Client Consultation Form – Body Treatments College Name: Kerry ETB Training Centre. College Number: Learner Name: Alyson O Connor. Learner Number: Date: 19/5/18 PERSONAL DETAILS Age group: Under 20 20–30 30–40 40–50 Lifestyle: Active Sedentary Last visit to the doctor: four months ago GP Address: Oakpark medical centre No. of children (if applicable): 0 Date of last period (if applicable): 2 weeks ago Client Name: Emer O Sullivan Address: 21 St Brendans Park, Tralee Profession: Student Tel. No: 0835448460 50–60 60+ CONTRAINDICATIONS REQUIRING MEDICAL PERMISSION – in circumstances where medical permission cannot be obtained clients must give their informed consent in writing prior to treatment (select if/where appropriate): Pregnancy Any dysfunction of the nervous system (e.g. Cardio vascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, Muscular sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Motor hypertension, hypotension, heart conditions) neurone disease) Bell’s Palsy Haemophilia Trapped/Pinched nerve (e.g. sciatica) Any condition already being treated by a GP or Inflamed nerve another practitioner Cancer Medical oedema Postural deformities Osteoporosis Spastic conditions Arthritis Kidney infections Nervous/Psychotic conditions Whiplash Epilepsy Slipped disc Recent operations Undiagnosed pain Diabetes When taking prescribed medication Asthma Acute rheumatism CONTRAINDICATIONS THAT RESTRICT TREATMENT Fever Contagious or infectious diseases Under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol Diarrhoea and vomiting Skin diseases Undiagnosed lumps and bumps Localised swelling Inflammation Varicose veins Pregnancy (abdomen) Cuts Bruises Abrasions Scar tissues (2 years for major operation and 6 months for a small scar) Sunburn Hormonal implants Version 3 (select if/where appropriate): Abdomen (first few days of menstruation depending how the client feels) Haematoma Hernia Recent fractures (minimum 3 months) Cervical spondylitis Gastric ulcers After a heavy meal Conditions affecting the neck Any metal pins or plates Loss of skin sensation (test with tactile test) IUD (coil) Anaphylaxis Muscle fatigue Pacemaker Body piercing Excessive erythema WRITTEN PERMISSION REQUIRED BY: GP/Specialist Informed consent Either of which should be attached to the consultation form PERSONAL INFORMATION (select if/where appropriate): Muscular/Skeletal problems: Back Aches/Pain Digestive problems: Constipation Circulation: Heart Kidney problems Stiff joints Headaches Bloating Liver/Gall bladder Blood pressure Fluid retention Stomach Tired legs Varicose veins Cellulite Cold hands and feet Gynaecological: Irregular periods P.M.T Nervous system: Migraine Tension Menopause H.R.T Pill Coil Other: Stress Depression Immune system: Prone to infections Sore throats Colds Chest Sinuses Regular antibiotic/medication taken: No Herbal remedies taken: no Ability to relax: Good Moderate Sleep patterns: Good Poor Poor Average No. of hours: 8 Do you see natural daylight in your workplace? Yes No Do you work at a computer? Yes No Do you eat regular meals? Yes If yes how many hours: 3 No Do you eat in a hurry? Yes No Do you take any food/vitamin supplements? Yes No How many portions of each of these items does your diet contain per day? Fresh fruit: 2 Fresh vegetables: 1 Protein: 2 source? Chicken eggs Dairy produce: 1 Sweet things: 3 Added salt: 0 Added sugar: 2 How many units of these drinks do you consume per day? Tea: 3 Coffee: 2 Fruit juice: 0 Water: 2 glasses Soft drinks: 0 Others: 1-2 energy drinks Do you suffer from food allergies? Yes Overeating? Yes No Bingeing? Yes No No Do you smoke? No Yes How many per day? Do you drink alcohol? No Yes How many units per day? Do you exercise? None Occasional What is your skin type? Dry Oily Irregular Hay Fever Asthma Skin cancer Stress level: 1–10 (10 being the highest) At work 5 At home 2 TESTS Nerve sensitivity test: Yes No Heat sensitivity test: Version 3 Yes No Types walking and running Combination Sensitive Dehydrated Do you suffer/have you suffered from: Dermatitis Allergies Regular 2 (Result Normal) (Result Normal) Acne Eczema Psoriasis BODY ANALYSIS Height: 165.5cm Weight: 85kg Body type/conditions: endomorph Areas of cellulite: thighs Postural conditions: lordosis. She leans more to left side. Areas of soft fat: abdomen, arms, thighs Poor muscle tone – abs Stretch marks – inner thighs MEASUREMENTS: Upper chest (under the arms): 93cm Maximum chest: 103cm Below bust: 91cm Waist: 88cm Hips: 107cm Maximum buttocks (on hairline): 112cm MUSCLE TEST (select if/where appropriate): Quadriceps: Excellent Good Average Poor Hamstrings: Excellent Good Average Poor Biceps: Excellent Good Average Poor Triceps: Excellent Good Average Poor Abdominal: Excellent Good Average Poor Version 3 Top of thigh: R: 68 1 inch/2cm above knee: R: 48 Maximum calf muscle: R: 40 Ankle: R: 23 Middle of upper arm: R: 31.5 Middle of lower arm: R: 25 Wrist: R: 17 L: 70 L: 45 L: 41 L: 23 L: 31.5 L: 24 L: 17.5 EXERCISE ADVICE: Please see attached to the end of the case study. Client Profile. My client Emer is a 21 year old full time student. She has college 5 days a week and does not see much daylight when in college. She works at a computer for several hours a day and for a few hours in the evening also when she is studying. She gets a lift to and from college everyday so she has to rely on friends and family from lifts which can be stressful some days when she