādi Vaṭi Punarnavadi Mahāviṣagarbha Taila Guggulutiktaka Ghṛta Kumārī Āsava Satavari Gulam Rasnadi Lākṣādi Guggulu Sahacharadi Ksirabala Taila Saraswatha Ghṛta Lohāsava Trivrt Lehyam Eladi Mahāsudarśana Vaṭi Sukumara Nimba (Neem) Taila Maricyādi Vaṭi Varanadi Saindhavādi Taila Punarnavādi Guggulu Ṣaḍbindu Taila Sārivādi Vaṭi Dhanwantaram Taila Simhanāda Guggulu Sahacharadi Taila Śaṅkha Vaṭi Pinda Taila Trayodaśāṅga Guggulu Kumkumadi Taila Vilvadi Lehyam Yogarāja Guggulu 17 References for AP Guidelines The following references are regarding the list of topics enumerated in the Ayurvedic Health Counselor guidelines published by NAMA. Classical texts such as Bṛhad Treyi and Laghu Treyi were used for referencing. Translation of topics have not been included as there maybe controversies regarding the correlation of certain Āyurvedic terms especially with rogas and western diagnosis. List of Classical texts, sections and abbreviations: Caraka Saṃhitā C.S. Suśurutha Saṃhitā S.S. Aṣṭāñga Samgraha A.S. Aṣṭāñga Hṛdayam A.H. Śāraṅgadhara Saṃhitā Sha. Sa. Bhāva Prakāśa Nighantu Bha. Pra. Mādhava Nidāna M.N. Bhaiśajya Ratnāvalī Bh. Ra. Rasa Ratna Samcchaya R.R.S. Sahasra Yoga S.Y. Yoga Ratnākara Y.R. Ayurvedic Formulary of India A.F.I Sūtra Sthāna Su. Sārira Sthāna Sa. Nidāna Sthāna Ni. Vimāna Sthāna Vi. Cikitsa Sthāna Chi. Indriya Sthāna In. Kalpa Sthāna Ka. Siddhi Sthāna Si. Prathama Khanda Prat. Madhyama Khanda Madh. Uttara Khanda Utt. 18 Method of referencing: The classical referencing indicates first the classical text, followed by the section in the text, then the chapter number and the verse number. Various versions of the same classical texts were published by various companies, however regardless of the edition, or publisher, the section, chapter and verse number are consistent as to the original text. Therefore this method of classical referencing is considered standard and widely used for Āyurvedic texts. Ex. C.S. Su. 1/56 = Caraka Saṃhitā, Sūtra Sthāna, Chapter 1, verse 56. Topic / Heading Abhyaṅga Abhyaṅga definition Adāna Kāla Adharaṇīya vegās Āghantu Vyādhi Āghantuja Rogas Āghantuja roga prevention Agni Types Āhāra – Dina carya Ākāśa mahābhūta Āma Ambuvaha srotas Amla rasa Añjana Annavaha rotas Anulomana definition Anumāna pramāna Anupāna definition Ap mahābhūta Āptopadesa pramāna Ārogya kārana Asādhya definition Asātmya Indriya artha saṃyoga Aṣṭa āhāra viśeṣa āyatana Aṣṭa ninditīya Aṣṭañga of Ayurveda Asthāpana dravya Asthivaha srotas Ātapa sevana Auṣadha kāla Āyurveda definition Āyus synonyms Bṛṃhaṇa Cedana definition Cūrṇa kalpana Classical Reference C.S. Su. 5/85-93 A.S. Su. 3/55-60 C.S. Su. 6/6 A.S. Su. 5/2 A.S. Su. 5/37-38 C.S. Su. 7/51-52 C.S. Su. 7/53-55 C.S. Vi. 6/12 A.S. Su. 3/75-79 A.S. Su. 17/8 A.S. Su. 21/36-37 C.S. Vi. 5/11 C.S. Su. 26/42.2 C.S. Su. 5/14-19 C.S. Vi. 5/12 Sha. Sa. Prat. 4/4 C.S. Su. 11/21-24, C.S. Vi. 4/8 A.S. Su. 1/11-12 A.S. Su. 17/5 C.S. Su. 11/18-19 A.S. Su. 1/40, A.S. Su. 22/6 A.S. Su. 2/32 A.S. Su. 22/6 C.S. Vi. 1/21 C.S. Su. 21/3 A.S. Su. 1/4-13 C.S. Su. 2/11-14 C.S. Vi. 5/17 A.S. Su. 12/91 A.S. Su. 23/12-21 C.S. Su. 1/41 C.S. Su. 1/42 C.S. Su. 22/10 Sha. Sa. Prat. 4/9-10 Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/1-165 19 Danta dhavana Definition of svastha Dhāraṇīya vegas Dhātu functions Dhātu Pariṇāma Dina carya Dīpana Doṣa body and mind Doṣa dhātu relationship Doṣa gati Doṣa sthāna Gandha mālya – aromatherapy Gandharva graha Gaṇḍūṣa Gaṇḍūṣa – oil pulling Ghee Properties Ghee properties Guṇas Head oil massage Hima History of Ayurveda Ikṣu varga Indriya & Mahābhūtas Indriya & Tanmātra Indriyas and mahābhūtas Janapadodhvaṃsa Kāla definition Kalka Kapha guṇas Kapha kṣaya Kapha pacifying herbs Kapha prakṛti Kapha subdoṣa Kapha upakrama Kapha vṛddhi Kapha vyādhi (nānātmaja) Karna pūraṇa Kaṣāya rasa Kaṭu Rasa Kitchari (Mudga Yuṣa) Kṛcchra sādhya definition Kṣīra types Kṣīra Varga Kṣudha nigraha A.S. Su. 3/12-17 S.S. Su. 15/41 C.S. Su. 7/26-29 A.S. Su. 1/29 C.S. Su. 28/4 A.S. Su. 3 Sha. Sa. Prat. 4/1 C.S. Su. 1/51 A.S. Su. 19/8 C.S. Su. 17/112-114 A.S. Su. 1/23 C.S. Su. 5/96 MN 20/20 A.S. Su. 3/28-30 C.S. Su. 5/78-80 C.S. Su. 13/14, C.S. Su. 13/41-43 A.S. Su. 6/68-71 Sha. Sa. Prat. 2/16-17 C.S. Su. 1/49 C.S. Su. 5/81-83 Sha. Sa. Madh. 4/1-8 A.S. Su. 1/4-13 A.S. Su. 6/76-85 A.S. Su. 1/36-37 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/67-69 C.S. Su. 8/14 A.S. Su. 9/71-80 C.S. Vi. 3/5-18 A.S. Su. 4/2 Sha. Sa. Madh. 5/1-28 A.S. Su. 1/28 C.S. Su. 17/52-61 A.S. Su. 14/7 A.H. Sa. 3/96-103 A.S. Su. 20 /4 A.S. Su. 21/3-4 C.S. Su. 17/52-61 A.S. Su. 20/11, C.S. Su. 20/17 C.S. Su. 5/84 C.S. Su. 26/42.6 C.S. Su. 26/42.4 C.S. Su. 15/16, C.S. Su. 27/265-267 A.S. Su. 2/29 C.S. Su. 1/105-113 A.S. Su. 6/51-61 A.S. Su. 13/2 20 Kvātha/ Kaṣāya Lañghana Lavaṇa Rasa Lavaṇa Types Lekhana definition Madhu (Honey) Madhu/ ikṣhu Madhura rasa Madhya Varga Majjavaha srotas Mala functions Mala kṣaya Mala vṛddhi Malas Mamsavaha srotas Mānasīka roga Manas qualities Mānasīka vyādhi Manovaha srotas Māruta sevana Mūtra varga Mūtravaha srotas Nasya – Dina carya Nava dravyas Nidra Nija vyādhi Ojas Pācana Pāda catuṣṭaya Pañca indriya adhiṣṭāna Pañca indriya artha Pañca indriya buddhya Panca indriya dravyas Pañca indriyas Pañca jñanendriya Pañca karmendriya Pañca mahābhūta Pañca pañcaka Pañca tanmatra Parināma Physical properties of 5 bhūtas Pitta guṇas Pitta kṣaya Pitta pacifying herbs Sha. Sa. Madh. 2/1-150 C.S. Su. 22/9,18 C.S. Su. 26/42.3 C.S. Su. 1/88-92 Sha. Sa. Prat. 4/10-11 C.S. Su. 27/249 A.S. Su. 6/86-93 C.S. Su. 26/42.1 A.S. Su. 6/109-134 C.S. Vi. 5/18 A.S. Su. 1/32 A.S. Su. 19/6 A.S. Su. 19/4 A.S. Su. 19/2 C.S. Vi. 5/15 C.S. Su. 11/46 C.S. Su. 8/4-6 A.S. Su. 1/40 C.S. Vi. 6/5-6 A.S. Su. 12/86-90 A.S. Su. 6/135 – 142 C.S. Vi. 5/20 A.S. Su. 3/26-27 C.S. Su. 1/48 C.S. Su. 21/25-49 A.S. Su. 1/39 A.S. Su. 19/29-34, C.S. Su. 17/73-76 C.S. Su. 30/ 6-11 Sha. Sa. Prat. 4/2 C.S. Su. 9/3 A.S. Su. 2/27 C.S. Su. 8/10 C.S. Su. 8/11 C.S. Su. 8/12 C.S. Su. 8/9 C.S. Su. 8/8 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/64 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/65 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/63 C.S. Su. 8/3 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/61-62 A.S. Su. 22/7 C.S. Su. 26/11 A.S. Su. 1/27 C.S. Su. 17/52-61 A.S. Su. 14/7 21 Pitta prakṛti Pitta subdoṣa Pitta upakrama Pitta vṛddhi Pitta vyādhi (nānātmaja) Prabhāva Prabhāva Prajñāparadha Pramānas Prāṇa Prāṇavaha srotas Pratyakṣa pramāna Pṛthvī mahābhūta Purīṣavaha srotas Pūrva karma Qualities of a Patient Qualities of a Physician Qualities of an attendant Qualities of medicine Quality of food Rajas Raktavaha srotas Rasa Rasavaha srotas Rasāyana Rātrī jāgarana Ṛtu sandhi Ṛtu carya Roga Bheda Roga Mārga Rūkṣana Rūkṣana cikitsa Rūpa Ṣaḍ rasa Ṣaḍ rasa and doṣas Sadvṛtta Sadvṛtta Samagni Sāmāna cikitsa Sāmānya viśeṣa siddhānta Saṃprāpti Saṃkhya philosophy – ahamkara Saṃkhya philosophy – Mahad Saṃkhya philosophy – manas Saṃkhya philosophy - Prakṛti Saṃkhya philosophy - Puruṣa A.H. Sa. 3/90-95 A.S. Su. 20/3 A.S. Su. 21/2 C.S. Su. 17/52-61 A.S. Su. 20/10, C.S. Su. 20/14 A.S. Su. 17/52-59 Sha. Sa. Prat. 2/21-22 A.S. Su. 22/6 C.S. Su. 11/17 C.S. Su. 17/13-14 C.S. Vi. 5/10 C.S. Su. 11/20, C.S. Vi. 4/7 A.S. Su. 17/4 C.S. Vi. 5/21 