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RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products Brochure

Thermal Insulation
Table of contents
Vacuum Thermal Insulation and Thermal Components
Cryogenic Insulation (Coolcat Line)
Coolcat 1
Coolcat 2
Coolcat 2 NW
Coolcat 2 NF
Coolcat 2 LOX
Coolcat 2 NI
Coolcat 4K
Coolcat H
Coolcat B-R50
Space Insulation
AAErofoam PIF 4-6_1000
Glassfibre Spacer GSW 25g – FE013
AAErotherm S10-150
AAErotherm S10-190
AAErotherm S22-190
AAErotherm H22-250
AAErotherm H350
Space Radiator with Solar Reflectors
RUAG Space
RUAG Space Product Portfolio
For enquiries for cryogenic materials please contact:
For enquiries for space materials/products please contact:
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Vacuum Thermal Insulation
and Thermal Components
RUAG Space is the leading European supplier of multi-layer insulation
for spacecraft and market leader of superinsulation for cryogenic
medical systems. The experience we have gained in more than two
decades of thermal design and production enables us to increase your
competitiveness with RUAG’s leading edge technology solutions.
Our vision is to be the leading competence centre for vacuum thermal insulation solutions for space and industrial applications.
Our mission is the development and production of multi-layer insulation for space and cryogenic industry to make our customers more
To achieve this mission we focus on first-class products and reliable
and long-standing partnerships with our customers.
RUAG Space activities for development and production of multi-layer
insulation for space applications (satellites and instruments) have
started in 1991. Since then we have developed our competencies
and skills in more than 50 projects to become the leading European
supplier of multi-layer insulation for spacecraft.
Moreover, RUAG Space has developed great expertise in the field of
cryogenic insulation. Today RUAG also offers the development and
the production of cryogenic superinsulation for various applications
such as Helium liquefiers or superconducting magnets.
Our development and production process comprises:
–– Thermal and Mechanical Engineering
–– Design and Development
–– Production and Integration
Our value creating chain includes the following tasks:
–– Selection of the insulation composition with attachment and
–– CAD Design (3-D and 2-D)
–– Prototyping, support during first installation
–– Production (standard and taylor-made products and also build to
–– Delivery logistics
ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
RUAG Space GmbH is certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EN 9100
by DNV.
We have taken care to collect and present technical and performance
data which are based on supplier data, own measurements and tests.
These data are meant to help our customers in their design process
and support the selection of the best insulation type for the application. However, these data are indicative only and have to be proven
by specific measurements in the relevant environment.
Build to print: We can produce superinsulation to customer drawings. We accept the definition of blanket shapes in DXF, IGES or STEP
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Cryogenic Insulation (Coolcat Line)
Our product family Coolcat comprises standard insulation and
tailor made insulation. Our insulation is composed of aluminized
polyester foils interleaved with polyester spacer materials or is
made of aluminium foils interleaved with glass spacer materials. In
addition, we supply welding protection materials, tapes, sensors…
Laser Cutting:
Polyester superinsulation blankets are cut to shape using our numerically controlled (NC) cutting machines. Polyester superinsulation is
laser cut whereas aluminium/glass insulation is cold cut. The laser
cutting process assembles the multi-layered package around its cutting edges. The edges are held together by bridges of molten polyester.
However, laser cut edges are open for edge pumping (see picture).
No significant difference in thermal performance was found in comparative calorimeter testing between multi-layer insulation with cold
cut and laser cut edges: Laser cutting does not increase edge effects!
We can NC laser cut to a maximum width of 2.7 m. The length of the
cutting area is 3.0 m, which does not limit the length of individual
superinsulation blankets, as the superinsulation is fed into the cutting
machine on a conveyor, forwarding the band when needed.
This method of producing polyester superinsulation has proven to be
very efficient, because no additional assembly of the layers (pins,
staples, welding points or similar) are required to attain a robust blanket with very good handling properties. The thermal performance is
optimized by minimizing thermal shortcuts through assembly elements.
When compared to cold cut blankets, where cracks could start from
the edge of each single reflector foil, laser cut/welded blankets combine the strength of several thin layers and thus offer a much higher
tear strength. No crack stopper holes are needed at the end of laser
cuts or inside corners (<180°).
During the evacuation of the vacuum space, the air and outgassing
products enclosed within the multi-layer package of the insulation
can be pumped at the open edges (edge pumping) and through perforation holes of the reflector foils (broadside pumping). Most of our
Coolcat superinsulation is made of perforated foils to allow broadside pumping. Thus the insulation gap can be evacuated more quickly and the residual vacuum pressures are lower than for edge pumping only.
We supply standard sheets and rolls of polyester superinsulation such
as Coolcat 1, Coolcat 2 and Coolcat 2 NW. These standard superinsulation products are held together by a grid of ultrasonic spot welding
points. The standard pitch of these welds is 0.3 x 0.3 m. These welds
assemble the multi-layer package and ensure that the multi-layered
package will not fall apart when our customers cut their own shapes
using scissors, scalpels or similar.
