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Lesson Plan - Character Description

Lesson Plan Pro-forma
Name: Pavitra Segar
Year group: 6
Date: Number of children: 30
Curriculum area: Literacy - Descriptive and Creative writing
Start time: -
Length of session: 1 hour
Focus of lesson: Character Description - fictional/non fictional.
National Curriculum Reference:
Plan their writing by:
Identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own.
Noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on reading and research where necessary.
In writing narratives, considering how authors have developed characters and settings in what pupils have read, listened to or seen performed.
Draft and write by:
Selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning
In narratives, describing settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action
Writing – Spelling
All statutory requirements.
Learning Objective(s):
Continuity of Learning:
What do you want the children to learn in this lesson?
How does this lesson build on the children’s prior learning? Note any errors and
misconceptions to address or to pre-empt in this lesson.
To plan, draw and write a description of a character effectively.
Success Criteria:
Children have previously read stories in the class, such as the Boy in the stripe
pyjamas and Goodnight Mr Tom. When focusing on character description here,
children will be asked to think back to those stories and describe characters from.
Questions could include - ‘What does Bruno look like?’ ‘How old is Bruno/Shumel?’
I can describe a character based on their appearance.
I can describe a character’s personality.
I can use VCOP to describe characters.
‘Mr Tom - what does he look like?’ ‘How would you describe his personality?’
‘How old was William Beech?’ ‘How would you describe his appearance?’
* Discuss the meanings of the words in RED.
Children have been using similes, metaphors and personification in their writing.
Assessment Strategies:
How will you know whether the children have learned what you want them to learn? What will you look for and listen for? What evidence will you have? You could use
questioning, your teaching assistant, children holding up jottings on whiteboards, completion of focus group proforma, self-assessment, peer assessment, marking etc.
1) AfL during the starter. Use of open ended questions to encourage discussion on character description elements – Go through the questions above in the
continuity of learning. - Asses prior learning.
2) Observation during writing session – support and scaffold as necessary. Note exemplar work for class discussion.
3) Self and peer assessment against learning objectives. - Differentiated learning outcomes.
4) Marking books with reference to Lesson Objectives and Success Criteria.
Classroom Organisation and Management:
How will the children be grouped? Will they sit on the carpet or at tables? What
behaviour for learning strategies will you employ?
What will support the children’s learning? How will resources be made available?
Class starter and main teaching (Input of the lesson) to be conducted at tables.
Plenary to be conducted at tables with chosen children presenting at the front of
the class. - Reading their description (voluntary basis)
Teaching and Learning Activities
1) Image of characters for their writing on each table. (Choice on which ones
they select to write about)
2) VCOP pyramids available on each table.
Evaluation sheets - differentiated depending on abilities stuck at the top of their
Role of Adults
Support and Challenge
Key Questions and Vocabulary
Give an overview of all parts of the lesson to show how the children are going to
learn what you want them to learn. Include key questions and vocabulary (write
in bold), examples you will use, use of talk partners, modelling, tasks etc. Think
about how you will engage the children and the pedagogy that you will use to help
them to learn.
What is the role of
the TA throughout
the lesson? What
is your role?
Children to write date and LO in their books. (Evaluation sheets on the table)
Children to briefly discuss the following story elements: characters, setting,
beginning, middle and end. - Think about what words are used to allow us to
create a picture in our minds.
Share discussions as a whole class
Main - Input and Task:
Teach to explain we are going to write our own description of a character.
This includes the use of descriptive and emotive language.
- Discuss the prompts (Slide 3) - Do these describe someone? What else could
they include? Focus on the meaning of the Key words in Red. (Personality and
Apperance).  Children are to listen to the description of a character read aloud by the
teacher - (The prompts are left on the interactive whiteboard) Allow 10mins
for this discussion and drawing of the character - Teacher is to read it out
loud at least twice with emphasis on descriptive and emotive language.
- Children can share their drawing - Allow 5 minutes for this. - Class walk around
where they get to see what their peers have drawn and made notes on.
An example of two character description is on the board - after reading them ask
children which on is better and why? - this should be an example of what the teacher
is expecting in their writing.
Children are then introduced to the task. With the prompt cards, the will write
a description of their character using the character sheet - The pictures are
on there.
When finished they will swap it with a partner and fill in the evaluation sheet.
(This is differentiated based on abilities.)
Teacher to support
LA group table.
Teacher to support
children’s creative
ideas by asking
sensitive openended questions to
‘What does he look
like?’ ‘Where is he
now?’ ‘What is he
Teacher to
encourage proof
reading for spelling
and punctuation
How will you meet the needs of all your
learners? Consider children with SEND and the
children you identified in your previous lesson
reflection. Consider the use of resources,
challenging questions, grouping and adult
Offer scaffolding in a small group- lots of oral
modelling to embed sentence structure.
Phonics mats to support chn who did not pass
phonics screening or are not secure
Simplify ending to a few sentences.
Word bank of adverbs for children to use.
Challenge for the LA students:
Use of conjunctions other than and in their
sentencesUse interesting words- provide word mat or
other resources for children to access
independently (ensuring children know what the
words mean and can use them contextually).
This is the worksheet where children can use
the words in the bank to help them - some
words are tricky. (They can use a dictionary to
search the meanings of those words.)
- Create two stars and wish for your character descriptions. After this is done - go
through a highlight the VCOP in your paragraph in a different colour stated.
If students complete this - they can move on a write a description for another
character on the sheet.
Invite children to read their character descriptions out to the class. Select 1
or 2 children with exemplar work.
Conclude by explaining that character description builds on the use of a wide
range of vocabulary and reading more will help them. - Build on the
importance of reading.
Lesson Reflection on Learning (everyone should fill this in after the lesson every lesson, same day handwritten notes are preferable)
Children’s Learning:
How are the children progressing towards the learning objective(s)? Are there aspects that many learners found tricky? Do you need to adapt your next lesson? It may
be useful to annotate the second page of your lesson plan to highlight what worked well and what was more difficult for you or the children, discuss with your class
Who will need extra support next lesson? How will you support/ scaffold their
learning? Will there be any catch-up or pre-teaching?
Who will need stretch and challenge next lesson? How will you ensure children
are challenged?