My Reading Bingo After you have finished your tasks, complete one of the activities in your Reading Bingo Square and get it signed off. Good luck! Create a Wordle about your favourite character. Choose a descriptive passage from the book and write a list of examples of imagery – similes, metaphors, alliteration etc. Pick a descriptive word from the text and use a thesaurus to find 5 synonyms and antonyms. Summarise the story so far using a mind map. Draw an illustration for the chapter. Define the genre the book is from and list the features of this genre. Grammar Hunt – read and find nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. Predict what will happen next in the story. Use the question fans to write at least 6 questions to go with the book. Ask your partner to answer them. Write an acrostic poem about your favourite character. Summarise the main events in the chapter in a paragraph. Draw and label a character/setting from the description in the text. Create a quiz to go with the text. Rewrite the blurb of the text in your own words. List 5 traits of your favourite character. Include quotations as evidence to back up your thinking. Make up a new title for each chapter in the book. Read the chapter again for pleasure or read the next chapter. Write an alternative beginning or ending for the text. Give the book a new title. Remember to explain your thinking. Find the main ideas – summarise 3 important events from the story/chapter. Re-tell the story/chapter using post- its. Choose five new/tricky words and find the definition. Create a new front cover and explain your thinking. Highlight 10 adjectives/adverbs and give alternatives. Research the author on the internet and list 5 interesting facts about them. Create an interview of 5 questions with the author. Create a comic strip of the main events in the chapter. Write a sentence explaining each picture. Write a Book Review for the text, giving your star rating.