DEPARTMENT TM 9-1005-222 Of THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOL LISTS RIFLE, CALIBER .30, Ml, Mic (SNIPERS) AND MID (SNIPERS) I This copy is a reprid pages from Change HEADQUARTERS, which includes current 1, I DEPARTMENT FEBR UAR Y 1966 OF THE ARMY *TM 9-1005-222-35 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY Washington, D. C., 14 Febwy 1966 Technical haanual No. 9-1005222-3+ 1 RIFLE, CALIBER .30, Ml, MlC (SNtPER’S) AND ium (SNIPER’S) Paragraphs CHAPTER Section CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER Section CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER APPENDIX 1. I. II. 2. 3. 4. 5. I. INTRObUCTION General ......................................... Description and data ............................... PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS ................................... TROUBLESHOOTINGANDGENERALMAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE OF RIFLES Maintenance ..................................... II. Gaging headspace ................................ III. Timing rifle ..................................... ............................... 6. FINAL INSPECTION .............................. 7. REPAIRSTANDARDS PROCEDURES .......................... 8. OVERHAUL I. REFERENCES.. ........................................ II. REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOL LISTS. llhia msnud slgersedes TM 91OO!F22P2SP, 20 2eWmber lB61. .............. ......... ; ..................... l-l-l-3 1-4, 1-5 2-l-2-3 3-1, 3-2 4-l-4-3 1 1 8 9 10, 11 5-1 5-2 5-3 6-1, 6-2 7-1, 7-2 8-1 12 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Section I. GENERAL l=l. fcopc a. This manual is published for the information and gui dance of personnel responsible for direct support, general support, and depot maintenance of the caliber .30 rifles Ml, MlC (Sniper%) andM1D (Sniper’s). b. TM 9-1005-222-12P/2 contains alist of repair parts and special tools allocated to using organizations. FM 23-5 contains operating and lubricating instructions for the materiel. c. Use DA Form 2028 for reporting errors, omissions and recommendations for improvement and forward direct to: Commanding General Headquarters U.S. Army Weapons Command ATTN: AMSWE-SMM-P Section II. Rock Island Arsenal Rock Island, Illinois 61201 1-2. See TM 9-1005-222-12P/2. l-3. The rifles Ml, MlC (Sniper’s) and MlD (Sniper’s) (figs. l-l, l-3 andl-5) are gasoperated, clip-fed, air-cooled, semiautomatic shoulder weapons. The rifles are designed to accommodate either bayonetknife M5 or M5A1, the grenade launcher M7A3 and grenade launcher sight Ml5 and winter trigger kit (fig. l-7). For convenience of maintenance and repair, the rifles are divided into groups and assemblies as indicated in figures l-2, l-4 and l-6. Forms, Records, and Reports a Authorized Forms. Refer to DA Pam 310-2 and TM 38-750. b. Reports of Accidents. (1) Injury to personnel or damage to materiel. Refer to AR 385-40. (2) Ammunition, accidents and malfunctions. Refer to AR 7001300-8. c. Report of Unsatisfactory Equipment or Materials. Refer to TM 38-750. DESCRIPTION 1-4. Description MaintenanceAllocation AND DATA 1-5. Tabulated Data Data necessary for direct, general support, and depot maintenance are listed below. a Rifle Ml. Trigger pull, maximum - - - - - - - - 7.5 lb ‘Trigger pull, minimum - - - - - - - - 5.5 lb b. Rifle MlC (Sniper’s) and MID (Sniper’s). Trigger pull, maximum - - - - - - - - 6.5 lb Trigger pull, minimum - - - - - t- - 4.5 lb 1 B - LEFT REAR VIEW Figure 1-I. Caliber .30 rifle M.1 - left and right rear views. WE 10435 IE Figure l-8. Caliber .30 rifle Ml, M.lC(Sniper’s) and MID (Sniper’s) - major groups and assemblies. 12644 THREE-QUARTER THREE-QUARTER RIGHT-REAR LEFT-REAR VIEW VIEW RA PO Figure l-3. Caliber .30 rifle MlC (Sniper’s) - left and right rear views. I34666 v THRER-QUARTER RIGHT-REAR VIEW RA PO 134667 Figure 6 1-6.Caliber .30 rifle MID (Sniper’s) - left and right rear views. 3 WE 12646 Figure 1-6. Caliber .30 rifle M.lD (Sniper's) - INTER Figure l-7. Caliber .36 rifle ,4fl with winter major groups TRIGGER trigger and assemblies. ASSEMBLY kit installed - right front view- CHAPTER PARTS; 2-1. SPECIAL TOOLS, Repair Parts Refer to appendix II. 2-2. Common Tools Standard and common tools are author- 2 AND EQUIPMENT ized by tables of allowances and tables of organization and equipment. 2-3. Special Tools and Equipment Refer to appendix II. c 1, TM 9-1005-222-25 CHAPTER 3 INSPECTIONS (2) Check to be certain that 811 cleaning and 3-1. General Warning: Before inspection, determine that the weapon ia pointed in a safe direction, that live muada or obstructions are NOT present in the bore or chamber, and that the ammunition is not in position to be loaded. Do not pull the trigger until the weapon haa been cleared. Make an overti inspection of the weapons for appearance, condition, and operation Manually function, using dummy cartridgea. 3.2. Inspection of Materiel in the Hands Troops in’the Field a. &wraL Refer to AR 760-S. b. S’fi. (1) Inspect parta for wear tb8t would flmctioniIlg Table S-l. of impair of weapons. preservative pertinent 3-3. Inspection Gas cylinder diameter (fig. 5-23). Barrel diameter (fig. 5-32)_ Piston diameter (fig. 5-14) _ Firing pin protrusion (fig. S-17). Timing (fig. 5-36) _ _ __ __ _ _ Trigger pull (fig. 5-S)_____. of 8re available. Materiel (Sniper’s) and MlD -. - --- Inthehandaoftroop .__.____ TAO0 1705A - Accompany __ (Sniper’u) -- _a_ ~- GAGE, HEADSPACE 7319954. Maximum 1.950 BOLT; FIELD TEST 6046302. GAGE, BREECH BORE 5564343. Maximum 0.306 GAGE, PLUG, GAS CYLINDER DIAMETER 7319919. Shoulder of gage must be flush or above. GAGE, RING, PLAIN, No-go 7319918. Minimum 0.5991 GAGE, SNAP, PLAIN, ADJUSTABLE 7319911. Minimum 0.52B GAGE, FIRING PIN PROTRUSION 7274736. Minimum 0.044 Maximum 0.060 GAGE, TIMING 73192120. Bolt must release when bottom notch in gage is flush or below. FIXTURE, MEASURING, TRIGGER PULL 7274758. Ml Minimum 5.5 Ibe______________________ ._ Minimum 5.5 lbs. Maximum 7.5 lba. Maximum 7.5 lbs_______________________. Firing pin cam location (fig. 5-34). to To accompnny troops overma GAGE, HEADSPACE 7319964_________ Maximum 1.950 BOLT, FIELD TEST 6046302____ _ _ __ __ GAGE, BREECH BORE 5564343____ __ Maximum 0.310 GAGE, PLUG, GAS CYLINDER DIAMETER 7319919. Shoulder of gage must be flush or above___. GAGE, RING, PLAIN, No-go 7319918_ Minimum 0.5991 GA GE, SNAP, PLAIN, ADJUSTABLE 7319911. Minimum 0.525 GAGE, FIRING PIN PROTRUSION 7274736. Minimum 0.044 Maximum 0.060 GAGE, TIMING 7319920______________. Bolt must release when bottom notoh in gage is flush or below. FIXTURE, MEASURING, TRIGGER PULL 7274758. MlC-MID by a. t3twraJ. This inspection is conducted on materiel in alerted unib scheduled for oversea duty to insure that such materiel will not become unserviceable or worn out in a relatively short time. It prescribes a higher percentage of romaining usable life in serviceable materiel to meet a specific need beyond minimum serviceability. b. Spee@. Refer to table 3-l for serviceability standards. - --- Breech bore (fig. 5-31)___. manu&, authorized Troops Overseas SerciceabiZity Standard, for Rijle, Cdiber JO, Ml, YlC -- matarii, ‘I Minimum 4.5 lbs_______________________. Maximum 6.5 lbs_______________________. GAGE, RECEIVER 77QQ7OQ___________. Plug positioned flush or below____________. Ml MIC-MID Minimum 4.5 lbe. Maximum 6.5 lbs. GAGE, RECEIVER 7799709. Plug positioned flush or below. 9 C 1, TM 9-1005-222-35 CHAPTER TROUBLESHOOTING 4-l. AND GENERAL MAINTENANCE Troubleshooting Refer to table 4-l. Table 4-l. Troubleshooting rdsucn&lcn Probable esum RIFLE Cartridge clip inserts with difllculty. Short recoil________ ______ Bolt fails to close tightly _ _ Bolt does not release when clip is latched. Bolt released before clip is btehed. 10 4 Ml, MlC (Sniper’s) AND MID (Sniper’s) Deformed clip________________________-_. Replace. Broken ejector___.__________.________-_. Interference between bullet guide and follower arm. Undersised or out of round operating rod piston. Oversised gas cylinder,_______________-_. Undersised barrel at gas port_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Carbon in gas cylinder________ ________--. Carbon or foreign matter in gas port of barrel. Operating rod assembly binding_- - _ _ _ _ _ - -. Replace. Replace bullet guide. Replace operating rod assembly. Replace. Turn-in weapon for replacement. Clean. Clean. Replace operating rod assembly if damaged, or relleve wood from gun stock assembly, where operatlng rod binds on wood. Replace gas cylinder lock screw wlth valve. Leak in gas cylinder lock acrew with valve. Defective helical spring (operating rod) ____ _ Replace helical spring (operating rod). Remove burs from bolt. Boltbindlng_____._____________________. Repair or turn in for replacement. Distorted or damaged receiver____________ Clean bolt assembly. Extractor does not open enough to pass over rim of &ridge. Rephoe operating rod or relieve wood from Operating rod assembly binding___________ stock assembly where operating rod binds on wood. Replace helical spring (operating rod). Weak or broken helical spring (operating rod). Clean barrel chamber. Rust or dirt in chamber_,_________..