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Facial Fracture Anatomy & Craniofacial Approaches

Pertinent Anatomy, Fracture
Configuration of Facial
Factures and Craniofacial
Pertinent Anatomy
• Frontal
• OZ
• Usually multiple facial areas of fractures
Evolution over age
The frontal sinus is generally absent at birth. At one year the anterior ethmoid air cells
begin to invade the frontal bone. Frontal sinus growth is then complete at
approximately 15 years of age.
The frontal sinus has several critical anatomic relationships. These include:
Sinus floor -> orbital roof/anterior ethmoid air cells
Posterior table -> anterior cranial fossa
Anterior table -> frontal contour
The anterior table is thick (2-12 mm) and the posterior table is thin (0.1 – 4 mm).
The frontal sinus drains via a small outflow tract into the ethmoid sinus/nasal cavity.
The outflow tract is hour-glass shaped.
True ostium is 3-4 mm at the narrowest portion.
Each frontal sinus drainage pathway is located in the posterior, inferior, and medial
portion of the sinus.
• Important in endoscopic sinus surgery
• 5 pillars of support
• Quadripod/Tripod fracture
-Lateral orbital
-Lateral orbital rim
-Infraorbital rim
-Zygomatic arch
These pillars constitute five points of assessment for determining
the degree of displacement of a zygomatic fracture
• Buttress Concept
Lateral orbital rim
Lower transverse
Upper transverse
zygomatic arch
Attachment point of the masseter, temporalis, and zygomaticus
major and minor muscles.
• Infraorbital foramen: infraorbital nerve, artery and vein
• 6-10mm below infraorbital rim
The CT represents an axial slice, and shows a posterior displacement of the
This view also shows a fracture through the zygomatic arch.
7 Bones
Superior orbital fissure (SOF)syndrome: III, IV, V1, VI, Sup. And Inf. ophthalmic veins
Orbital apex syndrome: blindness + SOF syndrome
Orbital Floor
Sagittal slices (hard-tissue window) and coronal soft-tissue windows of extraocular herniation
into the sinuses.
Orbital Roof
• Most orbital roof fractures are blow-in fractures (displacement of the bone is towards the
orbit). –from supraorbital ridge/maxilla trauma usually
• Causes downward and forward displacement of the globe.
Medial Orbital Wall
Isolated left medial orbital fracture.
Lateral Orbital Wall
Isolated lateral orbital wall fractures are rare and only occur after isolated trauma to this
anatomical structure. Much more common is a lateral orbital wall fracture together with a
zygoma fracture (as shown).
Internal Orbital Buttress,
Posterior Ledge
Intact inferior orbital fissure and internal orbital buttress. CT scan and anatomic specimen showing an
intact inferior orbital fissure (green arrow) without widening (the posterior ledge is marked with a blue
arrow) and an intact internal orbital buttress (red arrow).
The inferior border of the medial orbital wall is the ethmoid-maxillary suture line. The bony
condensation along this line is the internal orbital buttress.
Enophthalmos: the ligamentous sling supporting the globe is disrupted.
Shape of the inferior rectus: Rounding of the relatively flat inferior rectus is an indication of loss of
ligamentous support and a higher likelihood of enophthalmos developing
NOE complex fractures involve the medial vertical (nasomaxillary) buttresses of the facial
Lacrimal Canaliculi
• A full thickness laceration is defined as complete disruption of the anterior and posterior
lamellar structures of the eyelid.
• Laceration medial to upper/ lower punctae involves canalicular system with rare exception.
• Most monocanalicular injuries can be treated with nil intubation of entire lacrimal system.
• Bicanalicular lacerations will require utilizing a technique which places a stent through the
entire system from the punctum to the nasolacrimal duct.
Nasal Bones
Anterior nasal spine fracture occurs in association to degloving injuries of the upper labial
vestibule as in a steering wheel injury.
Configurations of
Facial Factures
• Impact Force needed for fractures and Matchbox theory
J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2012 Jun; 11(2): 224–230.
1: Linear, minimally displaced fractures of
the outer wall
2: Comminuted or depressed anterior
table fractures (may or may not involve
the nasofrontal duct)
3: Both anterior and posterior frontal
sinus walls involved by comminuted
4: Comminuted anterior and posterior
wall fractures with dural injury and
potential CSF leak
5: Comminuted anterior and posterior
wall fractures with dural injury and
potential cerebrospinal fluid leak in
addition to tissue and/or bone loss.
