Important Notes تعليمات هامة 1. These instructions are for students who are not expected to graduate in Spring 2020. غٞ سثٜز٘قغ رخشجٌٖ فٝ ِ الَٝبد ىيطالة اىزٞ ٕزٓ اىزؼي.1 .2020 2. All dates and times are final for submitting your research project on EELU moodle. ٌ ٍششٗع اىجذثٝخ ٗاألٗقبد اىَذذدح ىزقذٝغ اىز٘اسَٞ ج.2 .خٞ ّٖبئEELU moodle ٚاىخبص ثل ػي 3. Research team consists of a maximum of five students per team. Teams are to be determined in coordination with the course TA, no later than May 14, 2020. خَغخ طالةٚو ٍجَ٘ػخ اىجذث ثذذ أقصٞزٌ رشنٝ .3 ق ٍغٞذ ريل اىَج٘ػبد ثبىزْغٝزٌ رذذٝٗ ،ىيَجَ٘ػخ / 5 / 14 ٓ ٍ٘ػذ أقصبٜذ اىَغؤٗه ػِ اىَقشس فٞاىَؼ . 2020 4. Do Not wait until the last moment to submit your file, this may put you at risk if the system would face congestion at this moment. ؼشضلٝ فقذ،ٌ ٍيفلٝشح ىزقذٞ اىيذظخ األخٚ ال رْزظش دز.4 . ٕزٓ اىيذظخٜرىل ىيخطش إرا ٍب ٗاجٔ اىْظبً اصددب ًٍب ف 5. Only one team member should submit the research for whole group. قً٘ ػض٘ ٗادذ فقظ ٍِ ٍجَ٘ػخٝ ُ اىَطي٘ة أ.5 ٚ سفغ اىجذث ىيَجَ٘ػخ ثأمَيٖب ػيٜاىَششٗع اىجذث .Moodle 6. Research can be uploaded at any time until May 31, 2020. After this date you may upload your research until the deadline specified in the schedule, provided that you avoid uploading in the time slots of delivery for the other courses. ،2020/5/31 خٝ ربسٚ ٗقذ دزٛ أٜ سفغ اىجذث ف.6 ٜ اىَ٘ػذ اىْٖبئٚنُ٘ اىشفغ دزٝ خٝٗثؼذ ٕزا اىزبس َبدٞذ رغيٞ ٍ٘اػٜاىَذذد ثبىجذٗه ثششط رجْت اىشفغ ف .ٙاىَقشساد األخش 7. For Faculty of Business Administration: Five courses will be handled as extended electronic exams, these are: زٌ اىزؼبٍو ٍغ خَغخٝ ط:خ إداسح األػَبهٞ ثبىْغجخ ىني.7 :ٜٕٗ خ ٍَزذحّٞٗ أّٖب اٍزذبّبد اىنزشٍٚقسساد ػي Principles of Accounting (2) Mathematics for Business Statistics (1) Mathematics of Finance and Investment Tax Accounting (2) -For Faculty of Information Technology: Three courses will be handled as extended electronic exams, these are: Math 2 Probability and Statistics Computer Organization 1 Students enrolled in any of those courses should follow directions listed in point 8 below. 8. To take the Extended Electronic Exam, students should follow the following steps: )2( ٍجبدئ اىَذبعجخ بد األػَبهٞبضٝس )1( اإلدصبء و ٗاالعزثَبسَٝ٘بضخ اىزٝس )2( خٞجٍٝذبعجخ ضش زٌ اىزؼبٍو ٍغ ثالثخٝ ط: ب اىَؼيٍ٘بدٞخ رنْ٘ى٘جٞ ٗثبىْغجخ ىني:ٜٕٗ خ ٍَزذحّٞٗ أّٖب اٍزذبّبد اىنزشٍٚقسساد ػي 2 بدٞبضٝس االدزَبه ٗاإلدصبء .1 ٘رشٌٞ اىنَجٞرْظ َبدٞةدذ ٕزٓ اىَقشساد ارجبع اىزؼي ِ أٞ اىطالة اىَغجيٚ ػي.خٞ اىزبى8 اىفقشحٜف اىطالةٚجت ػيٝ ، اىََزذّٜٗ ألداء االٍزذبُ اإلىنزش.8 :خٞارجبع اىخط٘اد اىزبى i. Log-in to the system on the announced exam date using your username and password as each student will have a different set of questions on his/her exam. ُخ االٍزذبٝ ربسٜ اىْظبً فٚو اىذخ٘ه إىٞقٌ ثزغج اىَؼيِ ػْٔ ثبعزخذاً اعٌ اىَغزخذً ٗميَخ اىَشٗس نُ٘ ىنو طبىت ٍجَ٘ػخٞث عِٞ ثل دٞاىخبص .