当赖华安邀请我以合著者的身份共同制作这本照片语录时, 我感到非常荣幸。我非常喜欢这本名著《尊重 1,000,000》 的创作过程,对我个人来说,这不仅是一次丰富的经历, 也是一个美好的事业,以表示我们对那些在这次 Covid-19 大流行病中为我们的生命安全作出巨大牺牲的所有前线英 雄的支持。 本书中华安那鼓舞人心的语录和 30 多位各行各业撰稿者 的智慧信息/话语,确实是激发鼓励每个人的源泉。作为 语录和信息的译员,我思考过生命、大自然和宇宙创造者之间的关系;又常常被语录 和信息感动,以及感到十分兴奋能把它们翻译成优美的中文来反映意图! 与华安合著这本照片语录让我大开眼界,从这次经历中得到的一个关键收获是,“能够 真诚地帮助和慷慨地为实现造福人群的共同目标而付出,这确实是一大幸事”。为此, 我感谢华安给我这次合作的机会。 关于 ICON LAU 刘爱坤目前是一名自由翻译员,于管理与理科大学(MSU)深造,就读翻译和口译文 凭课程。早年毕业于霹雳怡保师训学院,曾任中学华英老师。以后赴新加坡丰收圣经 训练中心深造,获取实践神学文凭,又前后在新加坡国际哈该学院获得 先进高级领导 能力的结业证书,以及在马来西亚圣经学院获得 实践神学硕士,并任教会翻译员和口 译员廿年。他曾翻译书本/篇章、训练资料,教会圣诗诗歌,以及为多名本地和国际讲 员翻译等,如今参与其他方面的翻译,诸如小说,语录,商业资料等。 When Aesos Lai invited me to collaborate in the production of this PhotoQuote book as coauthor, I felt very honoured indeed. I have thoroughly enjoyed the entire process of creating this PhotoQuote book, “Respect 1,000,000”, not only because it has been an enriching experience for me personally but also because it is for a good cause, which is to show our support to all the frontline heroes who have sacrificed much for the safety of our lives in this Covid-19 pandemic. The inspirational quotes from Aesos and the messages/words of wisdom from the 30 plus writers from all walks of life in this book, are indeed a source of motivation and encouragement for everyone. As the translator of the quotes and messages, I have pondered on the relationship between life, nature and the creator of the universe … often times I am moved by the quotes/messages and am excited to translate them to reflect the intent beautifully in Chinese! This PhotoQuote book project collaboration with Aesos has been an eye-opener for me, and one of the key takeaways from this experience is, ‘it is indeed a great blessing to be able to help sincerely and give generously towards the achievement of a common goal for the good of humanity’. For that, I thank Aesos for this collaboration opportunity. ABOUT ICON LAU Icon is currently a freelance translator who is studying for his Diploma in Translation & Interpreting (DTI) from the Management & Science University (MSU). During his early years, he was a teacher who taught Chinese & English subjects at the secondary school level after his graduation from Maktab Perguruan Ipoh Perak (Teacher’s Training College). Subsequently, he obtained a Certificate of Applied Theology from Singapore City Harvest Bible Training Centre, and a Certificate of Completion of Advanced Leadership Skill from Haggai Institute Singapore. He also obtained a Master of Ministry from Malaysia Bible Seminari, and has been working as a church translator and interpreter for 20 years. He has translated books/chapters, training materials, church songs, and have interpreted for many local and international speakers. In recent years, he has expanded his translation work scope to include fictions/novels, inspirational quotes, business write-ups, etc. *********************** 我很荣幸能够与赖华安合著《Respect 1,000,000》。在 整个过程中, 我何等蒙福能够让此书成为所有人的祝 福,特别是在新冠疫情大流行为守护我们生命的所有 前线人员。 作为此书的主要译员,我时而受到许多语录的启发, 深思谋虑人生和大自然与宇宙万物创造者的关系;时 而受到翻译语录的华丽中文而兴奋,喜泣喊一声‘哇’;时而又受到 30 多位各阶层的反 思而感动;时而却要为所有的前线祈福。 与华安合著,其中最大的学习就是不要计较,反而要慷慨的为着祝福他人而彼此协助 达成公益的共同目标。 Icon 刘爱坤目前是一名自由翻译员,就读于管理与理科大学(Management & Science University)的翻译和口译文凭课程(Diploma in Translation & Interpreting)。早年毕业 于霹雳怡保师训学院(Maktab Perguruan Ipoh Perak),曾任中学华英老师。以后赴新 加坡丰收圣经训练中心深造(City Harvest Bible Training Centre Singapore),获取实践 神学文凭(Certificate of Applied Theology),又前后在新加坡国际哈该学院(Haggai Institute Singapore ) 获 得 先 进 领 导 能 力 的 结 业 证 书 ( Certificate of Completion of Advanced Leadership Skill),以及在马来西亚圣经学院(Malaysian Bible Seminari)获 得实践神学硕士(Master of Ministry)。曾任教会翻译员和口译员廿年,曾翻译书本/ 篇章、训练资料,教会圣诗,以及为多名本地和国际讲员翻译等,如今参与其他方面 的翻译,诸如小说,语录,商业资料等。 I am very pleased to collaborate with Aesos Lai as a Co-Author to produce this book. I have been very blessed in the whole process of making this PhotoQuote Book – Respect 1,000,000 to be a blessing to all generally and to the front-liners particularly who have sacrificed much for the safety of our lives in this epidemic Covid-19. As the main translator of this book, I am sometimes inspired by many quotations, thinking deeply about the relationship between life and nature and the creator of the universe. Sometimes I am excited by the gorgeous Chinese translation of the quotations, and crying "wow"; sometimes moved by the reflection of the 30 over writers from all walks of life; 暗 淡 also pray for all thefront-liners from time to time. One of the greatest lessons that I have learnt as an co-author with Aesos is that to give and take generously in helping each other to achieve the common goal of public welfare in order to bless others. Icon Lau is currently a freelance translator studying in the Diploma in Translation & Interpreting (DTI) at the Management & Science University (MSU). He graduated from Maktab Perguruan Ipoh Perak (Teacher Training) in his early years and taught Chinese English subjects in the secondary school. Later, he went to Singapore City Harvest Bible Training Centre to obtain a Certificate of Applied Theology, and a Certificate of Completion of Advanced Leadership Skill at Haggai Institute Singapore. He also graduated from Malaysia Bible Seminari with Master of Ministry. He has been a church translator and interpreter for 20 years. He has translated books/chapters, training materials, church songs, and interpreted for many local and international speakers. Now he is involved in other aspects of translation, such as novels, quotations, business materials, etc.