Presentation Acute Coronary Syndrome substernal pain on exertion 15-30 min/episode “dull, squeezing, pressure” S3/S4 rales (normal exam does not exclude ACS) Tests Hx consistent with ischemia = most important EKG exercise stress test: intermediate risk w/ normal EKG; looks for reversible ischemia; catheterize abnormal results echo: evaluate wall & valve motion, & EF; normal wall motion excludes MI EKG: ST depression NSTEMI STEMI chest pain chest pain rales S3 JVD LBBB sudden onset dyspnea, relieved by sitting up +/-rales, +/- peripheral edema S3, JVD tachycardia diaphoresis, nausea Systolic DysFx CHF Hypertensive EKG: ST elevation CXR Echo Troponin I: elevated BUN: elevated EKG: repeat if symptoms change Echo stress test: 80-85% of max HR to assess ST depression on EKG; stress test+ = reversible perfusion defect CAD/angina Acute Pulmonary Edema (CHF) Troponin I: rises 3-4 hr after pain onset, stays positive 1-2 wks CK-MB: rises 2-4 hr after onset stays positive 1-2 days (best test of reinfarction); false+ with CHF & renal failure Myoglobin: rises at 1-4 hr chest pain, dyspnea/CHF, stress test w/ dipyridamole or dobutamine echo EKG (excludes ischemia & arrhythmia) CXR (excludes effusion, cardiomegaly, congestion/vascular fluid overload) ABG BNP Troponin/CK-MB BUN/Cr: elevated >20:1 (pre-renal azotemia) CBC: hyponatremia echo: determine EF, syst/diast dysFx, valve fx Treatment ASA (81 mg x2) Metoprolol (25 mg BID) Nitroglycerin ACE-inhibitor Statin Morphine catheterization/angiography telemetry LMW heparin (SC enoxaparin) clopidogrel/prasugrel/ticagrelor chewable ASA (2 x 81 mg) NTG statin (LDL goal: <100 mg/dL) β-blocker (metoprolol) ACE-I morphine cath/angio despite medical intervention angioplasty/cath or thrombolytics for PCI clopidogrel/prasugrel/ticagrelor (DO NOT use heparin) chewable ASA NTG statin (LDL goal: <100 mg/dL) β -blocker (metoprolol) ACE-I angiography when >70% stenosis ASA +/- clopidogrel/prasugrel/ticargrel (DO NOT use heparin) β -blocker (metoprolol) statin (LDL goal: <100 mg/dL) ACE-I (if EF <35%) O2 & elevate head Furosemide (Lasix) IV 20 mg, double every 20-30 min till urine produced monitor I/O NTG paste, IV, or SL morphine 2-4 mg IV hemodialysis for refractory cases transfer to ICU if systolic < 90 mmHg (DO NOT use β -blockers in acutely ill pt) ACE-I (or ARB if cough; or alternative is hydralazine/nitrate if hyperkalemia) β -blocker (metoprolol, carvedilol) spironolactone for stage III/IV CHF only (eplerenone as alternative) diuretics & digoxin (no mortality benefit) biventricular pacemaker if QRS >120 ms IV anti-hypertensives: labetalol, enalaprilat, Notes ACS = Hx of chest pain + EKG MC risk factor: HTN worst risk factor: DM (also smoking, hyperlipidemia, & family Hx 1st degree relative (<55 male, <65 female)) Ca++-channel blockers used for symptomatic relief only, not mortality no O2 unless hypoxic don’t wait for troponin or CK-MB results statins can cause increased LFTs & myositis no O2 unless hypoxic eptifibitide or abciximab (glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor) used if PCI & stent Takotsubo cardiomyopathy due to overwhelming emotions; mimics anterior wall STEMI 1-2 vessel: medical Rx & possible PCI 3 vessel w/ LV dysFx or left main: bypass ASA only in chronic stable angina Ranolazine: Na+-channel blocker for refractory angina cases only MCC: “I AM in high salty fluid” Ischemia Arrhythmia Medication (most common) Infection HTN crisis Salty food Fluid overload (iatrogenic) AICD if low EF despite medical therapy (lowers mortality) ACE-I not beneficial in diastolic dysFx HTN crisis = severe HTN with end-organ crisis Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic Obstruction Cardiomyopathy Arrhythmia blurry vision, confusion, renal insufficiency SOB worsens on exertion, improves with rest rales +/- peripheral edema syncope, LOC chest pain S4 gallop sudden death in athletes palpitations or nitroprusside (stroke caution: do not lower BP > 25% 1st few hrs) damage CXR: congestion or pulmonary vascular redistribution echo (alternative MUGA or left heart cath) β -blocker, ACE-I, spironolactone, diuretics (for dilated cardiomyopathy) treat underlying cause (for restrictive card.) systolic murmur at LLSB: valsalva & standing (increases); squatting & leg raise (decreases) echo left heart catheterization systolic dysFx: diated cardio. diastolic dysFx: hypertrophic card. restrictive card: sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, hemochr., cancer, endomyocardial fibrosis EF is preserved β -blocker (metoprolol) implantable defibrillator (for