Microscope picture of a laser cut multi-layer superinsulation blanket edge
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat BR-50 tape is recommended for closing superinsulation blanket joints. Depending on the configuration of the cryostat it may be
possible to completely enclose the cold parts to be insulated with a
shell of insulation blankets. In this case the taping of superinsulation
joints may be sufficient to hold the insulation in place. In other cases
it may be necessary to use additional fixation elements such as plastic
Superinsulation types such as Coolcat 2 NF, Coolcat 2 LOX and Coolcat H, which are not made of polyester but contain other materials
such as aluminium foil or glass-fibre fleece are cold cut on our NC
cutting machines using oscillating knives. This process does not assemble the multi-layer package and so we use tag pins to hold the
blanket together. We offer NC cold cutting up to a blanket size of 3.0
x 0.95 m. We cold cut larger blankets by hand if required.
The superior performance of Coolcat insulation is based on:
–– High quality polyester film, 6 or 12 µm thick, double side aluminized at minimum 40 nm (400 Angstrom).
–– Reflector foils are separated with pure polyester spacer material.
–– 10 layers of foil and 10 layers of spacer are combined as a semi
finished insulation lay-up, ready for cutting.
–– The insulation is perforated for perfect evacuation of the vacuum
–– RUAG Space thermal insulation is designed based on CAD models
and is cut accurately on the numerically controlled laser cutting
–– The insulation is easy to handle due to the laser cut edges.
–– The insulation performance is long term stable, no degradation of
insulation due to the spacer material, no flattening, limited gravitational compression, no severe compression effect over edges.
–– The reproducability of performance in a serial production is very
high, only very small deviation is measured.
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat 1
Coolcat 1 is a crinkled superinsulation composed of 10 layers of polyester foil, single-side aluminized and crinkled.
Coolcat 1 offers a high thermal performance, especially between liquid nitrogen and liquid helium temperature levels. The crinkled polyester foil which is used in Coolcat 1 has been used in high performance cryogenic insulation for more than 50 years.
The crinkling ensures only minimum contact areas between the reflector foils, which minimizes heat conduction. Crinkled superinsulation must be applied with extra care to avoid compression and thermal shortcuts between the foils, especially at corners.
For the supercrinkled version of Coolcat 1 the reflector foil is processed to provide a more intense crinkling.
Standard sheets are assembled by ultrasonic spotwelding points at a
grid of 200 x 200 mm.
For a good thermal performance compression of the superinsulation
must be absolutely avoided. It is recommended to allow a minimum
insulation gap thickness of 3 mm per 10 layers and to install the insulation in a loose way.
All polyester reflector foils are aluminized to provide a specific surface resistance of 1.5 – 3.0 ohms per square (coating thickness > 25
nm). The low coating thickness minimizes edge effects caused by
heat conduction within the coating, which is most important at liquid helium temperature level.
Coolcat 1 is not perforated.
Maximum baking temperature: 423 K.
Insulation Performance
Temperature range [K]
Number of layers
Heat flux [W/m²] *)
300 to 7730 foils> 1.00
40 foils> 0.80
50 foils> 0.60
300 to 4
10 supercrinkled foils
> 1.60 **)
20 supercrinkled foils
> 0.90 **)
77 to 4
10 supercrinkled foils
> 0.03 **)
*) Heat flux values measured under laboratory conditions at good vacuum (< 1 E-3 Pa); For the sizing of
superinsulation for real applications it is recommended to multiply these heat flux values with a factor of
1.5 – 2.0. This is assuming good design, installation and vacuum conditions.
**)The supercrinkled version of Coolcat 1 offers superior insulation performance.
The only available width of the crinkled foil is 1.34 m:
Article no.
Dimensions [m]
Foil thickness [µm]
Nominal area weight
for 10 layers [kg/m²]
3 x 1.34
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat 2
Coolcat 2 is a spacered superinsulation composed of 10 layers of
polyester foil, double-side aluminized, perforated and interleaved
with 10 layers of knit-woven polyester spacer material.
Coolcat 2 offers a high thermal performance. For many years Coolcat
2 has been widely used by the research community for the insulation
of cryogenic equipment at a laboratory scale.
Spacered superinsulation offers more robust thermal performance
than crinkled superinsulation (for example at corners and under compression).
Knit-woven spacers are more light-weight and slightly thinner than
the non-woven spacers, which are used in Coolcat 2 NW. Knit-woven spacers are dimensionally less stable than non-woven spacers. In
comparison with Coolcat 2 NW, handling and installation of Coolcat
2 insulation is more difficult.
Coolcat 2 has a nominal compressed thickness of 1.0 mm per 10 layers. For a good thermal performance compression of the superinsulation should be avoided. It is recommended to allow a minimum insulation gap thickness of 3 mm per 10 layers and to install the
insulation in a loose way.
All polyester reflector foils are aluminized to provide a specific surface resistance of < 0.8 ohms per square (coating thickness > 40 nm).
For low outgassing Coolcat 2 contains 100% polyester spacer, which
has been washed and thermo-fixed at high temperature to minimize
outgassing. For short pumping times all double aluminized polyester
foils are perforated at an open area of 0.05 to 0.1 per cent.
