History Paper 2 Overview The USA, 1955-92: conformity and challenge Overview of assessment: ● Written examination, lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. ● Marks available: 40 ● Students answer two questions: a compulsory source question from Section A and one question from a choice of two from Section B. ● Section A comprises one compulsory source question for the option studied, assessing source analysis and evaluation skills (AO2). ● Section B comprises a choice of essays that assess understanding of the period in depth (AO1). Section A Mark Scheme (AO2) Level Mark Descriptor 1 1-3 Demonstrates surface level comprehension of the source material without analysis, selecting some material relevant to the question, but in the form of direct quotations or paraphrases. Some relevant contextual knowledge is included, with limited linkage to the source material. Evaluation of the source material is assertive with little or no supporting evidence. Concepts of reliability or utility may be addressed, but by making stereotypical judgements. 2 4-7 3 8-12 Demonstrates some understanding and attempts analysis of the source material by selecting and summarising information and making undeveloped inferences relevant to the question. Contextual knowledge is added to information from the source material to expand, confirm or challenge matters of detail. Evaluation of the source material is related to the specified enquiry but with limited support for judgement. Concepts of reliability or utility are addressed mainly by noting aspects of source provenance and judgements may be based on questionable assumptions. Demonstrates understanding of the source material and shows some analysis by selecting key points relevant to the question, explaining their meaning and selecting material to support valid inferences Deploys knowledge of the historical context to explain 4 1316 5 1720 or support inferences as well as to expand, confirm or challenge matters of detail. Evaluation of the source material is related to the specified enquiry and explanation of utility takes into account relevant considerations such as nature or purpose of the source material or the position of the author. Judgements are based on valid criteria but with limited justification. Analyses the source material, interrogating the evidence to make reasoned inferences and to show a range of ways the material can be used, for example by distinguishing between information and claim or opinion, although treatment of the two enquiries may be uneven. Deploys knowledge of the historical context to illuminate and/or discuss the limitations of what can be gained from the content of the source material, displaying some understanding of the need to interpret source material in the context of the values and concerns of the society from which it is drawn. Evaluation of the source material uses valid criteria which are justified and applied, although some of the evaluation may be weakly substantiated. Evaluation takes into account the weight the evidence will bear as part of coming to a judgement. Interrogates the evidence of the source in relation to both enquiries with confidence and discrimination, making reasoned inferences and showing a range of ways the material can be used, for example by distinguishing between information and claim or opinion, Deploys knowledge of the historical context to illuminate and/or discuss the limitations of what can be gained from the content of the source material, displaying secure understanding of the need to interpret source material in the context of the values and concerns of the society from which it is drawn. Evaluation of the source material uses valid criteria which are justified and fully applied. Evaluation takes into account the weight the evidence will bear as part of coming to a judgement and, where appropriate, distinguishes between the degree of certainty with which aspects of it can be used as the basis for claims. Section B and C Mark Scheme (AO1) Level Mark 1 1-3 2 4-7 Descriptor Simple or generalised statements are made about the topic. Some accurate and relevant knowledge is included, but it lacks range and depth and does not directly address the question. The overall judgement is missing or asserted. There is little, if any, evidence of attempts to structure the answer, and the answer overall lacks coherence and precision. 3 8-12 4 1316 There is limited analysis of some key features of the period relevant to the question, but descriptive passages are included that are not clearly shown to relate to the focus of the question. Mostly accurate and relevant knowledge is included, but lacks range or depth and has only implicit links to the demands and conceptual focus of the question. An overall judgement is given but with limited substantiation and the criteria for judgement are left implicit. The answer shows some attempts at organisation, but most of the answer is lacking in coherence, clarity and precision. There is some analysis of, and attempt to explain links between, the relevant key features of the period and the question, although descriptive passages may be included. Mostly accurate and relevant knowledge is included to demonstrate some understanding of the demands and conceptual focus of the question, but material lacks range or depth. Attempts are made to establish criteria for judgement and to relate the overall judgement to them, although with weak substantiation. The answer shows some organisation. The general trend of the argument is clear, but parts of it lack logic, coherence and precision. Key issues relevant to the question