An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices Chapter 1 Solutions Manual Problem Solutions ______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 Problem Solutions (b) Face-centered cubic lattice d d = 4r = a 2 ⇒ a = =2 2r 2 1.1 (a) fcc: 8 corner atoms × 1/8 = 1 atom 6 face atoms × ½ = 3 atoms Total of 4 atoms per unit cell h = 16 2 r F 4πr IJ 4 atoms per cell, so atom vol. = 4G H3K 3 (b) bcc: 8 corner atoms × 1/8 = 1 atom 1 enclosed atom = 1 atom Total of 2 atoms per unit cell (c) Diamond: 8 corner atoms × 1/8 = 1 atom 6 face atoms × ½ = 3 atoms 4 enclosed atoms = 4 atoms Total of 8 atoms per unit cell _______________________________________ Ratio = b 5.65 x10 −8 g ⇒ 3 22 −3 Density of As = 2.22 x10 cm _______________________________________ 3 1.3 3 8 Ge atoms per unit cell 8 ⇒ Density = −8 3 5.65 x10 g (d) Diamond lattice Body diagonal = d = 8r = a 3 ⇒ a = −3 22 Density of Ge = 4.44 x10 cm _______________________________________ Unit cell vol. = a 1.4 (a) Simple cubic lattice; a = 2 r Unit cell vol = a = (2r ) = 8r 3 FG 4πr IJ H3K 3 3 FG 4πr IJ H3K Then FG 4πr IJ H 3 K × 100% ⇒ Ratio = 34% Ratio = F 8r I H 3K 3 8 3 3 F 8r I = H 3K r 3 8 atoms per cell, so atom vol. 8 Then 8r 3 8 3 3 1 atom per cell, so atom vol. = (1) FG 4πr IJ H 3 K × 100% ⇒ Ratio = 3 3 4 As atoms per unit cell, so that 3 F 4 rI H 3K F 4πr IJ 2 atoms per cell, so atom vol. = 2G H3K Then F 4πr IJ 2G H 3 K × 100% ⇒ Ratio = 68% Ratio = F 4r I H 3K −3 22 Ratio = 74% 3 Unit cell vol. = a = Density of Ga = 2.22 x10 cm b FG 4πr IJ H 3 K × 100% ⇒ 16 2 r (c) Body-centered cubic lattice 4 d = 4r = a 3 ⇒ a = r 3 4 Ga atoms per unit cell 3 3 3 4 1.2 4 3 3 Then Density = c Unit cell vol = a = 2 2 r 3 Ratio = 52.4% _______________________________________ 2 An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices Chapter 1 Solutions Manual Problem Solutions ______________________________________________________________________________________ B-type: 1 atom per unit cell, so 1.5 We have 8r = a o 3 so that r= 5.65 3 = 1.223 A ° 1.9 8 Simple cubic; a o = 2r = 4.2 A Then ° d = 2 r = 2.45 A _______________________________________ bcc: 4 r = a o 3 ⇒ a o = fcc: 4 r = a o 2 ⇒ a o = 1.6 From Problem 1.4, percent volume of fcc atoms is 74%. Therefore after coffee is ground, 3 8 ° so that r = a = 18 . + 1.0 ⇒ a = 2.8 A ° =ρ= N ( At . Wt .) Na: Density = ° ρ = 2.33 grams / cm 23 _______________________________________ ρ= 1.8 ° ° 22 −3 −3 4.85x10 −23 b2.8x10 g −8 3 ⇒ 3 1.11 . )=8 A (a) a 3 = 2(2.2) + 2(18 so that g 23 = 2.28 x10 cm 3 _______________________________________ so that rB = 0.747 A (b) A-type; 1 atom per unit cell 1 ⇒ Density = −8 3 2.04 x10 Density(A) = 118 . x10 cm b2.8x10 g −8 ρ = 2.21 gm / cm 2 rA + 2 rB = a 3 ⇒ 2 rB = 2.04 3 − 2.04 b 12 (d) Na: At.Wt. = 22.99 Cl: At. Wt. = 35.45 So, mass per unit cell 1 1 (22.99) + (35.45) −23 2 = 2 = 4.85x10 23 6.02 x10 Then mass density is 3 (a) a = 2 rA = 2(1.02) = 2.04 A Now ° 22 22 6.02 x10 3 Cl: Density (same as Na) = 2.28 x10 cm b5x10 g(28.09) ⇒ = NA 8(2.1) (c) g (c) Mass density 2 1.10 (b) r (b) Number density 8 22 −3 = ⇒ Density = 5x10 cm −8 3 5.43 x10 b ° ° = = 118 . A 8 8 Center of one silicon atom to center of nearest neighbor = 2r ⇒ 2.36 A = 5.94 A ° a o = 9.70 A _______________________________________ 3 (5.43) 3 3 4(2.1) = 4.85 A or 1.7 (a) a = 5.43 A From 1.3d, a = ° 4(2.1) diamond: 8r = a o 3 ⇒ a o = Volume = 0.74 cm _______________________________________ a 3 −3 23 . x10 cm Density (b) = 118 _______________________________________ a = 4.62 A −3 Density of A = 3 ° ° 1 b4.62 x10 g −8 ⇒ 1.01x10 cm 22 3 −3 An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices Chapter 1 Solutions Manual Problem Solutions ______________________________________________________________________________________ Density of B = 1 b4.62 x10 g ⇒ 1.01x10 cm 22 −8 1.15 (a) Planes intercept at: (i) p = 1, q = ∞ , s = ∞ (ii) p = 3, q = 1, s = ∞ (iii) p = 3, q = ∞ , s = 2 −3 (b) Same as (a) (c) Same material _______________________________________ 1.12 (a) Surface density 1 1 = 2 = −8 a 2 4.62 x10 b 14 3.31x10 cm g (b) Vector components: (i) p = 1, q = 1, s = 0 (ii) p = 3, q = 1, s = 1 (iii) p = 1, q = 2 , s = 3 _______________________________________ ⇒ 2 2 −2 1.16 (a) Same for A atoms and B atoms (b) Same as (a) (c) Same material _______________________________________ (b) 1.13 1 (a) Vol density = 3 ao F 1 , 1 , 1I ⇒ (313) H 1 3 1K F 1 , 1 , 1 I ⇒ (121) H 4 2 4K _______________________________________ 1 Surface density = 2 1.17 2 ao (a) d = a o = 5.25 A (b) Same as (a) _______________________________________ (b) d = ao 2 ° = 3.71 A ° 2 1.14 (100) plane: Density = No. atoms ao = 2 b5.43x10 g −8 = 6.78 x10 cm 14 2 (110) plane: Density = b5.43x10 g −8 −2 (a) d = a o = 5.20 A No. atoms 2 4 2 (b) d = = 9.59 x10 cm 14 2 (111) plane: Density = ° (5.20) 2 = 3.68 A ° 2 ao 3 c 3 2h = (5.20) 3 ° 4(2.25) ° = 3.00 A 3 3 _______________________________________ No. atoms 2 = 2 (c) d = a1 6f ⋅ 3 + a1 2f ⋅ 3 = 7.83x10 = b5.43x10 g c 3 2h 2 ao 2 −2 2 ao −8 ° 1.18 ao = d= ao 3 = 3.03 A 3 _______________________________________ (c) 2 1.19 14 cm −2 ao = 4r = 3 3 (a) Density = 2 2 = 3 −8 ao . x10 5196 (a) (110) = highest density (b) (100) = lowest density _______________________________________ b 4 g . = 5196 A = 1.43x10 cm 22 3 −3 An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices Chapter 1 Solutions Manual Problem Solutions ______________________________________________________________________________________ (b) d = ao 2 = 5196 . 2 2 2 (d) Surface density 2 2 = 2 = −8 ao 2 . x10 5196 b 1.23 = 3.67 A FθI = a 4 = H 2 K ca 3 h 4 ° We find o cos o g 1 3 so that 2 θ 2 = 54.74° 2 or or −2 = 5.24 x10 cm _______________________________________ θ = 109.5° _______________________________________ 1.20 1.24 14 −3 Density of silicon atoms = 5 x10 cm and 4 valence electrons per atom, so 22 (a) Ratio = 5x10 −3 23 Density of valence electrons = 2 x10 cm _______________________________________ (b) Ratio = 16 −5 22 2 x10 ⇒ 8 x10 % 15 −6 ⇒ 4 x10 % 22 5x10 _______________________________________ 1.21 Density of GaAs atoms 8 atoms 22 −3 = = 4.44 x10 cm −8 3 5.65 x10 b 4 x10 1.25 g b5x10 g(30.98) ⇒ b5x10 g(28.06) 16 (a) Fraction by weight ≈ 22 An average of 4 valence electrons per atom, −4 −3 23 110 . x10 % Density of valence electrons = 1.77 x10 cm _______________________________________ (b) Fraction by weight b10 g(10.82) b5x10 g(30.98) + b5x10 g(28.06) ⇒ 18 ≈ 1.22 Silver: Group 1 = 1 valence electron per atom At.Wt. = 107.88, Mass density = 10.50 gm / cm Mass per unit cell, 107.88 −22 = = 1.79 x10 23 6.02 x10 Now ρ= 1.79 x10 −22 F 1.79 x10 IJ ⇒a =G H 10.50 K −22 7.71x10 % _______________________________________ 1.26 d 1/ 3 −6 15 −3 ° ° d 794 d = ⇒ = 146 ao 5.43 ao 3 _______________________________________ or 22 = 2 x10 cm d = 7.94 x10 cm = 794 A We have a O = 5.43 A So g 3 So ° b 1 Volume density = or a o = 2.57 A Then, density of valence electrons 1 = −8 2.57 x10 22 −4 3 o 3 ao 16 −3 Density = 5.89 x10 cm _______________________________________ 5