Maximum baking temperature: 423 K.
Insulation Performance
Temperature range [K]
Number of layers
Heat flux [W/m²] *)
300 to 77
10 foils + 10 spacers
> 1.00
20 foils + 20 spacers
> 0.75
30 foils + 30 spacers
> 0.60
40 foils + 40 spacers
> 0.55
77 to 4
10 foils + 10 spacers
> 0.05
*) Heat flux values measured under laboratory conditions at good vacuum (< 1 E-3 Pa); For the sizing of
superinsulation for real applications it is recommended to multiply these heat flux values with a factor of
1.3 – 1.5. This is assuming good design, installation and vacuum conditions.
Standard rolls available up to 1.5 m wide, wider rolls available on request:
Article no.
Dimensions [m]
Foil thickness [µm]
Nominal area weight
for 10 layers [kg/m²]
3 x 1.5
6 0.164
50 x 1.5
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat 2 NW
Coolcat 2 NW is a spacered superinsulation composed of 10 layers of
polyester foil, double-side aluminized, perforated and interleaved
with 10 layers of non-woven polyester spacer material.
Due to its high thermal performance and good handling properties it
is used in serial production of MRI and NMR cryostats at an industrial
Spacered superinsulation offers more robust thermal performance
than crinkled superinsulation (for example at corners and under compression).
Non-woven spacers are dimensionally stable and therefore Coolcat 2
NW offers easier handling and more efficient installation than Coolcat 2 (knit-woven spacer).
Coolcat 2 NW has a nominal compressed thickness of 1.4 mm per 10
layers. For a good thermal performance compression of the superinsulation should be avoided. It is recommended to allow a minimum
insulation gap thickness of 3 mm per 10 layers and to install the insulation in a loose way.
All polyester reflector foils are aluminized to provide a specific surface resistance of < 0.8 ohms per square (coating thickness > 40 nm).
For low outgassing Coolcat 2 NW contains 100 % polyester spacer
without binder. For short pumping times all double aluminized polyester foils are perforated at an open area of 0.05 to 0.1 per cent.
Maximum baking temperature: 423 K.
Insulation Performance
Temperature range [K]
Number of layers
Heat flux [W/m²] *)
300 to 77
10 foils + 10 spacers
> 1.00
20 foils + 20 spacers
> 0.75
30 foils + 30 spacers
> 0.60
40 foils + 40 spacers
> 0.55
77 to 4
10 foils + 10 spacers
> 0.02
*) Heat flux values measured under laboratory conditions at good vacuum (< 1 E-3 Pa); For the sizing of
superinsulation for real applications it is recommended to multiply these heat flux values with a factor of
1.3 – 1.5. This is assuming good design, installation and vacuum conditions.
Standard rolls available up to 1.9 m wide, wider rolls available on request:
Article no.
Dimensions [m]
Foil thickness [µm]
Nominal area weight
for 10 layers [kg/m²]
3 x 1.5
50 x 1.5
50 x 1.9
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat 2 NF
Coolcat 2 NF is a spacered superinsulation composed of 11 layers of
glass fibre fleece spacer interleaved with 10 layers of pure aluminium
Coolcat 2 NF is high temperature tolerant and non flammable. It has
been tested to be self-extinguishing in 100 per cent gaseous oxygen
environment. It has been used for the thermal insulation of automotive cryogenic hydrogen storage tanks. The glass fibre spacer has a
binder content of 8 per cent and therefore the insulation is not liquid
oxygen compatible in accordance with ASTM D2512-95.
Coolcat 2 NF sheets are held together by nylon tag pins along their
short ends at a pitch of 0.2 m.
Coolcat 2 NF has a nominal compressed thickness of 5.0 mm per 10
layers. For a good thermal performance compression of the superinsulation should be avoided. It is recommended to allow a minimum
insulation gap thickness of 7 mm per 10 layers and to install the insulation in a loose way.
Maximum baking temperature: 523 K.
Glass fibre diameter: 16 µm (non respirable).
Insulation Performance
Temperature range [K]
Number of layers
Heat flux [W/m²] *)
300 to 77
20 foils + 20 spacers
> 1.25
*) Heat flux values measured under laboratory conditions at good vacuum (< 1 E-3 Pa); For the sizing of
superinsulation for real applications it is recommended to multiply these heat flux values with a factor of
1.5 - 2. This is assuming good design, installation and vacuum conditions. The thermal conductance of
aluminium foils is much higher than the one of aluminized polyester foils and therefore thermal edge
effects are more severe.
Coolcat 2 NF is available in standard sheets:
Article no.
Dimensions [m]
Foil thickness [µm]
Nominal area weight
for 10 layers [kg/m²]
3 x 1
9 0.540
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat 2 LOX
Coolcat 2 LOX is a spacered superinsulation composed of 5 layers of
pure aluminium foil interleaved with 5 layers of glass fibre cloth spacer.