______ Damaged cartridge, or frosen ejector___ _- _ - Repair or replace ejector. Replace bolt or turn in weapou for replaeeDamaged or deformed bolt and/or receiver. ment. Replace bolt assembly by selective At or Insufficient headspace_________________-_. t&n in weapon for replacement. Repalr or replace opera&g rod catch or Insufficient radii on operating rod catch or operating rod assembly. operating rod hooks. Bullet guide low at accelerator bearing point _ Replace. Replace. Worn or broken clip latch________________ Worn or broken helical spring (latch) _ _ _ _ _ _ Replace helieal spring (latch). TAO0 11OSA Table 4-l. Troubleshooting-Continued r Mdfunation Bolt fail8 to be held rearward after firing last round of clip and clip held inside of rifle jammed by bolt. Failure to eject cartridge Corrective action Probable cause case --- Excessive radii on operating rod catch or operating rod aseembly. Bullet guide high at accelerator bearing point. Bolt does not move sufficiently rearward. Binding latch __ ________________ Arm or operating rod catch bent or deformed. Low power, causing short recoil Weak, missing, or frozen helical spring (ejector). Ejector binds ___________ __-___Short recoil ___________________ Failure to eject cartridge clip --- Failure of bolt to open after firing Clip ejector worn, weak, or broken. Operating rod catch deformed or broken. plugged bm Presmre.on trigger does not release hammer. One or more live cartridges ejected with clip. Operating rod assembly disengages from bolt while firing. 4-2 gm gae port ____----_-____ cylin&r__----------- Barrel undersize at gae port area Cae cylinder lock screw with valve fails to close. Light indent on primer --------Inadequate firing pin protrueion Hammer spring housing damaged Deformed trigger, pin. or hammer . Cperating rod aeeembly releases too soon when clip is inserted. Worn operating rod lug or kinked helical @ring (operating rod assembly). Replace operating rod catch or operating rod assembly. Replace. See short recoil. Replace latch. Replace operating rod assembly. Correct short recoil maMmctione. Replace helical spring (ejector). Clean bolt ejector opening or remove bure from ejector. Clean gas port. Replace operating rod assembly or helical epring. Replace. Replace catch. Clean. Replace gas cylinder. Turn in weapon for replacement. Replace. Replace helical epring (hammer). Replace. Replace. Replace defective trigger, pin or hammer. Replace operating rod catch and bullet guide. Replace operating rod aseembly or helical spring. Special Repair Methods a Parts or assemblies that connot be repaired or reclaimed will be replaced. Non-repairable assemblies may be disassembled and the serviceable parts returned to stock. b. If a required new part is not available, a reconditioned used part may be sub&i- tuted. Such reconditioned used parts ehould be examined carefully to determine their suitability. 4-3. Cleaning Refer to TM 9-247, TM g-208-1 andTM g-208-2. 11 CHAPTER 5 MAINTENANCE OF RIFLES Section I. MAINTENANCE Note. White arrows shown on illustrations indicate removal, black arrows indicate installation. 5-1. Maintenance Procedures Refer to table 5-l. Table Major Item, Groups and Assemblies Rifle, Cal. .30 Ml Rifle, cal. .30 Removal/ Installation 6-l. Maintenance Disassembly/ Assembly Fig. l-2. Fig. l-4. Fig. 1-6. Inspect Figs. 5-5, 5-35, 5-36. Figs. 5-5, 5-35, 5-36. MlC(Sniper’s) Rifle, Cal. .30 Ml D(Sniper ‘e) Trigger housing assembly Stock assembly Figs. 5-l 5-2. Fig. 5-6. of Rifles and Figs. 5-5, 5-35, 5-36. Fig. 5-3. Fig. 5-7. Follower group Fig. 5-11 and 5-12. Figs. 5-13 and 5-14. Bolt assembly Fig. 5-15 Figs. 5-16 and 5-17. Latch group Bear sight group Gas cylinder group Gun hand guard group Barrel and receiver groups Fig. 5-18. Fig. 5-19. Telescope mount assembly for rifle MlC @iper%) Mounting bracket assembly for rifle MlD (8nipers) Cheek pad for rifles MlC, MlD(Sniper%) Grenade launcher M7A3 12 Figs. 5-20 and 5-21. Figs. 5-24 and 5-25. Fig. 5-28. Fig. 5-16. Figs. 5-22 and 5-23. Fig. 