Mansour 090420 (updated Deponent verbs conor, conari, conatus sum hortor, hortari, hortatus sum morior, mori, mortuus sum patior, pati, passus sum proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum sequor, sequi, secutus sum Translate into Latin: We encourage. You (pl) were admiring. He died. You (f sg) set out. They will go out. Translate into English viam invenire diu conabamur. senex tandem e templo egressus est. imperator milites pugnaturos diu hortabatur mons altus esse videbatur. per terram hostium progrediebamur. omnes novam villam senatoris mirati estis? amici multas horas in taberna loquebantur ille nauta, qui vulnera gravissima passus est, mox mortuus est. pueri turbam puellarum sequebantur. heri profecti sumus; hodie iter lentum facimus, cras regrediemur. Perfect active deponent verbs puella saepe conata optimam epistulam scripsit viri in taberna clamantes feminam ingressam non viderunt. Romanum regressi de morte senatoris audivimus Milites malum imperatorem secuti magnum in periculum ducebantur. Cives novas portas mirati abierunt. Ablative Absolutes his verbis dictis, nuntius discessit. consule necato, cives perterriti erant. puellis conspectis, pueri multo laetiores erant. milites, itinere confecto, dormire poterant. templis deletis, iram deorum timemus. uxore lacrimante, senex misserimus erat. quid dicere potes de servo clamanti? heri navibus navigaturis omnes ad mare festinavimus. senator multis audientibus mortem consulis nuntiavit. pueri puellaeque libro lecto omnia intellegent. The consul walked into the forum as the senator was leaving. As the ship was about to sail, that sailor fell into the sea. The senator was killed with many citizens watching. After the city had been destroyed, we were seeking a new homeland. I arrived when the girls were about to eat their dinner. Purpose Clauses amici ad villam advenerunt ut nobiscum loquerentur. cives ad portas urbis festinaverunt ut verba nuntii audirent. nonne custodiebaris ne ab inimicis necareris? milites per noctem laborabant ut nova castra conficerent. servus fugisse videbatur, ut saepe accidit, ne a domino puniretur. I walked to the city in order to find my friends. The old man stayed in the inn in order not to be seen by his wife. The women were standing in the street in order to look at the queen. We sent more soldiers so that the city would not be captured. A slave arrived to show us the way. 4th and 5th declension nouns Manus, -us (f, 4th,) Domus, -us (f, 4th) Exercitus, -us (m, 4th) Gradus, -us (m, th) Dies, diei (f, 5th) Res rei (f, 5th) Spes, spei (f, 5th) Acies, aciei (f, 5th) domum redii ut cenam consumerem. senatores de re gravissima loquebantur. quis exercitum Romanum tum ducebat? haec victoria spem pacis nobis dat. altera puella Romam ire volebat, altera domi manere malebat. magnam manum captivorum in castris invenimus. naves multis post diebus navigare potuerunt. quid In manu tenes, serve? haec ancilla in omnibus rebus fidelis erat. dux exercitus nostri pstridie ab urbe profectus ets. Translation on next page…. Next translation on next page….