Coolcat 2 LOX is high temperature tolerant and liquid oxygen compatible: Coolcat 2 LOX insulation is oxygen compatible in accordance
with ASTM D2512-95. The glass fibre spacer has been desized and
heat cleaned. The insulation is free of organic constituents.
Glass fibre diameter: 5 µm (non respirable).
Coolcat 2 LOX sheets are provisionally held together by nylon tag
pins along one short end at a pitch of 0.2 m.
Coolcat 2 LOX has a nominal compressed thickness of only 0.4 mm
per 10 layers. For a good thermal performance compression of the
superinsulation should be avoided. It is recommended to allow a
minimum insulation gap thickness of 1 mm per 10 layers and to install the insulation in a loose way.
Maximum baking temperature: 623 K.
Insulation Performance
Temperature range [K]
Number of layers
Heat flux [W/m²] *)
300 to 77
10 foils + 10 spacers
> 4.41
20 foils + 20 spacers
> 3.35
*) Heat flux values measured under laboratory conditions at good vacuum (< 1 E-3 Pa);
For the sizing of superinsulation for real applications it is recommended to multiply these heat flux values
with a factor of 1.2 - 1.5. This is assuming good design, installation and vacuum conditions. The thermal
conductance of aluminium foils is much higher than the one of aluminized polyester foils and therefore
thermal edge effects are more severe.
Coolcat 2 LOX is available in standard sheets:
Article no.
Dimensions [m]
Foil thickness [µm]
Nominal area weight
for 10 layers [kg/m²]
3 x 1
9 0.247
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat 2 NI
Coolcat 2 NI is a spacered superinsulation composed of 10 layers of
polyester foil, single-side aluminized in squares of 10 mm x 10 mm /
double-side aluminized in squares of 20 mm x 20 mm, interleaved
with 10 layers of non-woven polyester spacer material.
Coolcat 2 NI minimizes eddy currents and still offers a high thermal
performance. It has been developed for applications where the
insulation is exposed to varying magnetic fields:
–– SQUID sensors: Reduction of magnetic thermal noise
–– Superconducting machines (Fault current limiters, motors, generators,…): Reduction of heat dissipated in the superinsulation coatings.
Coolcat 2 NI has a nominal compressed thickness of 1.4 mm per 10
layers. For a good thermal performance compression of the superinsulation should be avoided. It is recommended to allow a minimum
insulation gap thickness of 3 mm per 10 layers and to install the insulation in a loose way.
For low outgassing Coolcat 2 NI contains 100 % polyester spacer
without binder. Coolcat 2 NI is not perforated.
Maximum baking temperature: 423 K.
Magnetic thermal noise measurements were performed with 20 layers on a sample size of
100 mm × 100 mm.
Noise spectral density for
0.8 Ω per square
1.6 Ω per square
0.8 Ω double sided per square
[fT/√Hz] 10 x 10 mm
[fT/√Hz] 10 x 10 mm
[fT/√Hz] 20 x 20 mm *)
*) Improved sensor with lower background noise
Insulation Performance
Temperature range [K]
Number of layers
Heat flux [W/m²] *)
Number of layers
Heat flux [W/m²] *)
300 to 77
10 x 10 mm
10 foils + 10 spacers
> 4.60
20 foils + 20 spacers
> 3.40
20 x 20 mm
10 foils + 10 spacers
> 1,54
20 foils + 20 spacers
> 1.38
*) Heat flux values measured under laboratory conditions at good vacuum (< 1 E-3 Pa); For the sizing of superinsulation for real applications it is recommended
to multiply these heat flux values with a factor of 1.3 – 1.5. This is assuming good design, installation and vacuum conditions.
Coolcat 2 NI is laser cut, which assembles the layers along the edges. Coolcat 2 NI is available in sheets of 3 m long and 0.75 m wide, other
sizes on request:
Article no.
Electrical surface resistance
Foil thickness
Nominal area weight
[Ohms per square]
for 10 layers [kg/m²] *)
10 x 10
3 x 0.75
10 x 10
3 x 0.75
20 x 20
3 x 0.75
*) Squares are aluminized to this surface resistance. These squares are electrically insulated from each other by uncoated lines, which are
typically 0.1 mm wide.
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat 4K
Coolcat 4K is a low absorptance helium can laminate.
It is a laminate of a 6 µm pure aluminium foil and a 12 µm polyester
foil, double-side aluminized.
Coolcat 4K laminate combines the very low absorptance of a pure
aluminium foil with the good handling properties of a polyester foil.
As a superconducting magnet thermal insulation the small aluminium foil thickness offers lower heat dissipation at 4 K (incurred by
Eddy currents) and lower Lorentz forces at quench.
Coolcat 4K: Infrared Absorptance at 4 K
for Radiation Temperature TR
Coolcat 4K is available at a maximum width of 1.830 m. We offer
customized Coolcat 4K sheets to a maximum width of 1.750 m.
These sheets are cut to customer specification using our cost efficient automated NC laser-cutting machine.
Infrared Absorptance [%]
Coolcat 4K does not crinkle and tear the way aluminium foils do. It
has the higher tear resistance of a laminate. This makes the installation of the insulation easier and saves labour cost.