A.S. Su. 5/26 C.S. Su. 9/9 C.S. Su. 9/6 C.S. Su. 9/8 C.S. Su. 9/7 C.S. Su. 5/4-8 A.S. Su. 1/39 C.S. Vi. 5/14 A.S. Su. 4/60 C.S. Vi. 5/13 Sha Sa. Prat. 4/13-14 C.S. Su. 21/50 A.S. Su. 4/61-62 A.S. Su. 4, C.S. Su. 6 A.S. Su. 22/1-2 A.S. Su. 22/9 C.S. Su 22/14 A.S. Su. 24/4 MN 1/7 C.S. Vi. 1/4 A.S. Su. 1/33-34 A.S. Su. 3/40-54, A.S. Su. 3/80-106 C.S. Su. 8/18-19 M.N. 6/2-4 A.S. Su. 1/46 C.S. Su. 1/44 -45 M.N. 1/10 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/58 – 60 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/57 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/59 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/56 Sha. Sa. Prat. 5/55 22 Sattva Sirovirecana dravyas Snāna Snāna Snehana Snehana cikitsa Sodhana cikitsa Srotas Sroto duṣṭi Stambhana Sthambana cikitsa Sukha sādhya definition Śukravaha srotas SVātantra Svedana Svedana cikitsa Svedovaha srotas Taila varga Takra Takra properties Tamas Tejas mahābhūta Three desires of life Tīkṣṇa agni Tikta rasa Tongue scraping Trīsūtra definition (Hetu, liñga auṣadha) Trividha auṣadha Trividha bala Trividha cikitsa Trividha kāraṇa Trividha parikṣa Trividha roga mārga Tṛṣṇa nigraha Tryopasthamba Types of sneha dravyas Udvartana Uṣṇa jala pāna Vamana dravyas Vāta cikitsa / upakrama Vāta gunas Vāta Kṣaya Vāta pacifying herbs Vāta prakṛti Vāta subdosa A.S. Su. 1/39 C.S. Su. 2/3-6 A.S. Su. 3/67-70 C.S. Su. 5/94 C.S. Su. 22/15 A.S. Su. 24/4 A.S. Su. 1/4 C.S. Vi. 5/6 C.S. Vi. 5/24 C.S. Su. 22/17 A.S. Su. 24/4 A.S. Su. 2/26 – 28 C.S. Vi. 5/19 A.S. Su. 22/10 C.S. Su. 22/16 A.S. Su. 24/4 C.S. Vi. 5/22 A.S. Su. 6/94-108 A.S. Su. 6/65-66 C.S. Su. 27/229 A.S. Su. 1/39 A.S. Su. 17/6 C.S. Su. 11/3 M.N. 6/2-4 C.S. Su. 26/42.5 C.S. Su. 5/74-75 C.S. Su. 1/24 C.S. Su. 11/54 C.S. Su. 11/36 A.S. Su. 12/3 C.S. Su. 1/54 A.S. Su. 1/43 C.S. Su. 11/ 48-49 A.S. Su. 24/11-14 C.S. Su. 11/35 C.S. Su. 1/86-88 A.S. Su. 3/66-67 A.S. Su. 6/34 C.S. Su. 2/7-8 A.S. Su. 21/1 A.S. Su. 1/26 C.S. Su. 17/52-61 A.S. Su. 14/7 A.H. Sa. 3/84-89 A.S. Su. 20/2 23 Vāta vṛddhi Vāta vyādhi (nānātmaja) Vāyu mahābhūta Vedic Source of Āyurveda Vihāra Vikāṣi definition Viṃśati gunas Vipāka Vipāka Virecana dravyas Viruddha 18 types Vīrya Vīrya Visarga kāla Vyavāyi definition Vyāyāma Yāpya definition Yukti pramāna Pañca Nidāna Lakṣana Nidāna Pūrva rūpa Rūpa Upaśaya Saṃprāpti Saṃkhya Saṃprāpti Vikalpa Saṃprāpti Prādhānya Saṃprāpti Bala Saṃprāpti Kāla Saṃprāpti Jvara Jvara Saṃprāpti Jvara Rūpa Jvara Pūrva rūpa Vātaja Jvara Pittaja Jvara Kaphaja Jvara Vāta pitta Jvara Vāta kapha Jvara Kapha pitta Jvara Sannipāta Jvara Āgantu Jvara Viṣama Jvara Santata Jvara Satata Jvara Anyedhyuṣka Jvara Tṛtīyaka Jvara C.S. Su. 17/ 52 – 61 A.S. Su. 20/9, C.S. Su. 20/11 A.S. Su. 17/7 C.S. Su. 30/21 A.S. Su. 12/277 A.S. Su. 1/38 A.S. Su. 1/36-37 A.S. Su. 17/24-28 Sha. Sa. Prat. 2/19-21 C.S. Su. 2/9-10 C.S. Su. 26/86-101 A.S. Su. 17/14-16 Sha. Sa. Prat. 2/17-18 C.S. Su. 6/5,7 A.S. Su. 1/37 A.S. Su. 3/61-64 A.S. Su. 2/30 – 31 C.S. Su. 11/25 M.N. 1/4 M.N. 1/5 M.N. 1/6 M.N. 1/7 M.N. 1/8-9 M.N. 1/10 M.N. 1/11-13 M.N. 1/11-13 M.N. 1/11-13 M.N. 1/11-13 M.N. 1/11-13 M.N. 2/1 M.N. 2/2 M.N. 2/3 M.N. 2/4-7 M.N. 2/8,9 M.N. 2/10,11 M.N. 2/12,13 M.N. 2/14,15 M.N. 2/15,16 M.N. 2/17 M.N. 2/18-23 M.N. 2/26-29 M.N. 2/31 M.N. 2/32-35 M.N. 2/34 M.N. 2/32- 35 M.N. 2/35-37 24 Caturthaka Jvara Vātabalāsaka Jvara Pralepaka Jvara Dāha pūrva Jvara Śīta pūrva Jvara Dhātugata Jvara Kālaja Jvara Antarvega Jvara Bahirvega Jvara Āma Jvara Pacyamāna Jvara Nirāma Jvara Jvara Sādhya Asādhyata Gambhīra Jvara Jvara Upadrava Asādhya Jvara Jvara Mokṣa Lakṣana Jvara Mukta Lakṣana Atisāra Nidāna Atisāra Saṃprāpti Atis̄ara Rūpa Atisāra Pūrva rūpa Vātaja Atisāra Pittaja Atisāra Kaphaja Atisāra Tridoṣaja Atisāra Śokaja Atisāra Āma Atisāra Atisara Sādhya Asādhyata Rakta Atisāra Pravāhikā Vāta Pravāhikā Pitta Pravāhikā Kapha Pravāhikā Rakta Pravāhikā Atisāra Mukta lakṣana Grahaṇī Nidāna Grahaṇī Saṃprāpti Grahaṇī Rūpa Grahaṇī Pūrva rūpa Vātaja Grahaṇī Pittaja Grahaṇī Kaphaja Grahaṇī Tridoṣaja Grahaṇī Saṃgraha Grahaṇī Ghatī yantra Grahaṇī M.N. 2/38-39 M.N. 2/40 M.N. 2/41 M.N. 2/47 M.N. 2/47 M.N. 2/48-54 M.N. 2/55-57 M.N. 2/59 M.N. 2/60 M.N. 2/61-63 M.N. 2/64 M.N. 2/65 M.N. 2/66,67 M.N. 2/68 M.N. 2/70 M.N. 2/69-73 M.N. 2/74 M.N. 2/75 M.N. 3/1-3 M.N. 3/4 M.N. 3/4 M.N. 3/5 M.N. 3/6 M.N. 3/7 M.N. 3/7 M.N. 3/8 M.N. 3/9-10 M.N. 3/11 M.N. 3/14-19 M.N. 3/20 M.N. 3/21 M.N. 3/22 M.N. 3/22 M.N. 3/22 M.N. 3/22 M.N. 3/23 M.N. 4/1 M.N. 4/1 M.N. 4/2,3 M.N. 4/4 M.N. 4/5-10 M.N. 4/11,12 M.N. 4/13-16 M.N. 4/17 M.N. 4/18 M.N. 4/18 25 Grahaṇī Sādhya Asādhyata Arśas Bheda Arśas Vātaja Arśas Nidāna Saṃprāpti Pittaja Arśas Nidāna Saṃprāpti Kaphaja Arśas Nidāna& Saṃprāpti Dvandvaja Arśas Tridosaja (Sahaja) Arśas Vātaja Arśas Rūpa Vātaja Arśas upadrava Pittaja Arśas Rūpa Kaphaja Arśas Rūpa Tridosja Arśas Rūpa Rakta Arśas Rupa Rakta Arśas Bheda Arśas Pūrva rūpa Arśas Samprapti Arśas Sādhya Asādhyata Carmakīla Ajīrna bheda Āma Ajīrna Vidagdha Ajīrna Viṣṭabdha Ajīrna Rasaśeṣa Ajīrna Dina pāki Ajīrna Ajīrna Nidāna Āma Ajīrna Rūpa Vidagdha Ajīrna Rūpa Viṣṭabdha Ajīrna Rūpa Ajīrna Upadrava Visūcika Alasaka Vilambīka Ajīrna Sādhya Asādhyata Jīrna Lakṣana Visūcika Upadrava Ajīrna Rūpa Kṛmi Bheda Kṛmi Nidāna Puriṣaja Kṛmi Nidāna Kaphaja Kṛmi Nidāna Raktaja Kṛmi Nidāna Kṛmi Lakṣana Kaphaja Kṛmi Sthāna, Bheda, Rūpa Raktaja Kṛmi Sthāna, Bheda, Rūpa Puriṣaja Kṛmi Sthāna, Bheda, Rūpa M.N. 4/19-20 M.N. 5/1 M.N. 5/2 M.N. 5/3-4 M.N. 5/5-6 M.N. 5/7-8 M.N. 5/9 M.N. 5/9 M.N. 5/10-14 M.N. 5/15 M.N. 5/16-18 M.N. 5/19-23 M.N. 5/23 M.N. 5/24-26 M.N. 5/27-30 M.N. 5/31,32 M.N. 5/33,34 M.N. 5/35-41 M.N. 5/43 M.N. 6/5-6 M.N. 6/5-6 M.N. 6/5-6 M.N. 6/5-6 M.N. 6/5-6 M.N. 6/5-6 M.N. 6/7-9, 26 M.N. 6/10 M.N. 6/11 M.N. 6/12 M.N. 6/13-15 M.N. 6/16-18 M.N. 6/19,20 M.N. 6/21 M.N. 6/23 M.N. 6/24 M.N. 6/25 M.N. 6/27 M.N. 7/1-3 M.N. 7/4 M.N. 7/5 M.N. 7/5 M.N. 7/5 M.N. 7/6 M.N. 7/7-10 M.N. 7/11-12 M.N. 7/13-16 26 Pāṇḍu Bheda Pāṇḍu Saṃprāpti Pāṇḍu Rūpa Vātaja Pāṇḍu Pittaja Pāṇḍu Kaphaja Pāṇḍu Tridosaja Pāṇḍu Pāṇḍu Lakṣana Pāṇḍu Sādhya Asādhyata Kāmala Kumbha Kāmala Halīmaka Rājayakṣmā Nidāna Rājayakṣmā Saṃprāpti Rājayakṣmā Pūrva rūpa Rājayakṣmā Rūpa Rājayakṣmā Sādhya Asādhyata Śoṣa Lakṣana Śoṣa Rūpa Śoṣa Sādhya Asādhyata Urakṣata Urakṣata Sādhya Asādhyata Madātyaya Nidāna Madātyaya varjya Madātyaya stages Madātyaya Upadrava Vātaja Madātyaya Pittaja Madātyaya Kaphaja Madātyaya Tridoṣaja Madātyaya Paramada Pānā Ajīrna Pānā vibhrama Madātyaya Sādhya Asādhyata Unmāda Saṃprāpti Unmāda Bheda Unmāda Nidāna Unmāda Rūpa Vātaja Unmāda Pittaja Unmāda Kaphaja Unmāda Sannipātaja Unmāda Viṣaja Unmāda Unmāda Sādhya Asādhyata Bhuto Unmāda Deva Graha Unmāda M.N. 8//1 M.N. 8/2,8-10 M.N. 8/3 M.N. 8/4 M.N. 8/5 M.N. 8/6 M.N. 8/7 M.N. 8/11 M.N. 8/12-15 M.N. 8/16 M.N.8/17,18 M.N. 8/22,23 M.N. 10/1 M.N. 10/2 M.N. 10/3,4 M.N. 10/5-7 M.N. 10/8-13 M.N. 10/14 M.N. 10/15-19 M.N.10/20 M.N. 10/21-28 M.N. 10/31 M.N. 18/1 M.N. 18/2-6,12 M.N. 18/7-11 M.N. 18/13-15 M.N. 18/16-18 M.N. 18/16-18 M.N. 18/16-18 M.N. 18/16-18 M.N. 18/19 M.N. 18/20 M.N. 18/20 M.N. 18/21 M.N. 20/1 M.N. 20/2,3 M.N. 20/4-5,14-15 M.N. 20/6 M.N. 20/7,8 M.N. 20/9-10 M.N. 20/11,12 M.N. 20/13 M.N. 20/15 M.N. 20/16 M.N. 20/17 M.N. 20/18 27 Asura Graha Unmāda Gandharva Graha Yakṣa Graha Pitra Graha Bhujañga Graha Rākṣasa Graha Piśāca Graha