5-26. Repair Replace Fig. 5-30. Fig. l-4 except items 1, 2, 4 and 7. Fig. l-6 except item 7. Fig. 5-48 excep item 11. Fig. 5-49 excep items 1, 1D (1, thru 5) and lE(4). Fig. 5-50 excep items 7, 9, and 10. Fig. 5-51. Fig. 5-30. Fig. 5-30. Fig. 5-4. Figs. 5-9, 5-10, 5-42 and TB OBD 507. Fig. 5-52. Fig. 5-53. Fig. 5-54. Fig. 5-49. Fig. 5-27. Figs. 5-29, 5-31, 5-32, 5-33, 5-34, andTB94933-202-30. Fig. 5-37. Fig. Fig. 5-38. Fig. 5-56. Fig. 5-39. Fig. 5-57. Fig. 5-40. ReMning 5-55 excep items 2, 2A thru2E, Bani 4. eprine (fig. 5-40). Note. Refer to rM 9-1005-234-14P :or repair parts of T&e 6-l. Maintenance of Rifles-Continued Inspect R.MOVSl/ IMwllatlon Pig& S-41. Replace Fig. 5-43. Fig. S-43 exce$ items 4, 7. M7A3 launcher and Ml5 sight. Fig. S-44. Fig. S-44 excepl Note. Refer to TM 9-1005-237-15P for repair parts of M5, M5AI bayonetknives. Blade IAseembly . (7266555). Fig. 5-45. Bayonet-knife M5Al Fig. b-8. Fig. B-1. Fig. 5-46, Fig. 5-47. Fig. 5-45 excep( Blade A80embly. Fig. E-l except item 1C. NOTE: WORE ‘UNSEAT UNCOCK HAMMER DISASSEMBLING PIN. \ TRIGGER PIN. TRIGGER DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE PIN TRIGGER PLUNGER I ~SASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE I SPRING TRIGGER DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE HAMMER HAMMER HELICAL COMPRESSION HAMMER SPRING PLUNGER. _.. ._._i $I$AS~~MBLE PIN. SPRING SPRING HOUSING, AND _ STRAIGHT HEADED HAMh4ER PIN. ASSEMBLE STRAIGHT HEADED HAMMER PIN. WE Figure 6-1. Disassembly/assembly of trigger housing assembly. (1 of e) 10525 DISASSEMBLE,:ASSEMBLE _ ROTATE HAMMER. TRIGGER DISASSEMBLE,‘ASSEMBLE DISASSEMBLE,‘ASSEMBLE SAFETY. GUARD TRIGGER GUARD. UNSEATING EJECTOR ’ ,,_*.: SEATING EJECTOR ON EJECTOR STUD. DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE TRIGGER’HOUSING EJECTOR. WE Figure 5-Z. Disassembly/assembly of trigger housing assembly. 10526 (2 of 2) 15 CHECti FCR CRACKS CHECK FOR CHIPPED SURFACE CHECK FOR BENT SHANK CHECK FOR WORN NOSE HAMMER 5546008 4 w CHECK FOR CRACIcs PLCNC-ER 6COESSC CHECK FOR DwaGED TANG IK 5 6008883 CHECK FOR BROKEN EDGE IN FRONT OF HOLE -- EJECTOR j536Cl8 Figure 5-3. WE 12584 points Inspection of component parts TRIGGER ‘s of trigger housing HOUSING OFFSET POINT WE 10511 Figure 16 5-4. Filing offset point of ejector. assembly. FORWARD POSITION ROD FREE AND LB, MIN. - 7.5MAX. (Ml) WE 10404 Figure 6-6. Trigger pull test. 17 SMALL :. BUTT ,/ MACHINE ‘Y’ / SWIVEL SCREW MACHINE -2 ;,’ ,,” / BUTT PLATE SCREW SCKEW /’ /* DISASSEMBLE/ASSE.MBLE BUTT SWIVEL. MACHINE SCREW AND DISASSEMBLb’ASSEMBLE SMALL BUTT PLATE SCREW. t BUTT STOCK FERRULE MACHINE SCREW PLATE SMALt BUTT PLATE SCREW DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE BUTT 1 ‘.,_c’ STOCK \ DISASSEMBLE / STOCK DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE STOCK FERRULE SCREW AND STOCK FERRULE SWIVEL. PLATE. i l.+ MACHINE ./’ FERRULE. ASSEMBLE STOCK FERRULE. WE Figure 18 5-6. Disassembly/assembly cf stock assembly. 10434 BUTTp Figure 6-7. Inspection po+ts of component parts of stock assembbo 19 REGULAR TRIGGER A - POSlTlONlNG STOCK ASSEMBLY. WINTER TRlGGER ASSEMBLY ON 6 - MARKING LOCATION FOR DRILLING HOLES. WINTER TRIGGER ASSEMBLY C - DRILLING HOLES IN STOCK D - WINTER ASSEMBLY. TRIGGER ASSEMBLY INSTALLED. WE 10433 Figure 20 6-8. Procedures for installing winter trigger kit on stock assembly. NOTE: ALWAYS FILE FROM HEEL TO TOE AND STROKE FORWARD ONLY. BUTT BUTT STO:: Figure 6-9. CAUTION: Fitting butt USk EXTREME IO0 ANGLE plate SWIVEL on stock assembly. CARE TC MAINTAIN TO HORIZONTAL WE Figure J-10. Correcting swelling in stock 10424 assembly. 21 DISASSEMBLE,‘ASSEMBLE DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE :- _. SHO!ILDER HEADED PIN. OPERATING ROD CATCH. ROD SPRING. DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE FOLLOWER ARM. BULLET GUIDE. WE 10524 Figure 22 FOLLOWER ROD AND O.ffRATlNG S-11. Disassembly/assembly of follower group. (1 of t?) FOLLOWER ASSEMBLY IS NECESSARY ONLY IF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS IS REQUIRED. REMCVE/INSTALL FOLLOWER DISASSEMBLE FOLLOWER SLIDE FROM FOLLOWER. ASSEMBLY, DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE REMOVE/INSTALL OPERATING . ASSEMBLE FOLLOWER SLIDE ON FOLLOWER. ROD ASSEMBLY. BOLT ASSEMBLY. WE 10446 Figure 5-12. Disassembly/assembly of follower group. (2 of 2) 23 c LATCH 5546011 I GUILE 7265215 ‘WE 12582 Figure 6-13. Inspection points of component parts of follower WE 10411 Figure 24 5-14. Caging diameter of gas piston. group. -‘NOTE: PRES?UP ON PLUNGER TO RELEASE EXTRACTOR DISASSEMBLING EXTRACTOR WITH AND DISASSEMBLING FIXTURE. ASSEMBLING ASSEMBLING EXTRACTOR WITH ASSEMBLING AND DISASSEMBLING FIXTURE. CARTRIDGE DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE EXTRACTOR AND CARTRIDGE EJECTOR. DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE SPRING PLUNGER. EXTRACTOR DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE FIRING PIN, WE ID441 Figure 6-16. Disassembly/assemb2y of bolt assembly. 