Coolcat 4K (Al Side of Laminate)
50 µm soft Al 99.5% Foil
12 µm Double aluminized PET Foil
Installation: The mat side of the foil is the aluminium foil side and
shall be used for thermal insulation. The shiny side is the aluminized
polyester side and shall face the cold surface. An adhesive transfer
film can be applied to the aluminium coating of the shiny side of the
laminate for its attachment to the cold helium vessel surface.
Article no.
Foil thickness [µm]
Radiation Temperature [K]
Nominal area weight
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat H
Coolcat H is a welding protection made of aluminium foil and fiberglass cloth.
It is recommended for the protection of polyester superinsulation
against welding heat. This welding protection is needed because
polyester superinsulation is flammable and melts at 250 degree Celsius (523 K).
Coolcat H insulates by reflecting the welding heat at its aluminium
surface and by featuring the low conductivity of fiber-glass cloth in
air under ambient pressure.
The maximum service temperature of the E-Glass cloth is at 500 degree Celsius (773 K). The adhesive of the laminate fails above 150
degree Celsius (423 K). Welding trials are recommended to confirm
if one layer of Coolcat H is sufficient for the customer application.
The glass fibres have a diameter of larger than 6 µm and are not respirable.
Coolcat H is available in rolls of 150 mm wide and 50 m long.
We offer customized Coolcat H sheets to a maximum width of 1 m.
These sheets are cut to customer specification using our cost efficient automated NC cutting machine.
Article no.
Foil thickness [mm]
Nominal area weight
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding protection is required (we
recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue
which is liquid oxygen compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in drop
test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment is required to confirm the use
of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Coolcat B-R50
Coolcat B-R50 is a low emissivity adhesive tape optimized for use
under cryogenic environment. It is composed of a 25 µm polyester
foil carrier, double-side aluminized and a high purity pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive.
Coolcat B-R50 cryogenic adhesive tape has been developed specifically for thermal insulation in cryogenic applications, to provide lowest infrared emittance on its outer surface. This tape has been developed to replace tapes, which have a shiny appearance, but are
second surface mirrors only.
It is most recommended for the closing of superinsulation joints.
Bonding strength at room temperature:
–– Peel strength: min. 16 N / 25 mm width (AFERA 5001)
–– Shear strength: min. 60 N / 625 mm² (AFERA 5012)
The specified bonding strength is achieved within 10 minutes after
application and will increase by 30 per cent after 24 hours; zero peel
strength at 230 K.
The tape meets the standard outgassing requirements for satellites
of the European Space Agency.
The adhesive of the tape is protected by a release liner. We offer tape
dispensers, which automatically wind up the release liner.
The tape is available 25 mm (1 inch) or 50 mm (2 inches) wide. It is
delivered on cardboard core. The minimum order quantity is one roll,
but it is more economic to order complete packing units:
Dimensions [m]
50 x 0.025
50 x 0.050
Tape dispenser
Emittance of Aluminized Tapes
(Low value required for good radiative
Packing unit [rolls]
Shelf life: 2 years from date of production
Infrared Emittance
Article no.
25 µm Second Surface
Mirror Tape
Caution Notes: Polyester superinsulation is flammable and suitable welding
protection is required (we recommend the use of Coolcat H). Coolcat 2 LOX
is the only type of superinsulation in this catalogue which is liquid oxygen
compatible. All other insulation types fail in test 4.4.2 of EN 1797 (Flash in
drop test under liquid oxygen). For all applications a separate risk assessment
is required to confirm the use of polyester superinsulation
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Space Insulation
RUAG Space offers the full range of thermal insulation materials used
for single layer insulation, multi-layer insulation and radiator surfaces
made up from polymeric or metal foils. We source raw materials for
insulation from the leading suppliers from all over the world.
RUAG Space is very active in research and development to improve
the performance and the characteristics of thermal control materials
and components. At the moment we are developing novel thermal
control films thinner and lighter than ever offered for satellites. The
mass savings target is at 30% of the insulation.
Ultrathin and Ultralight insulation
For this new multi-layer insulation also the production and integration processes have been adapted to cope with such ultrathin and
ultralight materials.
We also have business contact to the suppliers of Optical Surface
Reflectors and all thermal components needed for satellite or cryostat thermal control (e.g. heaters, thermostats, thermistors, doublers, interfillers ...).
We can offer all common outer layers of thermal insulation blankets:
1 mil polyimide / VDA
≤ 0.39
≥ 0.62
≥ 0.64
1 mil ITO polyimide / VDA
≤ 0.44
≥ 0.62
≥ 0.64
2 mil polyimide / VDA
≤ 0.44
≥ 0.71
≥ 0.71
2 mil ITO polyimide / VDA
≤ 0.49
≥ 0.71
≥ 0.75
1 mil black Kapton® / VDA
≤ 0.9
≤ 0.82
1 mil Upilex® / VDA
≤ 0.40
≥ 0.59
2 mil Upilex® / VDA
≤ 0.59
≥ 0.75
Betacloth® / VDA
≤ 0.45
≥ 0.80
2 mil FEP / VDA
≤ 0.14
≥ 0.60
≥ 0.60
5 mil FEP / Silver / Inconel
≤ 0.09
≥ 0.75
≥ 0.75
≤ 0,14
≤ 0,05
(ext. surface)
VDA (Vacuum Deposited
ITO: Indium Tin Oxide
We offer a large variety of special foil materials, high temperature materials,
RF-transparent, ...