Unmāda Sādhya Asādhyata Apasmāra Nidān Bheda Apasmāra Purva rupa Vātaja Apasmāra Pittaja Apasmāra Kaphaja Apasmara Tridosaja Apasmara Apasmāra Sādhya Asādhyata Vātavyadhi Nidāna Samprapti Kosthagata Vāta Sarvañga Vāta Guḍa gata Vāta Amaśaya gata Vāta Pakvaśaya gata Vāta Indriya Twak Gata Vāta Asrk gata Vāta Mamsa-Medo gata Vāta Majja-Asthi gata Vāta Śukra gata Vāta Sira gata Vāta Snayugata Vāta Sandhigata Vāta Prana Vāta Āvarṇa Udana Vāta Āvarṇa Samana Vāta Āvarṇa Apana Vāta Āvarṇa Vyana Vāta Āvarṇa Dhamani gata Vāta (Ākṣepaka) Apatantraka Apatānaka Danḍāpatānaka Abhyantarāyama Bāhyayāma Ekāṅga roga Pakṣavadha Sarvāṅga Vāta Pakṣavadha Sādhya Asādhyata Ardita Ardita Pūrva rūpa M.N. 20/19 M.N. 20/20 M.N. 20/21 M.N. 20/22 M.N. 20/23 M.N. 20/24 M.N. 20/25 M.N. 20/26-28 M.N. 21/1 M.N. 21/2 M.N. 21/3 M.N. 21/4 M.N. 21/5 M.N. 21/6 M.N. 21/7 M.N. 22/1-4 M.N. 22/10 M.N. 22/11 M.N. 22/12 M.N. 22/13 M.N. 22/14 M.N. 22/15 M.N. 22/16 M.N. 22/17 M.N. 22/18 M.N. 22/19 M.N. 22/20 M.N. 22/21 M.N. 22/21 M.N. 22/22-27 M.N. 22/22-27 M.N. 22/22-27 M.N. 22/22-27 M.N. 22/22-27 M.N. 22/27 M.N. 22/28-32 M.N. 22/28-32 M.N. 22/28-32 M.N. 22/33-36 M.N. 22/33-36 M.N. 22/39-41 M.N. 22/39-41 M.N. 22/39-41 M.N. 22/42,43 M.N. 22/44-46 M.N. 22/47 28 Hanu graha Manyā stambha Jihwā stambha Śirograha Gṛdhrasi Viśvāci Kroṣṭaka Śirṣa Khañja Paṅgu Kalāya kañja Vātakantaka Pāda dāha Pāda harṣa Aṃsa Śoṣa Apabāhuka Mūka Minmina Tūnī Pratitūnī Ādhmāna Pratyādhmāna Vātaṣṭhīla Pratyaṣṭhīla Anuloma Pratiloma Kampa Vāta Khallī Ūrdha Vāta Vāta vyādhi Sādhya Asādhyata Vāta Rakta Nidānam, Saṃprāpti Vāta Rakta Pūrva rūpa Vātaja Vāta Rakta Raktaja Vāta Rakta Pittaja Vāta Rakta Kaphaja Vāta Rakta Vāta Rakta Sādhya Asādhyata Āma Vāta Nidāna, Samprapti Āma Vāta Rūpa Āma Vāta Upadrava Āma Vāta Sādhya Asādhyata Pittaja Āma Vāta Vātaja Āma Vāta Kaphaja Āma Vāta Prameha Prameha Saṃprāpti Prameha Bheda Prameha Pūrva rūpa M.N. 22/49,50 M.N. 22/51 M.N. 22/52 M.N. 22/53 M.N. 22/54,56 M.N. 22/57 M.N. 22/58 M.N. 22/59 M.N. 22/59 M.N. 22/60 M.N. 22/61 M.N. 22/62 M.N. 22/63 M.N. 22/64 M.N. 22/64 M.N. 22/65 M.N. 22/66 M.N. 22/67 M.N. 22/68 M.N. 22/69 M.N. 22/70,71 M.N. 22/72 M.N. 22/73 M.N. 22/73 M.N. 22/74 M.N. 22/74 M.N. 22/75 M.N. 22/77-79 M.N. 23/1-4 M.N. 23/5-7 M.N. 23/8,9 M.N. 23/10 M.N. 23/11 M.N. 23/12 M.N. 23/14-18 M.N. 25/1-5 M.N. 25/6 M.N. 25/7,12 M.N. 25/8-10 M.N. 25/11 M.N. 25/11 M.N. 25/11 M.N. 33/1 M.N. 33/2 M.N. 33/3-4 M.N. 33/5 29 Prameha Rūpa Kaphaja Prameha (10 Types) Udakameha Ikṣumeha Sāndrameha Surāmeha Piṣṭameha Śukrameha Sikatāmeha Śītameha Śanairmeha Lālāmeha Pittaja Prameha (6 Types) Kṣārameha Nīlameha Kālameha Haridrāmeha Mañjiṣṭhameha Raktameha Vātaja Prameha Vasāmeha Majjāmeha Kṣaudrameha Hastimeha Kaphaja Upadrava Pittaja Prameha Upadrava Vātaja Prameha Upadrava Prameha Sādhya Asādhyata Madhumeha Prameha Pidaka (10 Types) Śarāvika Sarṣapikā Kacchapikā Jālinī Vinatā Putriṇī Alajī Masūrikā Vidārikā Vidradhikā Meda Roga Nidāna, Saṃprāpti, Rūpa Medo Ativṛddhi Laksana Kuṣṭha Nidāna, Saṃprāpti Kuṣṭha Bheda Kuṣṭha Pūrva rūpa Mahā Kuṣṭha (7 Types) M.N. 33/6-7 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/7-12 M.N. 33/13-14 M.N. 33/13-14 M.N. 33/13-14 M.N. 33/13-14 M.N. 33/13-14 M.N. 33/13-14 M.N. 33/13-14 M.N. 33/15-17 M.N. 33/15-17 M.N. 33/15-17 M.N. 33/15-17 M.N. 33/15-17 M.N. 33/18 M.N. 33/19 M.N. 33/20 M.N. 33/21-24,36 M.N. 33/23-26 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 33/27-35 M.N. 34/1-8 M.N. 34/9 M.N. 49/1-6 M.N. 49/7 M.N. 49/8,9 M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 30 Kāpāla Udumbara Maṇḍala Rṣyajihva Puṇdarīka Sidhma Kākaṇa Kṣudra Kuṣṭha (11 Types) Eka Carma Kiṭibha Vaipādika Alasaka Dadru-mandala Carmadala Pāmā Kacchū Visphoṭa Śatāru Vicarcikā Kuṣṭha in Dhātus Kuṣṭha Sādhya Asādhyata Kuṣṭha Upadrava Śvitra Aupasargika Roga Nidāna M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 M.N. 49/10-16,33-36 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/17-22 M.N. 49/25-30 M.N. 49/31-32 M.N. 49/37-39 M.N. 49/40-41 M.N. 49/42-43 Saṁskṛta Name Latin Name Reference (Ayurveda) Āmalakī Emblica officinalis Bha. Ni. 6(2)/38-41 Anantamūla Hemidesmus indicus Bha. Ni. 6(4)/236-238 Arjuna Terminalia arjuna Bha. Ni. 6(6)/16-17 Aśoka Saraca indica Bha. Ni. 6(5)/47-48 Aśvagandha Withania somnifera Bha. Ni. 6(4)/189-190 Balā Sida cordifolia Bha. Ni. 6(4)/142-146 Bhṛṅgarāja Eclipta alba Bha. Ni. 6(4)/239-241 Bhūmyāmalakī Phyllanthus amarus Bha. Ni. 6(4)/277-278 Bha. Ni. 6(4)/13 Bilva Aegle marmelos Bha. Ni. 6(7)/56-60 31 Brahmī Bacopa monnieri, Centella asiatica Bha. Ni. 6(4)/179-181 (active debate on this) Citraka Plumbago zeylanica Bha. Ni. 6(2)/70-71 Dāruharidrā* Berberis aristata Bha. Ni. 6(2)/201-202 Devadāru* Cedrus deodara Bha. Ni. 6(3)/24-25 Dhānyaka Coriandrum sativum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/86-88 Elā Elettaria cardamomum Bha. Ni. 6(3)/63 Eraṇḍa Ricinus communis Bha. Ni. 6(4)/60-63 Gokṣura Tribulus terrestris Bha. Ni. 6(4)/44-46 Gudūcī Tinospora cordifolia Bha. Ni. 6(4)/1-9 Guggulu Commiphora mukul Bha. Ni. 6(3)/32-45 Haridrā Curcuma longa Bha. Ni. 6(2)/196-197 Harītakī Terminalia chebula Bha. Ni. 6(2)/1-37 Hiṅgu Ferula assa-foetida Bha. Ni. 6(2)/100-101 Jaṭāmāmsī* Nardostachys jatamansi Bha. Ni. 6(3)/89 Jātīphalā Myristica fragrans Bha. Ni. 6(3)/54-55 Jīraka Cuminum cyminum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/81-85 Jyotiṣmatī* Celastrus paniculatus Bha. Ni. 6(2)/171-172 Kalamegha* Andrographis paniculata Kapikacchu Mucuna pruriens Bha. Ni. 6(4)/129-131 Kaṭukī* Picrorhiza kurroa Bha. Ni. 6(2)/151-152 Kirātatikta* Swertia chirata Bha. Ni. 6(2)/153-155 Kumārī Aloe barbadensis Bha. Ni. 6(4)/229-230 Kuṭaja Holarrhena antidysenterica Bha. Ni. 6(4)/116-118 Laśuna Allium sativum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/217-219 Lavaṅga Syzygium aromaticum Bha. Ni. 6(3)/58-59 Lodhra* Symplocos racemosa Bha. Ni. 6(2)/215-216 Maṇḍūkaparṇī Centella asiatica Bha. Ni. 6(4)/279-281 Mañjiṣṭhā Rubia cordifolia Bha. Ni. 6(2)/188-191 Marica Piper nigrum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/59-61 32 Meṣaśṛṅgī Gymnema sylvestre Bha. Ni. 6(4)/253-255 Methikā Trigonella foenum-graeceum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/93-95 Miśreya Foeniculum vulgare Bha. Ni. 6(2)/89-92 Mustā Cyperus rotundus Bha. Ni. 6(3)/92-94 Nimba Azadirachta indica Bha. Ni. 6(4)/93-94 Padmaka Nelumbo nucifera Bha. Ni. 6(5)/1-13 Pippali Piper longum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/53-58 Punarnavā Boerhaavia diffusa Bha. Ni. 6(4)/231-233 Rājikā Brassica juncea Bha. Ni. 6(9)/69-71 Rakta Candana Pterocarpus santalinus Bha. Ni. 6(3)/16-17 Raktapuṣpi Hibiscus rosa Bha. Ni. 6(5)/58 Rāsnā Alpina officinarum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/162-164 Saindhava Lavaṇa AH. Su. 6/144 Śallakī Boswellia serrata Bha. Ni. 6(6)/22-23 Śaṅkhapuṣpī Evolvulus alsinoides Bha. Ni. 6(4)/269-270 Sat Isabgol Plantago psyllium Śatāvarī Asparagus racemosus Bha. Ni. 6(4)/184-188 Śilājitu Asphaltum Bha. Ni. 6(8)/78-82 Śuṇṭhī Zingiber officinale Bha. Ni. 6(2)/44-48 Svarṇapatrī Senna alexandrina Tagara Valeriana wallichi Bha. Ni. 6(3)/18-19 Tarunī Rosa centifolia Bha. Ni. 6(5)/22-23 Tavakṣīrī Maranta arundinacea AH. Su. 30/51 Tila Sesamum indicum Bha. Ni. 6(9)/63-65 Tulasī Ocimum sanctum