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How to write Expository essay

Expository Essays
How to write expository essay
What is an expository essay?
The expository essay is a kind of essay that requires the student to
investigate the idea, evaluate the evidence, expose the idea, and
make a clear and concise argument about the idea.
This can be done through compare and contrast, definition, example,
cause and impact analysis, etc.
A clear, concise and deļ¬ned thesis statement
It is important that, the thesis statement be carefully condensed in
order to meet the criteria set out in the assignment.
If the student does not master that portion of the essay,
composing an effective or persuasive essay will be quite
difficult.Transitions are the mortar that holds together the base of
the essay.
The reader can not follow the arguments of the essay without a
logical progression of thought, and the structure will collapse.
Body paragraphs that include evidential support.
Each paragraph should be limited to the presentation of one general
concept. This will enable clearness and direction throughout the
essay. What is more, such conciseness provides easy readability for
one's audience.
It is necessary to remember that each paragraph of the body of the
essay must have some logical relation to the thesis argument in the
opening paragraph.
Evidential support and a bit of creativity
Students are often expected to write expository essays with little to no
preparation, thus, these essays usually do not allow for a significant
amount of statistical to factual evidence.
While creativity and artfulness are not often associated with essay writing,
it is still an art form. Seek not to get lost at the cost of writing something
insightful about the formulaic essence of the expository prose.
Remember, although you may not be making the next great novel, you are
trying to leave a lasting impression on the people who are evaluating your
At this point in the essay, students inevitably begin to Struggle. This is the
part of the essay that will leave the most immediate impression on the
reader's mind.
So it has to be powerful and logical. Do not enter any new information into
the conclusion; rather, synthesize and conclude on the information
presented in the body of the essay.
Five Paragraph Essay
In a five paragraph essay
1. Introductory paragraph
2. Three evidentiary body paragraphs
3. Conclusion
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