Justin White June 3, 2020 Nietzsche Reflection Response: Becoming the Child Nietzsche’s philosophical analogy of the ‘Camel, Lion, and the Child’ can be applied to the re-examining of my initial upbringing and early worldview; one aspect to be deconstructed in this written reflection is my personal overview of the career success attributed when completing quality education. Indeed, throughout my educational career, my parents always governed me with the thought that attending private and recognized institutions would provide an increased probability of attending higher education and most likely, create financial stability by working for a stable company. Reflecting upon their own experience, they wanted to provide me with better opportunities, for which I will always be grateful. However, their view of reaching a successful career by the means of attending and completing higher education is not one that I share. Through the ‘Camel’ phase, I realized that I did not wish to preserve their core value, as it did not reflect the modern capacity of being autodidact and independent from the government system of education. Towards the second phase, I finally became the lion. Indeed, I chose to enroll in a different college program than what my parents initially expected and informed them that I will not be attending university. I enrolled in an entrepreneur program to become independent from the rat-race. In the final step, I evolved into a child by leaving behind the past and creating my own new set of values towards education and success. I did not despise my parents, as they had no ill intentions. I simply moved forward knowing that I have the capacity of becoming successful and independent from the educational system imbedded in modern society.