Uploaded by Scott Leitch-casey

Grade 4 Persuasive Letter Assignment: Class Pet

Name: _______________________________
Date: Thursday, June 4, 2020
Teacher: Mr. Leitch-Casey
Course: Grade 4 Language – Online Class
Queen Elizabeth Public School
1205 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON
Persuasive Letter Assignment: Our New Class Pet!
In this assignment, students will take their knowledge of writing and parts of a letter and use them to brainstorm ideas
for a class pet and create rough and final drafts of a persuasive letter outlining the pet we should have as a class, and
why. Students are also expected to edit one other classmate’s rough draft and provide feedback to improve their
writing. This letter should be written as a persuasive letter to convince the target audience (Mr. Leitch-Casey) which
class pet is appropriate to have. The rough copy of the persuasive letter will be dropped in the drop box on Module 4 of
the class website. The final copy of the letter will be submitted to the drop box on Module 5.
This is to be followed by a 2 to 3 minute video on Flipgrid where each student will explain how they feel after writing
and editing their letters, what went well for them, and what they could improve upon for next time.
Level 1
(D- to D+)
Level 2
(C- to C+)
Level 3
(B- to B+)
Level 4
(A- to A+)
Drafts and revises
their writing using a
variety of
literary, and graphic
forms and stylistic
elements appropriate
for the purpose and
audience, with
limited effectiveness.
Drafts and revises
their writing using a
variety of
literary, and graphic
forms and stylistic
elements appropriate
for the purpose and
audience, with some
Drafts and revises
their writing using a
variety of
literary, and graphic
forms and stylistic
elements appropriate
for the purpose and
audience, with great
Gathers limited
useful information
from 0-1 sources to
support ideas for
writing using a
variety of strategies
and oral, print, and
electronic sources.
Generates, gathers,
Generates, gathers,
and organizes ideas
and organizes ideas
and information to
and information to
write for an intended write for an intended
purpose and
purpose and
audience with limited
Knowledge and Understanding
Demonstrates limited
knowledge about the knowledge about the
class pet they are
class pet they are
writing about.
writing about.
Gathers some useful
information from 1-2
sources to support
ideas for writing
using a variety of
strategies and print
and electronic
Generates, gathers,
and organizes ideas
and information to
write for an intended
purpose and
audience with some
Drafts and revises
their writing using a
variety of
literary, and graphic
forms and stylistic
elements appropriate
for the purpose and
audience, with
Gathers useful
information from 2-3
sources to support
ideas for writing
using a variety of
strategies and print
and electronic
Generates, gathers,
and organizes ideas
and information to
write for an intended
purpose and
audience with
Demonstrates some
knowledge about the
class pet they are
writing about.
Demonstrates good
knowledge about the
class pet they are
writing about.
extensive knowledge
about the class pet
they are writing
Drafts and revises
their writing using a
variety of
literary, and graphic
forms and stylistic
elements appropriate
for the purpose and
Gathers useful
information to
support ideas for
writing using a
variety of strategies
and print and
electronic sources.
Gathers useful
information from
more than 3 sources
to support ideas for
writing using a
variety of strategies
and print and
electronic sources
Generates, gathers,
and organizes ideas
and information to
write for an intended
purpose and
audience with great
Spells words correctly
using a variety of
resources and
Understands grade
vocabulary and
language structures.
Reflects on their
strengths as writers,
areas for
improvement, and
the strategies they
found most helpful at
different stages in
the writing process.
Uses editing,
proofreading, and
publishing skills and
strategies, and
knowledge of
conventions, to
correct errors, refine
expression, and
present their work.
Communicates ideas
in a clear, coherent
manner, presenting
ideas, opinions, and
information using an
Produces pieces of
published work to
meet identified
criteria based on the
expectations related
to content,
organization, style,
use of conventions,
and use of writing
Letter has many
spelling and grammar
errors. Letter is
difficult to read and
Demonstrates limited
understanding of
grade appropriate
vocabulary and
language structures.
Letter has some
spelling and grammar
errors. Letter is okay
to read and follow.
Letter has a few
spelling and grammar
errors. Letter is easy
to read and follow.
Letter has very
few/no spelling and
grammar errors.
Letter is easy to read
and follow.
understanding of
grade appropriate
vocabulary and
language structures.
Demonstrates some
understanding of
grade appropriate
vocabulary and
language structures.
Demonstrates good
understanding of
grade appropriate
vocabulary and
language structures.
Barely reflects on
their strengths as
writers, areas for
improvement, and
the strategies they
found most helpful at
different stages in
the writing process.
With limited success,
uses editing,
proofreading, and
publishing skills and
strategies, and
knowledge of
conventions, to
correct errors, refine
expression, and
present their work.
Briefly reflects on
their strengths as
writers, areas for
improvement, and
the strategies they
found most helpful at
different stages in
the writing process.
With some success,
uses editing,
proofreading, and
publishing skills and
strategies, and
knowledge of
conventions, to
correct errors, refine
expression, and
present their work.
Usually reflects on
their strengths as
writers, areas for
improvement, and
the strategies they
found most helpful at
different stages in
the writing process.
With considerable
success, uses editing,
proofreading, and
publishing skills and
strategies, and
knowledge of
conventions, to
correct errors, refine
expression, and
present their work.
Always reflects on
their strengths as
writers, areas for
improvement, and
the strategies they
found most helpful at
different stages in
the writing process.
With great success,
uses editing,
proofreading, and
publishing skills and
strategies, and
knowledge of
conventions, to
correct errors, refine
expression, and
present their work.
Communicates in a
clear, coherent
manner, presenting
ideas, opinions, and
information using an
format with little
Produces pieces of
published work to
meet identified
criteria based on the
expectations related
to content,
organization, style,
use of conventions,
and use of writing
strategies with
limited effectiveness.
Communicates in a
clear, coherent
manner, presenting
ideas, opinions, and
information using an
format with some
Produces pieces of
published work to
meet identified
criteria based on the
expectations related
to content,
organization, style,
use of conventions,
and use of writing
strategies with some
Communicates in a
clear, coherent
manner, presenting
ideas, opinions, and
information using an
format with
considerable success.
Produces pieces of
published work to
meet identified
criteria based on the
expectations related
to content,
organization, style,
use of conventions,
and use of writing
strategies with
Communicates in a
clear, coherent
manner, presenting
ideas, opinions, and
information using an
format with great
Produces pieces of
published work to
meet identified
criteria based on the
expectations related
to content,
organization, style,
use of conventions,
and use of writing
strategies with