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PFFT Program Guidelines: School of Saints Philip & James

The Professional Formation for Teachers (PFFT) is a training program that was established by School
Saints Philip and James (SSPJ) Peñablanca Inc. to develop a responsive and reliable training courses
for teachers. Hence, the program is mandated to oversee planning, monitoring, evaluation, and
continuous improvement of the training courses. On the other hand, the SSPJ will administer the
implementation and conduct of training courses. The PPFT program will also serve as the training and
capacity building arm of the school.
The two-day training courses offered are aligned with the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers. This guideline is designed to help the school management for the implementation,
monitoring, evaluation, and continues improvement of the PFFT program.
We envision the school as a leading professional development provider, taking a significant role in
forming professional teachers that are characterized by competence, reliability, and responsiveness.
Therefore, it is our mission to upgrade the quality of services offered by professionals through the
conduct of high quality, timely, and responsive professional development and training.
RESPONSIVE – Being aware of the needs of teachers, the school believes that responsive professional
development training and workshops would equip them the appropriate skills needed in teaching the
competencies to learners.
RELIABILITY – The school believes and supports professional development agenda by providing
reliable training and workshop programs to educators.
COMPETENCE – The school is capacitated with knowledge, skills, and ability to develop professional
development programs and to conduct trainings and workshop that are reliable and responsive to the
needs of teachers.
The Quality Assurance Management is a sustainability measure towards quality assurance and viability
of the program. The following provision shall be observed for the operationalization of PFFT:
1. Institutional Arrangements
a) The program shall compose of members from the academe. The Academic Coordinator (AC)
shall lead the development of training designs and modules in consultation with school
stakeholders such as teacher representatives from different levels in Elementary and Secondary,
among others. The AC shall also lead in the coordination of training programs with Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) and shall oversee the administration of PFFT guidelines.
b) The School of Saints Philip and James shall administer the implementation of the training
c) A system for M&E, Planning, and Knowledge Management-Social Marketing will also be
established to further strengthen the support needed by the program. The AC shall ensure the
operationalization of these mechanisms.
d) A Professional Consultant will be hired as a resource person and expected to deliver his/her
duties and responsibilities stated in his/her Terms of Reference. In addition, Facilitators and
Documenters shall also be hired.
2. Knowledge Management and Social Marketing (KM/SM)
a) The KM-SM supports the Quality Assurance Management through creation and management
of knowledge and information in consultation with the academe and other school stakeholders
to further improve the quality of training mechanisms. It will also establish a system for
effective and efficient information dissemination such as training registration management.
3. Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (PME)
a) A system for Monitoring and Evaluation shall also be establish to improve the Quality
Assurance Management in terms of its performance towards the achievement of the program’s
vision-mission. These systems will also be used as bases for planning and development of the
program. The PME shall also ensure the observance of the programs Core Values.
4. Contracting Procedures for Consultants
a) The school shall post a vacancy notice for consultant to its publishing materials. Qualified and
potential applicants can submit the requirements to the Office of the Academic Coordinator or
send via email. Postings will remain until the position is filled.
b) The AC shall screen the applications prior scheduling an interview. Using a structured interview
process, the candidates shall be called for an interview. Evaluation forms should be
accomplished after each interview.
c) The AC shall con duct a professional reference check on the top candidates. Once the AC
receives satisfactory results from the background checks, the best candidate shall be selected
based from the results of the evaluations. If the selected candidate fails to accept the contract
within seven days, the offer can be rescinded by the AC.
d) The professional fee shall depend on the positions and roles. Below is the professional fee and
payment schedule:
Professional Fee
(Resource Person)
₱ 14,000.00
₱ 4,000.00
₱ 4,000.00
Payment Schedule
Professional fee shall be deposited in the
consultant’s bank account within five (5)
working days after submitting the
accomplished Consultant Training
Assessment form
After the conduct of training program –
50 percent of the professional fee
Upon submission of the accomplished
Facilitator Training Assessment Report–
50 percent of the professional fee
Upon submission of the Training
Documentation Report – 50 percent of the
professional fee
Upon approval of the Training
Documentation Report – 50 percent of the
professional fee
5. Qualifications of Consultants
a) The School believes that contracting qualified individuals will contribute to the overall success
of the training programs. The following are the qualifications needed per position:
PBET/RA 1080
Bachelor's Degree with 18
professional education units
and with at least 18 Masteral
Career Service
Second Level
Eligibility or RA
Career Service
Second Level
Eligibility or RA
Bachelor’s Degree relevant to At least 1 year of
the deliverables and roles of relevant experience
the position
At least 2 years of
relevant experience
Bachelor’s Degree relevant to At least 1 year of
the deliverables and roles of relevant experience
the position
6. Terms of Reference (TOR) of Consultants
a) Under the direct supervision of the Academic Coordinator, the consultants shall have the
following Terms of Reference (TOR):
1. Review and conduct a training about the topic assigned by
the Academic Coordinator in accordance with the training
2. Develop training lectures and presentations in accordance
with the training design.