Manolidis, Seminars in Plastic Surgery
2002; 16(3): 261-272
An anterior table fracture (A)
A posterior table fracture (B)
A nasofrontal recess fracture (C)
A dural tear (CSF leak) (D)
Fracture comminution
Frontal Fractures Algorithm
Open reduction internal fixation
Zygoma Common Fracture Patterns
IOF (inferior orbital fissure) to FZ (Frontozygomatic)
IOF to Maxilla orbital plate (infraorbital rim)
IOF anteriorly to Maxilla infratemporal surface
Zygomatic Arch
• Buckling theory- orbital floor-weakest part of orbital boundaries gives way
• Hydraulic theory: globe content-> orbital floor
• Blowout: herniation through floor
• Trapdoor: herniation but return of # to original position
Markowitz/Sargent Classification (NOE)
Markowitz BL, Manson PN, Sargent L, et al (1991) Management of the medial canthal tendon in nasoethmoid orbital
fractures: the importance of the central fragment in classification and treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg. 87(5):843-53
TYPE I NOE Fractures (Markowitz)
In unilateral Markowitz type I fractures, there is a single large NOE fragment bearing the medial
canthal tendon.
TYPE I NOE Fractures
Involvement of the nasal bone
The nasal bone may also be involved and, in cases of comminution, may not provide adequate
dorsal support to the nasal bridge.
TYPE II NOE Fractures
In unilateral type II fractures, there is often comminution of the NOE area, but the canthal
tendon remains attached to a fragment of bone, allowing the canthus to be stabilized with wires
or a small plate on the fractured segment.
TYPE III NOE Fractures
In type III fractures, there is often comminution of the NOE area (as in type II fractures) and a
detachment of the medial canthal tendon from the bone.
Nasal Fractures
Laterally displaced fractures
-occur secondary to a lateral
blow to the nose.
Dorsal nasal septum
Posteriorly depressed
-direct blow over the nasal
bones, which are pushed
inside to the ascending
process of the maxilla.
-The nasal septum is
always involved. This type
of fracture can be
associated with NOE
The Le Fort classification is a historic classification still widely used to classify midfacial fractures.
The Le Fort classification (René Le Fort, 1869-1951, France) is based upon experiments where
cadavers were exposed to frontal impacts.
Lefort I
Le Fort I :
-Horizontal maxillary fracture. may be linear (simple) or comminuted (complex).
-Line extends from piriform aperture through the lateral maxillary and lateral nasal walls to the
posterior region and will often include a segment of pterygoid plates.
Lefort II
Le Fort II:
-pyramidal maxillary fracture.
-fracture line: ptyerigoid region zygomaticomaxillary buttress medial infraorbital rim
behind lacrimal bone and along medial wall of the orbit nasal dorsum crosses and
proceeds to opposite side in same manner.
-Various amounts of the pterygoid plates will usually remain attached to the posterior maxilla.
Lefort III
Le Fort III
-craniofacial dysjunction: facial bones is separated from the cranial base.
-fracture line: frontozygomatic suture lateral aspect of the internal orbit along the
sphenozygomatic suture line  inferior orbital fissure  medially across floor of the orbit up
the medial wall of the orbit dorsum of the nose where it crosses and proceeds to the opposite
side in the same manner.
AO Classification
Level-1: presence of fractures in 4 separate anatomical units: the mandible (code 91), midface
(92), skull base (93) and cranial vault (94)
Level-2: detailed topographic location of the fractures
Level-3: morphology—fragmentation, displacement, and bone defects
Code 92 Z0.I1.U1.I0 :
Right to left classification
Z0: Right side zygoma: single fracture line (nonfragmented fracture)
I1. U1: multiple fracture lines (fragmented fracture) in the right ICM and UCM
I0: non- fragmented fracture in the ICM on the left side.
Existing Lacerations
Soft-tissue injuries can be used to directly access fracture sites for fracture
Coronal Approach
The coronal or bi-temporal approach is used to expose the anterior cranial vault, the
forehead, and the upper and middle regions of the facial skeleton.
The coronal approach is placed remotely in order to avoid visible facial scars.
• The subperiosteal or subgaleal planes are commonly used for coronal flap dissection.