Bha. Ni. 6(5)/62-63 Tvak Cinnamomum cassia Bha. Ni. 6(3)/64-65 Uśīra Vetiveria zizanioides Bha. Ni. 6(3)/84-88 Vacā Acorus calamus Bha. Ni. 6(2)/102-103 Vasaka Adhatoda vasica Bha. Ni. 6(4)/88-90 33 Vibhītakī Terminalia belerica Bha. Ni. 6(2)/36-37 Viḍaṅga Embelia ribes Bha. Ni. 6(2)/111-112 Vidārī Kanda Ipomoea digitata Bha. Ni. 6(4)/180-182 Yaṣṭi Madhu Glycyrrhiza glabra Bha. Ni. 6(2)/145-146 Yavānī Carum copticum Bha. Ni. 6(2)/75-77 Powders (Cūrṇa) or General Combinations Tablets (Vaṭi) Decoctions (Kashaya) Oil (Taila) Ghee (Ghṛta) Fermented Preparations (Āsava/Ariṣṭa) Jams (Lehyam) Avipattikara Ārogyavardhinī Vaṭi Indukantham Aṇu Taila Abhaya Ariṣṭa Cyavanprāśa S.Y. Ghṛta Cha./ 4 A.H. Su. 20/37-39 Aśvagandha Ghṛta Bh. Ra. 74/52-62 Bh. Ra. 9/175180 Sha. Sa. Madh. 8/10-21 Śatāvarī Ghṛta Arjuna Ariṣṭa Brahmi prasha S.Y. Ghrita Pra./ 23 Bh. Ra. 33/75-77 Proprietary Triphala Ghṛta Aśoka Ariṣṭa Draksha avelaha Bh. Pra. Madh. 70/52-53 Bh. Ra. 69/114116 Y. R. Yaṣṭi Madhu Ghṛta Aśvagandha Ariṣṭa Ashwagandha avelaha C.S. Chi. 1/3 Bh. Ra. 21/15-21 Proprietary Phala sarpis Bala Ariṣṭa Adrak avelaha Bh. Pr. Madh. 70/54-61 Bh. Ra. 21/569572 Proprietary Bh. Ra. 43/105-108 Bh. Ra. 53/25-29 R.R.S. Daśamūla Candraprabhā Vaṭi Daśamulam Bh. Ra.15/13-15 Sha. Sa. Madh. 7/40-49 Bh. Ra. 15/ Hiṅgvāṣṭaka Citrakādi Vaṭi Amṛtotharam A.H. Chi. 14/35 Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/108-111 S.Y. Kasa Chi./30 Aśvagandha Bala Taila S.Y. Taila Pra./79 Bhṛṅgarāja/ Mahābhṛṅgarāja Taila Bh. Ra. 64/271-272 Lavaṇabhāskara Eraṇḍa Harītakī Gandhavahastādi Brāhmī Taila Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/138-144 Proprietary S.Y. Kasa / 30 A.F.I Panchakola Gokṣurādi Guggulu Dhanwantaram Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/13-14 Sha. Sa. Madh.7/84-87 S.Y. Vātahara Sitopalādi Kaiṣora Guggulu Kṣāra Taila Brahmi Ghṛta Candana Āsava Pippali rasāyana Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/134-137 Sha. Sa. Madh. 7/70-81 Sha. Sa. Madh. 9/174-177 Bh. Pra. Madh. 23/18 Bh. Ra. 88/34-38 C.S. Chi. 1.3/3235 Tālīsādi Khadirādi Vaṭi Guggulu tiktaka Jatyadi Ghṛta Daśamūla Ariṣṭa Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/130-134 A.H. Utt. A.H. Chi. 21/57-60 Mahāmaricyādi Taila Bh. Ra. 54/303-311 Bh. Pra. Madh. 47/88-89 Sha. Sa. Madh. 10/78-92 Agastya Rasāyana Trikaṭu Laśunādi Vaṭi Maha Rasnadi A.F.I. Vol. 1 Sha. Sa. Madh. 2/ 89-95 Kalyanaka Ghṛta Drakṣa Āsava Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/12-13 Mahāṇārāyan Taila Bh. Ra. 26/343-354 A.H. Utt. 6/2628 Eraṅḍa (Castor) Taila Bh. Ra. 9/17-173 C.S. Chi. 17/5762 Narsimha Rasāyana A.H. Utt. 39/170172 34 Triphala Lavaṅgādi Vaṭi Punarnavadi Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/911 A.F.I. Vol 1 Bh. Ra. 40/ 43-44 Rasnadi Lākṣādi Guggulu Sha. Sa. Madh. 2/123 Eladi Sha. Sa. Madh. 6/145-146 Mahāviṣagarbha Taila Guggulu tiktaka Ghṛta Bh. Ra. 26/ 414-423 A.H. Chi. 21/5760 Sahacharadi Ksirabala Taila Bha. Pra. Madh. 48/34 S.Y. Vātahara A.H. Chi. 22/45-46 Sāraswatha Ghṛta Mahāsudarśana Vaṭi Sukumara Bh. Pra. Madh. 24/46-47 S.Y. Kṣaya roga/48 Bh. Ra. 6/ 54 Nimba (Neem) Taila Varanadi Saindhavādi Taila Sha. Sa. Madh. 7/13-15 A.H. Su. 15/21-22 Bh. Pra. Madh. 49/16 Bh. Pra. Madh. 29/165-169 Sārivādi Vaṭi Ayurveda Sara Sañgraha Simhanāda Guggulu Bh. Pra. Madh. 29/222 -228 Sha. Sa. Madh. 10/ 18-27 S.Y. Lehya Pra./7 Lohāsava Trivṛt Lehyam Sha. Sa. Madh. 10/34-38 A.H. Ka. 2/9 Vilvadi Lehyam S.Y. Lehya Pra./1 Ṣaḍbindu Taila Bh. Pra. Madh. 62/36-38 Dhanwantaram Taila S.Y. Taila / 1 Sahacharadi Taila Bh. Pra. Madh. 66/46-47 Śaṅkha Vaṭi Pinda Taila Bh. Pra. Madh. 6/95-98 A.H. Chi. 22/22 Trayodaśāṅga Guggulu Kumkumadi Taila Bh. Pra. Madh. 24/117-121 Śatavari Gulam Bh. Pra. Madh. 61/141-142 Maricyādi Vaṭi Punarnavādi Guggulu Kumārī Āsava Bh. Pra. Madh. 61/46-51 Yogarāja Guggulu Sha. Sa. Madh. 7/56-70 35 AP Vocabulary List Saṃskṛt Term English Translation Apasmāra Sādhya Asādhyata Epilepsy prognosis Apasmāra Nidān Bheda Epilepsy causative factors and types Abhighātaja Abhyaṅga Adhyātmika Adibhoutika Adidaivika Agada Tantra Disease due to injury Oil application and massage Disease due to impressions from a past lives Disease due to variations in the 5 elements Disease due to planetary influence Toxicology Āgantu Jvara Fevers due to external causative factors Āghantu Agni Ahaṁkāra Āhāra Āhāra sevana vidhi Āhāraśakti Ahiṁsa External Fire; Digestive fire Ego principle Food or diet Healthy eating habits Power of digestion and assimilation Non-violence Ajīrna Nidāna Ajīrna bheda Ajīrna Rūpa Ajīrna Sādhya Asādhyata Ajīrna Upadrava Causative factors for indigestion Types of indigestion Signs and symptoms of indigestion Prognosis of Indigestion Complication of Indigestion Ākāśa Ākṛti Ether element General appearance of external features Alasaka Abdominal distention and reverse peristalsis due to indigestion Ālocaka Āma Sub type of pitta, influences visual perception Undigested food or nourishment Āma Ajīrna Āma Ajīrna Rūpa Āma Atisāra Āma Jvara Indigestion due to āma Signs and symptoms of indigestion due to āma Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea caused by Āma Fever due to āma Āmāśaya Ambuvaha srotas Amla Amla Vipāka Annaja Annavaha srotas Stomach Pathway or channel of water / Fluid Sour Sour post digestive effect Disease caused by unhealthy diet Pathway or channel of Anna (food) Antarvega Jvara Presence of fever symptoms with mild or no external exhibition of rise in temperature 36 Anumāna pramāṇa Anupaśaya Inference as a means of knowledge Differential diagnosis Anyedhyuṣka Jvara Fever with rise in temperature once in 24 hours Āpa Apāna Aparigraha Apathya Āptopadeśa pramāṇa Water Sub type of Vāta, aids in initiation of natural urges moving downward Non-attachment Unhealthy food habits Expert testimony as a means of knowledge Arśas Arśas Bheda Arśas Pūrva rūpa Arśas Sādhya Asādhyata Arśas Samprapti Hemorrhoids Types of Hemorrhoids Premonitory signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids Prognosis of hemorrhoids Pathogenesis of hemorrhoids Artha Ārthava Arthavavaha srotas Asādhya Pursuit of wealth, Livelihood Female reproductive tissue Pathway or channel of the Ovulation Incurable prognosis Asādhya Jvara Incurable Fevers Āsana Asātmya indriya artha saṃyoga Aṣṭa Vidha Parīkṣā Aṣṭāñga Hṛdayam Seated posture, postures of yoga Unwholesome contact of senses with their corresponding sensory objects 8 biological factors for examination Third oldest text on Āyurveda written by Vagbhatta Maha Ṛṣi. A concise version of Aṣṭāñga Saṃgraha Third oldest text on Āyurveda written by Vagbhatta Maha Ṛṣi 8 limbs of Yoga philosophy 8 divisions of Āyurveda Eight types of ideal constitution Non stealing Bony tissue Individual with excellent asthi dhātu Pathway or channel of Asthi Increased flow of Srotas Aṣṭāñga Saṃgraha Aṣṭāñga Yoga Aṣṭāñgas of Āyurveda Aṣṭasāra Puruṣa Asteya Asthi Dhātu Asthi Sāra Puruṣa Asthivaha srotas Atipravṛtti Atisāra Mukta lakṣana Atis̄ara Rūpa Atisara Sādhya Asādhyata Atisāra Saṃprāpti Signs and Symptoms of relief from loose motions including diarrhea Causative factors for loose stools including diarrhea Premonitory signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea Loose stools including diarrhea prognosis Pathogenesis for loose