syncope) EKG (if normal, Holter as outpatient, telemetry for inpatient) exclude thyroid disease, alcohol, caffeine NO anticoagulation if present < 48 hr anticoagulate if risk for stroke (CHAD2) cardiomyopathy HTN age >75 DM prior Stroke/TIA (anticoagulate) rate control <100 bpm within 30 min metoprolol (5 mg IV every 5 min 3x, then oral 50 mg bid, max 200 bid), OR… diltiazem (0.25 mg/kg, then IV 0.35 mg/kg, then oral 30 mg qid, max 200 qid) use digoxin if BP is low or borderline (digoxin doesn’t lower BP; slow acting) diuretics, ACE-I, dehydration, & digoxin will worsen HOCM hemodynamic instability = chest pain, SOB, confusion, hypotension (<90 mmHg systolic) CHAD2 = 0/1: ASA &/or clopidogrel CHAD2 = 2+: warfarin, rivaroxaban, or dabigatran (no INR monitoring required, not reversible) causes: HTN (MC), CHF, alcohol, cocaine, thyroid disease, rheumatic fever (immigrants), dilated atrium palpitations, +/- chest pain lightheadedness EKG: irregularly irregular rhythm, P-waves absent, normal QRS (do not measure HR by radial pulse) echo (detects valve disease & clots) Troponin/CK-MB SVT sudden onset palpitations SOB, lightheadedness EKG: narrow QRS tachycardia (>160bpm), P-waves absent no physical findings echo to exclude other pathology troponin/CK-MB are not useful telemetry adenosine b-blocker (metoprolol or diltiazem) cardioversion if hemodynamically unstable Wolf-Parkinson White Syndrome palpitations, lightheadedness, syncope EKG: small/short P-R, delta waves (early ventricular depolarization), SVT alternating w/ v-tach procainamide, amiodarone, flecainide, or sotalol electrophysiology (EP) to identify abnormal conduction tract for ablation previous EKG digoxin & Ca++-ch blocker use worsens symptoms or arrhythmia Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia a/w COPD 3 P-wave morphologies & normal QRS same as for a-fib/a-flutter NO β -blocker (worsens COPD) EXTREME EMERGENCY chest pain, confusion, SOB EKG: wide QRS, reproducibly regular, sustained VT >30 sec Troponin/CK-MB echo recent MI loss of pulse CPR – defib – CPR – epi – CPR – defib after 2 min – CPR - amiodarone low systolic < 90 mmHg lightheadedness confusion, syncope, SOB EKG: determine hemodynamic stability ventricular pacemakers give wide QRS & abnormal Twaves A-fib/A-flutter V-Tach V-fib Bradycardia saline bolus if systolic <90 mmHg check K+. Mg++, Ca++, O2 synchronized cardioversion if unstable amiodarone, lidocaine, procainamide, & Mg++ if stable GIVE CPR! unsynchronized cardioversion epinephrine or vasopressin if no response amiodarone (lidocaine alternative) if unstable/symptomatic… atropine (0.5-1.0 mg IV; 3 mg max) transcutaneous pacemaker other rate control meds: verapamil, esmolo, propranolol, atenolol Cardioversion: a-fib rhythm control MCC by abnormal AV conduction vagal maneuvers: carotid massage or valsalva MCC is previous MI (ischemia), also low Mg++, Ca++, or O2, high/low K+, cocaine toxicity, low EF dilated cardiomyopathy Torsade de Pointes treat V-tach without pulse the same if stable/asymptomatic… Sinus brady, 1st degree AV block, or Mobitz I = no treatment Mobitz II or 3rd degree AV block = pacemaker Sick Sinus Syndrome aka tachy-brady syndrome Syncope sudden LOC = cardiac or neurologic cause gradual LOC: metabolic sudden recovery of consciousness: cardiac gradual recovery: seizures, glucose, O2, drug O/D EKG Troponin/CK-MB echo measure O2, glucose, Na+, Ca++ MRI for brainstem causes head CT & echo w/o murmur findings are useless Valvular Heart Disease dyspnea CHF edema murmurs congenital/rheumatic fever echo (best initial assessment) catheterization (most accurate test) Aortic/Mitral Regurgitation dyspnea, rales, edema pacemaker if slow (>3 sec pause) b-blocker if fast echo (best test) EKG: AR will show LVH (SV1 + RV5 >35 mm) CXR: enlarged LA & LV AR: diastolic decrescendo murmur @ LLSB MR: pansystolic @ axilla that radiates Aortic Stenosis angina a/w CAD syncope CHF (worse prognosis) Mitral Stenosis young immigrant a-fib, dysphagia, hoarseness, early onset stroke Mitral Valve Prolapse Pericarditis Pericardial Tamponade Constrictive Pericarditis Peripheral Artery Disease palpitations atypical chest pain incidental finding chest pain: relieved by sitting up, worse on inspiration SOB, lightheadedness dyspnea, hypotension, JVD tachycardia sudden loss of pulse edema, JVD, Kussmaul’s sign enlarged liver & spleen ascities “angina of the calves” pain in legs relieved by rest decreased peripheral pulses echo (best test) stress test & angiography (due to CAD) EKG: biphasic P-waves in V1 & V2 CXR: “double bubble”, L