University of Basrah – College of Engineering Department of Materials Engineering Exam: Final (2) 2nd Sem. Date: 15 /09/2019 Time: 2 Hours Subject: Numerical Analysis (E321 ) Class: 3rd Year Examiner: Dr. Emad O. Bajee Q.1/ (15 Marks) Given the following set of points: x 1.0 2 2.5 3 f(x) 6 12 15.75 20 Using the Newton interpolation formula, find (1.5) Q.2/ ( 15 Marks) Using power fit method and the table below, find numerically the function and total error. X F(x) 1 6 2 24 3 54 4 96 Q3/ ( 15 Marks) 3 Using numerical integration method, evaluate ∫1 𝑒 3𝑥 = 3 Q4 (15 Marks) Consider the following equation and boundary conditions as shown in figure below 𝜕2𝑢 𝜕𝑥 2 𝜕2𝑢 + 𝜕𝑦2 = 0 . Find the temperature distribution of the square plate (1.5 * 1.5) when h=k=0.5. 100 x oC 0 oC 100 x oC 0 oC Dr. Emad O. Bajee Examiner Dr. Haider M. Mohammed Head of the Department