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Of Mice and Men Test - High School Literature

Of Mice and Men Test – Part 2
Name: _____________________
Score: ____________/25______
Part A
Arrange the following plot events in chronological order.
[5 marks ( 15/3 ) ]
George shoots Lennie in the back of the head.
Lennie and George escape from Weed.
Lennie crushes Curley's hand.
Crooks asks Candy and Lennie if he can leave with them.
George warns Lennie to stay far away from Curley's wife.
George and Slim go into town to get drunk.
Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife.
Curley's wife wanders into the bunkhouse all made up.
Curley promises to shoot Lennie in the gut when he finds him.
Lennie tries to sneak a puppy into the bunkhouse.
George throws Lennie's dead mouse across the river onto the other side.
George and the others go into town to visit the "cat house"
Carlson kills Candy's dog.
George steals Carlson's gun.
Crooks invites Lennie and Candy into his room.
1. What three animals does the author compare Lennie to?
2 marks
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2. What famous poem in the title of the book related to ?
1 marks
3. Lennie tells an angry George not to worry about his being left alone because he can do live
in a cave. What does this tell us about Lennie ?
2 marks
4. What does George tell Lennie to do when they first meet the new boss? Why ? 2 marks
5. What does George say to his new boss to explain Lennie's not being too bright? 1 mark
6. What does Candy's dog death represent ?
2 marks
7. Give 3 examples of metaphoric language used in OMAM ?
3 marks
8. Why are only some characters described Metaphorically?
2 marks
9. What is Foreshowing ?
2 marks
10. Give 2 examples of Foreshadowing in OMAM ?
2 marks
11. What does George ask Candy to do before he tells the others about Curley's wife's murder?
1 marks