25 BOLT 6528287 CHECK FIRING PIN HOLE FOR OVERSIZE EJECTOR 60086 16 EXTRACTOR - PIN 6008879 CHECK FOR CHIPPED EDGES APERTURE 6008868 CHECK <OR WEAK OR SET SPRING CHECK FOR DAMAGED - CHEC! FOR BROKEN TIP \ DAMAGED TEETH BASE 5.546001 SPLINE CHECK FOR DPJV\AGED THREADS WE 12581 Figure 6-16. Inspection points of component parts of bolt assembly FIRING PIN PROTRUSION FIRING GAGE PIN EOLT ACjEMBL’x’ *.\ ,.. . ’ Figure 26 5-17. Caging firing WE 10425 pin protrusion. and rear sight group. LATCH PIN UNSEAT STRAIGHT HEADED LATCH PIN. INSTALL REMOVE LATCH PIN, LATCH AND HELICAL COMPRESSION SPRING. LATCH PIN, LATCH AND SPRING. WE 10445 Figure 6-18. Disassembly/assembly of latch group. 27 LOOSEN/TIGHTEN DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE NUT. ELEVATYNG PINION. CJISASSEMBLE~ASSEMBLE WINDAGE DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE APERTURE KNOB. BASE COVER / ZPARATE , -.#.. -‘i REAR SIGHT -. DISASSEMBLE,“ASSEMBLE BASE, COVER FROM BASE. REAR SIGHT COVER AND WE Figure 28 5-19. Disassembly/assembly of rear sight group. 10519 OgEM6LE/ASSEMBcE . GAS CYLINDER LOCK DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE RIFLE MIC, MID. FLASH HIDER T37 FROM I BARREL b@EhBLE/ASSEMs~ , ____ GAS CYLINDER LOCK. _).^.__ . LOOSEN BARREL. GAS CYLINDER ASSEMBLY FROM . AssEMBlY TO BARREL. REMOVE/INSTALL GAS CYLINDER ASSEMBLY. WE 10444 Figure 6-10. Disassembly/assembly of gas cylinder group. (1 of 2) 29 GAS CYLINDER ASs5MBLY DISASSEMBLE,,‘A5SEMSLE ASSEMBLE FRONT SOCKET HEAD SCREW STAKE SIGHT DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE DISASSEMBLE STACKING SWIVEL SCREW FRONT STACKING 0ISASSEMBLE;ASSEMBLE SIGHT. SWIVEL SCREW. STACKING SWIVEL. WE Figure 30 6-.??l. Disassembly/assembly of gas cylinder group. (8 of b) 10443 CHECK FOR DAMAGED THREADS DAMAGED BCADE CHECK FOR DISTORTED CYLINDER S-923. L(>Ch - 653949 CHECK FOR DAMAGED AREAS Figure HOLE - ;2~~;8;‘1 WE 12583 Inspection points of component of gas cyEinder group. parts GAGF PORTION GAS CYLINDE A - REAMING Figute B - GAGING 6-93. Use of gas c@zder diameter plug, gage WE 10510 73_?.99+18. 31 . LOOSEN84ND u 5 DlSASSEMBlE BAND 32 . J FRONT HAND GUARD / ,_, I _ .I”.“. ._“. ,’ ASSEMBLE REAR HAND GUARD. ASSEMBLE FRONT HAND GUARD. LOWER BAND ASSEMBLE SPRING BAiRE L PIN. ASSEMBLE BAND ON Ml, MIC RIFLE. 4b ASSEMBLE BAND ON MID RIFLE. .--ASSEMBLE REAR HAND GUARD ON MID RIFLE. NOT& ON THE MID RtFLE THE REAR HAND GUARD MUST SPRING PIN AND #RONT HAND GUARD. BE ASSEMBLED FIRST. THEN ASSEMBLE THE BAND, WE IO.520 Figure b-86. Assembly of gun hand guard group. 33 ED CHECKS AND WHICH ARE NOT AT CRITICAL POINTS ARE ACCEPTABLE \ 1 CLEARANCE CUT WE REAR HAND GUARD 10408 Figure Figure 6-86. Gun hand guard defects cut for rifles. A - RIFLE, Ml - B - RIFLE, Ml D BARREL, C - RIFLE, MOUNT front and rear gun hand guards. BARREL AND RECEIVER ASSEMBLY -7\ IV 1 6-87. Repaired and clearance BASE AND RECENER lo ASSEMBLY. MlC BARREL AND RECEIVER ASSEMBLY. 4 Figure 34 6-88. Barrel and receiver groups WE 10440 - exploded view. BARREL REFLECTOR .I. .i’ A - VIEWING BARREL FROM MUZZLE END BARREL BORE REFLECTOR \ :EIVER B - VIEWING Figure 6-19. Inspection BARREL FROM CHAMBER END of barrel using WE IO521 barrel reflector. 35 ROD WE 10512~,. Figwe 5-30. Removing ruptured cartridge case. .‘.IN RING C::ACE BARRE’L GAS PORT WE 10513 Figure 5-31. Gaging breech bore. , Figure 36 6-33. Figure _--------q Checking 5-32. Gaging LC?:/ INSIDE contour of receiver rib. diameter of barrel at gas port. TANG OF GA GAGE PROPERLY / POSITIONED IN RECENER GAGE PLUG BELOW GAGING SURFACE GAGING CURRENT DESIGk. ORIGINAL SERVICEABLE DESIGN. I CHECKING GAGE - RECEIVER SERVICEABLE GE PLUG ABC&’ ING SURFACE AGING PLUG SURFACE SURFACE PROTRUDES CURRENT DESIGN ORIGINAL DESIGN. UNSERVICE 4BLE CHECKING Figure 5-34. Procedures ._-... __ GAGE - RECEIVER UNSERVICEABLE for gaging receiver, using gage 7799709. NE 10442 HEADSPACE GAGE FJELD TEST BOLT BOCT ASSEMBLY Figure 5-35. Gaging headspace of rifle. ‘: T. t A- GAGE POSITIONED NOT RELEASED. - OPtRATING Figure 38 B - GAGE POCITIONED RELEASED. ROD kSSfMB1.V 5-36. Timing the rifle. - OPERATING ROD ASSEMBLY WE 10515 FROM AND w&L FOOTBE TEl.ESCopE UNLESS OAMAktEO. &CK%EN/TK;HTLN MACHINE REMOVE/‘lNSTALL ASSEMBLY. SCREWS. OISASSEMBL&,‘ASSEMBLE Mlu. CLAMPS FROM M&4 TELESCOPE AND MOUNT TELESCOPE WE Figure 6-37. Disassembly/assembly telescope mount assembly for rifle MlC (Sniper’s). 