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IGCSE ICT Revision Guide: Websites, Books & Tips

CIE IGCSE Information and Communication Technology
3 exams: 2 practical (2 and half hours each) and 1 theory (2 hours)
Useful Revision Websites
There are also several
YouTube channels with
videos explaining how to
complete the practical tasks
set in the exams. These can
be easily found by searching
Useful Revision Books
All students who study ICT at
Carnforth High School are
given a pack of revision
materials which they can use
to revise all the key theory
topics as well as practice past
However, if you wish to
purchase additional
materials, we recommend the
following book:
Complete ICT
for Cambridge
IGCSE Revision
Guide by
Stephen Doyle
ICT department’s top revision tips
Theory such as input/output devices, networks, types of computer etc. is
best learnt through the use of flash cards and mind maps. Other topics
such as uses of ICT and impact of ICT are best learnt through practice of
exam questions.
Try watching online videos of practical exams being completed. You can
pick up lots of little tips and tricks to try next time you’re in lesson.