are explored by an analysis of the relationships between key features of the period, although treatment of issues 5 1720 may be uneven. Sufficient knowledge is deployed to demonstrate understanding of the demands and conceptual focus of the question and to meet most of its demands. Valid criteria by which the question can be judged are established and applied in the process of coming to a judgement. Although some of the evaluations may be only partly substantiated, the overall judgement is supported. The answer is generally well organised. The argument is logical and is communicated with clarity, although in a few places it may lack coherence and precision. Key issues relevant to the question are explored by a sustained analysis of the relationships between key features of the period. Sufficient knowledge is deployed to demonstrate understanding of the demands and conceptual focus of the question, and to respond fully to its demands. Valid criteria by which the question can be judged are established and applied and their relative significance evaluated in the process of reaching and substantiating the overall judgement. The answer is well organised. The argument is logical and coherent throughout and is communicated with clarity and precision. Essay Questions 1. How accurate is it to say that the growth of suburbia was more as a result of the economic boom than a cause of it in the period 1955 to 1963? (Pearson AS, Pg. 290) 2. To what extent was Kennedy’s New Frontier Programme thwarted by Congressional opposition? (Pearson, Pg. 308) 3. How accurate is it to say that there was a backlash against campaigns for more personal freedoms in the years 1968 to 1972? (Pearson AS, Pg. 332) 4. How accurate is it to say that President Carter was a weak president? (Pearson, Pg. 346) 5. How accurate is it to say that President Reagan brought fundamental change to economic policy in the USA? (Pearson AS, Pg. 362) 6. How far were traditional values important in framing federal government policy in the 1980s? (Pearson, Pg. 367) 7. How accurate is it to say that the Religious Right was successful in its aims in the period 1981 to 1992? (Pearson AS, Pg. 369) 8. ‘The Reagan administration was marked more by the divisions it created than by its achievements.’ How far do you agree with this statement? ( Pearson, Pg. 370) 9. To what extent was 1981 to 1992 a period of radical change in popular culture? (Pearson AS, Pg. 376) 10. How accurate is it to say that Johnson’s Great Society programme (1964-68) transformed US society? (Pearson AS, Pg. 388) 11. To what extent was growth in the ownership and the use of cars the most important feature of the US economy and society in the years 1955 to 1963? (Pearson, Pg. 398) 12. Why were so many Americans willing to conform to contemporary values in the 1950s? (Hodder, Pg. 384) 13. ‘Between 1955 and 1963, the main consequence of increased car ownership was the growth in service industries.’ How far do you agree with this statement? (Hodder, Pg. 384) 14. How far can the popularisation of rock ‘n’ roll be considered a turning point in American society and culture in the years 195563? (Hodder, Pg. 384) 15. To what extent did television and movies both promote conformity in the years 1955-63? (Hodder, Pg. 384) 16. How significant was the Montgomery bus boycott in the black American struggle for equality? (Hodder, Pg. 384) 17. How did the increased popularity of television impact upon Americans in the years 1955-63? (Hodder, Pg. 385) 18. How far did American cities change between 1955 and 1963? (Hodder, Pg. 385) 19. To what extent did the Interstate Highways Act (1956) represent a turning point in the US economy and US society in the years 1955-63? (Hodder, Pg. 385) 20. To what extent did both rock ‘n’ roll fans and ‘beats’ offer a serious challenge to American society in the years 1955-63? (Hodder AS, Pg. 385) 21. How far was Betty Friedan responsible for the growth of the woman’s movement? (Hodder, Pg. 421) 22. How accurate is it to say that Johnson’s Great Society programme of 1963-68 was a failure? (Hodder AS, Pg. 421) 23. To what extent was the situation of Americans who lived in poverty improved in the years 1963-72? (Hodder, Pg. 421) 24. How significant was the growth of ‘the silent majority’ in US politics in the years 1968-72? (Hodder AS, Pg. 421) 25. ‘The Black Panthers achieved little of note.’ How far do you agree with this view? (Hodder, Pg. 421) 26. To what extent was progress made in individual and civil rights in the years 1973-80? (Hodder AS, Pg. 450) 27. ‘Popular culture invariable reflected political and social tensions in the United States in the years 1973-80?’ how far do you agree with this statement? (Hodder, Pg. 450) 28. ‘Pop culture became escapist during the 1970s.’ how far do you agree with this statement? (Hodder AS, Pg. 450) 29. ‘Inflation adversely affected the living standards of almost all Americans during the 1970s.’ how far do you agree with this statement? (Hodder, Pg. 450) 30. How accurate is it to say that, in the years 1973-80, the women’s movement achieved a great deal? (Hodder AS, Pg. 450) 31. ‘The economy, society and politics of the United States were revolutionised in the Regan era (1981-89).’ How far do you agree with this statement? (Hodder, Pg. 485) 32. How accurate is it to say that, in the years 1981-89, the Religious Right succeeded in promotion traditional values? (Hodder AS, Pg. 485) 33. To what extent did the status of women [or substitute with Native Americans/ethnic minorities/black Americans] change between 1955 and 1992 [or substitute with 1981 and 1992]? ((Hodder, Pg. 485)