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Cluster, Cluster TVA
Fokker Space & Systems, Netherlands;
Astrium, UK & France
Dornier, Germany
OHB, Germany
Soho PLM
Astrium, UK
OHB, Germany; Moog, USA;
Dasa, Germany
MWR for ERS-2
Schrack Aerospace, Austria
Matra Marconi Space, France
Fokker Space & Systems, Netherlands
MWR for Envisat
Alenia Spazio, Italy
Casa, Spain; Astrium, France;
Thales Alenia Space, Italy
Thales Alenia Space, France
Versatile Thermal Insulation
for Launchers
Thales, France
XMM Upper Module &
Oerlikon Contraves, Switzerland;
Mirror Module
Dornier Satellite Systems, Germany
Phoenix & Cluster II
Dornier Satellite Systems, Germany
Metop PLM, SVM, Gome
Astrium, Germany & UK;
Selex Galileo, Italy
Rosetta S/C, HGA, Booms, Rosina
Astrium, UK; HTS, Switzerland;
Sener, Spain; Oerlikon Contraves &
Uni Bern, Switzerland
Mars Express & Venus Express MLI
Astrium, France
Herschel/Planck SVM MLI
Thales Alenia Space, Italy
Herschel PLM MLI
Astrium, Germany
Aeolus & Aladin THW
Astrium, UK & France
Astrium, Germany
Casa, Spain
Sener, Spain; Astrium, France &
Lisa Pathfinder MLI
Astrium, UK
Thales Alenia Space, Italy
Sentinel 1, Sentinel 3
Casa, Spain; Astrium, Germany;
Product Information
Jena Optronics, Germany
Astrium, France
Astrium, UK
Solar Orbiter
Astrium, UK
Small GEO
OHB, Germany
All thermal insulation layups for space are to be considered as reference to show the thermal insulation performance and to demonstrate typical insulation solutions. The insulation will be developed/
designed for every project based on the specific mission requirements. We stock a high number of different raw materials but we do
not supply single layer or semi-finished materials from stock.
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
AAErofoam PIF 4-6_1000
The AAErofoam PIF 4-6_1000 is a new type of polyimide foam providing high heat resistance and improved properties in a wide range
of environmental conditions, compared to conventional polyimide
The material can be broadly utilized in applications such as thermal,
acoustic or mechanical vibration insulation.
Article no.: PN102147
BepiColombo: MPO, MTM
MaterialPolyimide foam
Temperature Range
-200 °C (liquid nitrogen dip test)
+400 °C (thermo-gravimetric analyses)
Thermal endurance, 5 % conversion (ASTM E 1641-07, ASTM E 1877-00):
300 °C 480 years
350 °C 7.8 years (2850 h)
370 °C 1.5 years (558 h)
Thermal conductivity
0.045 W/mK
Outgassing 24h isotherm (ASTM E595, ECSS-Q-70-02A):
125 °C
1.01 %
0.04 %
0.72 %
350 °C
3.24 %
2.21 %
0.21 %
Density4-5 g/m²
1.0 mm ± 10 %
Tensile strength
0.1 MPa
Tensile Modulus
0.2 MPa
Elongation28 %
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Thermal decomposition in N2 (10 K/min)
Glassfibre Spacer GSW 25g – FE013
This product is a filament fabric made of endless E-glass fibre. The
fabric is desized and heat-cleaned.
With a weight of 25 g/m2 the material is capable to be utilized in the
temperature range between -200 °C and +800 °C.
Article no.: PN102068
Programs BepiColombo: MPO, MTM; Gaia
Material E-glassfibre filament: >99 %
Finish <0.3 %
Temperature range
-200 °C to +800 °C
Verified by thermo-gravimetric analyses
Density 22 yarns/cm ± 5 %
Thickness 0.03 mm ± 10 %
Flammability - tested according to ASTM D2512-95 Standard Test Methode
for Compatibility of Materials with Liquid Oxygen (Impact Sensitivity
Threshold and Pass-Fail Techniques):
Not flammable
Material can be used in liquid oxygen
Fibre dimensions
Finished weight
25 g/m² ± 2 %
Tensile strength
15 N/cm
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
AAErotherm S10-150
This insulation layup is a 10 layer thermal insulation package operating in vacuum at temperatures up to +150 °C composed of 8 layers
of 6 μm polyester foils interleaved with high performance non-woven polyester fleece spacer and 2 outer layers to be selected according to thermo-optical and mechanical requirements.
Thermal Performance:
1x Outer layer
8x Non-woven Polyester fleece
8x 0.25 mil VDA/Polyester/VDA, perf.
