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Talent Resourcing: Interviewing Guide

Unit no/s: 3RTO
Name: Firdaus Bustamam
CIPD No:55566165
Word Count:1700
Activity 3
Engaging with people directly reveals a tremendous amount about the way they think and the values
they hold. Sometimes these thoughts and values are not even obvious to the people who hold
them, and a good engagement can surprise both the designer and the subject by the unanticipated
insights that are revealed. The stories that people tell and the things that people say they do—even
if they are different from what they actually do—are a strong indicator of their deeply held beliefs
about the way the world is. Good designs are built on a solid understanding of these kinds of beliefs
and values.
Visually, the interview process might look like this:
Michael Barry model. Stanford University
Design Guidelines – Interviewing
1. Opening The Interview
Opening the interview in a clear, relaxed and open way is important for a number of reasons:
It gives candidates information about what to expect;
It helps nervous candidates to settle down and relax;
It gives you a chance to start building a rapport with the candidate;
It provides a professional image of you and the organisation;
It sets the tone for the rest of the interview and encourages the candidate to talk openly
about themselves.
A good way to do this is to start with the following:
Welcome the candidate, thank them for coming, show them to their seat etc;
Ask a straight-forward question whilst they settle in to help put them at ease, e.g. 'how was
your journey'?
Introductions from yourself and other panel members - keep this brief;
Outline how the interview will progress. Explain approximate length, who will be asking
questions, that there will be opportunity for the candidate to ask any questions they have at
the end, and that the panel will be taking notes during the interview.
You may wish to provide a brief description of the job at this stage to set the scene, perhaps
particularly for more senior roles. Alternatively, you can check whether the candidate
understands the role when they have the opportunity to ask questions at the end.
If there are any issues surrounding the job that are particularly important or that you
anticipate may not be fully clear then it is worth spending some brief time covering these
points. Examples could be:
 Clarifying that a job is on a fixed term contract or that although it is on a
'permanent' contract it is subject to fixed term funding;
 clarifying hours for a part-time job and discussing any flexibility or constraints in
work patterns.
Putting The Candidate At Ease and Building Rapport.
Research shows that the best way to find the most suitable candidate for the job is by putting all the
candidates at ease and allowing them to talk in a relaxed and comfortable way about their
experiences and behaviour. How we do this is a matter for personal preference, but always begin an
interview by at least greeting candidates warmly and introducing our self.
Rapport is the connection between two people; the spoken and unspoken words that say ‘we are on
the same page’. It is the art of making someone feel comfortable and accepted. To create rapport,
we need to know how to connect with others regardless of their age, gender, ethnic background,
mood, or the situation.
This skill is never more important than in an interview, where someone’s immediate impression of
you is critical. Creating a connection with your interviewer is likely to have a large impact on whether
or not they wish to do business with you – so learning the skill of creating good rapport should be
one of your priorities as an interviewee.
We tend to be attracted to people that we consider similar to ourselves. When rapport is good,
similarities are emphasized and differences are minimized. Rapport is an essential basis for
successful communication – where there is no rapport there is no (real) communication! We
naturally experience rapport with close friends or with those with whom we share a common
interest. However we can learn to create rapport and use it to facilitate our relationship with
anybody, even with those with whom we profoundly disagree.
3. Using appropriate questions (detail 3 questions you want to ask and a brief summary of
the response you would expect for a candidate to be successful).
a. Tell me about yourself
This is a common introductory question. It is designed to get candidate talking about something they
know –it is A big mistake usually made by the majority of people is that they focus on their family,
children, hobbies or home life.
We expect the answer this type of question based around their own personal achievements,
educational background and ongoing studies. It is good to say that they are motivated or
enthusiastic. For example they might say, “I am a motivated person – whilst working for my
previous employer I achieved ‘XYZ’, which enabled the company to achieve its goal in relation to
increased profit margins etc.”
And also we expect the answer from candidate using some of the following key words when
structuring some of answers:
• Motivated
• Self-starter
• Responsible
• Enthusiastic
• Dedicated
• Committed
• Reliable
• Trustworthy
• Initiative
• Team player
• Organised
• Focused
Some good response that we expect for example:
“My strong points are that I am focused, enthusiastic and dedicated. For example, whilst working
for my current employer I was successful in achieving my annual appraisal sales target with 4 months
to spare.
I like to ensure that I maintain a healthy balance between my personal and professional life. This
helps me to maintain a high level of performance at work.
b. What are your weaknesses?
We expect the type of response is to identify that they have a weakness, but also identifies a
number of strengths. They must show that they have the ability to look at them self and make
changes where needed. Accepting constructive criticism is one thing, but doing something about it is
another. This also leads on to another possible ‘strength’ quality in the fact that they can identify
their weaknesses and do something about them.
