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Behaviour Management - New

Learning and
Training Department
Behaviour Management
Approaches, and Techniques
Teacher Training Programme
Warmer Activity - Anagrams
• In your groups you need to unscramble the anagrams for key words related to this session.
• strategies - eatersgist (1 word)
• reactive - earevict (1 word)
• techniques - chequenits (1 word)
• behaviour management – rovhbeaiu /
aetmngamne (2 words)
• approaches - chorepapas (1 word)
• misbehaviour - ahimbuesvoir (1 word)
• proactive - opticvera (1 word)
• teach positively - cheat ivyilpoets (2 words)
• rewards and praise – erdwars dan asperi (3
Teacher Training Programme
Learning Objectives
• By the end of this session participants will be better able to:
• explain why students misbehave.
• Discuss the 7 R’s of classroom management to support behaviour management in the classroom.
• apply behaviour management strategies in planning and teaching practices.
Teacher Training Programme
What is the Reason For poor Behaviour
in the Classroom?
Teacher Training Programme
What is the Reason for Poor Behaviour in the Classroom?
“There is no such thing as bad students. There are only bad environments, bad
training, and bad planning”
- Unknown
• Next time you want to blame a student or group of students for a lesson going badly, remember it is
probably not their fault.
• We can use strategies and techniques to ensure students are achieving their potential, no matter
how poorly they behave.
• As teachers, we must utilise their talents and personalities.
• This will help us to curtail student misconduct in the classroom and make sure their ‘attitude’ has a
positive impact.
Teacher Training Programme
Where Does Poor Behaviour Begin?
There are three stages in a child’s life where poor behaviour can begin:
Poor parental
discipline &
Late Childhood and
Child Conduct
Rejection by
normal peer
• The bad news is that long-term risk increases with each stage.
• The good news is that we can take students off this pathway.
to deviant
peer group
Teacher Training Programme
What do the Studies Say?
Studies show that:
• Students are NOT born with bad behaviour.
• Students do NOT learn when presented with very stringent, aversive consequences.
• Students DO learn better ways of behaving themselves when they are:
1) Taught positively.
2) Feel valued and appreciated.
3) Are actively engaged in the learning process.
4) Are rewarded and praised.
Teacher Training Programme
Have You Witnessed Poor Behaviour In the Classroom?
• In groups, Think back to when you were a student in school and think of a negative situation involving yourself
in class where there was poor behaviour in the classroom. The poor behaviour may have come from yourself
or other students.
I want you to think about the following stages:
• Stage 1 – What was the poor behavior that you experienced in the classroom?
• Stage 2 - What did the teacher do in this situation?
• Stage 3 - What was the outcome?
• Stage 4 – If the outcome was negative, what might you do differently to achieve a more positive outcome?
Using A3 paper folded equally into four sections – fill out each stage from above. Be as creative and artistic as
you wish!
Teacher Training Programme
The Real Reasons Students Misbehave
There are many reasons why students misbehave. These include:
• Students don’t feel respected or appreciated.
• Students don’t know/understand the instructions the teacher gave them.
• Students don’t know the way they are expected to behave.
• Students are demotivated to learn because of a lack of interest in the subject or other reason.
• Students are unaware they are engaged in the misbehavior (due to rules and expectations not
being clear).
• Students want to get attention from the teacher but don’t know how.
• Students want to entertain their friends.
• Students can’t/don’t want to complete a task or activity (boredom, tiredness, or distraction).
Teacher Training Programme
The 7 R’s of Behaviour Management
Teacher Training Programme
What are the 7 R’s of Behaviour Management?
• Relationships
• Routines
• Responsibilities
• Respect
• Rules
• Rewards
• Rights
Teacher Training Programme
The 7 R’s in Order of Importance.
Teacher Training Programme
Behaviour Management Action Plan
• The 7 R’s in action:
• For each of the 7 R’s you have a question. For each question note down one answer that you have.
• Once you have written down one idea for each of the 7 R’s you are ready to:
• Give one and get one – Mingle around the room to give someone an idea and to get an idea from them.
Teacher Training Programme
Practical use of Behaviour Management
in the the Classroom
Teacher Training Programme
Behaviour Management in action
• In you groups you will be given 2 common classroom behaviour scenarios.
• In your groups we would like you to discuss these 2 scenarios and work out how you would try to positively
influence the behaviour using non confrontational language as well as positive steps and actions that you
could take to positively influence the students behaviour in that scenario.
• We would like you to put together a poster on flip chart paper for each scenario highlighting all the things you
can say and do to help with that situation in your classroom to try to positively influence the behaviour.
Teacher Training Programme
3 Golden Rules & Support Network
1. Believe in yourself as a teacher!
2. Never Give Up!
3. Be flexible! – If it is not working try Different Things
Support Network:
• Your Lead Teacher
• Your School Social Worker
• Your Principal
• Your fellow teachers in the school.
Teacher Training Programme
Plenary 3-2-1
• There are post it notes on your table please take 3 each.
• On the green post it note write 3 things you have learnt today.
• On the yellow post it write 2 things you would like to learn more about.
• On the pink post it note write 1 thing you’re still not sure about.
• Please stick them on the white board. Greens on the left, yellow in the middle and pink on the right.
Teacher Training Programme
Learning Objectives Summary
Do you feel comfortable that you have met the following learning objectives?
• explain why students misbehave.
• Discuss the 7 R’s of classroom management to support behaviour management in the classroom.
• apply behaviour management strategies in planning and teaching practices.
Any Questions?