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Macbeth Act 2 Questions Worksheet

Illa Imbuzeiro
Macbeth Act 2 Questions
2. How does the porter's scene increase tension and suspense?
Since someone (porter) is knocking on the door, the killer who is that the Macbeths are in panic. They
weren't able to scrub their on time, terrified of getting caught and perhaps when they opened the door, the
murderer's face still can not be detected.
4. Throughout the play, symbols, or objects or ideas stand for something other than that themselves, are
used to represent major ideas and themes. What is symbolized by the repeated incidences of images of
That sleep is supposed to be nature's rest and that it is a gift given by God. And beacuse of Mabeth's actions
she betrayed nature and God. So now lack of sleep is her punishment.
6. What do the images in lines 6-19 of scene 4 suggest about the act of killing the king? What is
foreshadowed about Macbeth's reign by the description in these lines?
When Duncan was killed, Elizabeth's laws of nature collapsed. With what Macbeth has done, God is now
angry and the universe is unsettled by his actions. Nature is now unbalanced creating unusual events like
cannabalism between the horses.
8. What is the mood or atmosphere of Act ll? What images or details in characters' speeches help you create
this mood?
The mood of the people is that they sense that something bad will happen. Fleance won't stop assuming
the worst and Macbeth sees a floating dagger which is a sign that something evil is coming.