Food Chains Pop Quiz Q1 A Food Chain shows….. a) How food gets from the farm to your home b) A necklace made by threading pieces of food together c) A diagram showing the flow of energy from organism to organism. Q2 When an animal eats other for food it is called… a) A predator b) Prey c) A producer d) A herbivore Q3 A Decomposer….. a) Breaks down a piece of music into its individual parts. b) Breaks down dead organic matter to get the energy it needs. c) Eats only plants Q4 In the food chain shown at right, the chameleon is… a) A producer b) A first order consumer c) A second order consumer d) A third order consumer Q5 In the food chain shown at right, the snake is… a) A producer b) A first order consumer c) A second order consumer d) A third order consumer Q6 What order Consumer is the Mongoose? Q7 An animal that eats animals and plants is called …… a) A herbivore b) An omnivore c) A Predator d) A Carnivore Q8 A herbivore eats….. a) Only meat b) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme c) Everything d) Only plants Q9 The Chinstrap Penguin in the food chain at right is….. a) A prey animal b) A decomposer c) A predator d) A consumer e) A producer f) a, c and d g) a, b, and d Q10 The Phytoplanktons in the food chain shown are….. a) Prey b) Decomposers c) Predators d) Consumers e) Producers f) a and e Answers • • • • • Q1 – c Q2 – a Q3 – b Q4 – c Q5 – d • • • • • Q6 – Fourth order consumer Q7 – b Q8 – d Q9 – f Q10 - e