12 June 2020 Dear Parents We were inspected yesterday by an official from the Department of Education for KwaZuluNatal in terms of our Covid-19 compliance. The inspector was with us for approximately half an hour and seemed more than satisfied with what he saw but had to report to a more senior administrator in the Department for us to get official clearance to allow boys to come back to school on a “phased-in basis”. At the time of writing, we do not have this clearance yet, but other schools which have met the criteria do have such clearance and have started to admit pupils other than Grade 12s back to school. My feeling is that we cannot sit and “do nothing” any longer so I am “sticking my neck out” as it were and offering an opportunity for the B and C Blocks to return to Michaelhouse from Sunday 14 June or Monday 15 June (see timings below) should parents wish to bring them back to school on the basis that this is entirely in line with the “phasingin” approach. Our online learning will continue as previously and I fully recognize that it may be inconvenient for you to have the boys return since we will be breaking for two weeks on Friday 19 June and the plan would anyway be for the whole school, including the D and E Blocks to reassemble on Monday 6 July. Coming back to school will give the opportunity for some to meet up with friends again as well as their teachers, but they will need to recognize that we are now wearing masks at school, that social distancing is strictly applied, that the sport we have is based on individual exercise and that there are many factors that make it a slightly different experience. A more detailed description of the return follows. It is mostly taken from my letter of 26 May to all parents: CAMPUS PREPARATION All school facilities will have been inspected and sanitised by a professional company specialising in this area and deep cleaned where necessary to ensure, as far as possible, a coronavirus-free environment when the boys return. Boarding facilities have been inspected to ensure that they are compliant with physical distancing best practice. Sanitisers have been placed at key points in buildings, Houses, within classrooms, etc. Clear guidelines of ‘Basics for Hygiene’ have been posted in boarding houses, and in other appropriate areas in English and Zulu. The school will provide all boys with correct spec masks and all boys will have –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Balgowan KwaZulu-Natal 3275 South Africa Telephone +27 33 234 1000 Facsimile +27 33 234 4612 www.michaelhouse.org four washable masks. Daily washing of masks will be facilitated. The school has purchased thermometers for the checking of boys’ temperatures on a daily basis by Housemasters. All staff have been screened for ill-health and this procedure will continue on a daily basis for the immediate future. All staff have been “inducted” into appropriate Covid-19 protocols including the standard social distancing and sanitising etiquette. The San staff have the required PPE equipment and procedures are in place for the arrival and triage of boys at the San so that the San is able to stay a Covid-19 free area. A separate short-term stay area has been set up, away from the rest of the San, but adjacent to it, where a boy suspected of having coronavirus would stay prior to his departure from Michaelhouse for testing. PRE-DEPARTURE FOR MICHAELHOUSE It has already been recommended that all boys have the flu vaccination. This has nothing to do with coronavirus but remains a strong recommendation. Where possible, we would ask parents to return boys in person. This will ensure that any boys who are not well when they are screened are able to return home immediately with their parents. For travel purposes Caryl Ballance (carbal@michaelhouse.org) will send each returning boys and you as parents, a recognised travel permit to say that you are returning him to school and that he is a student at Michaelhouse. As mentioned above, for the good of all boys and staff, a swift exit strategy for every boy must be in place should any significant and relevant health concerns be identified. This is part of the updated health questionnaire which will be sent by email very shortly by Allan Laing, the Deputy Rector: Pupils for your completion and prompt return. o This will require appropriate answers to the following questions: Who will collect your son if he needs to leave the school and how quickly can this be arranged should we deem it necessary? For those living further away, is there a local place of residence where he may self-quarantine? This exit strategy would be necessary should a boy present with symptoms of the virus or if greater national/regional lockdown regulations are reinstated. As already indicated, the well-being of all associated with Michaelhouse needs to be borne in mind. TRAVEL AND ARRIVING AT MICHAELHOUSE It is vital that all boys returning must be in possession of the necessary permit to travel, especially those crossing provincial boundaries. We will arrange for a permit from the school, as indicated above, but that is the limit of our authority on this matter. We understand that national borders remain closed. Boys will be able to return to school on Sunday 14 June between 11h00 and 15h00, or Monday 16 June at 08h00 