1x Non-woven Polyester fleece
1x Outer layer
Foil Polyester (6 μm) both sides aluminized
Spacer Polyester non-woven fleece
Foils are aluminized with approx. 350
The heat transfer of the product has been measured in the ESTEC
Calorimeter at 5 points:
Angstrom (<1 Ohm/square measured to
ASTM D257-92)
Temperature Range
“Standard” -270 °C to +150 °C
Area Weight (excl.outer layers) 140 to 160 g/m2
Outgassing (ECSS-Q-70-02)
Foil (PE)Spacer
TML0.17 %
0.17 %
RML0.05 %0.05 %
CVCM0.01 %0.01 %
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
100 -69 15.5
AAErotherm S10-190
This insulation layup is a 10 layer thermal insulation package operating in vacuum at temperatures up to +190 °C composed of 8 layers
of 7.5 μm polyimide foils interleaved with woven polyester netting
and 2 outer layers to be selected according to thermo-optical and
mechanical requirements.
Thermal Performance:
1x Outer layer
8x Woven Polyester netting
8x 0.3 mil VDA/Polyimide/VDA, perf.
1x Woven Polyester netting
1x Outer layer
Foil Polyimide (7.5 μm) both sides aluminized
Spacer Polyester woven netting
Coatings: Foils are aluminized with approx. 350
The heat transfer of the product has been measured in the ESTEC
Calorimeter at 5 points:
Angstrom (<1 Ohm/square measured to
ASTM D257-92)
Temperature Range
“Elevated” -270 °C to +190 °C
Area Weight (excl.outer layers) 175 to 195 g/m2
Outgassing (ECSS-Q-70-02)
100 -70 15
Foil (PI)Spacer
0.97 %0.17 %
0.17 %0.05 %
0.00 %0.01 %
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
AAErotherm S22-190
This standard product is a 22 layer thermal insulation package operating in vacuum at temperatures up to +190 °C composed of 10 layers of 7.5 μm polyimide foils and 10 layers of 6 μm polyester foils interleaved with woven polyester netting and 2 outer layers to be
selected according to your thermo-optical and mechanical requirements.
Thermal Performance:
1x Outer layer
10x Woven Polyester netting
10x 0.3 mil VDA/Polyimide/VDA, perf.
11x Woven Polyester netting
10x 0.25 mil VDA/Polyester/VDA, perf.
1x Outer layer
The heat transfer of the product has been measured in the ESTEC
Calorimeter at 5 points:
Foil Polyimide (7.5 μm) both sides aluminized
Polyester (6 μm) both sides aluminized
Spacer Polyester woven netting
Coatings Foils are aluminized with approx. 350
Angstrom (<1 Ohm/square measured to
ASTM D257-92)
Temperature Range
“Elevated” -270 °C to +190 °C
Area Weight (excl.outer layers) 380 to 410 g/m2
Outgassing (ECSS-Q-70-02)
Foil (PI)Foil (PE)Spacer
0.97 %
0.17 %
0.17 %
0.17 %
0.05 %
0.05 %
0.00 %
0.01 %
0.01 %
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
100 -70 15
AAErotherm H22-250
This standard product is a 22 layer thermal insulation package operating in vacuum at temperatures up to +250 °C composed of 20
layers of 7.5 μm polyimide foils interleaved with 10 layers non-woven
glassfibre fleece, 11 layers woven polyester netting and 2 outer layers (≥ 25 μm) to be selected according to your thermo-optical and
mechanical requirements.
Thermal Performance:
1x Outer layer
10x Glassfibre fleece
10x 0.3 mil VDA/Polyimide/VDA, perf.
11x Woven Polyester netting
10x 0.25 mil VDA/Polyimide/VDA, perf.
1x Outer layer
The heat transfer of the product has been measured in the ESTEC
Calorimeter at 5 points:
Foil Polyimide (7.5 μm) both sides aluminized
Spacer Glassfibre fleece
Polyester woven netting
Coatings Foils are aluminized with approx. 350
Angstrom (<1 Ohm/square measured to
ASTM D257-92)
Temperature Range
“High” -270 °C to +250 °C
100 -75 12.5
Area Weight (excl.outer layers) 625 to 665 g/m2
Outgassing (ECSS-Q-70-02)
Foil (PI)Spacer
0.97 %0.17 %
0.17 %0.05 %
0.00 %0.01 %
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
AAErotherm H350
This product is composed of several layers of high performance polyimide UPILEX-S® foils. The product is developed for operating in vacuum at high temperatures up to +350 °C. The foils can be either interleaved with high performance, extremely light weight polyimide
spacer AAErofoam PIF 4-6_1000 or can be especially embossed to
provide the required separation of the layers.
