Battle of the Forms: 2-207 Additional Terms in Acceptance or Confirmation 2-207(1) Is there a definite and seasonable expression of acceptance OR a written confirmation [of past acceptance] is sent within a reasonable time ?? Normally no K under 2-207(1)... No Yes But... Does acceptance/confirmation "state additional or different terms from those offered or agreed upon?" 2-207(1) Acceptance/written confirmation from original offeree made "expressly conditional on assent to additional or different terms" (this must be absoluetly clear)? 2-207(1) No. Does "conduct of parties recognize the existence of a k"? 2-207(3) Yes. Then it wasn't really acceptance. K exists on terms of original offeror's offer under 2-207(1) No. Yes This was instead a counter-offer made by the original offeree. No K under 2-207(3) called the Knockout Rule since any additional terms are "knocked out" of the K and are replaced with UCC gapfillers No. Did the original offeror expressly and unambiguously assent to the additional or different terms in this counter-offer? K Exists under 2-207(3) consisting of only agreed upon terms+ gapfillers No K formed on original offeree's terms. Different/conflicting terms Are tthere different terms or just additional terms? Additional terms are NOT part of newly formed K. UCC First Shot Rule: Most commentators agree that these different/conflicting terms drop out. Minority approach is to treat as equivalent to additional terms. No K exists under 2-207(1) on agreed terms. What do we do with additional terms? They are treated as proposals to add to/modify the K or to form an additional K. 2-207(2) Between merchants? 2-207(2) 2-104(3) both parties "chargeable with knowledge/skill of merchants? Additional terms are included in the new K UNLESS 2-207(2)(a) the original offeror made the original offer expressly limited so that it could only be accepted with the terms of that original offer. 2-207(2) Note: Still a K formed, just additional terms may or may not be included depending on if these exceptions trigger or not. Note: This is now, therefore, common in standard form contract proposal forms. 2-207(2)(b) the additional terms materially alter it. Material==results in surprise/hardship if incorporated without express awareness by the other party, cmt 4 2-207(2)(c) notification of objection to these additional terms has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received