stools including diarrhea Ātma Soul Atisāra Nidāna Atisāra Pūrva rūpa 37 Ātmaja Auṣadhaja Avalambaka Avara A" yuḥ A" yurveda Disease caused by abnormal effects on the soul Disease due to side effects of medication Sub type of kapha, provides stability to chest, shoulders, arms, neck and heart. Inferior Life The Science or knowledge of Life Bahirvega Jvara Fever with external manifestation of rise in temperature and other symptoms Bala Bāla Cikitsā Strength / Immunity Pediatrics Bala Saṃprāpti Classification of disease according to the severity of pathology Bheda Bheṣaja Bhrajaka Bhūta Vidya Bodhaka Brahma mūhurta Brahmacarya Bṛhad Treyi Classification of disease Medicine Sub type of pitta, aids in skin metabolism Āyurvedic Psychology Sub type of kapha, aids in perception of taste Ideal time for waking up (4 – 6am) Celibacy, First 25 years of life – years of education Caraka Saṃhitā, Śusruta Saṃhitā, Aṣṭāñga Saṃgraha, Aṣṭāñga Hṛdayam (Both Aṣṭāñga texts were written by Vagbhatta. Aṣṭāñga Hṛdayam is the essence version of the Aṣṭāñga Saṃgraha text, hence both included under this category) Nourishing Therapies Intellect Moving or unstable Oldest authoritative text on Āyurveda, written by Caraka Maha Ṛṣi Bṛṃhaṇa Buddhī Cala Caraka Saṃhitā Carmakīla Caturthaka Jvara Warts Fever with rise in temperature on every fourth day Caturviṃśati tattvas Caya 24 components of evolution / existence Mild increase of Doṣa Dāha pūrva Jvara Burning sensation prior to the onset of fever, Caused by predominance of pitta and is difficult to treat Daivyavyapaśraya Dāṃṣtra Cikitsā Danta Dhāvana Darśana Daśa Vidha Parīkṣā Deha Dhārana Dharma Devine or religious therapies Toxicology Brushing teeth Observational examination 10 aspects of examination Body Concentration Conformity to one’s duty and nature 38 Dhātu Dhātu kṣaya Dhātu vṛddhi Bodily tissue Decreased dhātu Aggravated dhātu Dhātugata Jvara Fever with aggravation of the dhātus Dik Direction Dina pāki Ajīrna Delayed or sluggish digestion Dinacaryā Dīpana Dīrgha breath Doṣa Doṣa Hetu doṣa kṣaya doṣa upakrama doṣa vṛddhi Drava Dṛk Parīkṣā Duḥkha Duṣya Daily regimen Increases digestive fire Three part breath Bodily humors/ That which spoils, vitiator or aggravator Causation for aggravation of doṣas Decreased doṣa Measures to pacify the doṣas Aggravated doṣa Liquid or dilute Assessment of eyes Sadness/ misery Aggravated doṣa, dhātu or mala Dvandvaja Arśas Gambhīra Jvara Causative factors and pathogenesis of Hemorrhoids due to two doṣas Fatal fevers Gaṇḍūṣa Oil pulling Ghatī yantra Grahaṇī Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease presenting with a gurgling, fluid retention sound. Graha Cikitsā Vedic Astrology Grahaṇī Nidāna Causative factors of Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease Premonitory signs and symptoms of Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease Signs and symptoms of Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease Prognosis of Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease Pathogenesis of Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease Grahaṇī Pūrva rūpa Grahaṇī Rūpa Grahaṇī Sādhya Asādhyata Grahaṇī Saṃprāpti Guru Heavy; also teacher Halīmaka Severe type of jaundice due to vata and pitta Hima Indriyas Iśvara pranidhāna Jala Jarā Cikitsā Jaṭharāgni Jihva Cold Senses Devotion to god Water Rejuvenation Therapies Digestive fire Tongue 39 Jihvā Parīkṣā Tongue assessment Jīrna Lakṣana Signs and symptoms of good digestion Jñānendrya Sense organs: Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tongue & Skin Jvara Jvara Mokṣa Lakṣana Jvara Mukta Lakṣana Jvara Pūrva rūpa Jvara Rūpa Jvara Sādhya Asādhyata Jvara Saṃprāpti Jvara Upadrava Fever Signs and Symptoms of fever subsiding Signs and symptoms of relief from fever Premonitory signs and symptoms of fever Signs and symptoms of Fever Fever prognosis Pathogenesis of Fever Complications of fever Kāla Time / Season Kāla Saṃprāpti Classification of disease according to changes exhibited at various times (time of day or season) Seasonal fevers Kālaja Jvara Kalekapoṭa nyāya Nutrient absorption as a selective process similar to pigeons feeding Kāmala Jaundice Kapālabhati Skull shining breath Kapha pitta Jvara Kapha Pravāhikā Kaphaja Arśas Nidāna& Saṃprāpti Kaphaja Arśas Rūpa Kaphaja Atisāra Fevers due to aggravated Kapha and pitta Dysentery due to aggravated Kapha Causative factors and pathogenesis of Hemorrhoids due to Kapha Kaphaja Jvara Kaphaja Kṛmi Nidāna Kaphaja Kṛmi Sthāna, Bheda, Rūpa Kaphaja Pāṇḍu Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids due to Kapha Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea caused by Kapha Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease caused by aggravated Kapha Fevers due to aggravated Kapha Causative factors for Parasite infections due to kapha Kaphaja Parasite infections site of infection, types and signs and symptoms Anemia due to Kapha Karmaja Karmandriya Kaṣaya Kaṭhina Kaṭu Katu Vipāka Kaval Kāya Kāya Cikitsā Kedār kulya nyāya Khara Kledaka Disease due to an individual’s actions Motor organ: vocol cords, hands, feet, urino-genitals & anus Astringent taste Hard Pungent Pungent post digestive effect Mouth gargle Body General Medicine Distribution of nutrients similar to a paddy irrigation field Rough or gritty Sub type of kapha, Aids in moistening food Kaphaja Grahaṇī 40 Koṣṭha Kṛcchra sādhya Types of colon associated with doṣa predominance Curable but challenging prognosis Kṛmi Bheda Kṛmi Lakṣana Kṛmi Nidāna Types of Parasite infections Signs and symptoms of Parasite infections Causative factors for Parasite infections Kṛmija Kṣīra dadhī nyāya Disease caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites Assimilation of nutrients similar to transformation of milk to various dairy products Kumbha Kāmala Severe Jaundice – Hepatic failure Laghu Laṅghana Lavaṇa Madhura Madhura Vipāka Madhyama Mahat / Buddhi Majja Majja Dhātu Majja Sāra Puruṣa Majjavaha srotas Mala Mala Parīkṣā Malotsarga Māṃsa Māmsa Dhātu Māṁsa Sāra Puruṣa Māṃsavaha srotas Manas Mānasika Manda Manda agni Manovaha srotas Medaḥ Sāra Puruṣa Medas Medo Dhātu Medovaha srotas Mṛdu Mūtra Mūtra Parīkṣā Mūtravaha srotas Nāḍī Nāḍī Parīkṣā Nāḍī śodhana Light Depleting therapies Salty Sweet Sweet Post digestive effect Medium, moderate Causative intelligence Bone marrow & Nerve tissue Bone marrow and nervous tissue Individual with excellent majja dhātu Pathway or channel of Majja Bodily waste Stool assessment Elimination of waste Muscles Muscle tissue Individual with excellent māṁsa dhātu Pathway or channel of Māṃsa Mind Disease manifesting in the mind Slow Slow digestive fire Pathway or channel of the mind Individual with excellent medo dhātu Fat Fatty tissue Pathway or channel of Medas Soft Urine Urine assessment Pathway or channel of Mūtra Channel Pulse assessment Cleansing of the channels, alternate nostril breathing 41 Netra Nidāna techniques Nails Nasal drops Nine types of matter (5 elements, time, direction, mind and soul) Eyes Etiology or causation Nidāna Causative factors Nidāna Pañcaka Nidra Nija Nirāma Five aspects of Pathology Sleep Internal Without Āma Nirāma Jvara Fever present with no āma. Occurs in chronic fevers, past 8 days of symptoms. Nīyama Nyāya Ojas Ojo