Weekly Schedule NAME: __________________________________ Study Goal: # of credits _____ X 2-3 = the minimum hours per week you should study: _____ hours. “DO it NOW: You become successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal.” Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Your Weekly schedule serves as both a time management tool and a goal setting tool. This is only one part of a complete time management system which should also include monthly calendars and daily to-do lists, as well as prioritization exercises. It provides, at a quick glance, all your ongoing weekly commitments. Time management is really an act of “self management”; self management is doing the things (attitudes and actions) that are important for reaching your goals. Time continues to pass we can’t control or manage it. The only thing we can control/manage is _____________________. Therefore, Time management really is more a situation of _________________ ourselves. Wouldn’t you agree? Instructions for completing your Weekly Schedule: In the appropriate time slots, indicate your most important priorities. For the purpose of this assignment you must include the following: Courses. Indicate course name, location and credit hours Employment. For alternating work schedules, you may have to create this weekly schedule on an ongoing basis (additional copies can be available) Study Times. This should be treated as a “scheduled priority” and not relegated to the status of “I’ll get around to it.” Use the formula 2-3 hours per week per credit to determine the number of study hours you should schedule. Be realistic. Don’t schedule study time during your favorite TV program, or on Saturday at midnight. Why wouldn’t that be a good idea?_____________________________________ Don’t forget to plan some breaks and recreation. Be strategic. Spread your study schedule over the entire week if possible. You will learn and remember much more from studying 4 hours a day over 7 days rather than studying 7 hours over 4 days. Small chunks of learning spread over time are most effective. Schedule any other important weekly commitments such as religious activities, workouts, weekly family commitments (i.e. “movie night.” “chillin’ w/grandma”) Does everything fit? Your task is to determine what stays and what goes. Ideally, you should seek a balance between all the things that are most important to you (and yours) and your ambitions. Some people find highlighters useful to color code your key scheduled time slots for easier reference. Monitor your efforts and revise your plan as needed. This weekly schedule must be placed (“front and center”) in your 3 ring binder, it is that important. If we are going to learn to manage time we need to see our Plans and Goals regularly. Edited 8-10-16