Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment JONMAUR HOLDING’S STATIC RISK ASSESSMENT Cert no 717357 Mobile Plant- Hazard Identification Control Checklist Success Via Knowledge Company: ..SS Piling earthmoving ……… Plant Type: ......CAT.............Unit No..........Reg/No: ……N/A….......... Plant Identification No: .....CAT0321DCKBZ00167..........Serial No.: ….........321D.................. Hour Meter:..6140.2 Assessed by John Faralla Dip: Training & Assessment Accredited Workplace Assessor No.1133 N.M.I.T Assessor No. NM014 Location of Assessment: …………………...Werribee……………………Date:........18-02-2020........ Plant Risk Assessment Label attached: Yes No Accredited Competency Assessors Signature: This document has been developed as a guide to identify hazards on plant only, workplace hazards have not been identified A Safe Work Methods Statement (SWMS) or job safety analysis (JSA) is required to identify workplace hazards. This Assessment is conducted under a static condition as per the OH&S Safety Regulation Victoria 2017 –Division 5 National Standards For Plant (NOHSC:1010 (1994) This assessment is conducted under a static condition THINK SAFETY /BE SAFE S U C C E S S JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 V I A K N O W L E D G E 1 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment REPORT ACCEPTANCE GENERAL NOTES The Owner/Operator of the above Plant/Equipment should perform an inspection, following Safety Hierarchy of Control, at regular intervals that all procedures and control methods are maintained to an acceptable level where the level of risk to any persons is decreased. In particular when any alteration or change is made to the Plant/Equipment a review of both Control Methods and Documentation should be made. A Plant risk Assessment should be performed at regular interval with a minimum of ONCE PER YEAR DISCLAIMER This Plant and Equipment Hazard/Risk Assessment report, (referred to hereafter as Assessment) contains information that is privileged and confidential and produced only for use by the Entity of person named on the front cover sheet of this Assessment. This Mobile Plant Hazard & Risk Assessment does not eliminate the Owner/Operator responsibility to maintain the Mobile Plant as per OH & S Plant Regulations 2017 Subdivision 2 –Control of Risk. National Standards for plant(NOHSC:10101994) Copying or distribution of this Assessment by any means to a third party is expressly prohibited unless consent has been authorised by the Assessor and or recipient. This Assessment by Jonmaur Holding’s provides information that is based on observations that were made on the date on the Assessment cover sheet. If any addition, alteration or modification has been made to this Mobile Plant & Equipment subsequent to that date, may not confirm to a satisfactory level of acceptance, therefore the STATIC Mobile Plant Hazard & Risk Assessment is Null and Void. ALL HAZARDS IDENTIFIED IN THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE RECTIFIED WITHIN 21 DAYS OF DATE LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS FORM IF FAULTS NOT RECTIFIED IN 21 DAYS – THIS DOCUMENT BECOMES NULL AND VOID JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 2 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment PLANT HAZARD IDENTIFICATION CONTROL CHECKLIST COMPANY: SS PILING EARTHMOVING......…………………….………………PLANT TYPE: ......CAT…………………………………………... SERIAL NUMBER: … ITEM 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. .................312D…………………………………PLANT NUMBER: …...............................………………………………………………….. N/A COMMENTS ITEM N/A COMMENTS 1. Guarding 13. Noise Level Moving parts guarded In limit 2. Audible Alarm 14. Fluid Leakage Fitted Condition 3. Visual Alarm 15. Windows /Doors Supplied Condition 4. Warning Signs /Crush Zone 16.Quick Hitch Fitted Independent Latching 5. Burst Protection 17. Lifting Points Operational Approved 6. Protective Structure 18. Fire Protection Fitted/Type Ropes Supplied& in Date 7. Seat Belt 19. Pre-start Checklist Fitted Issued 8. Safety Bars/Props 20. Service Maintenance Supplied Documented 9. Controls 21. Operational Manual Identified Supplied 10. Work/Walk Platform 22. Operators Details Name: …………………………………… Condition 11. Step- Hand Grips 23. Plant Risk Assessment Certificate No.: ……………………………. In place Label attached 12. Seating Type: ………………………………………. Condition General Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name: …John Faralla.............................Signature: …………………………............Position External Accredited Assessor: ... NM014.........Date: ....18-02-2020 ...... JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 3 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment POTENTIAL HAZARD d) Being thrown from the Plant IDENTIFIED CONTROL METHODS YES/NO YES PLACE Seat Belt Fitted Door Fitted R.O.P.S fitted seat belt must be Worn, warning decal YES YES N/A N/A e) Coming into contact with sharp objects YES YES Yes Guarding No Visible Signs Of Sharp Objects Drill Attachment Damage Windows/ Mirrors f) Other Items? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Viewing Area Safety Bar Rotating Parts Working Distances (radius) Ball Joints /Blades Idler pullies/ rollers Machine guarding Keep clear warning decal fitted Quick – hitch independent latching device supplied Quick hitch ID Decal fitted Body safety pins/safety bar fitted Bucket/Link safety pins fitted 2) Striking Can any person be struck by Moving parts due to: a) Working pieces being ejected YES YES YES ADDITIONAL CONTROL ACTION DATE METHODS REQUIRED DATE COMPLETED General Comments……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name: …John Faralla.........................Signature: …………………………........... .External Accredited Assessor: . NM014..........Date:….18-02-2020.......... JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 4 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment CONTROL METHODS PLACE Damage Steps Worn Treds Hand Rails N/A YES Non Slip Surface Damage handrails b) Poor Floor Or Walking Surface YES Non Slip Surface c) Lack of Proper Stairs/Steps YES Steps/Footings in place Non slip surface 3 Points of Contact decal fitted Provision provided to prevent falls over (2) metres Rails/ ect Guardrails – handrails/grabs in place 3 Points of contact decal fitted Provision provided to prevent falls over (2) metres Zero swing POTENTIAL HAZARD 4) Falling-Slipping Can any person fall/slip due to a) Lack of proper work platform IDENTIFIED YES/NO N/A YES YES YES YES YES YES YES d) Lack of Guardrails /handrails or grabs YES YES YES ADDITIONAL CONTROL METHODS REQUIRED ACTION DATE DATE COMPLETED General Comments……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name: …John Faralla.................Signature: ………………………………… Position External Accredited Assessor: .. NM014..........Date: ......18-02-2020........ JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 5 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment POTENTIAL HAZARD IDENTIFIED CONTROL METHODS YES/NO YES PLACE b) Noise YES YES YES c) Other Items YES YES YES 9) Operator Have the following areas been addressed? YES a) Does the Operator hold a Certificate of competency – Safety Qualification YES YES YES N/A N/A In limit Hearing protection supplied Hearing protection decal warning Decal fitted Load capacity chart fitted Lifting points approved Track tension left/right Hydraulic Stop Release Valve Rollers Tracks/ Tension Condition Locking Devices / Safety Pin Holds relevant qualifications Certificate: Types: ADDITIONAL CONTROL ACTION DATE METHODS REQUIRED DATE COMPLETED Issue Date: card to Operate this item of plant b) Have the following been addressed? YES YES Steering rams/bushes/pins Chains/Blades/Buckets General Comments……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name: …John Faralla.................................Signature: ………………………………… Position External Accredited Assessor: .. NM014..........Date: ..18-02-2020.... JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 6 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment RISK ASSESSMENT TABLES Likelihood Table CATEGORY Almost Certain Likely Possible Unlikely Rare DESCRIPTION Incident will occur at some time (0 – 1 month) Incident could occur at some time (1 month – 1 year) Incident is possible to occur (1 year – 2 years) Incident is possible, but unlikely to occur (2 years – 5 years) Cannot imagine that this could occur (over 5 years) Consequences Table CATEGORY Minor First Aid Major Critical DESCRIPTION Effects unlikely to last until the next day. Likely to affect employee the next day. Medical Treatment injury needs formal medical treatment Injury requiring extensive medical treatment and/or hospitalization Catastrophic Injury resulting in death or permanent incapacity Risk Score Calculator Likelihood Minor First Aid Almost certain Medium High Likely Medium Possible Consequences Major Critical Catastrophic High Very High Very High Medium High High Very High Low Medium High High High Unlikely Low Low Medium Medium High Rare Low Low Medium Medium High JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 7 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment Risk Priority Table Descriptor Priority Action Very High 1 Immediate action required. The activity should cease immediately and short term safety controls implemented. Notify Manager and assess activity. High 2 Implement short term safety controls immediately. Notify Manager and assess activity Medium 3 Short term safety controls implemented to minimise risk of injury. Notify Manager and assess activity. Corrective Actions within one month. Low 4 Notify Manager and assess activity. Corrective Actions within three months (if possible). Safety around operating plant Machines have blind spots where operators may not see people or objects nearby. The following diagrams illustrate typical examples of blind spots for some common mobile plant. JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 8 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment WARNING DECALS REQUIRED NO REQ KEEP CLEAR OF SWING USE SAFETY BAR BEFORE WORKING UNDER RAISED ATTACHMENTS JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 WARNING DECALS REQUIRED No Req DANGER HOT SERVICE SAFE OPERATION OF QUICK HITCH IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OPERATOR 9 Jonmaur Holdings Consultancy Services Assessor John Faralla Dip: Training @Assessment CRUSH ZONES BEWARE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND SERVICES MACHINE FREQUENTLY/SUDDENLY REVERSING LOOK UP AND LIVE SEAT BELT MUST BE WORN SEAT BELT MUST BE WORN 3 POINTS OF CONTACT WHEN ENTERING / LEAVING HEARING PROTECTION SMALL/LARGE SAFE WORKING LOAD: SWL KG HIGH PRESSURE FLUID (RADIATOR AND HYDRAULIC) NO PASSENGERS DANGER ROTATING PARTS ISOLATION SWITCH CAUTION AIR OPERATED TAILGATE DIESEL HYDRAULIC OIL COOLING SYSTEM HIGH PRESSURE CYLINDER ON TRACK FRAME BODY SAFETY PROP ROPES FITTED SEATBELT MUST BE WORN DOES NOT COMPLY WITH AS1418, DO NOT LIFT OVER 3 MOULDBOARD MUST BE SUPPORTED AT BOTH END TONNES WHEN CHANGING CUTTING EDGES KEEP CLEAR OF BOOM SWING AREA WARNING – DO NOT CLIMB AUTHORISED PERSONS ONLY EXCAVATOR DECAL KIT REQUIRED WATER CART DECAL KIT REQUIRED FILL TIP TRUCK & TRAILER DECAL KIT REQUIRED Decal kits are available from SUPERSIGN on 1800 707 446 or from other sign – writing / safety outlets. All safety signs must comply with Australian Standards. JONMAUR HOLDINGS OPERATOR TRAINING AT YOUR WORKPLACE – MOBILE 0418 545 531 10