ES Assessment of GI in Xiamen Xiamen ES: The identified ecosystems’ services included regulatory services such as pollution control, climate regulation, and erosion protection; culture services such as recreation, amenity, and non-use value such as endangered species. Ecosystem services by MEA Types of coastal ecosystem Sub-services services Provisioning services Food, raw materials, genetic resources, natural medicines, ornamental resources, water supply, space Regulating services Gas regulation, climate regulation, flood regulation, erosion control, waste treatment, biological control Cultural services Aesthetic, recreational, spiritual, science and education Supporting services Primary production, soil formation, nutrient cycling, biodiversity maintenance land use types of Xiamen Island were classified and integrated into five categories, including urban area (e.g., industrial, commercial, residential, and transportation land uses), farmland (e.g., paddy field, irrigable land, vegetable field and a small portion of natural or man-made grassland), woodland (e.g., arbor, bamboo, bush forest and a small portion of orchard), water area (e.g., river, lake, reservoirs, and lagoons), and coastal wetland (e.g., sand beach, rocky beach, and mudflat). The ecosystems of Xiamen Island can be classified into natural ecosystem (e.g., woodland, water area, and coastal wetland), semi-natural ecosystem (e.g., farmland), and artificial ecosystem (e.g., urban area). (Lin, Xue, Shi, & Gao, 2013) Used unit value based method for assessment of ecosystem services in reference to xie et al and costanza 1997. From 1973 to 1995, the decline in ecosystem service value caused by the decrease of woodland, coastal wetland and farmland was offset partly by the increase in the water area value. Ecosystem service value of Xiamen is declining in the recent decades mainly due to decreasing areas of coastal wetland, farmland and woodland. ((Lin et al., 2013) 4.29 million Xiamen population in 2019 Urban coverage: The urban construction land area is 382.89 square kilometers. There are 150 parks with an area of 3741.09 hectares; the park green area per capita is 15.6 square meters; the green coverage area of the built-up area is 17954.05 hectares, the green coverage rate is 45.13%; the centralized sewage treatment rate is 96.36%; Source: 2019 Xiamen Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin, Bureau of Xiamen city Regulating service – thermal regulation/microclimate regulation- vegetation cooling service For the vegetation surfaces of total 799.48 km2 in Xiamen, the annual heat absorption was 2.73 × 109 MJ/a in 2015 with an average length of cooling service provision of 1954.04 h.(Zhao et al., 2019) Lin, T., Xue, X., Shi, L., & Gao, L. (2013). Urban spatial expansion and its impacts on island ecosystem services and landscape pattern: A case study of the island city of Xiamen, Southeast China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 81, 90-96. doi: Zhao, W., Li, A., Huang, Q., Gao, Y., Li, F., & Zhang, L. (2019). An improved method for assessing vegetation cooling service in regulating thermal environment: A case study in Xiamen, China. Ecological Indicators, 98, 531-542. doi: