Họ và tên: Nguyễn Văn Tuấn MSSV: 18119208 a) The maximal elements are all values in the Hasse diagram that do not have any elements above it Maximal elements= 27,48,60,72 b) The minimal elements are all values in the hasse diagram that do not have any elements below it Minimal elements=2,9 c) The greatest element only exists is there is exactly one minimal elements and is then also equal to that maximal element Greatest element= Does not exist d) The least element only exists is there is exactly one minimal element and is then also equal to that minimal element Least element = Does not exist e) the upper boundss of a set are all elements that have a downward path to all elements in the set Upper bounds = 18,36,72 f) The least upper bound of a set is upper bound that is less than all other upper bounds Least upper bound = 18 g) The lower bounds of a set are all elements that have an upward path to all elements in the set Lower bounds= 2,4,6,12 h) The greatest lower bound is the lower bound that is greater than all other upper bounds Greatest lower bound = 12