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Concluding Paragraphs in Argumentative Essays

CEL 2103
SEMESTER 2, 2019/2020
Developing Concluding Paragraph
The concluding paragraph closes the essay and the issue discussed. The aim is to convince
the reader that the essay has covered all the most important arguments about the issue and
that the evidence presented is the best position on the issue. The concluding paragraph
represents the final opportunity for the writer to affirm his or her opinion regarding the issue.
Activity 1
List the four components of a concluding paragraph of an argumentative essay in the space
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
Activity 2
Read the concluding paragraphs below and answer the questions.
Paragraph 1
Thesis statement:
Social Network eases communication and learning process.
In conclusion, social network has greatly changed the way people interact with each
other and absorbed information. 2With the widespread use of social network, it is now easier
for people to communicate and attain knowledge. 3Although social network can be used to
cause a certain amount of harm, it does an equal amount of good. 4The outcome, as in any
other matters, depends on the users themselves. 5Thus, it is up to the users to have the sense
to wield the social network sensibly and with thought on the consequences it has on
themselves and others.
1. Which sentence restates the importance of the issue?
Sentence number: __________
2. Which sentence restates the thesis statement?
Sentence number: __________
3. Which sentence summarises the opposing view?
Sentence number: __________
4. What is the call for action that the author mentioned in the paragraph?
Paragraph 2
Thesis statement:
Childcare provides conducive learning environments for children and
allows members of a community to contribute to child development.
Overall, having proper childcare facilities is seen as crucial necessities in child
development. 2Childcare would provide not only advantageous learning environment to the
young but also allow the sharing of skills by productive members within the community.
Although some parents may believe that such facility is not an essential and more of a luxury,
they fail to realise that childcare more than just a place where their children can develop and
sharpen their social skills. 4It can also provide employment opportunity for adults that have
relevant skill set. 5If the society fails to meet the obligations in this area, the nation will be
sacrificing its present and future well-being merely in order to appease out-dated notions of
family life and to achieve short-term financial savings.
1. Which sentence restates the importance of the issue?
Sentence number: __________
2. Which sentence restates the thesis statement?
Sentence number: __________
3. Which sentence summarises the opposing view?
Sentence number: __________
4. What is the prediction made by the author in the paragraph?
Paragraph 3
Thesis statement:
Children of single parent can be just as developed emotionally and
socially as those with two parents.
To summarise, whether it is a mother and a father, a single mother, or a single father,
children need guidance growing up. 2They will become a product of what they are taught from
a young age. 3Children of single parents are no exception; these children can mature
emotionally and socially. 4Although there are children raised in a single parent’s household
who faced some difficulties growing up, there are also those who manage to grow up normal
despite being raised by a single parent. 5Whichever the family structure is implied, children
must be raised in an environment that emphasised on respect and strong moral values that
can shape the children’s future.
1. Which sentence restates the importance of the issue?
Sentence number: __________
2. Which sentence restates the thesis statement?
Sentence number: __________
3. Which sentence summarises the opposing view?
Sentence number: __________
4. What is the suggestion made by the author in the paragraph?
Activity 3
Read the introductory paragraphs below and answer the following questions.
Paragraph 1
Throughout history, society has looked upon the male as the breadwinner, the one expected
to work and support the family; whereas, the mother has been viewed as the nurturer, the one
to stay home and raise the children. 2Throughout history, women wanted more rights, power,
and the ability to get higher paying jobs. 3Women were given this right so they expressed this
new found freedom by going to work outside of the home. 4As women sought employment,
their children were left to the care of babysitters and day care workers. 5Because society has
redefined the role of a mother to be one who is an important element in the workforce, the loss
of the mother in the home has led to the decline of the family unit, and thus, to society. 6This
forfeiture has created a generation for whom social morals and values are not as important as
they once were. 7A large percentage of working mother disagree with the belief that their
absence from home causes all the problems in the society as there are many other external
factors that may contribute to the behavioural problem in children. 8Their views may be true;
however, in order to return to a culture with better morals and values, the importance of the
role of the stay at home mother should be restored as they hold the power to shape their
children’s behaviour and mothers’ involvement in children live has proven to increase the
children’s academic performance.
Which sentence discusses the importance of the issue?
Sentence number: __________
Which sentence is the thesis statement?
Sentence number: __________
Write the two components above as part of the concluding paragraph.
Paragraph 2
An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo
something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. 2Animals used
in laboratories are deliberately harmed, not for their own good, and are usually killed at the
end of the experiment. 3In 2018, it is reported that 31% of animal experiments involved
moderate or severe suffering on the animals which rise the concern of animal advocates.
Researchers believed that testing on animals is important as the test results are found to be
accurate due to the shared attributes that human and animals have while allowing scientists
to develop new medications to cure illnesses in the world. 5This may be true to some extend;
nevertheless, with the advancement of technology in the 21st century, conducting research on
animal is obsolete as alternative research on human cells and tissues (in vitro methods) and
advanced computer-modeling techniques (in silico models) are available on the market.
Which sentence discusses the importance of the issue?
Sentence number: __________
Which sentence is the thesis statement?
Sentence number: __________
Write the two components above as part of the concluding paragraph.