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Stella Diaz Read-Aloud Questions: Novel Study Guide

© Mikey D Teach
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© Michael Sivert & Mikey D Teach 2019
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Read Aloud Questions
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© Mikey D Teach
Read-Aloud Questions
This unit was designed with you, the teacher, in mind. This unit will allow
your students to access this novel in a deep and meaningful way. At the
same time, this resource will save you time and energy. You’ll be able to
spend more time connecting with this story along with your students!
This resource includes Read-aloud questions for you! While I still encourage
you to read the novel ahead of your students, I’ve also taken the work out
of this novel and created read-aloud questions to guide each day’s readaloud. There are 3-5 read aloud questions (with critical thinking and higherorder thinking skills) per section!
Want to make this novel study more challenging???
I purposefully made the read-aloud questions a bit harder (and by a bit, I
mean MUCH more difficult!). You could easily print out the read-aloud
questions for all of your students who need a challenge.
This would allow for some differentiation in your novel study!
Do I HAVE to read this book aloud to my class?
Well, I am not in charge of you or your classroom, so this is completely up
to you. You do you, girl (or guy)! However, research strongly recommends
doing a whole-class novel as a read aloud. The read-aloud questions I have
provided are there for you to use however you see fit. Use one, use them
all… use what works for your class!
Enjoy your time with Stella and the rest of the characters in this book!
© Mikey D Teach
Read-Aloud Questions
Physical Resources
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© Mikey D Teach
TG Page 5
© Mikey D Teach
Days 1 -2 // Chapters 1-5
The following questions are suggested questions to use in your classroom as you read
this book aloud. In general, these questions are harder and require more critical
thinking than the journal questions. The more you can model how to think like a reader,
the better your kids will do with the literary skills needed for comprehension of novels.
Day | / Chapters |-3
• Why do you thi nk the Diaz family has a weekly appoi ntment? Do you have
somethi ng si milar i n your house?
• Why is Stella so excited for a new classmate?
• How does Stella feel about havi ng to take a class to help her learn to
speak English better? Why?
• Why is the last sentence i n Chapter 2 (p. 10) so i mportant for Stella’s
character devel opment?
• How does Stella feel about Jenny’s new friend, Anna?
• If you knew Stella, what might you say to her to help her feel better?
Day 2 / Chapters 4-5
• Stella really wanted the new kid to be a gi rl. How does she respond when
she fi nds out it’s a boy?
• Is she still i nterested i n bei ng his friend? Why?
• Why do you thi nk Stella is so embarrassed that she spoke i n Spanish to
• Why do you thi nk Stella doesn’t let people see her artwork until it’s
per fect?
• Why is the celebration for Don so i mportant?
• On p. 35 , Stella is doi ng a l ot o f wonderi ng. How does she feel right now?
What might be goi ng through her mi nd?
© Mikey D Teach
Days 3-4 // Chapters 6-9
Day 3 / Chapters 6-7
• How does Stella feel about Speech class?
• What do we learn about Stella’s dad?
• Why do you thi nk she feels this way about hi m?
• Do you feel empathy for Stella and her situation?
• Why do you thi nk Stella someti mes has di fficulty speaki ng?
• What might be happeni ng when Stella freezes because Stanley is the
pitcher i n the kickball g ame?
• What do you learn about Stella and Jenny’s friendshi p?
• Do you thi nk Anna will make it better, or worse?
Day 4 / Chapters 8-9
• Have you ever celebrated like Stella’s family does i n Chapter 8 – “j ust
• How do Jessica and Bridget’s comments to Stella make you feel? What
would you do i f you were there with the gi rls?
• How much do you know about your own culture? Would you like to learn
more about it?
• Why do you thi nk Stella is jeal ous o f the gi rl talki ng to her abuel o i n the
© Mikey D Teach
Days 5-6 // Chapters 10-15
Day 5 / Chapters 10-12
• Do you enjoy family holidays like Thanksgi vi ng? Why or why not?
• Do you thi nk Stella is enjoyi ng it?
• What does Stella mean when she says that giggli ng and smili ng don’t need
to be translated?
• Stella has a gli mpse o f con fidence a fter readi ng a para graph o f her book
out l oud. What snaps her out o f this? Why?
• Someti mes, sibli ngs don’t al ways get al ong. How can you tell Nick l oves his
little sister and helps take care o f her?
• How is Stella feeli ng at the end o f Chapter 12? Can you feel empathy
and/or compassion for her?
Day 6 / Chapters 13-15
• For the fi rst ti me i n this book, the word roj a is used i n a di fferent way
than “red cheeks from bei ng shy”? How is it used on p. 119?
• Who are some o f the people that Nick names as “aliens”? Do you thi nk this
list o f people helps com fort Stella?
• Are you surprised about how well thi ngs go when Anna eats l unch with
Stella and Jenny? Why or why not?
• Have you ever said somethi ng i mpolite and got caught sayi ng it? What
does that feel like?
• How does Stella’s mom help her at school, even when she’s not there?
© Mikey D Teach
Days 7-9 // Chapters 20-21
Day 7 / Chapters 16-17
• When you read about Nick and Stella’s relationshi p, what do you notice
about Nick? What ki nd o f older brother is he?
• What makes you a star fish? In other words, what makes you unique and
• How do Nick and Stella act with thei r Dad? Is it di fferent than the way
they act with thei r Mom? Why or why not?
• How does a narwhal tie i nto Chapter 17? Why is this ani mal i mportant for
the pl ot o f the story?
Day 8 / Chapters 18-19
• Why is it i mportant to make other people feel special, on thei r bi rthday or
any random day?
• How does Nick help Stella feel more con fident i n her li fe?
• How does Mom help Stella feel more con fident i n hersel f?
• Why does Stella want to ride bikes with kids from her class?
• Stanley shares that his mom baked hi m cookies to help hi m feel less
nervous and shy at school. What is somethi ng you do to help you feel less
shy and nervous when you meet new people?
Day 9 / Chapters 20-21
• Jessica doesn’t do very well on her speech, and as she watches, Stella
says maybe it’s good to be nervous someti mes. What does she mean by
• How does seei ng Stella succeed make you feel? Can you be j ust as excited
to see yoursel f succeed at somethi ng?
• Why is the endi ng o f this novel such an i mportant one for kids?
© Mikey D Teach
Hey There! I’m Mikey.
It’s so nice to meet you. I’m here to make sure your enthusiastic,
wonderful self is able to keep that stamina up for your kiddos.
I create curriculum and other print and digital resources for the
intermediate and middle school classroom so that you, the teacher, are
able to TEACH. {Crazy concept, right?!?}
I take the guesswork out of the standards. I give you all the tools to do a
bang-up job that will knock the SOCKS off of your principal!
{I’m serious. Be prepared to put them back on for him or her.}
In all seriousness, I also design my curriculum to
be FUN and FUNCTIONAL for your students. They’ll be so engaged, they
won’t even realize where they are!!! {Until the bell rings, of course, and
then it’s up to you to reorient them to reality.}
I am passionate about making sure that all students, especially our
gifted learners, have access to the individualized education they need. I
work to provide teachers with resources that allow for easy
differentiation for their gifted learners.
The Nitty Gritty
10+ Years of Classroom Experience
District Teacher of the Year
Ohio Master Teacher
Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, 2017
Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Instruction, 2015
Bachelor’s Degree in Education, 2006
Licensed to Teach Grades 4-9
Endorsements in K-12 Reading Intervention & Gifted Education
Mikey D Teach
Novel Study
I could not make these fantastic lessons
without the help of these amazing artists,
font designers, and graphic designers