Uploaded by Dede Reichart

White Powder CER Example

White Powders CERs
Choose two different powders and make a claim about what each powder is.
Use at least two pieces of evidence from your observations in the lab to support
each claim. Remember to include a reasoning statement for each piece of
evidence to tie it back to the claim. Reasoning can be related to prior
knowledge/past experiences about the powders, further explanation about the
evidence, and should often include scientific principles that explain the evidence
when available/applicable.
CER #1
Upon lengthy observation of its properties, I claim that powder #2 is
powdered sugar. First, the powder was very soft and clung to my fingers
when I touched it. When frosting sugar cookies, powdered sugar sticks
to my fingers and is very soft to the touch, suggesting that this powder
is the same as the sugar I use in baking. Second, the powder had what I
would describe as a sweet odor. This indicates that it would also taste
sweet and smells like the powdered sugar that I have used in the past.
Third, while combining this powder with the liquids, it acted as I would
expect powdered sugar to by dissolving in the water and not reacting
with the vinegar. Usually, powdered sugar dissolves very well into
water or water-based liquids due to its very fine particle size. This is one
reason that powdered sugar is used more often for making frosting that
granulated sugar. All in all, the evidence collected for this powder
suggests that it is powdered sugar.