1. Summarize the key topic(s) covered in the chapter you have chosen (2 - 3 paragraphs) Chapter 6: EZ Answers There are a few topics covered in this chapter and they can be summarized as three words; Evolution, Questions, Confusion. Evolution – We can often take for granted how far we have come in such a short period of time. From the Industrial Revolution in 1760 till 2020, 260 years of continuous change has happened. Every producer only considered its continent as a potential market for their item, but global expansion and the Internet has allowed for new paths. We have the ability to tailor the right message, to the right people at the right time. This mentality can be applied to products, services or even employment. The idea that “word travels” is an old adage that meant people physically talking to each other about how good or bad they feel about a product, brand or company. I think transfers very well to the Internet. When people talk about your “brand” through online reviews they can convey the same message, but to hundreds of thousands with a simple click. Therefore, I think we need to make sure that we are very buttoned down at every point of interaction that consumers have with our brand/product/company. Questions – It’s very easy to get caught in a continuous flow of questions, when experiencing something new. We often sometimes ask a lot of questions about the unknowns and wait for answers, or look for logical ways to explains things. These questions can come from fear or curiosity but it doesn’t really matter, because we just want the answers. We need to remember that answers or solutions are a result of conversation. Through genuine dialog and respectful meaningful conversations, we can push through the unknown and learn along the way. There will always be conversations, because there always be questions. Confusion – Now more than ever we have information being shared and easily available everywhere. There are apps, books, seminars, webinars that offer to simply “x” for you to achieve “y”. It’s very easy to get carried away in the pursuit of answers, and forget about the execution. It’s okay to get help and seek advice, but at some point you need to jump in, execute and learn along the way. As you go on this journey, be true to your vision, your goal and get started. 2. What behaviour is being described in this chapter? how is that behaviour reflected in the digital world we see today? (2 - 3 paragraphs) The behaviour being described in this chapter is action. While learning, conversations and questions are all very important, the activity of action and execution is what matters most. You don’t necessarily have to be right the first you do something, in fact very few are, but being first to learn, understand and share is the true value. This behaviour is magnified in the digital world, because access to new information is changing incredibly rapidly and being able to adapt to those movements is important. Being nimble and quick to pivot in this new world will bring you more success vs slow to change. 3. Did a behaviour change occur? What was the catalyst to the change? (2 - 3 paragraphs) I would say that a behaviour change did occur. As time as moved on from the Industrial Revolution to today, we have needed to act quicker than the generation before us. We have had to modify how we do things because changing circumstances as a result of the world has brought us to that junction. Take Covid-19 as an example, we have had to adapt to new ways of working remotely, which otherwise would not have happened. Productivity has been the same if not better from those working at home and this will prompt new changes and decisions to be made about how we work and where we work. 4. How did/might social media play a role in the behaviour shift? Why or why not? (1 - 2 paragraphs) Social Media will always play a role in these behaviour shifts. It is the quickest way to share information with billions of people and therefore will most efficiently share your message when necessary. The world can rally being various ideologies or events and those result in major actions being taken, they bring awareness to those who act and that theme continues to spiral. 5. In what ways do digital brands or organizations manage or address the behaviour today? (1 2 paragraphs) Every digital brand or organization has to act first and fast. In this age of social media, when one brand shares a message and we see another brand react or reply quickly it’s because the window of opportunity if not acted upon, will disappear and no longer be relevant. As brands continue to fight for space in our minds, these quick things acts and tactic keep them at the forefront of consumers buying and decision patterns. 6. In your opinion, was/were the author(s) correct in their assumption about the impending behavioural shift? (2 - 3 paragraphs) Yes. They were correct that change is only possible when we act quickly. We do not live in a society where we give up all control, we are the change makers. It may take time, but through conversation and dialog, we are the reason for actions being taken. We sometimes forget that we have the power to influence decisions and therefore we should remember that we can effect change. We make decisions with our dollar and should remember that as we continue to work together for a better future for everyone.