3. Review and provide analysis in the participants’
4. Accomplished Consultant Training Assessment Report
using the template provided by the school.
5. Acknowledges that all his/her outputs and deliverables be
credited to and considered as property of the school.
6. Perform other related task as prescribe by the Academic
1. Facilitate structured learning exercises during preliminaries.
2. Facilitate a two-day training through guiding the participants
during their workshop sessions and assisting the resource
3. Assist in the administrative work as prescribe by the School
Personnel assigned for the training.
4. Accomplishes Facilitator Training Assessment Report using
the template provided by the school.
5. Perform other related task as prescribe by the Academic
1. Accomplishes Training Documentation Report using the
template provided by the school.
2. Assist in the administrative work as prescribe by the School
Personnel assigned for the training.
3. Perform other related task as prescribe by the Academic
7. Training Procedures
a) The training courses are categorized in two: Regular and Specialized. Regular training courses
will be offered semi-annually. The target implementation is in the months of May and October.
However, the Specialized training courses are offered twice in a month from June to December
(once every two years) depending on the demand for the training. To ensure training quality,
each of the training courses will only accommodate one hundred participants per session. Below
is the annual work plan for each training courses:
Registration of training course to
Professional Regulation Commission
Request of endorsement/advisory from
DepEd Regional Office for the conduct of
Professional Development Training for
Posting of training event in the school’s
publishing materials and sending invitation
letters to the schools of potential
Registration and Payment Period
Actual Training Session (Regular)
Actual Training Session (Specialized)
Submission of Accomplishment Report to
Professional Regulation Commission
b) Registration will be closed seven days before the day of the training or upon meeting the
required number of participants, whichever comes first. This is to give enough time to organize
and finalize the training materials and other essential preparatory work needed such as, but not
limited to, training venue and accommodation, analysis of participants expectations, among
c) Payment of the training fees should be made not later than three days after the date of
registration. Training fees can be paid by the participants through the school’s cashier or bank
deposit or bank transfer. Bank charges when paying by bank transfer should be to the account
of the participant.
d) Full payment of training fees should be made to the school. The policy of No Registration
Payment, No Reservation for each training course applies. A slot will only be considered
available and reserved only upon full payment of training fees. No partial or full refund will be
made in case of partial attendance or non-attendance due to the fault of the participant. Further,
payments made for a particular training cannot be applied to another training in case of nonattendance by the registered participant. However, refund of training fees or transfer to another
training is allowed if training cancellation is made by the school.
8. Training Fee Discounts
a) Training Fee Discount Matrix:
A group of at least eight (8) teachers
attending the training
Teachers working in:
a. school that previously attended the recent
Regional Conference of Private School
Administrators/Principals/Heads in Basic
Education hosted by APSABERI.
Teachers working in School of Saints Philip
and James (SSPJ)
Approved application form
12.5 %
Approved application form
Photocopy of the recent
Certificate of Participation of your
administrator in the concluded
regional consultative conference
issued by APSABERI
Approved application form
12.5 %
b) Training Fee Discount does NOT automatically apply. To avail for a discount, an application
should be filed by the faculty for a specific training course. If payment was already made prior
to application, a participant is NO longer eligible for the discount. The deadline for the
submission of application is ten (10) days before the scheduled training. Below is the
application process:
1. Download the application form at bit.ly/sspjform
2. Submit the accomplished application form to the office of the Academic Coordinator
or send via email at sspj2001.edu@gmail.com.
