Uploaded by Yuvanesh Kumar

Draft for Tugasan Berkumpulan

Draft for Tugasan Berkumpulan – Lokasi bersejerah (Perkuburan Jepun, Melaka)
Deadline to give Yuva: 2 May (actual deadline: 5 May)
Attire: Smart Casual/ anything related to the video
Scene 1: Intro (4 min) (consist of 2 person, 2 min each)
Tell the title we going to discuss about in the video and proceed with the brief history of
occupation of Japan in Malaysia
Emphasise on how it was in Melaka during the Japanese occupation
Background video: War effects
Scene 2: Details of this graveyard (4 min) (consist 2 person, 2 min each)
Talk about its latar belakang, sejarah of the place, the purpose it was built
Located in the Bukit Baru, discovered in 1969
It is lesser known sights at Melaka and seldom visited by people
There were only 36 grave there
Out of 36, one belong to a japanese soldier that carried out sepukku (ritual suicide) and 5
originated from Amakusa-gun in Kyushu (who became Karayuki San and might have died
young from various disease). The rest of them might be spies or mere traders. There is a dog
as well with german name buried there
Background: Video compilation of pictures of perkuburan jepun as there are no vid of it in
youtube (tell me if you managed to find one)
Scene 3: Explain what is sepukku (ritual suicide) (2 Min) (1 person only)
Tell in the video that since one of them died from sepukku, it is essential to address what is
Basically sepukku is ritual suicide done by samurai back then and then followed by Japanese
soldier where they are willing to kill themselves rather than surrender to enemies for honour
Background video: Got sepukku compilations in youtube
Scene 4: Explain about “Karayuki-San” in Malaysia (4 min) (consist 2 person, 2 min each)
Need to talk about this because this as there are 5 person from Amakusa-gun
Karayuki-san refers to trafficked prostitutes from Amakusa -gun in Kushyu
Explain more about their presence in Malaysia
Background video: Got Karayuki San documentary footage in youtube
Scene 5: How to preserve this grave and the steps needed to be taken (2 min, 1 person) (may add 1
more person if the 10th member joined and the scene duration will be 4 min, so 2 min each)
Refer the last paragraph of https://thriftytraveller.wordpress.com/2012/01/31/japanesecemetery-melaka/
Since this place is not known by many, Melaka state gov should take initiative to promote
more about this place and from that, the deceased family or relatives might come to this
place and give proper respect and rituals to the deceased
Perhaps the remains can even be shipped to the country they belong which is Japan ( refer
https://www.historynet.com/rest-in-peace-bringing-home-u-s-war-dead.htm example of
countries which brings back their war dead back to their own country)
Video Background: Cemetery preservation footage
Scene 5: Conclusion (2 min, 1 person)
Conclude the whole video briefly
Tell how this place memberi kesan kepada pembangunan komuniti ( maybe can say that it
gives identity to the Japanese community who lived in Malaysia far away from their
homeland) (optional- if you managed to elaborate more regarding this then chun)
Tell about the values this place gives us and the reminder of how hard things were back then
(war, trafficking of prostitute who were forced to be taken away from their family) so none
will repeat the same mistake again
Tell how you feel about this place
The end