10523 LOOSEN/TIGHTEN KNOB SCREW. MOUNTING DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE CAP SCREWS. ASSEMBLY BRACKET DtSASSEMBlE/ASSEMBLE M&f TELESCOPE FROM BRACKET ASSEMBLY. WE 10437 Figure 40 6-38. Disassembly/assembly of mounting bracket assembly for rifle MlD (Sniper’s). STOCK CHEEK PAD WITH OR MID. LACE ASSEMBLY/ INSTALLED @N RIFIE, MIC DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLE _, DISASSEMBLE,‘ASSEMBlE WOOD SCPEN. LACE. . \\ 5) .- - REMOVE,‘INSTALL CHEEK -’ . __.. UKILL NO. 31 (0. HOLES I IN. i?JEEP DRILLING HOLES WOOD SCRE’NS. IN STOCK ASSEMBLY FOR PAD. j. 120), ASSEMBLING WE Figure 5-39. Disassembly of cheek pad for rifles MIC and MfD 10438 (Sniper’s). 41 LAUNCHER BODY WE 10417 Figure Figure 42 6-41. S-/O. Disassembly/assembty launcher M7A.5’. Remove/install grenade of grenade launcher sight Ml& DRILL JIG CLAMP SCREW SIGHT Figure J DRILL JIG 5-&L Drilling stock assembly grenade launcher sight jig. using 43 1 2 3 4 - Figure Screw 7310009 Plate 7311859 Screw 7310095 Bracket and Spring 5-43.. Grenade 5 - Screw 7310093 6 - Level Assembly 7 - Body 7310096 launcher sight Ml5 7310097 - exploded view. LEFT-HAND BAYONET- RIGHT-HAND BAYONETWE 10419 Figure 5-44. Disassembly/assembly of bayonet-knife ML 45 Figure 6-46. D~_q~ssembly/assembly of bayonzt-knife M6Al. CHECK FOR CHECK FOR TOIlN STITCHING AND RIPS I CHECK FOR RUST AND IF, SECURE WORN FINISH CHECK FOR RUST DEFORMATION CRACKS OR BROKiN TIP I LACE CHECK FOR TEARS AND PLIABILITY WE 12706 Figure 5-4.6. Inspection points for scabbard-bayonet knife M&Jr. CLIP END MUST BE SECURE WE 12647 Figure 5-47. inspection points for sling Ml. 47 i WE 10426 Figure 48 6-48. Trigger ho+&ng assembly 65e8g97 - exploded view. 2 L I ,, - Figure 6-49. Stock assembly and gun hand guard group - exploded .-All, Iww view. 49 50 WE 10428 &%gt&?r 6-61. Bolt a888mbly axplodsd Vi8W 66.46063 - Figure Figwc 6-63. Rear sight 6-66. group r exploded Latch group - explpded view. view. 51 I , Figure 52 64.4. Gas qdinder group - sxpzoded view. WE Figwe 6-66. Telescope mount oasambly for rifls MIC (Sniper’s) - exploded 10527 view. 53 Figure 6-66. TeZescope noounting Figure bracket 6-67. Cheek (Sniper’s) assembly for rijle pad for rijles WC - exploded view. MlD (Sniper’s) and MID 1 - exploded view. Section II. 5-2. GAGING HEADSPACE Gaging Hcadspoce See figure Section Ill. 5-35. TIMING RIFLE 5-3. Timing Rifle See figure 5-36. 55 CHAPTER 6 FINAL INSPECTION 6-1. General The rifles must meet the limits of serviceability as indicated by the repair standards in chapter 7. Gaging is limited tc those dimensions that are critical or that may be m&e advantageously measured than repaired. 6-2. Visual Inspection Overall appearance 56 will be approx- imately that of a new weapon. All exposed metal surfaces are to have adull, rust resistant finish with no burs or deep scratches. Barrels must be straight, clean, free of rust, powder fouling, bulges, cracks and r i n gs. All applicable modifications must be applied. The serialnumbersmust be legible. CHAPTER 7 REPAIR STANDARDS General 7-l. The repair standards included here in give the minimumandmaxlmummeasure- ments of repaired parts; those beyond the limits will be replaced by new parts. 7-2. Specific a Bolt Assembly. Point o/ Measurement Fig. NO. Firing pin protrusion 5-17. Standard8 Repair Mdnimum Maximum 0.044 in. 0.060 in. (overseas) b. Gas CyIimier Group. Point of Measurement Fig. No. Gas cylinder bore S-23. Standards Nfzzimum Rc$air N.inimum 0.5320 in. - c. FoIIower Group. Point of Fig. No. 5-14. d Repair Stundarde MfZhlWm Minimum M.easvement Operating rod gas piston diameter Trigger Housing Assembly. Fig. No. Point of - Repair Standard8 Minimvn MaZimUm Neasurement Trigger-trigger 5-5. 