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Third Grade Spelling Dictation K12reader.com

rd Grade Spelling Dictation Sentences
Week 1
1. We get our energy from the food we eat.
2. He checked every box for the best food.
Week 2
1. The water in the pond is an inch below the plant.
2. She has her own lunch from home today.
Week 3
1. His father wants him to raise his grades.
2. Batteries can be used to fuel machines.
Week 4
1. Never show her the stone that broke.
2. Electric current moves in waves.
Week 5
1. He read the story under the covers with a light.
2. Water can evaporate, and ice can melt.
Week 6
1. We saw him knock on the wrong door before he left.
2. Matter can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas.
Week 7
1. An atom is a tiny particle you cannot see with your eye.
2. He is going to tell you something funny enough to make you laugh.
Week 8
1. Watch the next example on the board.
2. Do not chew gum when you give a speech.
Week 9
1. Light makes shadows and reflections on the water.
2. Those boys were shocked when the mirror crashed down near them.
Find Printable 1st Grade – 5th Grade Spelling List Worksheets at http://www.k12reader.com
Copyright © 2011 K12Reader.com
rd Grade Spelling Dictation Sentences
Week 10
1. We got a group together to read books during lunch.
2. What is the price to put a fence around this space?
Week 11
1. The huge giraffe is over ten feet tall.
2. Which operation will help me solve the equation?
Week 12
1. They had to walk a mile at night when their car broke down.
2. His voice makes a noise that will annoy you.
Week 13
1. The sound from the fountain began to grow louder.
2. The river is beneficial to the organisms that live there.
Week 14
1. My father once read a book by an author who taught writing.
2. An extinct animal has already disappeared from the world.
Week 15
1. A pentagon and a hexagon both have straight sides.
2. They went in the balloon without me since I was late.
Week 16
1. The lady at the party painted a star on my face.
2. Did you get enough to eat at the party?
Week 17
1. We were almost to the top of the stairs when she tripped.
2. Compare the isosceles triangle with the scalene triangle.
Week 18
1. Sometimes the pretty girl rides a horse in the mountains.
2. An acute angle is smaller than a right angle.
Find Printable 1st Grade – 5th Grade Spelling List Worksheets at http://www.k12reader.com
Copyright © 2011 K12Reader.com
rd Grade Spelling Dictation Sentences
Week 19
1. A telescope is used to magnify things in the night sky.
2. The young man will talk with me soon about the bear.
Week 20
1. It’s time to leave your family and go to school.
2. Earth is a sphere that orbits the moon.
Week 21
1. The person with the perfect, curled hair is the clerk.
2. She wore a red skirt and a blue shirt to church.
Week 22
1. We can collect different bottles to recycle.
2. It is a common error to make a conclusion without evidence.
Week 23
1. The tallest man in the room is also the richest one.
2. I’d have to describe the strangest dog as bigger than the rest.
Week 24
1. Everyone played football outdoors in the sunshine.
2. I drew a picture of the sunset in my notebook.
Week 25
1. My mom works in the garden every day until winter begins.
2. The cowboy always uses his lasso to rope the cows.
Week 26
1. I had to rewind the music to play it for my family in the cabin.
2. Behind the motel door there was a tiger!
Week 27
1. Singing and swimming are two of my favorite hobbies.
2. We talked about leaving, but we stayed an extra day.
Find Printable 1st Grade – 5th Grade Spelling List Worksheets at http://www.k12reader.com
Copyright © 2011 K12Reader.com
rd Grade Spelling Dictation Sentences
Week 28
1. The question was about the physical geography of the area.
2. My mom gave me permission to take a photograph of her.
Week 29
1. The location of an environment can be a useful advantage.
2. She was able to finish the stressful test by working carefully.
Week 30
1. My dad was lonely until he met my lovely mother.
2. Your culture helps to give you your identity.
Week 31
1. He got up from the uncomfortable chair and sat in the comfortable one.
2. Do you use disposable cups or reusable cups?
Week 32
1. The girl carried the jar to the table and emptied out the pennies.
2. Customs, religion, and folklore are part of a society’s culture.
Week 33
1. There are some essential tools to help your reading comprehension.
2. There’s a rather warm climate in this region of the nation.
Week 34
1. If you break the law, there will be some consequences.
2. I’ve been told that she’ll sing and you’ll dance.
Week 35
1. Never leave the water running in the shower when you are not there.
2. Our constitution established the rules for running our government.
Week 36
1. With a final giggle, the woman finished her joke and the people chuckled.
2. If people handle a candle in the middle of the night they have to be careful.
Find Printable 1st Grade – 5th Grade Spelling List Worksheets at http://www.k12reader.com
Copyright © 2011 K12Reader.com