Linear algebra assignment Vil Amar O'Egirer CHEF'T 17302016004 page 147 Find the rank of the following vector groups and one of their maximum linear independent groups, and express the remaining vectors with the maximum linear independent group linearity: ii fo 00 if 3 to Since there are 3 non zero rows 9,92 as are maximum 9g 39 15oz Az E G Ey G if E and Ez Cc and ca not being E and Ez 0 Ez 3 independent subsets 3,1 2 Eg 12,1 5,6 2,4 1 2,0 prove that i Ez 1 rank 3 0,7 14 are linearly independent are linearly dependant then allzero we have using basic equation and as there are no solution C and Cz are linearly Zandt 4 equation for c E the 2 0 for Gando those equations c Ci Rank S E Ez Ez are maximum linearly subsets independent 15 prove g 8 R RCB r Rft8 troops R A RCB 2 prove Ctf r zrCA Her therefore r B tr 8D d 7 RCAltRCB R A t RCB page 148 we suppose r r a AB En and Emin AB em r Ab En rfa r B so m non zero rft rfAB En and AB em matrix It B em therefore when nem must have x 0 solution O let It is mxn men and RCA is non B matrix AB Im counterig9IB r rant f if there and RFA en Knowing and r B matrix mxm column vector m dimensional is and AB is that Im ther r then AB AB RCI should m be m and because rfAB rfA is man matrix men m prove Mem that page 151 5 Clams ay we know that independent it if means which 7 can a cannot a be ae as as expressed a be can that it expressed by a also can be expressed is impossible as az ay ay linearly cannot be expressed therefore an as r Therefore Ha 3 are linearly as as be AB r Ij therefore ne r B as B has n columns so Bi a and as too correalated linearly independent are linarly ae are B's and r B column ai 132 n andbecause AB Bo by ar as independant by e r 9,929 B B En n vector group is as 4 r r ae 93 linearly indep C a and a are therefore rank is linearly are a az as I a a linearly are linearly o therefore a as thus As can it also Therefore 13 b 30 f be Correalated expressed 3b by can be a az Bsg is linearly expressed 2b 10 O 0 2b lo t 9 873 a independent also have rank 2 a 3A 12A carrealated Ba B 13 and so Bi Ba 133 and the max linearly are that and now we know correlated a by as as a oh correlated page 152 56 l II ftp.IBf 1 71 HE ABI E ABI IE El HIEI fIIBI prove ftp.ABE fIpgttBEl ABI A I BA A AB A KI AB At fI II BAI II ABI FI ABI A H ABI II 1 ALI BAH I Al II ABI E ABI ABI IAI IAI II BAI IAI II BAI II BAI 9 detchI BA if N is eigenvalue of AB ABY dX x fo and by multiplying two sides by B we prove detfxI will get AB BA Bx and we can eigenvalue of BA X Bx it is also see that Therefore KI ABI an LAI BAI