Kṣaya Ojovisrama Ojovyāpat Oka- sātmya Pācaka Pācana Ethical observances Indian philosophy written by Gautama Essence of life Diminished ojas Displaced or dislodged ojas Impairment or derangement of ojas Unhealthy habits Sup type of pitta, aids in digestion Enhances digestion of food and āma Pacyamāna Jvara Fever present while āma is being digested Pacyamānāśaya Pakvāśaya Pañca jñānendriyas Pañca karmendriyas Pañca Mahā Bhūta (elements) Small intestines Colon or large intestines Five sensory organs of cognition Five organs of action Five Great Elements Pañca Nidāna Lakṣana Five components of diagnosis of disease Pañca tanmātras Five subtle principles Pāṇḍu Bheda Pāṇḍu Lakṣana Pāṇḍu Rūpa Pāṇḍu Sādhya Asādhyata Pāṇḍu Saṃprāpti Types of anemia Signs and Symptoms of Anemia Signs and symptoms of anemia Prognosis of anemia Pathogenesis of anemia Parīkṣā Pariṇāma Pathya Picchila Examination Change/ transformation Healthy dietary regimen Cloudy or slimy Pitta Pravāhikā Pittaja Arśas Nidāna Saṃprāpti Pittaja Arśas Rūpa Dysentery due to aggravated Pitta Causative factors and pathogenesis of Hemorrhoids due to Pitta Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids due to Pitta Nakha Nasya Nava Dravya 42 Pittaja Atisāra Pittaja Jvara Pittaja Pāṇḍu Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea caused by Pitta Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease caused by aggravated Pitta Fevers due to aggravated Pitta Anemia due to pitta Prabhāva Specialized therapeutic effect Prādhānya Saṃprāpti Classification of disease according to the predominant doṣa and secondary factors Prajñāpradha Prakopa Prākṛta Prakṛti Intellectual transgression Moderate increase of Doṣa Natural and expected cause for disease 1. Primordial Nature 2. Constitution Type Pralepaka Jvara Low grade fever with sensation of coldness Pramāṇa Prāṇa Prānavaha srotas Prāṇayāma Prasara Praśna Pratyahara Pratyakṣa pramāṇa Measurement of Body- Height, Weight, Posture, Circumference of Head Vital energy Pathway or channel of Prāna Breathing exercises Significant increase of Doṣa Questioning for examination Withdrawal from senses Sensory observation as a means of knowledge Pravāhikā Dysentery Pravara Pṛthvī Purīṣa Optimum, best Earth element Fecal matter Puriṣaja Kṛmi Nidāna Puriṣaja Kṛmi Sthāna, Bheda, Rūpa Causative factors for Parasite infections from stool Location, Types and signs and symptoms of Parasite infections due to Stools Purīṣavaha srotas Puruṣa Pūrva Mīmāṃsa Pūrva Rūpa Pathway or channel of Purīṣa 1. (Eternal cause) 2. Man or individual Indian philosophy written by Jaimini Premonitory signs and symptoms Pūrva rūpa Premonitory signs and symptoms Rajas Rajo / Rajas Rajovaha srotas One of the three maha gunas, a doṣa of the mind, energy of action Menstruation Pathway or channel of Menstruation Rakta Arśas Bheda Rakta Arśas Rupa Rakta Atisāra Types of hemorrhoids due to Rakta Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids due to Rakta Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea caused by Pittaja Grahaṇī 43 aggravated rakta Rakta Dhātu Blood Rakta Pravāhikā Dysentery due to aggravated Rakta Rakta Sāra Puruṣa Individual with excellent rakta dhātu Raktaja Kṛmi Nidāna Raktaja Kṛmi Sthāna, Bheda, Rūpa Causative factors for Parasite infections due to rakta Location, Types and signs and symptoms of Parasite infections due to rakta Raktavaha srotas Rañjaka Rasa Pathway or channel of Rakta Sub type of pitta, aids in pigmentation Plasma/ taste Rasaśeṣa Ajīrna Indigestion due to delayed absorption Rasavaha srotas Rasāyana Rasāyana Rātri Jagaraṇa Rātricarya Roga Marga Ṛtu Caryā Ṛtu sandhi Ṛtucharya Rugṇa patrakam Rūkṣa Rūpa Pathway or channel of Rasa Rejuvenation Therapies That which nourishes all the dhātus Night vigil Nightly regimen Pathway for disease manifestation Seasonal regimen Seasonal transition Seasonal routine Client intake form Dry Signs and Symptoms Rūpa Signs and symptoms Śabda Parīkṣā Śabda pramāṇa Śad darśana Ṣaḍ Rasa Sādhaka Sadvṛtta Śalya Cikitsā Sāma Sama Agni Sāma dhātu Sāma doṣa Sāma mala Samādhi Samāna Sāmānya Sounds and voice assessment Word or reliable testimony as a means of knowledge Six perennial philosophies of India Six tastes Sub type of pitta, aids in cognition and intelligence Good conduct and ethics Surgery With Āma Balanced digestive fire Dhātu mixed with āma Doṣa mixed with āma Mala mixed with āma Enlightenment Sub type of Vāta, Aids in igniting the agni General, in reference to type of causative factor as well as type of disease Saṃgraha Grahaṇī Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease caused by aggravated vāta and āma Samhanana Physical build 44 Sāṃkhya Indian philosophy written by Kapila Saṃkhya Saṃprāpti Classification of disease by types (ex. 20 types of prameha) Saṃpraprti Pathogenesis Saṃprāpti Pathogenesis Sāndra Saṅga Solid or dense Obstruction of Srotas Sannipāta Jvara Santata Jvara Fevers due to aggravation of all three doṣas Continuous fever without reduced temperature for 7, 10 or 12 days Santośa Sara Śāririka Contentment Flowing Disease manifesting in the body Satata Jvara Fever with rise in temperature twice in a day Sātmya Sattva Sattva Sāra Puruṣa Sattvāvajaya Habits One of the maha gunas. The pure quality of the mind. Individual with excellent sattva or mind Measure which build the strength and stability of the mind/ psyche Truth Nodules in srotas Cold Satya Sira Granthi Śīta Śīta pūrva Jvara Cold sensation on the skin along with stiffness followed by fever, caused by vāta and kapha. Śīta vīrya Śītakarī Śītali Ślakṣaṇa Slakṣṇa Śleṣaka Snāna Snigdha Cold Potency Cool breathing through teeth and flattened tougue Cool breathing with curled tongue Slippery Smooth Sub type of kapha, provides lubrication to joints Bath Unctuous or oily Śokaja Atisāra Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea caused by grief, fear or stress Sparśa Parīkṣā Sparśana Srotāṃsi Srotas Sroto duṣṭi Stanya Stanyavaha srotas Sthāna Saṃśraya Sthira Sthūla Skin assessment Palpation and touch examination Channels or pathways including arteries, veins etc. (plural) Channel, pathway (singular) Abnormalities in Srotas Breast Milk Pathway or channel of Stanya (breast milk) Aggravated Doṣa conglomerating with other Doṣa or dhatu Stable Gross or big 45 Sthula Śārīra Sukha Śukra Dhātu Śukra Sāra Puruṣa Śukravaha srotas Sūkṣma Sukṣma Śārīra Susādhya Śusruta Saṃhitā Svadhyāya Svastha Sveda Svedas Svedovaha srotas Tamas Tanmatra Tapas Tarpaka Tejas Tīkṣṇa Tīkṣṅa agni Tikta Trayopasthamba Tridosaja (Sahaja) Arśas Gross body Happiness Reproductive tissue (Sperm in male) Individual with excellent śukra dhātu Pathway or channel of Śukra Small or minute Subtle body Easily curable prognosis Second oldest authoritative text on Āyurveda, written by Śusruta Maha Ṛṣi Self study Optimum state of health Sweat Sweat Pathway or channel of Svedas One of the three maha gunas, energy of darkness Subtle elements Sacrifice Sub type of kapha, nourishes the sensory organs Essence of fire and pitta doṣa Sharp/ penetrating Intense digestive fire Bitter taste Three pillars of life Tridosaja Pāṇḍu Tridosja Arśas Rūpa Causative factors and pathogenesis of Hemorrhoids due to all three doṣas Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea caused by all three doṣas Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease caused by aggravation of all three doṣas Anemia due to all three doṣas Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids due to all three doṣas Trividha Parīkṣā Three methods of examination Tṛtīyaka Jvara Fever with rise in temperature on alternating days (once every 48 hours) Tvak Tvak Sāra Puruṣa Ubhaya Hetu Udakavaha srotas Udāna Ujjayi Upadhātus Upamāna pramāṇa Skin Individual with excellent skin Causation for aggravation of both doṣas and disease Pathway or channel of water /Fluid Sub type of Vāta, allows for production of sound Ocean sounding breath Byproducts of nutrition Comparison or analogy as a means of knowledge Tridoṣaja Atisāra Tridoṣaja Grahaṇī 46 Upaśaya Exploration therapy (diagnostic aid) Upaśaya Trial and Error method for differential diagnosis Ūrdhvāñga Cikitsā Uṣṇa Uṣṇa vīrya Uṣṇodaka Uttara Mīmāṃsa / Vedānta ENT and Ophthalmology Hot Hot potency Boiled water Indian philosophy comprised of the “end” or last section of the vedas Unnatural and unexpected cause for disease Indian philosophy written by Kanada Fertility Therapies Vaikṛta Vaiśeṣika Vājīkarana Vāta kapha Jvara Vāta pitta Jvara Vāta Pravāhikā Vātabalāsaka Jvara Vātaja Arśas Nidāna Saṃprāpti Vātaja Arśas Rūpa Vātaja Arśas upadrava Vātaja Atisāra Vātaja Jvara Vātaja Pāṇḍu Fevers due to aggravated Vāta and kapha Fevers due to aggravated Vāta and pitta Dysentery due to aggravated vāta Low grade fever all the time, caused by predominance of kapha Causative factors and pathogenesis of Hemorrhoids due to Vāta Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids due to Vāta Complications of hemorrhoids due to Vāta Signs and symptoms of loose stools including diarrhea caused by Vāta Frequent loose stools including IBS, Celiac disease and Crohn’s Disease caused by aggravated Vāta Fevers due to aggravated Vāta Anemia due to Vāta Vāyu Air element Vidagdha Ajīrna Vidagdha Ajīrna Rūpa Indigestion due to pitta Signs and symptoms of indigestion due to pitta Vidāhi Vihāra Causing burning sensation Activities Vikalpa Saṃprāpti Classification of disease according to the aggravation of doṣas Vikṛti Pathological state Vilambīka Due to Indigestion, food remains undigested in the stomach. ~Gastroparesis Vimārga gamana Vipāka Viruddha Āhāra Vīrya Viśada Viṣama agni Diverted flow of srotas Post digestive effect Incompatible food Potency Clear or non-slimy Irregular digestive fire Viṣama Jvara Intermittent fevers Viśeṣa Specific, in reference to type of causative factor as well as type of disease Viṣṭabdha Ajīrna Viṣṭabdha Ajīrna Rūpa Indigestion due to vāta Signs and symptoms of indigestion due to vāta Vātaja Grahaṇī 47 Visūcika Visūcika Upadrava Gastro enteritis Complication of gastro enteritis Vṛṣa Cikitsā Vyādhi Hetu Vyakti Vyāna Fertility Therapies Causation for aggravation of disease Manifestation of disease Sub type of Vāta, allows for circulation and movement all over the body Exercise Occupational causative factors for disease Moral restraints Palliative or manageable but non-curable prognosis Indian philosophy written by Patañjali Reasoning as a means of knowledge Physical / material therapies including diet, herbs and treatments. Vyāyāma Vyvasāya Yama Yāpya Yoga Darśana Yukti pramāṇa Yuktivyapaśraya Inward curvature of the spine Abhyantarāyama Ādhmāna Alajī Alasaka Āma Vāta Āma Vāta Nidāna, Samprapti Āma Vāta Rūpa Āma Vāta Sādhya Asādhyata Āma Vāta Upadrava Amaśaya gata Vāta Aṃsa Śoṣa Anuloma Apabāhuka Apāna Vāta Āvarṇa Apatānaka Apatantraka Ardita Ardita Pūrva rūpa Asrk gata Vāta Aupasargika Roga Nidāna Āvarṇa Bāhyayāma Carma Carmadala Dadru-mandala Abdominal distention Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes presenting with reddish white blisters Red itchy nodules Joint disorder similar to gout and inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis Causative factors and pathogenesis of Āma Vāta Signs and symptoms of Āma Vāta Prognosis of Āma Vāta Complication of Āma Vāta Vāta accumulated in the stomach Muscle wasting Natural downward movement of Vāta Frozen Shoulder Occlusion of Apāna Vāta ~ Tetanus Spasmodic contraction of the body Bell’s palsy Bell’s palsy premonitory signs and symptoms Vāta accumulated in the blood Causative factors for contagious diseases Occlusion, usually something hindering the functions of vāta Outward curvature of the spine Skin disorder with thickening of the skin Skin lesions which are red, painful and itchy associated with blisters Skin lesions that are elevated, ring shaped, plaque associated with itching 48 Danḍāpatānaka Dhamani gata Vāta (Ākṣepaka) Eka Ekāṅga roga Gṛdhrasi Guḍa gata Vāta Hanu graha Haridrāmeha Hastimeha Ikṣumeha Indriya Twak Gata Vāta Jālinī Jihwā stambha Kacchapikā Kacchū Kākaṇa Kālameha Kalāya kañja Kampa Vāta Kāpāla Kaphaja Āma Vāta Kaphaja Prameha (10 Types) Kaphaja Upadrava Kaphaja Vāta Rakta Khallī Khañja Kiṭibha Kosthagata Vāta Kroṣṭaka Śirṣa Kṣārameha Kṣaudrameha Kṣudra Kuṣṭha Kuṣṭha Kuṣṭha Bheda Kuṣṭha in Dhātus Kuṣṭha Nidāna, Saṃprāpti Kuṣṭha Pūrva rūpa Kuṣṭha Sādhya Asādhyata Kuṣṭha Upadrava Nuchal Rigidity and rigidity of the body Convulsions Skin disorder presenting with scale like lesions resembling a fish Monoplegia Sciatica Vāta accumulated in the anus Tempro-mandibular joint disorder Pittaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vātaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta accumulated in the senses and skin Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes that has a mesh like appearance Stiff tongue Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes that has the shape of a clay saucer Small skin lesions resembling water blisters on palms and buttocks associated with severe burning sensation Tridoṣaja type of Kuṣṭha presenting with infected and painful lesions Pittaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Lathyrism Parkinson’s Disease Vātaja type of Kuṣṭha presenting with Blackish red lesions associated with pain. Āma Vāta caused by kapha Ten types of Urinary Disorders including diabetes predominating with kapha Complication of Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta Rakta caused by kapha Cramps Neurological disorder affecting nerves of the lower extremities Skin disorder with lesions that are blackish, rough and hard Vāta accumulated in the GIT and/or colon Deformity due to osteo arthritis Pittaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vātaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Eleven types of non-chronic Skin disorders Various types of skin disorders Types of skin disorders Skin disorders with pathological changes in dhātus Causative factors and pathogenesis of Skin disorders Premonitory signs and symptoms of Skin disorders Prognosis of skin disorders Complications of skin disorders 49 Lālāmeha Madhumeha Mahā Kuṣṭha Majja-Asthi gata Vāta Majjāmeha Mamsa-Medo gata Vāta Maṇḍala Mañjiṣṭhameha Manyā stambha Masūrikā Meda Roga Nidāna, Saṃprāpti, Rūpa Medo Ativṛddhi Laksana Mūka Minmina Nīlameha Pāda dāha Pāda harṣa Pakṣavadha Pakṣavadha Sādhya Asādhyata Pakvaśaya gata Vāta Pāmā Paṅgu Piṣṭameha Pittaja Āma Vāta Pittaja Prameha (6 Types) Pittaja Prameha Upadrava Pittaja Vāta Rakta Prameha Prameha Bheda Prameha Pidaka (10 