ُ االٍزذبٍٜخزيفخ ٍِ األعئيخ ف .i ii. You are allowed to start your exam anytime starting 9:00 AM to 11 AM, and you will be given 5 hours to complete submitting your answers. ٍِ ٗقذ ثذ ًءاٛ أُٜغَخ ىل ثجذء ا االٍزذبُ فٝ ٌزٞ ٗع، صجب ًدب11 ٚ صجب ًدب دز9:00 اىغبػخ . عبػبد إلمَبه إسعبه (سفغ) إجبثبرل5 ٍْذل .ii ٌ ق. ٍجَ٘ػخ ٍِ األعئيخٚ االٍزذبُ ػيٛ٘ذزٝ ٚغ األعئيخ) ػيَٞو) االٍزذبُ ( جٝو (رْضَٞثزذ أٗ اطجؼٔ إرا مْذ/ ٗ ٘رش اىخبص ثلٞجٖبص اىنَج . رىلٜرشغت ف .iii ، ٗسقخ ٍْفصيخٜذك فٝ قٌ ثذو مو عؤاه ثخظ ٌ ٗامزت سق،ُٗاجؼو خطل ٗاضذب ً قذس اإلٍنب . سأط اى٘سقخٜاىغؤاه ث٘ض٘ح ف .iv لِٞ ػيٞزؼٝ ال،بٝٗذٝ )أثْبء دو اىغؤاه ( األعئيخ .EELU Moodle ارصبه ثـٚاىجقبء ػي .v ل ٍذح أقصبٕب خَظ عبػبد ىذو األعئيخ ٗسفغٝىذ ً اىْظبٚو اىذخ٘ه إىٞإجبثبرل ( ثذ ًءا ٍِ ٗقذ رغج ال رْزظش،ُ قذس اإلٍنب.)ُو أعئيخ االٍزذبَٞىزذ ل سفغٞ ػي.شح ىشفغ إجبثبرلٞ اىيذظخ األخٚدز َنْلٝٗ ، ٍيف ٗادذٜ دذح فٚإجبثخ مو عؤاه ػي ػْذ،ٔسفغ إجبثخ مو عؤاه ف٘س االّزٖبء ٍِ دي ٚزٌ اىضغظ ػيٝ غ االجبثبدَٞاالّزٖبء ٍِ سفغ ج .إرَبً اسعبه إجبثخ االٍزذبُ ثبىنبٍو .vi ٜش إجبثبرل ثجٖبص ػبىٝ٘ قٌ ثزص،ىشفغ إجبثبرل ٜ أٗ ثشّبٍج اىَغخ اىض٘ئٜاىج٘دح ( اىَبعخ اىض٘ئ ثٌ قٌ ثشفغ إجبثخ مو عؤاه،) ٕبرفل اىَذَ٘هٚػي اىشاثظ اىَذذدٚ ٍيف ٗادذ ػيٜ دذح فٚػي .Moodle ٜاىَؼشٗض ف .vii iii. The exam contains a group of questions. Download your exam (all questions) to your computer and/or print it if you want to. iv. Solve each question in hand-writing on a separate paper, make your answer as clear as you can, and write the question number clearly on the top of the paper. v. While solving the question )s) in hand-writing, you do not have to keep connected to EELU Moodle. vi. You have a maximum of five hours to solve and upload your answers (starting from the time you logged-in to the system to download the exam questions). As possible, do not wait to the last moment to submit your answers. You must upload the answer to each question separately in one file, and you can upload the answer to each question as soon as you finish answering the question. After you have finished uploading all the answers, submit the whole exam answer. vii. To upload your answers, scan your answer by high quality device (scanner, or scanning software on your mobile phone), then upload the answer of each question separately in one file to its specific link shown in Moodle. 9. For technical instructions about downloading questions, uploading answer files and submitting the whole exam answer, you can download the presentation and tutorial video on Moodle. و األعئيخ ٗسفغَٞخ رذٞفٞخ اىخبصخ ثنْٞ ىإلسشبداد اىف.9 ٍيفبد إجبثبرل ٗإرَبً إسعبه إجبثخ االٍزذبُ ثبىنبٍو ٛ٘ اإلسشبدٝذٞ ٗاىفَٜٝ اىؼشض اىزقذٜو ٍيفََٞنْل رذٝ . Moodle ِْٚ ثزىل ػيٞص َ اىخب