0.525 in. Pull 5.5 lb Ml 7.5 lb MlC and MID cwwrw 6.5 lb 4.5 lb e. Barrel and Receiver Fig. No. Group POW of Measurement Repair Standards Minimum MoZimVn 5-31. Throat of chamber 5-32. Barrel gas port 0.306 in. 0.310 in. (overseas) (bands of troops) 0.5991 in. outer (overseas) CHAPTER 8 OVERHAUL PROCEDURES 8-1. General Overhaul procedures are similar to those contained in ohapter 5. Repairparts are listed in appendix II. For furtbr details on overhaul, oontaot Command Gen- eral, Headquarters, U.S. Army Weapons Command, Attnz AMSWJS-SAM-SA, Rook Island Arsenal, Rook bland, Illinois 61201. APPENDIX t REFERENCES A-l. Publication Indexes Publications: Index of Doctrinal, Training, and Organizational Publications. Index of Supply Catalogs and Supply Manuals Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals (types 7, 8, and 9), Supply Bulletins, Lubrication Orders, and Modification Work Orders. Military DA i?am 310-3 DA Pam 3X0-6 DA Pam 310-4 A-2. Form DD Form 6, Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment (cut sheet) 59 APPENM.X II REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOL LISTS Section 1. PREFACE B-l. General appendix is a list of: a Items authorized for initial stockage at direct and general supportmaintenance and supply support activities. b. Repair parts recommended for the overhaul of one hundred components or end items of equipment. T This B-2. Explanotion of Columns a Source, Maintenance and Re c o verability Code (Cal. 1). (1) S 0 u r c e (~02. la& Source codes used in this list are: Code C t?xplonation Obtain through local procurement. If not obtainable from local procurement, requisition through normal supply channels with a supporting statement of nonavailability from local procurement. P App!ies to high mortality Pl Applies to low mortality Xl Requisition next higher or component. parts. parts. assembly (2) Maintenance level (col. lb). Maintenance level codes used in this list are: Code 0 Explanation 60 b. 15-Day Mhinteilaace Allowance (Cal. 6). (1) -These factors repr,ssent the estimated average quantities required to provide maintenance and supply support for 100 equipments for a 15-day period under combat conditions . (2) Al lo wance factors inclosed in parentheses are “‘combat essential items” and must be stocked at all times regardless of demand. (3) Items indicated by an asterisk (*) will not be stocked. These items are to be requisitioned as required. c. Depot Maintenance Guide per 100 Equipments (Cal. 7). These factors represent the estimated quantities required to overhaul 100 components or end items of equipment. B-3. Abbreviations maintenance. F Direct maintenance. H General br -~~~~~~~~~~--~---_-_-_--_-------cal. cone-pt -------------dia _-_-~_-_~----~-~~ fil-ck-hd ~~~~~~~~~~~-fil-hd ~~~.---~-~~---fl-fil-hd-------------rt __________________ h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- support support maintenance. Explanation Items which are economically repairable at direct and general support maintenance activities are normally furnished by supply on an exchange basis. Gages will be forwarded to Gage Laboratory in accordance with SB 9-75. and Symbols a Abbreviations. Organizational (3) Recoverability (col. lc). Recoverability codes used in this list are: R High dollar value recoverable items which are subject to special handling and are issued on an exchange basis. Such repair parts are normally repaired or overhauled at depot maintenance activities. Abbreviations Depot maintenance. Code Expcptanation Code bbl -~----~~---~~-~-- Explanation barrel bronze caliber cone point diameter(s) fillister countersunk fillister head flat fillister head feet (foot) height (high) hd -~~~~-~~~~~-~~~-~-head hex ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hexagon(al) inside diameter id ---______--_-__-__ inch(es) in. -~_-_~~~~--~_---~length (long) lg ~-~--~~~~---~----max ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ maximum min ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-~ minimum head Nj? ------ - ---- b. symbols. Z6z#mallh AbbrcMons NC ----------------- Americaa ------ Thread American Natiwal Coarse Indicates repair parts which may be required to perform authorized maintenance but not authorized for stockage in the prescribed load. These parts are to be requisitioned, as required for immediate use only. l Nati- Fine Thread ~~~-------.---------- number(s) nominal over-& nom ----------------o/a ----------------phos_ctd ------------- phosphate coated phosphate finish round head steel slot drive phos-fin.