either in school uniform or in civvies. We –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Balgowan KwaZulu-Natal 3275 South Africa Telephone +27 33 234 1000 Facsimile +27 33 234 4612 www.michaelhouse.org suggest civvies might be easier in the circumstances. On his return, there will be an initial welcoming procedure at the Michaelhouse gate and you and your son will be directed to the Indoor Centre for his screening by the San Sisters. There will be screening carried out at 11h00, 12h00, 13h00, 14h00 and 15h00, followed by a brief Covid-19 related induction for the boys after such screening or on Monday 15 June at 08h00. (A fuller induction for the boys will occur later in the day). Please, therefore, do NOT go directly to your son’s boarding house. Lavatory facilities will be available for parents in the Old Boys Club of the Heritage Centre and the Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ rooms will also be available in the Centenary Centre. We wish to be welcoming, but to avoid creating a social gathering. Please observe social distancing! The temperatures of boys will be taken on arrival at Michaelhouse. Please do not return your son if he is currently sick with flu or flu like symptoms. If any boy has respiratory symptoms with a temperature over 38 degrees and pulse over 120, we must insist that he leaves with his parents immediately for the well-being of others. Boys/parents will have been required to have completed a questionnaire on their son’s health (as under Pre-Departure for Michaelhouse). Further travel and contact history may be required – any contact with an infected person needs to be declared as well as whether any family members have been involved with the delivery of an essential service or visiting any areas likely to be Covid-19 Hotspots in the last 6 months. Medical confidentiality will be strictly observed. Once cleared, boys will have their brief Covid-19 related induction and then may proceed to their boarding house. BOARDING AND RE-INTEGRATION WITH FRIENDS AT SCHOOL While we look forward to the return of the boys and know they will enjoy the camaraderie of being with their friends again, for the safety of everyone, we have to be strict in implementing “good practice” in their Houses and in the school as a whole. Boys will, therefore, need to accept and follow all necessary steps, practices and regulations which are instituted within the Michaelhouse environment during these times. Failure to do so may result in a harder line than usual being taken for infractions that put others’ health at risk. Any boy who consistently does not adhere to the policy concerning physical distancing, hand sanitisation, the correct wearing of a mask and any self-diagnosis measures required will have to be sent home immediately. Boys will be issued with four face masks in their House colour for daily use when at school. Each boy must be in possession of his own personal hand sanitiser bottle and use it to sanitise appropriately. These will be issued to boys. All staff, boys and visiting parents are required to wear a cloth mask around the school buildings. Parents may not enter the boarding houses. All staff and boys are expected to wash their hands regularly and to follow the –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Balgowan KwaZulu-Natal 3275 South Africa Telephone +27 33 234 1000 Facsimile +27 33 234 4612 www.michaelhouse.org general hygiene guidelines that are on display throughout the school. As far as possible, social distancing will be implemented and the responsibility is on individuals to ensure they respect these regulations. Boys will not be allowed into other boarding houses, only their own. Any member of the community who observes, experiences or shows symptoms of the virus must bring this immediately to the attention of the relevant Housemaster and/or Sanatorium staff. There will be no leaves granted in the immediate future. Boys returning to school must expect to stay until the end of term in order to minimize the hazard of the spread of the virus. We will ensure the boys have access to physical activities and, during certain times of the day, will make facilities available for individual exercise. (This may be restricted to running and cycling depending on government regulations which may change. No team sports are permitted at this stage.) CONCLUSION While the measures above may seem draconian in nature to some, they are necessary to ensure that we create as safe an environment as possible and also one in which the boys will be able to enjoy being back at school. Within time, there may be guidance about the relaxation of some of the stipulations above, but it is important that you, as parents, feel confident that we are doing everything possible to promote the well-being of the boys returning to the school environment. We simply cannot have a casual approach to these matters. I wish to reiterate that we really do want to welcome the boys back to school in a phased way and in line with good practice and I am sure that they will value enormously once again being part of the Michaelhouse community. With my best wishes ANTONY CLARK RECTOR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Balgowan KwaZulu-Natal 3275 South Africa Telephone +27 33 234 1000 Facsimile +27 33 234 4612 www.michaelhouse.org