Foil Upilex-S® (7,5 μm) both sides aluminized
flat or especially embossed
Spacer AAErofoam PIF 4-6_1000
Foils are aluminized with approx. 350
Angstrom (<1 Ohm/square measured to
ASTM D257-92)
Temperature Range
1x Outer layer
-270 °C to +350 °C
Foil - embossed
+275 °C (continuous) / +300 °C intermittent
-270 °C to +350 °C
# x AAerofoam PIF 4-6_1000
# x 0.3 mil VDA/Upilex-S®/VDA, perf.
Outgassing (ECSS-Q-70-02) @ 350°C
# x 0.3 mil VDA/Upilex-S®/VDA, perf.
especially embossed
1x Outer layer
Foil - flat
TML0.83 %3.24 %
RML0.41 %1.04 %
CVCM0.10 %0.21 %
Area Weights (excluding outer layers)
Numbers of individual layers can be freely chosen pending the required
thermal performance
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
11 ÷ 13 g/m² (for 7,5 μm thickness)
Spacer 4 ÷ 6 g/m² (for 1 mm thickness)
Thicknesses (excluding outer layers)
Foil - flat
7.5 μm
Foil - embossed
approx. 0.4 mm
Space Radiator with Solar Reflectors
This product is a high efficiency thermal radiating system made from
reflectively coated glass tiles. These Optical Solar Reflectors (OSR) are
bonded electrically conductive to flat metallic surfaces using a pickand-place machine. The product provides a good thermal coupling
between the OSR and the structure underneath resulting in a high
performance heat radiating device.
Borosilicate glass Optical Solar Reflector
(OSR) with reflective back coating
Available glass finishes
Plain surface
Electrically conductive coating (ITO)
Low UV absorptance coating
Area Weight 470 g/m² all inclusive
(using 150 µm thick OSR)
No silicone contamination
Temperature range
-70 °C to +90 °C
Thermo-Optical as ≤ 0.06 / eN ≥ 0.83
(OSR with ITO and low UV coating)
Front to back resistance
<200 kΩ
Process Information
Application of mirrors by high-precision automated machine process
using electrically conductive pressure sensitive adhesive. Automated
machine pick-and-place process provides for competitive processing
time of the application. No post curing required.
Panels up to 2.4 x 2.6 m can be processed in one run.
Standard bonding surface is plain aluminium surface (e.g ALCLAD),
other surface types on request.
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
Precision on earth.
Reliability in space.
RUAG Space is the leading supplier of products for the space
industry in Europe. Experience, outstanding reliability,
customer focus and a comprehensive, clearly structured
product portfolio all make RUAG Space the partner of choice for
manufacturers of satellites and launchers across the globe.
Our vision: Number one independent space product supplier
RUAG Space’s vision is to be the leading supplier of space products.
We laid the foundations for realizing this vision as a partner in institutional European space programs from the very beginning. RUAG
Space has played a part in all major European missions, where we
have acquired know-how that benefits our customers all over the
world today.
Our values: Collaboration, high performance, visionary
Our corporate culture is based on the values of collaboration, high
performance, visionary thinking. These values determine our actions
and characterize our relationships with our customers and partners.
For more than four decades RUAG Space has been an industrial partner to national and European space agencies. And we have been
supplying our products to the manufacturers of satellites and launchers for just as long.
Outstanding product performance and consistency in meeting delivery deadlines are the yardsticks by which we measure success. And
above all else we are focused on reliability, as there is no room for
failure in space.
At the heart of RUAG Space’s strategy is a clearly structured product
portfolio, which we expand according to a definite plan. In expanding the portfolio, we place particular emphasis on space products
that are attractive in growth markets outside the institutional European sphere.
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
The cornerstone of our success: Our employees
In Switzerland, Sweden and Austria, more than 1,100 employees of
RUAG Space develop, manufacture and test products for satellites
and launchers. Teamwork, trust and respect characterize the work
environment at RUAG Space. Our employees work in close cooperation with customers and partners. The success of RUAG Space is
based on the skills and commitment of our staff, on the accuracy and
reliability of our mechanics, and on the creativity and know-how of
our engineers. With their ideas, their innovations and their products,
they are pushing the limits of what is technically feasible just a little
further every day.
RUAG Space: Part of an international technology group
RUAG Space is a dedicated division within RUAG, an international
technology group for aerospace and defense. RUAG has its sites in
Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Sweden and the USA.
RUAG employs 7,700 people worldwide.
RUAG Space Product Portfolio
Launcher Structures &
Separation Systems
Satellite Structures,
Mechanisms &
Mechanical Equipment
Digital Electronics for
Satellites and Launchers
Product areas
Product lines
Launcher Structures & Separation Systems
Launcher Fairings & Structures
Payload Adapters & Separation Systems
Sounding Rocket Guidance
Satellite Structures, Mechanisms &
Satellite Structures
Mechanical Equipment
Satellite Mechanisms
Mechanical Ground Support Equipment
Thermal Systems
Digital Electronics for Satellites and Launchers
Satellite & Launcher Computers
Navigation Receivers & Signal Processing
Satellite Communication Equipment
Receivers & Converters
Optical Communication
Satellite Instruments
Satellite Instruments
RUAG Space Thermal Insulation Products
RUAG Space GmbH | Stachegasse 16 | 1120 Vienna | Austria
Phone +43 1 80199 0 | Fax +43 1 80199 30 60 | cryo.at.space@ruag.com | www.ruag.com/thermal