finds it hard to find a lift. Her sleep patterns are good as she gets an average of 8 hours a night. Her ability relax is good and she spent a lot of time watching television. She tries to fit in a good nights study every evening along with doing household tasks and having time with family. Emer has a healthy enough diet where she has a good intake of fresh fruit and veg and a high protein diet. If she gets peckish in the evenings she will look for sweet things and she might have 3 sweet things a day which are very high in sugar. She drinks alcohol very rarely and does not smoke. My client has a lot of soft fat on areas of her body such as her things, arms and abdomen. She has hard fat on her outer thighs and cellulite on her thighs also which she is very conscious of. The cellulite on her legs is her main area of concern and she also has stretch marks around the cellulite also. With Emer’s posture I could see that she has lordosis and also leans more to the left side. Treatment Details. From our consultation and figure analysis we have decided to use the G5, Galvanic and microcurrent. I started by positioning my client on the bed and sanitizing her feet with surgical spirits. Next I performed a skin sensitivity test and the results were normal. I started by sanitizing the area to be treated using surgical spirits and dried the area. I set up my machine and sanitized as I explained the treatment to my client. G5 – Gyratory vibrator. I began by using the G5 as a pre heat treatment. This is the Carlton Professional and is used as a mechanical massage. It is connected to the mains supply that runs a motorised pump. It has a cooling system that stops the machine overheating. It has several different types of applicator heads: Sponge heads are used for effleurage Hard rubber heads are used for petrissage Spiky or brush heads are used for tapotement Lighthouse applicator is used for frictions G5 has many effects on the body: It helps relax tense muscles Eases muscular pain It improves lymphatic flow and aids the removal of waste products Version 3 It stimulates the circulatory system, increasing blood supply to the area being treated, so providing nourishment to the skin It has a desquamating effect on the surface of the skin The advantages of this treatment is that it can produce a depth of massage far greater than that of manual massage, and is a far less personal treatment than manual massage which might be more suitable for some clients. Treatment procedure. I began by sitting my client down and explained the treatment process in full to ensure she was comfortable and ok to proceed. I sanitized my machine and any of the heads that I was using for the treatment. I used talc as my medium to ensure the G5 heads would move with ease. I used different heads to suit different body parts. I used the sponge head, round head, pin head, heavy pronged and egg box. The round and soft head are equivalent to effleurage. The pin head is used for petrissage. I was careful to turn on and off the machine under the couch. I used a medium pressure to suit my clients tolerance. I started the treatment by using effleurage. I used the machine at around 40-55 depending on the area being worked on. I worked over the soleus, gastrocnemius, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, transverse abdominus, erector spinae and biceps to name a few. I finished again by using effleurage. I removed the medium using hot towels. Client Feedback. My client was very pleased with this treatment. She found it much deeper than manual massage and enjoyed it thoroughly. She found it a great treatment for warming up the tissues before starting other treatments. After/Home Care Advice Given. Relax and take it easy for the rest of evening. Increase water intake to help with the removal of toxins. Increase exercise routine and get as much fresh air as possible daily. I gave my client a diet and exercise plan to help her achieve the best results. Version 3 Galvanic. Next I used the Galvanic on Emer’s problem areas which are her inner thighs and hip area. This method allows active substances into the skin on a galvanic charge. Saline solution is used on the pads in order to aid the flow of current. This treatments aims to soften up any areas of fat that Emer is worried about and it will also disperse the fluid retained in the area. It stimulates nerve endings in the skin and softens the tissues I set the machine on a steady surface, and ensured it was stable before I started the treatment. I checked all the leads and made sure there was no water near the machine. I also checked the PATT test to ensure it was safe and in good working order. Next I sanitised the machine and the pads attached to it. I explained the working principle of the machine to my client, the effects of the machine, what I am using and doing, and how long the treatment would take so that she felt fully comfortable before I began the treatment. Next I performed a tactile and sensitivity test on my client, first on the face and then the décolletage. The results were normal. I sanitized the area to be treated. I applied galvanic anti cellulite gel on to my clients areas of concern which are her thighs and buttocks area. I applied my negative pad (cathode) in a pocket covered in saline solution on to the area where I applied the gel. I applied the positive pad in a pocket opposite to the cathode. I applied the cathode to the area