3. The applicant faculty will be notified through their registered email and/or contact
number upon verification and approval of their application. Participants shall register
via online at bit.ly/sspj-pfft
4. Pay the amount of the approved registration fee not later than three (3) days from the
date of registration and send the Official Receipt or Bank Deposit Slip of the approved
registration fee through email. Discounted Training Fee shall be processed as one
transaction and NOT individual payment for group applicants. However, participants
may choose whether the official receipt shall be named under their school or
1. Pragmatic-Based Teaching Strategies and Classroom Management
a) An effective teaching-learning process should allow a flow of learning. Hence, learners’
diversity must be considered in choosing and designing a teaching strategy. Also, an
effective classroom management is a crucial component of ensuring the progress and
achievement of learners. This course is designed to train professional teachers to contextualize
Teaching Strategies in consideration of learners’ diversity, and to learn Classroom Management
strategies that are effective in handling students in the context of Philippine education system.
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching students in Basic Education. To ensure training quality,
this course will only accommodate one hundred participants per session.
c) Alignment to PPST1: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.5 Strategies for
developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills. Domain
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.3 Management of Classroom Structure and Activities,
Strand 2.6 Management of Learner Behavior. Domain 3. Diversity of Learners; Strand 3.1
Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences
d) Learning Outcomes. At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate knowledge on how to utilize Students’ Preferred Learning Styles,
Differentiated-Based Learning (DBL), Concepts of and Designing of Innovation-Based
Learning (IBL) Problem-B, Classroom Management Strategies in teaching-learning
2. design a responsive Teaching and Classroom Management Strategies suitable to their
learners’ diversity; and
3. apply teaching strategies that develop higher order thinking skills and manage learner
behavior constructively
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Attributes of Filipino Learner: Social and Emotional Perspective – 2 hrs.
2. Understanding Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles, and maximize learning using
students’ preferred learning styles and MIs – 2 hrs.
3. Concepts of and Designing of Differentiated-Based Learning (DBL)– 2 hrs.
4. Concepts of and Designing of Innovation-Based Learning (IBL)– 2 hrs.
5. Effective Classroom Management Strategies – 2 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2hrs.
2. School-Based Action Research for Teachers
a) School-Based research is becoming one of the new trends in 21st-century learning. It provides
reliable information about educational problems and their solutions. Further, School-Based
research is essential because of contributing knowledge development, practical improvement,
and policy information. Therefore, educators can use those research findings to improve their
competencies and teaching-learning process.
b) Target Participants: This training course is recommended to educators involved in designing
and conducting research and to professional teachers wanted to gain an understanding of
developing school-based action research and utilize them in the teaching-learning process. To
ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred participants per session.
c) Alignment to PPST2: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.2 Researchbased and principles of teaching and learning
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate knowledge of school-based action research, organization and presentation of
data, data collection and processing, technical writing on school-based action research;
2. identify relevant potential action research that is responsive to the needs of their students,
co-teachers, and school; and
3. initiate the development of School-Based Action Research in their respective schools.
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Basic Concepts of Research – 1 hr.
2. Basic Concepts of Statistics – 1 hr.
3. Data Collection and Processing – 2 hrs.
4. Organization and Presentation of Data – 2 hrs.
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
5. Designing School-Based Action Research – 3 hrs.
6. Technical Writing on School-Based Action Research - 3 hrs.
3. National Training on Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in
mathematics. To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred
participants per session.
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching mathematics subjects in Basic Education. Individuals
who are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST3: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, Strand 1.4 Strategies for
promoting literacy and numeracy, and Strand 1.5 Strategies for developing critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills, Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication
Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6 Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching mathematics in Basic
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy and numeracy skills
and that develop critical and creative thinking and other higher-order thinking skills;
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
behavior; and
4. demonstrate an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies in mathematics that support learner understanding,
participation, engagement, and achievement.
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Communication in Teaching Mathematics - 2 hrs.
2. Principles in Teaching Mathematics - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in Mathematics education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in Mathematics - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking in literacy and
numeracy – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2 hrs.
4. National Training on Professional Development for Science Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in science.
To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred participants per
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching science subjects in Basic Education. Individuals who
are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST4: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, and Strand 1.5 Strategies
for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills,
Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6
Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching science in Basic Education;
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching that develop critical and creative thinking and other
higher-order thinking skills; and
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Classroom Communication - 2 hrs.
2. Unpacking of Science Curriculum Standards - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in Science education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in Science - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2hrs.
5. National Training on Professional Development for English Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in English
subjects. To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred
participants per session.
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching English subjects in Basic Education. Individuals who
are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST5: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, and Strand 1.5 Strategies
for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills,
Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6
Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching English in Basic Education;
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking
and other higher-order thinking skills; and
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Classroom Communication - 2 hrs.