Types) Prameha Pūrva rūpa Prameha Rūpa Prameha Sādhya Asādhyata Prameha Saṃprāpti Prāṇa Vāta Āvarṇa Pratiloma Pratitūnī Pratyādhmāna Pratyaṣṭhīla Puṇdarīka Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Diabetes Seven types of chronic skin disorders Vāta accumulated in the bones and bone marrow including nervous tissue Vātaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta accumulated in the muscles and fatty tissues Kaphaja type of Kuṣṭha presenting with raised, circular white lesions Pittaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Stiff Neck Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes with lesions the size of a lentil Causative factors, pathogenesis and signs and symptoms of disorders related to fatty tissue. Signs and symptoms of excessive fatty tissue Stammering Pittaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Peripheral neuropathy with burning sensation Peripheral neuropathy with sensation of pins and needles Hemiplegia Prognosis of Hemiplegia Vāta accumulated in the intestines Small skin lesions resembling water blisters Crippled by Vāta Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Āma Vāta caused by pitta Six types of Urinary Disorders including diabetes predominating with pitta Complication of Pittaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta Rakta caused by pitta Urinary Disorders including diabetes Types of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Premonitory signs and symptoms of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Signs and symptoms of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Prognosis of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Pathogenesis of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Occlusion of Prāṇa Vāta Upward movement in the direction against the growth of hair Excruciating pain migrating from anal region to colon Abdominal distention Malignant prostatic enlargement Pitta kaphaja type of Kuṣṭha presenting with whitish red margins 50 Putriṇī Raktaja Vāta Rakta Raktameha Rṣyajihva Samāna Vāta Āvarṇa Śanairmeha Sandhigata Vāta Sāndrameha Śarāvika Sarṣapikā Sarvañga Vāta Sarvāṅga Vāta Śatāru Sidhma Sikatāmeha Sira gata Vāta Śirograha Śītameha Snayugata Vāta Śukra gata Vāta Śukrameha Surāmeha Śvitra Tūnī Udakameha Udāna Vāta Āvarṇa Udumbara Ūrdha Vāta Vaipādika Vasāmeha Vāta Rakta Vāta Rakta Nidānam, Saṃprāpti Vāta Rakta Pūrva rūpa Vāta Rakta Sādhya Asādhyata Vāta vyādhi Sādhya Asādhyata Vātaja Āma Vāta Vātaja Prameha and inflamed lesions Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes presenting with multiple boils Vāta Rakta caused by Rakta Pittaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta pittaja type of Kuṣṭha presenting with hard, rough, painful lesions Occlusion of Samāna Vāta Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta accumulated in the joints Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes that has the shape of a lentil Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes that has the shape of a mustard seed Generalized paralysis Paraplegia Multiple red and blackish ulcerative lesions associated with burning sensation Vāta kaphaja type of Kuṣṭha presenting with Scale like lesions that are white or coppery in color (~psoriasis) Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta accumulated in the veins and arteries Headache Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta accumulated in the tendons Vāta accumulated in the Śukra Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Leukoderma Excruciating pain migrating from colon to anal region Kaphaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Occlusion of Udāna Vāta Pittaja type of Kuṣṭha presenting with itching, redness and painful lesions Vāta moving upwards, belching Lesions on the palms or soles associated with cracking and pain Vātaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Joint disorder like rheumatoid arthritis Causative factors and pathogenesis of Vāta Rakta – joint disorder Premonitory signs and symptoms of Vāta Rakta Prognosis of Vāta Rakta Prognosis of Vāta vyādhi Āma Vāta caused by vāta Four types of Urinary Disorders including diabetes predominating with vāta 51 Vātaja Prameha Upadrava Vātaja Vāta Rakta Vātakantaka Vātaṣṭhīla Vātavyadhi Nidāna Samprapti Vicarcikā Vidārikā Vidradhikā Vinatā Visphoṭa Viśvāci Vyāna Vāta Āvarṇa Apasmāra Purva rupa Asura Graha Unmāda Bhujañga Graha Bhuto Unmāda Deva Graha Unmāda Gandharva Graha Kaphaja Apasmara Kaphaja Madātyaya Kaphaja Unmāda Madātyaya Nidāna Madātyaya Sādhya Asādhyata Madātyaya stages Madātyaya Upadrava Madātyaya varjya Pānā Ajīrna Pānā vibhrama Paramada Piśāca Graha Pitra Graha Pittaja Apasmāra Pittaja Madātyaya Pittaja Unmāda Rājayakṣmā Nidāna Rājayakṣmā Pūrva rūpa Rājayakṣmā Rūpa Rājayakṣmā Sādhya Asādhyata Rājayakṣmā Saṃprāpti Complication of Vātaja type of Urinary Disorders including diabetes Vāta Rakta caused by Vāta Bone spur Benign prostatic enlargement Causative factors and pathogenesis of Vāta disorders Blackish boils with excessive discharge and itching Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes with round hard boils Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes similar to an abscess Skin Complications of Urinary Disorders including diabetes has a big blue abscess Blackish red blisters with a thin layer of skin over Frozen shoulder Occlusion of Vyāna Vāta Premonitory signs and symptoms of Epilepsy Psychosis due to demons Psychosis due to influence of snakes Psychosis due to spirits Psychosis due to divine intervention Psychosis due to Celestial musicians Epilepsy due to kapha Alcoholism associated with Kapha Psychosis due to kapha Causative factors for Alcoholism Prognosis of Alcoholism Stages of Alcoholism Complications of Alcoholism Abstinence from alcohol Alcoholic gastritis Chronic Alcoholism Hangover Psychosis due to demons Psychosis due to ancestral influence Epilepsy due to Pitta Alcoholism associated with Pitta Psychosis due to Pitta Causative factors for Tuberculosis and other disorders of depletion Premonitory signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis and other disorders of depletion Signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis and other disorders of depletion Prognosis of Tuberculosis and other disorders of depletion Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis and other disorders of depletion 52 Rākṣasa Graha Sannipātaja Unmāda Śoṣa Lakṣana Śoṣa Rūpa Śoṣa Sādhya Asādhyata Tridosaja Apasmara Tridoṣaja Madātyaya Unmāda Nidāna Unmāda Bheda Unmāda Rūpa Unmāda Sādhya Asādhyata Unmāda Sādhya Asādhyata Unmāda Saṃprāpti Urakṣata Urakṣata Sādhya Asādhyata Vātaja Apasmāra Vātaja Madātyaya Vātaja Unmāda Viṣaja Unmāda Yakṣa Graha Psychosis due to evil spirits Psychosis due to all three doṣas Depletion Signs and symptoms of depletion Prognosis of Depletion Epilepsy due to all three doṣas Alcoholism associated with all three doṣas Causative factors for Psychosis Types of Psychosis Signs and symptoms of Psychosis Psychosis prognosis Prognosis of Psychosis Pathogenesis of Psychosis Chest lesions Prognosis of Chest Lesions Epilepsy due to vāta Alcoholism associated with Vāta Psychosis due to Vāta Psychosis due to poisons, contaminants Psychosis due to possession 53