where the negative galvanic gel is because liked repel and they are both negative. Because of this the anti cellulite gel will be pushed down in to the skin. When all the pads were applied and my client was comfortable I began to turn on my machine. I explained to my client that she would feel a mild itchy sensation underneath the pads which is normal. The current is never to exceed 2 milliamps so I needed to pay close attention to the dials and my client. When my client felt comfortable with the dial at 1 milliamp we worked on the negative pole for 5 minutes. When the 5 minutes were up, I turned off the machine and switched the polarity of the machine to positive for half the length of time of 2 and a half minutes. When the treatment was concluded, I rose up my client and gave her aftercare advice. Client Feedback. My client was really happy and pleased with the result. She said it took getting used to the itchy sensation but other than that she really liked the treatment. Version 3 After/Home Care Advice Given. Relax and take it easy for the rest of evening. Increase water intake to help with the removal of toxins. Increase exercise routine and get as much fresh air as possible daily. I gave my client a diet and exercise plan to help her achieve the best results. Avoid and heat treatments. Microcurrent. Next I used the The Carlton Professional Microcurrent Machine on my client Emer on her problem areas which are her upper arms and front of thighs. It uses a modified direct current and is low intensity. It works on the gogli tendon organ which is present in every muscle. This machine helps to rejuvenate and recontour muscles using a low intensity direct current. It will work on the gogli tendon organ by using the same impulse as used by the body to help to keep the muscles toned and healthy. It is a pleasant, relaxing treatment which speeds up lymphatic drainage thereby removing toxins in the skin. I conducted the treatment as follows: I set the machine on a steady surface, and ensured it was stable before I started the treatment. I checked all the leads and made sure there was no water near the machine. I also checked the PATT test to ensure it was safe and in good working order. Next I sanitised the machine and all the instruments with the machine. I explained the working principle of the machine to my client, the effects of the machine, what I am using and doing, and how long the treatment would take so that she felt fully comfortable before I began the treatment. Next I performed a tactile and sensitivity test on my client, first on the face and then the décolletage. The results were normal. I tested the machine on myself to make sure it was in good working order. I sanitized the area to be treated. I used a mask brush to apply an even layer of microcurrent gel to her skin to allow the current to be conducted and for easy movement for the microcurrent probes over the skin. I switched the machine on to circulation to start warming the tissues firstly. I turned up the intensity slowly and moved the probes over her skin for 2-3 minutes to help increase circulation and warm up the tissues. I then switched the machine on to lifting 2 setting . I performed grab, glide and slide movements on the biceps and triceps. I also performed grab, glide and slide movements over the rectus femoris, Sartorius and adductors. I then turned down the intensity of the machine and kept circling the probes to disperse any current before removing them from my clients face. Version 3 I then removed the product from my client’s skin. I sat my client up gently and gave her homecare advice. This treatment took 20 minutes. Client Feedback. My client was really happy and pleased with the result. She found it very relaxing and enjoyed it thoroughly. I gave her a return appointment. After/Home Care Advice Given. Relax and take it easy for the rest of evening. Increase water intake to help with the removal of toxins. Increase exercise routine and get as much fresh air as possible daily. I gave my client a diet and exercise plan to help her achieve the best results. Student’s/Therapist’s Signature......................................... Client’s Signature................................................................. Version 3 Exercise plan. Squats – great for firm bums and thighs perform 2 sets of 15 to 24 repetitions (reps) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands down by your sides or stretched out in front for extra balance. Lower yourself by bending your knees until they are nearly at a right angle, with your thighs parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and don’t let your knees extend over your toes. Version 3 Lunges – great for firm bums and thighs 1 set of 15 to 24 reps with each leg Stand in a split stance with your right leg forward and left leg back. Slowly bend the knees, lowering into a lunge until both legs are nearly at right angles. Keeping the weight in your heels, push back up to starting position. Keep your back straight and don’t let your knees extend over your toes. Stomach Crunches 2 sets of 15 to 24 reps Lie down on your back, knees bent and hands behind your ears. Keeping your lower back pressed into the floor, raise your shoulder blades no more than 3 inches off the floor and slowly lower down. Don’t tuck your neck into your chest as you rise and don’t use your hands to pull your neck up. Version 3 Diet Plan 1500cals Version 3