2. Unpacking of English Curriculum Standards - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in English education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in English - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2 hrs.
6. National Training on Professional Development for Filipino Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in Filipino
subjects. To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred
participants per session.
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching Filipino subjects in Basic Education. Individuals who
are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST6: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, and Strand 1.5 Strategies
for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills,
Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6
Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching Filipino in Basic Education;
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking
and other higher-order thinking skills; and
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Classroom Communication - 2 hrs.
2. Unpacking of Filipino Curriculum Standards - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in Filipino education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in Filipino - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2 hrs.
7. National Training on Professional Development for MAPEH Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in MAPEH
subjects. To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred
participants per session.
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching MAPEH subjects in Basic Education. Individuals who
are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST7: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, and Strand 1.5 Strategies
for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills,
Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6
Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching MAPEH in Basic
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking
and other higher-order thinking skills; and
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Classroom Communication - 2 hrs.
2. Unpacking of MAPEH Curriculum Standards - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in MAPEH education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in MAPEH - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2 hrs.
8. National Training on Professional Development for Social Science Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in Social
Science subjects. To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred
participants per session.
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching Social Science subjects in Basic Education. Individuals
who are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST8: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, and Strand 1.5 Strategies
for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills,
Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6
Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching Social Science in Basic
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking
and other higher-order thinking skills; and
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Classroom Communication - 2 hrs.
2. Unpacking of Social Science Curriculum Standards - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in Social Science education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in Social Science - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2 hrs.
9. National Training on Professional Development for T.L.E. Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in T.L.E.
subjects. To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred
participants per session.
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching T.L.E. subjects in Basic Education. Individuals who
are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST9: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, and Strand 1.5 Strategies
for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills,
Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6
Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching T.L.E. in Basic Education;
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking
and other higher-order thinking skills; and
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Classroom Communication - 2 hrs.
2. Unpacking of T.L.E. Curriculum Standards - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in T.L.E. education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in T.L.E. - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2 hrs.
10. National Training on Professional Development for General Education Teachers
a) Ideas, concepts, and learning principles evolve as our society progress in the modern world. To
prepare our learner in this trend, teachers need to enhance their teaching-learning skills. This
training course is designed to upgrade the quality of services offered by professional teachers.
This training course focuses on the practical challenges, issues, and current trends in General
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
Education subjects. To ensure training quality, this course will only accommodate one hundred
participants per session.
b) Target Participants: In-service teachers in private and public schools who are currently in
practice of their profession and teaching General Education subjects in Basic Education.
Individuals who are Licensed Professional Teachers are also encourage to attend the training.
c) Alignment to PPST10: Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 Content
Knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas, and Strand 1.5 Strategies
for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills,
Strand 1.7 Classroom Communication Strategies. Domain 2. Learning Environment; Strand 2.6
Management of Learner Behavior.
d) Learning Outcomes: At the end of the training, the participants are able to:
1. demonstrate content knowledge and its application on teaching General Education in Basic
2. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking
and other higher-order thinking skills; and
3. demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
e) The training methods are lecture, discussion, workshops, and group activities. The Course
Coverage and Duration are the following:
