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Renewable Energy in Iceland Study Abroad Syllabus

Kennesaw State University
Biology and Physics Dept.
Title of course: Study Abroad: Use of Renewable Energy in Iceland
Number of course: SA 4400
Term of course: Summer 2011
Instructor: Dr. Sigurdur Greipsson
Office hours: By appointment
Time of class: July 15 to July 30, 2011
Classroom location: Keilir, Keflavik, Iceland, School of Energy and Technology.
Office location: Library room 239
Office telephone: 770-420-4359.
E-mail: sgreipss@kennesaw.edu
Course description: Introduction to renewable energy resources with particular
emphasis on geothermal and hydropower energy.
The following topics will be explored:
• Historical uses of renewable energy in Iceland.
• Harnessing and use of renewable energy with emphasis on geothermal and
hydropower energy.
• Use of renewable energy (hydrogen and electricity) in transportation.
• Environmental impacts of harnessing renewable energy.
• Carbon sequestration; the CarbFix project, reforestation and land reclamation.
• Renewable energy and tourism; possible conflict of interests.
Objectives: The course is intended to introduce to students renewable energy resources
with emphasis on geothermal and hydropower energy. In addition, carbon sequestration
will be introduced. Familiarize students with environmental impact of renewable energy.
Learning objectives: By the end of this course, students will: Possess the basic
knowledge on renewable energy resources and especially hydropower and geothermal
energy. Also, students should gain knowledge on measures made to curb carbon dioxide
emission. Possess scientific enquiry, analytical and writing skills. Ask scientific
questions and analyze problems that are related to the content of the course. Participate in
class discussions on topics that focus on the content of seminars.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2108.
Text: Renewable Energy. G. Boyle. Oxford University Press. Handouts.
Important dates: – March 1, application deadline.
Course content:
Week 1 – Saturday: Depart Atlanta to New York to arrive in Keflavik, Iceland.
Sunday: Arrive at Keflavik International Airport, Iceland. Drive to Keilir, Keflavik.
Monday: Orkustofnun, including visit to Icelandic New Energy, Icelandic Energy
Research Institute and the UN-University in Geothermal energy. Seminars:
“Historical use of geothermal water” and “Renewable Energy Resources in
Iceland”. Guest lecture staff of Orkustofnun.
Tuesday: Landsvirkjun - Hellisheidarvirkjun (geothermal station). Seminar: “The
CarbFix project”. Guest lecture staff of Orkustofnun.
Wednesday: Geothermal station at Nesjavellir. Seminar at Keilir: “Geothermal
energy of Iceland”. Guest lecture staff.
Thursday: Hydropower station at Sogid. Seminar at Keilir: “Glaciers and
hydropower energy of Iceland”. Guest lecture: Dr. Helgi Bjornsson.
Friday:, Reykjanes geothermal area and the touristic Blue lagoon. Seminar at
Keilir: “Geology of Reykjanes”. Guest lecture NN.
Week 2 - Monday: Hitaveita Sudurnesja, Svartsengi (geothermal station),
Helguvik (new aluminum plant).
Tuesday: Burfell (hydropower station). Urridafoss (future hydropower station).
Wednesday: Grundartangi, Century Aluminum and Elkem (metallurgic plant).
Thursday: Thingvellir National Park. Keilir: seminar: “Tectonic Plates and
Continental Drift”. Guest lecture: Mr. Bjorn Hroarsson.
Friday: Great-Geysir, geothermal area, visit to a small privately owned
hydropower station. Gullfoss (the golden waterfall). Carbon sequestration
programs; reforestation in Haukadal National Forest and land reclamation on
Haukadalsheidi. Seminar at the Forestry station in Haukadalur: “Forestry and
carbon fixation”. Guest lecture: Dr. Throstur Eysteinsson. Hagavatn and Faxi
(future hydropower stations).
Week 3 - Saturday: Group discussion on student projects.
Monday: Departure from Keflavik to Atlanta via New York.
Grading: The final grade in this class will be based on student combined performance.
The values are listed below:
Final Exam
Field Journal
1,000 points
A=900-1000; B=800-899; C=700-799; D=600-699; F<600
Class Procedures: Seminars on each topic will be followed by a discussion where class
participation is expected. Field excursions are supplemented with seminars and
participation in discussions is expected. Students will write term-paper on selected topic.
Students keep field journal throughout the course.
Daily Assignments: TBA
Incomplete Work Policy: Make up exam will not be given unless arrangements are
made prior to exam day and the absence is excused. Excused absences are: physician’s
written excuse and a written excuse from Kennesaw State University. Make up exam
must be taken within one week of the regularly scheduled exam. All exams must be taken
or you will receive an F for the course. No examination will be given prior to the
scheduled period and date.
Cheating Policy: Any student caught cheating on an exam will receive an F. Term-paper
and Field-Journal must represent individual effort.
Attendance Policy: Seminar attendance is critical for success. Attendance is taken for
each seminar. Students are responsible for signing their name on the paper but it is not
directly counted in the course grade. Students are responsible for all seminar and assigned
reading material, and for all announcements made including announcements amending
this course syllabus.
Amendments to the syllabus will also appear on the course GeorgiaView page.
General information: This syllabus represents a tentative plan for the instruction in this
course. If, in the opinion of the instructor learning may be optimized by modification, it
is subject to change at any time. Questions will be drawn from information given to the
student in seminars or in reading from the textbook or handouts. Term-papers and Fieldjouranls must be printed. Do not send electronic versions.
Cellular phones must be switched off before entering seminars.
Academic withdrawal policy: Students may withdraw from one or more courses
anytime before the last three weeks of the semester. However, as of Fall 2004, students
will be allowed a maximum of eight total withdrawals if they enter KSU as a freshman.
Transfer students will be allowed one withdrawal per fifteen credit hours attempted, for
a maximum of eight. Students who choose to pursue a second degree at KSU will be
allowed two additional withdrawals. Students who entered KSU before the Fall of 2004
will be allowed one withdrawal per fifteen credit hours attempted for a maximum of
eight. To withdraw, the student should complete an official withdrawal form in the Office
of the Registrar. Students who officially withdraw from courses on or before the last day
to withdraw without academic penalty will receive a W. Students who officially
withdraw after the last day to withdraw without academic penalty (and before the last
three weeks of the semester) will receive a WF, which will be counted as an F in
calculation of their grade point average. The only exceptions to these withdrawal
regulations will be for instances involving unusual circumstances, which are fully
documented. Students may appeal to the academic standing committee for
consideration of unusual circumstances. Last date to withdraw without academic
penalty for Summer 2010 is June xx.
Academic Integrity: Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of
the Student code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate catalogs.
Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University’s policy on academic
honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to
University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic
malicious/intentional misuses of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of
student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled
through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes
either an Informal resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a
formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct’s
minimum one semester suspension requirement.
You are expected to follow the regulations under the “statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities” section of the 2007-2008 Kennesaw State University Undergraduate
Catalog. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes
copying papers and not providing literature citations. Any violations of the Student
Conduct Regulations will be handled through the University Court.
Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability or medical condition
needing academic accommodation of class-related activities or schedules must contact
the instructor immediately. Written verification from the KSU disabled Student Support
Service is required. No requirements exist that accommodations be made prior to
completion of this approved University documentation. All discussions will remain
Term-paper: Students will write term-paper about course-related biological issue.