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ABAM Interview Form 2020

ABAM Interview Form – Interviewer
Interviewer Name: __________________________________________
Candidate Name: ___________________________________________
Candidate Pre-Score: ___________ Appearance: ___________ Interview: _____________
Question 1: Why should you be an ABAM? What makes you a better choice than the other 10 candidates?
Question 2: In the workplace, what is the concept of a team to you? Are there different levels of team within the workplace?
Question 3: What is the most important thing you expect from a leader? How important is communication?
Question 4: Would you rather be feared or respected as a leader? Why?
Question 5: Can you give some examples of times you were in a leadership role? Is there a time you failed as a leader? How did
you cope with it and/or redeem yourself?
Question 6: How would you handle insubordination? How would you handle insubordination from a friend? What would be
involved in your reprimanding of someone?
Question 7: What are your greatest strengths? Greatest weaknesses?
Question 8: What do you think the responsibilities of the ABAM are? What would your goals be as an ABAM?
Question 9: How would you evaluate success for a lifeguard? How do you motivate lifeguards who do not meet your standards
of a successful Lifeguard?
Question 10: In your experiences at the Bay, what has gone well? What has not gone well? How would you improve things?
Bonus Question: If you were a tree, what type of tree would you be and why?
Days Off Desires: _____________________________________
Interviewer’s Comments on the Candidate: