Uploaded by JamesKarington

Cadet Shields Performance Evaluation

Assigned the 12x4 navigation watch underway and cargo deck watch in port,
stood navigation watch (manual ECDIS plotting)during pilotage waters, conducted
cargo hold bilge and ballast tank soundings, provided administrative assistance to
both Master (port entry preparations) and Chief Officer (personnel files /check in
files maintenance), conducted inventories of various items, assisted in the
maintenance of the vessel training computer program, assisted the Bosun doing
on deck maintenance and PM checks and assisted the 2nd Mate in maintaining
the Seletar’s navigation portfolio and 3rd Mate during FFA and LSA inspections and
Cadet Shields is developing into a capable and skilled midshipman. Although this
is his first ship he has adjusted to the fast pace of a container ship on a liner
service. He takes all taskings in stride and is eager to learn and improve his
working knowledge of the Seletar. With one voyage completed he is ready to
take on the second voyage with improved skills and knowledge. A welcome
member of the crew.