One word substitution 2 1. A written declaration of government or political party. Manifesto 2. Papers written by hand. 3. That moves from one place to another 4. A person working merely for money 5. A cinema show which is held in the afternoon 6. Concerning marriage 7. A place in which objects illustrating art , history are displayed 8 A person suffering from nervous disorder 9. A drug which produces sleep 10. A lady who attends sick or infants Nurse 11. One who always looks at the bright side of things optimistic 12 A thing through which a ray of light cannot pass Opaque 13. One who is present everywhere Omnipresent 14. One who is all powerful Omnipotent 15. One who is prescribe glass 16. A place where astronomical observation are made 17. A place where fruit trees are grown Orchard 18. A thing which is open to objection Objectionable 19. A child whose parents are dead Orphan 20. A person of traditional belief Orthodox 21. A young man who promises to be great man in time 22. 23. A warrant of protection & permission to travel specially in foreign country One who is liked by all Popular 24 That which can be easily carried 25. A place where water is collected & stored Manuscript Migratory Mercenary Matinee Matrimonial Museum Neurotic Narcotic Optician Observatory Promising Passport Portable Reservoir ANSWERS 1. Manifesto 2. Manuscript 3. Migratory 4. Mercenary 5. Matinee 6. Matrimonial 7. Museum 8 Neurotic 9. Narcotic 10. Nurse 11. Optimistic 12 Opaque 13. Omnipresent 14. Omnipotent 15. Optician 16. Observatory 17. Orchard 18. Objectionable 19. Orphan 20. Orthodox 21. Promising 22. Passport 23. Popular 24 Portable 25. Reservoir