ALIVE & FREE C O N S U LT I N G www.we b si te .co m COPYRIGHT © 2019 ALIVE & FREE LLC 5 - STEP HEART HACK GUIDE IDENTIFY THE UNMET NEEDS IN YOUR HEART THAT LEAD TO TOXIC CYCLES Connecting to your heart and finding out the basic human needs that have gone unmet your whole life are the first steps to finding freedom from toxic emotional cycles and unhealthy tendencies. Most people think they understand self awareness but they really just end up trapped in introspection, naval-gazing to find more things to judge about themselves. Proverbs 13:12... About the Coach I'm Sammi Robbins and I help Christian woman get connected to their hearts and to God so they can let go of the destructive cycles and behaviors that keep them from being fully alive and present. "A hope differed makes the heart grow sick but a Desire Fulfilled is a tree of Life." Your needs are not bad and you are not bad. There is a practical way for your desires to be met in a healthy way. God's waiting to meet it. 5 - STEP HEART HACK GUIDE 1 IDENTIFY YOUR MOST UNHEALTHY TENDENCIES 2 CONNECT TO YOUR EMOTIONS 3 Understanding Where it Came From We all have ways that we protect Remember the last time you fell into each Of the 3 that resonated the most, pick ourselves from feeling unloved, tendency and reflect on the moment just the feeling you've most consistently felt unchosen, rejected, abandoned, and before you acted out. What were you throughout your life (We'll start small). powerless. These things usually show feeling? You don't have to get this perfect... Now ask yourself, "When was the first their face with unhealthy patterns such Read this list Carefully and pick 3 that time I felt this?" You may need to close as going to food for comfort, self resonate most. Were you scared? Angry? your eyes and wait. This may reveal itself sabotage, self protection/withdrawal, Sad? Betrayed? Disgusted? Jealous? through an image, thought, or memory. sleeping around, alcoholism, Ashamed? Grieved? Rejected? Anxious? Take what came to you...Now what were workaholism, mindless Netflix Hateful? Guilty? Helpless/powerless? you ultimately desiring the moment abuse (yep, its a thing), porn, and a slew Embarrassed? Frustrated? Bitter? Violated? before you were met with that feeling. of other things. Identify your top 3 Neglected? Alone? Disappointed? Ugly? See the list of Desires Below if you need tendencies. Don't judge yourself. Identify. help. 5 - STEP HEART HACK GUIDE 4 DIVORCE FROM SHAME With that desire, now you know that the only reason you invited 5 MEET THE NEEDS Now I want you to close your eyes (Obviously Not right now right that tendency or cycle into your life is because you had a healthy now...because you're reading LOL). When your eyes are closed, I need that went unmet. When anybody has a need that has gone want you to picture yourself with your desire as if it were in your unmet, we find a way to get it met, be it healthy or toxic. The only hands and tangible. Now this may take some childlike way to destroy the toxic cycle is by getting that Good Desire imagination...But I want you to hand that desire to God (we fulfilled in a healthy way. You were doing the best you knew how believe one way God encounters us is through imagination: see with the tools you had. Shame will never heal you or make you references below). Then Ask God, "How do you want to fulfill this better. desire?" Take the first thought, feeling, or thing you sense and trust that its Him, because it is. The more disconnected you are from your heart or the child in you, the more difficult this will be, but don't lose hope DESIRE LIST CONNECTI ON: WORTH , TO BE KNOWN / SEEN/ HEARD , JOY, LOVE STA BIL ITY : BE LO NG ING , CO MF OR T, SEC UR ITY , PE AC E COMPETENCE: APPROVAL , RECOGNITION, GOODNESS, FOLLOW THROUGH AC HI EV EM EN T: DO M, SIG NI FIC AN CE , FR EE E NG JU ST IC E, CH AL LE 5 - STEP HEART HACK GUIDE If any of this feels difficult, don't lose heart. The goal of this process is not to be perfect or to fix yourself. You're a whole person that is in a process of healing. True emotional health comes when you embrace and love yourself in the middle of the journey and messes we experience. If you want to dive deeper into experiencing emotional wholeness, sign up for my free training. References: Matthew 18: 3- You will by no means inherit the kingdom of heaven unless you become converted and like that of a little child. John 10:27- My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. 1 Corinthians 2:16- We have the mind of Christ. Ephesians 3:17- He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask, think, dream, or imagine...