mainstem bronchus pushing up, straightened L heart border TEE & L heart cathetherization is best test echo (best test) mid-systolic click w/ late systolic murmur EKG & CXR will be normal friction rub on auscultation EKG: ST elevation in all leads except AVR, PR segment depression vasovagal episode telemetry endocarditis PPx if valve was replaced ACE-I/ARBs decreased afterload no ABX PPx before dental procedures unless valve was replaced surgery: AR EF <50% or LVESD >55mm, MR EF <60% or LVESD >45mm no treatment if asymptomatic surgical replacement if symptomatic balloon valvulopasty if pt too ill diuretics (fluid overload) digoxin or β -blocker (HR control) balloon valvuloplasty (or alternative: valve replacement) β -blocker for palpitations & chest pain no treatment if asymptomatic no endocarditis PPx treat underlying cause NSAIDS (ibuprofen & naproxen) add colchicine to reduce recurrence risk alternative is prednisone for symptoms pulsus paradoxus (>10 mmHg with inspiration) CXR: enlarged heart shadow CT: pericardial effusion echo: effusion pressing on right heart: RA & RV diastolic collapse is the first sign EKG: low voltage, QRS electrical alternans fluids prevent/reverse tamponade thoracocentesis pericardial window placement cardiac catheterization: pressure equalization of all chambers in diastole S3 “pericardial knock” CXR: fibrosis, thickening, calcification Chest CT/MRI shows more detail surgical removal is best diuretics & salt restriction prevents build-up ankle/brachial index (ABI): ankle pressure >10% lower than brachial (ABI <0.9) = obstruction lower extremity Doppler STOP SMOKING! ASA (or clopidogrel) Cilostazol exclude cardiac & neurologic causes MI ventricular arrhythmia aortic stenosis HOCM seizure brainstem stroke increased venous return (squatting or legs raised) increases all murmur intensities (except MVP & HOCM) decreased venous return (sudden standing or valsalva) decreases left-sided murmur (except MVP) handgrip increases afterload; worsens regurgitations, improves HOCM due to any cause of dilated cardiomyopathy louder with squatting & leg raised softer with valsalva & standing worsens with hand grip ( afterload) DO NOT use ACE-I or ARB (worsens) MS can cause LA enlargement & a-fib w/ pressure on esophagus & recurrent laryngeal nerve. improves with squatting & leg raised worsens with valsalva & standing MCC: viral infection also fever, recent lung infection renal failure chest wall trauma SLE, RA, Wegner’s recent MI, cancer of chest organs Hx of tobacco smoking Hx of HTN, DM, hyperlipidemia pain with exertion, spinal stenosis worse smooth, shiny skin (severe) Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm USS: all men age >65 who have ever smoked Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm chest pain radiates to the back Heart Disease & Pregnancy peripartum cardiomyopathy w/ LV dysFx pleuritic chest pain that changes with respiration dyspnea, fever, cough, sputum sudden onset pleuritic chest pain recent surgery chest pain radiates to back chest tender on palpation epigastric pain, burning Pneumonia Pulmonary Embolus Aortic dissection Costochndrtis GERD Hypotension systolic < 90 mmHg Dehydration Sepsis angiography Fever Orthostasis CXR: wide mediastinum CT angiogram, MRA, TEE (90-95% sensit/specif) angiogram with catheter is most accurate Eisenmenger’s leads to pulmonary HTN (blood volume increases by 50% in pregnancy) CXR oximeter ABG sputum culture ACE-I for BP Statin (LDL goal: <100 mg/dL) tight glucose control in diabetics AAA >5.0 cm = surgical repair AAA <5.0 cm = USS in 6 months b-blocker (labetalol) decreases pulse pressure nitroprusside surgical repair Mitral stenosis Aortic stenosis ABX prophylaxis CT pulmonary angiogram CXR, oximeter, ABG CXR: wide mediastinum none repeat BP manually CT angiogram, MRA, TEE improves with antacids position feet up/head down IVF 250-500 mL NS bolus over 15-30 min BUN: Cr ratio >15-20:1 low urine Na+ (<20) high urine Osm (>500) CBC: leukocytosis Blood cultures BP normalizes lying flat Tilt-table test Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) incidental finding EKG: alternating normal QRS with wide, premature PVCs no specific treatment 30 heart block recent MI EKG: bradycardia, canon A waves atropine for symptoms pacemaker for all pt RV infarct recent MI EKG: inferior wall MI right-sided EKG: V4 STEMI Valve Rupture Septal Rupture recent MI, new murmur rales/congestion recent MI, new murmur increased O2 sat in RV walking downhill, but not uphill balloon pump in some pt balloon pump in some pt Tx first, Dx later.