Here’s an example of a response to this type of question we expect:
“In my previous job I found it difficult to delegate work to others. I can be a bit of a perfectionist at
times and I like a job or task to be done correctly to a high standard. Unfortunately this lack of trust
caused problems within my team and a member of staff approached me to tell me they were not
happy with the way I was working. I took their comments on board and decided to ask the rest of
the team if they felt the same. The feedback I received was along the same lines – that the majority
of people felt I should delegate more work and responsibility to them. Following this feedback I
decided to change my style of approach and began to delegate more work, placing greater trust on
my colleagues. This had a very positive effect and the workload increased dramatically as a result of
this change. Morale within the team improved too and now I hold regular feedback meetings with
my colleagues to see how we can improve.”
c. Why have you decided to apply for this job?
The responses that we expect such as “I’ve wanted to work in this kind of role since I was a child”,
and “This job just really appeals to me”. These types of standard responses will gain them few
We consider the following points from candidate answer:
The knowledge about the job role. We expect the candidate demonstrate the key skills required to
perform the job competently. An example would be:
“I understand that this role requires very good communication and team working skills. I believe I
am very strong in these areas, and therefore I would be a valuable asset to the team. Having
researched the job and organisation extensively I have noticed a common theme appearing time and
time again – professionalism. I have also spoken to people who already work within this team, and
the feedback I have received has been excellent. I really want to work for this team and the skills and
experience I have already gained will allow me to contribute towards the organisation’s goals in a
positive manner.”
4. Controlling the interview without dominating.
• Listen to nonverbal cues. Be aware of body language and emotions.
• Don’t be afraid of silence. Interviewers often feel the need to ask another question when there is
a pause. Sometimes if you allow there to be silence, a person will reflect on what they’ve just said
and say something deeper.
• Don’t suggest answers to your questions. Even if they pause before answering, don’t help them by
suggesting an answer. This can unintentionally get people to say things that agree with your
• Ask questions neutrally. “What do you think about this idea?” is a better question than “Don’t you
think this idea is great?” because the first question doesn’t imply that there is a right answer
5. Closing the interview
The closing section of the interview should have three elements:
The opportunity for the candidate to ask any questions they may have - remember the interview is a
two-way process.
You may also at this stage want to ask if the candidate has any questions on terms and conditions of
employment and employee benefits. This is an opportunity to then promote and confirm this
information, which can often be an important factor in people's decision-making process.
An explanation of what will happen next and an indication of timescale. Don't commit to something
that you won't be able to achieve for all candidates e.g. "we will ring you tomorrow".
Thank the candidate for attending.
6. Making the decision to appoint or not.
Making a decision
At the end of the interview process the panel will need to discuss who is the best candidate
and whether they are appointable. It is worth structuring this stage properly to help you
make an objective and sound decision:
Each panel member should initially take some time to refer to their notes, including the
scores and summary comments on the Candidate Interview Assessment form.
Independently, each panel member should then rank the candidates in order;
The panel should then come together and discuss how each candidate performed in relation
to the selection criteria. You may want to look first at whether there are any candidates who
are clearly not appointable or less suitable than others, although make sure you have a full
discussion before deciding on this.
If you have used other selection methods alongside the interview such as tests or
presentations, make sure that performance assessments of each candidate also inform your
final decision.
A panel operates best if it works as a team to come to an agreed decision. The Chair's role is
to ensure that there is a full discussion, that all have their say and that any differences of
opinion are debated. Ultimately the Chair will make the final decision if there is unresolved
disagreement on whom to appoint.
When you assess a disabled applicant’s suitability for the job you must take account of how
reasonable adjustments could enable them to do the job. If, after taking reasonable
adjustments into account, they would not be the best person for the job, you do not have to
offer it to them. Always contact Human Resources for advice where you are considering a
candidate with a disability.
Sometimes if there is a large amount of discussion or the interview day has been long, you
may feel that its best to take some time out and reconvene the next day.
If there is still uncertainty over the first-choice candidate, or if you are finding it hard to
decide between two or more candidates, it is often a good idea to call them back in for a
more focussed follow-up discussion so that you can come to a more final and fully informed
decision. This should involve at least two representatives from the original panel and should
be arranged as soon as is possible.
It's often the case that although there is a first-choice candidate, there are also others who
would be appointable. Make sure that you establish who falls into this category and in what
order so that you can move quickly if your first-choice candidate does not accept the job
offer. A further discussion with the rest of the panel before making any further offer is
normally sensible.
Finally, if the panel has significant doubts about the ability of any of the candidates to fulfil
the role effectively - don't appoint. It may not seem like it at the time but it far better in the
long run to go through a second recruitment process and find the right person than to
appoint the wrong person and have to deal with the consequences.
If you are unable to make an appointment for whatever reason, you may wish to readvertise the vacancy.