• To protect the temporal branch of the facial nerve when the zygoma and the zygomatic arch
are accessed, the superficial layer of the temporalis fascia is divided along an oblique line
from the level of the tragus to the supraorbital ridge to enter the temporal fat pad. The
dissection below this fascial splitting line is carried out just inside the fat pad deep to the
superficial layer of temporalis fascia until the zygomatic arch and zygoma are subperiosteally
For exposure of the nasofrontal and the nasoethmoid region as well as the medial orbit, the
trochlea needs to be disinserted together with its connective tissue attachments from the
frontal bone.
Short sagittal incisions through the periosteum over the midline of the nasal dorsum will release
the soft-tissue tension and facilitate the retraction of the coronal flap down to the
osteocartilagineous junction.
Intra-oral Vestibular approach
The maxillary vestibular approach is simple and safe, as long as the dissection proceeds strictly
in the subperiosteal plane.
Though the overall morbidity is low, potential complications can occur from some of these
anatomic structures:
Infraorbital nerve
Nasolabial musculature
Buccal fat pad
Pterygoid venous plexus
Zygomaticofacial nerve
Endoscopic Evaluation
A 1.0 to 1.2 cm skin incision is placed midway between the medial canthus and the
glabella. The incision should be 1 cm inferior to the brow to avoid injury to the
supratrochlear neurovascular pedicles. A small gull-wing-shaped incision can be used to
avoid scar contracture.
Circular Endonasal Incision
Intercartilaginous incision (A)
Transfixion incision (B)
Nasal floor incision along the piriform aperture (C)
• The upper lateral cartilages are left in place connected over the anterior septal border and
linked to the cranial margin of the piriform aperture.
• Degloving of the nose, nasal radix, and ethmoid region
• After intranasal freeing, the soft-tissue envelope over the nose and the midface can be lifted
in a subperiosteal and subperichondrial plane all the way up into the ethmoid region.
Transoral (Keen)– lateral maxillary
vestibular incision
• Most direct access to the zygomatic arch.
• Intraoral incision, and therefore does not have the risk of scar alopecia that will result from a
temporal (Gillies) approach.
• A 2 cm lateral maxillary vestibular incision (upper gingival buccal incision) is made with a
scalpel or a cautery device just at the base of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress. The incision
is made through mucosa only.
Temporal (Gillies) approach - Skin incision
The Gillies technique describes a temporal incision (2 cm in length), made 2.5 cm superior and
anterior to the helix, within the hairline.
A temporal incision is made. Care is taken to avoid the superficial temporal artery.
Temporal (Gillies) approach - Exposure
An instrument is inserted deep to the temporalis fascia and superficial to the
temporalis muscle. Using a back-and-forth motion the instrument is advanced until
it is medial to the depressed zygomatic arch
A Rowe zygomatic elevator is inserted just deep to the depressed zygomatic arch and an
outward force is applied.
Great care should be taken not to fulcrum off the squamous portion of the temporal bone.
Lower Eyelid Incisions
There are three basic approaches through the external skin of the lower eyelid to give access to
the inferior, lower medial, and lateral aspects of the orbital cavity:
Subciliary (A, synonym: lower blepharoplasty)
Subtarsal (B, synonym: lower or mideyelid)
Infraorbital (C, synonym: inferior orbital rim)
The subciliary approach can be extended laterally to gain access to the lateral orbital rim (D).
• Infraorbital incisions lie at transition between the thin eyelid skin and the thicker cheek skin.
• Predisposed to edema and increased visibility of the scars, even when the incision runs
curvilinear within the resting skin tension lines.
• lost its former popularity.
A) Transconjunctival (inferior fornix transconjunctival using a retroseptal or preseptal route)
B) Transcaruncular (=medial transconjunctival)
C) Transconjunctival with lateral skin extension (lateral canthotomy/”swinging eyelid”)
D) Combination of inferior (A) and medial (B) transconjunctival
E) C-shaped incision (ie, Combination of inferior (A) and medial transconjunctival (B) plus lateral
skin extension (C))
• the retroseptal route enters directly into the fat compartments of the lower eyelids.
• The preseptal route requires entering the suborbicularis oculi/preseptal space above the
fusion of the lower lid retractors and the orbital septum. This allows direct visualization of
the septum
The soft-tissue space deep to the caruncle is spread in a posteromedial direction on top of
Horner’s muscle. Following the surface of the muscle the dissection will proceed directly to the
posterior lacrimal crest where the muscle inserts. The tip of the scissors may be used to palpate
the underlying bone.