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Biology & Anatomy Lesson: Essays, Heart, Blood, and More

Task 1: Write 3 essential rules how to write an essay.
An essay is generally a short piece of writing outlining the writer’s perspective or
story. It is often considered synonymous with a story or a paper or an article. Essays
can be formal as well as informal. Formal essays are generally academic in nature and
tackle serious topics. We will be focusing on informal essays which are more personal
and often have humorous elements.
I wonder to write about 5 Essay writing rules that always work.
1. Research
This is one of the most crucial essay writing rules that can make all the difference
between high quality and a poor quality essay. From books, journals to blogs and
websites, go through everything to gather the relevant details for your topic.
Analyze your research material and determine the strengths, logic, and weaknesses
of the topic. Write down all the possible arguments that you can include in the
essay. Coming up with your insights is one of the most basic rules of essay writing.
According to the expert’s essay writing rules, you must always create an outline
first. Decide the number of paragraphs you would like to include in the essay.
Sketch out the structure of your arguments to include in each paragraph.
Organize your essay according to the standard rules of essay writing. The
introduction reveals the context of your essay. The body consists of all the details
related to your topic. The conclusion should be the summary of your write-up.
Whether you have used a direct quote or an online journal, follow the right citation
rules of essay writing. 76% of students lose valuable marks in their essays due to
incorrect referencing.
These are the basic rules required when you are writing an essay. No matter which
style of essay you have been asked to follow, these are the essay writing basic
rules that you need to follow. The most common essay writing styles include
informative, reflective and argumentative.
Task 2: How does the human heart work?
The human heart contracts from the first moment of life until the last one. The
contractions of the heart pump the blood through the arteries to all the parts of the body.
Physiologists have determined that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 72 beats per
minute. In children the rate of heart beat is much higher. Research work has determined
that rate of heart beat increases depending on different emotions.
Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest. Each contraction and a period of
rest compose a cardiac cycle.
Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction - the
atrial systole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction - the ventricular
systole. The period of rest is called the diastole.
Research work of many physiologists has estimated the role of the ventricles as the
main pump of the human heart.
Task 3: The biggest and the smallest blood vessel in our body … ?
The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the human body. It originates from the left ventricle
of the heart and distributes blood to the rest of the body by ramifying itself in a masterful
array of smaller arteries.
The smallest blood vessels in the human body are capillaries, which connect
arteries and veins. Capillaries can be as small as 5 micrometers wide. The average
adult body has about 10 billion capillaries.
Capillaries are part of the circulation system in the human body. They help move
oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and other nutrients throughout the body. Arteries
transfer blood out of the heart. Arteries narrow into capillaries, then widen into
venules and veins. The veins transport blood back into the heart. Capillaries work as a
group and not individually. During exercise, capillaries assist the lungs with meeting
the need for increased blood flow.
Task 4: What are the elements of blood and their functions?
Red Blood
Blood Cells
•The red blood cells are also known as erythrocytes and these are the
most predominant cells in the blood. They contain hemoglobin which is
a protein that contains iron and are responsible for transporting
oxygen and carbon dioxide which is dissolved extracellularly as a
bicarbonate ion within the plasma.
•The white blood cells, one of the 3 formed elements of blood, also
known as leucocytes are tasked with defending the body against
bacteria, viruses and parasites. These blood cells can fight disease in
various ways. They could either produce antibodies that overpower
germs or surround and devour any bacterial presence.
•Platelets are colorless and shaped irregularly. Their surface is sticky in
nature and this is what makes them the blood clotting element in the
blood. The body naturally controls blood loss and it protects itself by
sending the platelets to clot blood and consequently prevent
hemorrhage. These platelets surround the wound with the help of
vitamin K, calcium and fibrinogen which is a protein.
Task 5: What kind of heart sounds do you know?
When we listen to the heart we can hear two sounds. The third sound is also heard
in some young persons before the age of 30.
The first heart sound is the longest one. It is heard at the moment of contraction of
the ventricles when the atrio-ventricular valves close.
The second sound lasts for a shorter period of time. It is heard at the moment when
the pulmonary and aortic semi lunar valves close.
The third heart sound is heard when the blood is passing from the atria into the
Task 6: What is the average weight and size of the human lungs?
Task 7: Describe the human respiratory system.
Task 8: Describe the human brain anatomy.
Task 9: Describe the classification of the reflexes.
Task 10: Write the definitions to the following words: Blood, blood vessel,
bloodstream, blood pressure, to pump, aorta, artery, pulmonary artery, veins, vena
cava, capillary.
Task 11: Write the types of Microorganisms.
Task 12: The brief information about virology and its founder.
Task 13: Write 3 essential events of your Country, using official data, facts and
Task 14: Write your own opinion about “The role of family polyclinics in our
Task 15: What does an in-patient depart mean? And its function?
Task 16: Write the information about the founder of the X-rays.
Task 17: What kind of symptoms and causes of cholera bacterium do you know?
Task 18: You are given 17 tasks above according to your lessons that you have
learned. Write them correct answers by yourself, without “COPY and
PASTE!!!” Thanks in advance. We wish you a good luck and health!