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Smart Ventilation For Vehicles Using Machine Learning
Embedded Systems
Sarang Goel
Millions of vehicle occupants globally are exposed to unhealthy levels of traffic-related pollution while
simultaneously subjected to hazardous levels of CO2 in vehicle cabins. Exposure to traffic-related air
pollution causes serious health issues, such as pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.
To solve this issue, I created a sensor-less, user-friendly smartphone app called "Smart Ventilation
For Vehicles" that optimizes the operation of vehicle recirculation mode to minimize traffic-related
pollutants entering the vehicle while simultaneously maintaining acceptable levels of CO2 in the
cabin space. With a vehicle dashboard-mounted smartphone camera, traffic images are analyzed in
real-time using machine-learning to determine traffic conditions based on the weighted sum of the
bounding box heights formed around detected vehicles. Next, the acceptability of outside air is
determined based on traffic condition and vehicle speed, followed by determination of CO2 levels in
vehicle cabin based on exhalation of vehicle occupants and duration since last recirculation &
ventilation. Automatic activation of recirculation/ventilation mode is finally communicated to the
vehicle via Bluetooth or announced to the occupant.
Furthermore, SmartVentilation app was experimentally validated using a custom-built sensing
device consisting of NO2, PM2.5, and CO2 sensing device, Arduino UNO controller, Bluetooth
module, and portable battery. The NO2 and PM2.5 sensors were used to measure the pollutant
levels in traffic due to exhaust from other vehicles while the CO2 sensor measured the CO2 levels in
the vehicle cabin air from the exhalation of occupants.
This sensor-less, zero-cost, user-friendly, automated smartphone app has far-reaching long-term
health benefits for vehicle occupants globally.
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