1. Effective Classroom Communication - 2 hrs.
2. Unpacking of Curriculum Standards - 2 hrs.
3. Modern challenges, issues, and trends in Philippine education - 3 hrs.
4. Effective lesson planning in Elementary - 3 hrs.
5. Teaching Strategies that promote critical and creative thinking – 3 hrs.
6. Classroom Behavioral Strategies and Interventions – 2 hrs.
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
Since for each training course will only accommodate one hundred participants, the budgetary
requirement needed is the following:
Cost Per Unit
Professional Fee – Resource Person
₱ 14,000.00
₱ 14,000.00 x 3 Pax
₱ 42,000.00
Professional Fee – Facilitator
₱ 4,000.00
₱ 4,000.00 x 2 Pax
₱ 8,000.00
Professional Fee – Documenter
Training Kit
₱ 4,000.00
₱ 4,000.00 x 2 Pax
₱ 8,000.00
₱ 660.00
₱ 660.00 x 100 Pax
₱ 66,000.00
₱ 600.00
₱ 600.00 x 100 Pax
₱ 60,000.00
₱ 310.00
₱ 310.00 x 100 Pax
₱ 31,000.00
₱ 710.00
₱ 1,400.00
₱ 710.00 x 7 Pax
₱ 1,400.00 x 7 Pax
₱3,410.00 x 3 Pax (RP)
₱ 80,000.00
₱ 80,000.00 x 1
₱ 80,000.00
USB Flash Drive (contains training
presentations & materials)
Training Certificate Holder
Training Notebook
₱ 85 x 4 (2 AM and 2 PM)
₱ 130 x 2 (Day 1 and Day 2))
Supplies and Materials
Name tag with ID lace
Ballpens & Markers
Manila Paper & Bond Papers
Envelopes & Activity Work Sheets
Administrative Support to Resource
Person (RP), Facilitators, and
Transportation & others
Administrative Support
Support to Financial Viability (20%)
Training Hall and Equipment (Rent)
Cost per Participant
₱ 25,000.00
₱ 320,000.00
₱ 3,200.00
VII. Financial Viability: Annual Financial and Budget Plan
The financial viability needed for the annual operation of PFFT program to further improve and
maintain quality standards of the training courses is the following:
General Administration and
Planning, Monitoring &
Knowledge Management &
Social Marketing
Maintenance and other
operating expenses
Capital Outlays
₱ 120,000.00
₱ 120,000.00
₱ 30,000.00
₱ 260,000.00
₱ 96,000.00
₱ 120,000.00
₱ 30,000.00
₱ 246,000.00
₱ 96,000.00
₱ 120,000.00
₱ 30,000.00
₱ 246,000.00
₱ 312,000.00
₱ 350,000.00
₱ 90,000.00
₱ 762,000.00
Registration for CPD Training Courses
1. Each training session will only accommodate one hundred (100) participants. Registration will be
closed seven days before the day of the training or upon meeting the required number of participants,
whichever comes first. Register via online at bit.ly/sspj-pfft
2. The regular training fee is Four Thousand Six Hundred Pesos (₱ 4,600.00). Payment of the training
fees should be made not later than three days after the date of registration. Training fees can be paid by
the participants through the school’s cashier or bank deposit or bank transfer. Bank charges when paying
by bank transfer should be to the account of the participant.
3. Full payment of training fees should be made to the school. The policy of No Registration Payment, No
Reservation for each training course applies. A slot will only be considered available and reserved only
upon full payment of training fees. No partial or full refund will be made in case of partial attendance
or non-attendance due to the fault of the participant. Further, payments made for a particular training
cannot be applied to another training in case of non-attendance by the registered participant. However,
refund of training fees or transfer to another training is allowed if training cancellation is made by the
4. Training Fee Discount Matrix
A group of at least fifteen (15) teachers
attending the training
Teachers working in:
a. school that previously send delegates
in the recent APSABERI leadership
training but NOT a member of
application form
application form
Teachers working in:
a. school that is a member of
APSABERI and/or APSACI and that
previously send delegates in the recent
APSABERI leadership training
Recent School
Certificate of
issued by
Training Fee
₱ 4,600.00
₱ 500.00
₱ 4,100.00
₱ 4,600.00
₱ 600.00
₱ 4,000.00
₱ 4,600.00
₱ 800.00
₱ 3,800.00
5. Training Fee Discount does NOT automatically apply. To avail for a discount, an application should be
filed by a school or faculty for a specific training course. If payment was already made prior to
application, a participant is NO longer eligible for the discount. The deadline for the submission of
application is ten (10) days before the scheduled training. Below is the application process:
a) Download the application form at bit.ly/sspjform
b) Accomplish the application form with necessary details. An application fee of ₱ 1,000.00
should be paid to the school’s cashier by the applicant school or faculty. Bank deposit is
accepted. However, bank charges when paying through these modes should be to the account
of the applicant school or faculty. Applications will only be processed after payment was made.
c) Submit the accomplished application form to the office of the Academic Coordinator or send
via email at sspj2001.edu@gmail.com. Attached the Official Receipt or Bank Deposit Slip.
Incomplete and/or partial submission shall not be processed.
d) The applicant school or faculty will be notified through their registered email and/or contact
number upon verification and approval of their application.
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e) Participants shall register via online at bit.ly/sspj-pfft upon receiving the approved application.
Discounted Training Fee shall be processed as one transaction and NOT individual payment.
However, participants may choose whether the official receipt shall be named under their
school or individually. The Official Receipt will be given during the trainin
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