------------rd_hd _--__-----------------S --------__sfot_dr--------------q _-----------------square thd-----------------thk-----------------UNF ---------------VCf ------------ thread(s)(ed) thi&(ness) ---- w ---- -------------w/___-____ _-__----x _---_-----__------- Unified Fine Thread volatile corrosion inhibitor wide (width) with by (used between dimensions) t??xpu ton Symbol ( ) Allowances inclosed in parentheses are “combat essential itema.” These itenrs are of a critical nature and must be stocked at all times. B-4. Suggestions See chapter 1, and Recommendations paragraph 1-l 61 T SECTION I(. REPA1R PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOL LISTS Ir) (I) Cod0 1 (b7 Gi H Ikscription Bd 8; h h 8_ qj $ - 8’ 3= Tj 3 b : a % 5 - BEPAlR PARTS FOR: RIFLE, CALIBER .20, Ml hUC @NIPERS) md YlD CBI”‘==W 62 Pl Pl Pl F F __ 1005-600-8868 __ 1005-SOO-8869 -_ 1005-554-600(1 xl __ __ _--_-_-______ Pl D __ 1005-653-5448 Pl D __ 1005-731-2553 x1 __ __ Xl -- __ __--___-_____ 0 Pl Pl Xl F F __ __ 1005-554-6061 __ 1005-652-8287 __ ~--------_--- xl __ __ _______ --WC-- P F __ 1005-731-2554 Pl Pl D F __ 1005-614-7465 __ 1005-554-6027 xl xl __ __ -_ _____________ __ ____-___----_ Pl F __ 1005-600-8872 Pl Pl F 0 T -_ 1005-653-5449 1005-554-6018 Pl 0 __ 1005-600-8616 Pl 0 __ 1005-953-9504 Pl F -_ 1005-554-6013 APERTURE, SIGHT: (6008868) 2c ARM, FOLLGWER: (6008869) 20 ia BAND: lower front hand guard (5546000). ___ BARREL, MOUNT BASE AND RECEIVER ASSEMBLY: (7312563) (MlD only). BARREL, RIFLE: (6535448) 20 (Ml and MlC only). BARREL AND MOUNT BASE 1 ASSEMBLY: (7312553) (MlD only). ___ BARREL AND RECEIVER ASSEMBLY: (6535464) (Ml only) -we BARREL AND RECEIVER ASSEMBLY: (7312617) (MlC only). BARREL AND RECEIVER GROUP (Ml). BASE: (5546001) ___ __________ BOLT, BREECH: (6528287) --BOLT ASSEMBLY: (5546023) -BRACKET: mount (7312800) (MlC only). BRACKET ASSEMBLY, MOUNTING: telescope mount (7312554) (MlD only). CAP: (6147465) -____-_-_____CATCH: operating rod (5546027). CLAMP: (7312601) (MlC only) CLAMP: telescope support (7312602) (MlC only). COVER, REAR SIGHT: (6008872). CYLINDER: (6535449) -------EJECTOR: trigger housing clip (5546018). EJECTOR, CARTRIDGE: (6008616). EXTRACTOR, CARTRIDGE: (7791578). FERRULE: (5546013) --------- 1 1 1 (0.4) (0.2) 1 --- 1 ___ 1 (0.8) (0.2) (0.1) (0.1) 10 10 13 -_- me- i-53 i-50 i-49 3 4 4 i-28 B i-28 Al, Cl i-28 Bl __- 59 -__ _a- 50 1 _-- me- 1 ___ -_- ___ --- 1 1 1 (0.4) (9.2) --- 1 ___ 1 (1.5) 2a 20 1 1 --_ ___ 1 2 --___ 20 1 (9.8) (9.2) 12 i-55 2D .-4 2 i-55 4 i-53 5 10 20 1 1 (9.4) (0.2) (6.1) (0.1) 25 9 i-54 4 i-48 10 20 1 (0.5) (0.2) 13 i-51 2 20 1 (0.8) (0.2) 50 i-51 1 20 1 0.2 0.1 me- :-:; . -em we- ___ i-28 A ___ i-28 C -__ 2 9 tI50 10 i-53 4 i-51 5 .-2 4 i-50 9 i-28 C5 10 19 ___ ___ (0.5) 3 ___ __- (0.2) (0.1) 5 16 ----- ___ -__ 8’ 6 iI56 2 3 i-49 lD4 i-50 5 i-49 lE3 (2) 0) 0 0 (6) 1S-Day maintmanc. aIlowa#lce per 100 Fedora1 stock No. DOOCriptiOa I ii, p 4 ‘ii 6 .a s Pl xl 1005-554-6004 .___-_____--- P .005-556-4245 Pl .605-554-6024 Pl .005-731-2556 Pl .005-731-2631 Pl .005-726-5215 Pl 005-554-6008 P 005-726-6434 Pl Pl 005-652-8290 OOS-609-8883 xl -------_-_-- P Pl 005-731-2737 005-554-6011 Pl 005-726-5871 2rl ---_-------- P 005-731-2621 Pl 005-600-8879 Pl 005-501-3667 P 315-058-6079 P 315-501-3668 Pl 315-600-8878 ILLOWER: (5546004) ------)LLOWER ASSEMBLY: (5546034). )LLOWER GRGUP -------Ls CYLINDER GROUP (Ml mlY). JARD, HAND, GUN: front (5564245). JARD, HAND, GUN: rear (5546024)(Ml and MlC only). JARD, HAND, GUN: rear (7312556)(AKlD only). JARD, TRIGGER: trigger musing (7312631). JIDE, BULLET: (7265215)~-JN HAND GUARD GROUP ---MMER: trigger housing :5546008). DER, FLASH T37: (72664%) MlC and MlD only). USINO: (6528290) ---------USING, RAMMER SPRINGz ;6008883). NJSING ASSEMBLY, L’RIGGER: (6528297). IOB: windage (7312737) ----LTCH: (5546011)----------,TCH GROUP ____________ --s XX, GAS CYLINDER: 7265871) (Ml only). XJNT ASSEMBLY, TELE$COPE: (7312619). LD: cheek (7312621) (MlC and MlD only). 2c -- N, FIRINGz bolt aeey ;6008879). N, SHOULDER, HEADED: ‘ollower arm (5013667). N, SPRINO: S, phoe-ctd, l/8 lia, l/2 lg, 0.028 thk ‘686079). N, STRAIGHT, HEADED: S, 1-fll-hd. 0.187 max dia II&C, 3/4 nom lg under hd hammer) (5013668). N, STRAIGHT, HEADED: S, il-hd, cone-pt end, 0.152 dia : 3.200 lg (clip latch) 6008878). -J- I’ - W d . i iE 1 1 P-2) _-_ _-_ .-_ ___ ___ 20 1 (0.8) P.2) 2a 1 (0.51 2(1 1 l(i ia ___ ia _-_-_ (0) i 5-50 7A s-50 7 (00.1) s-e ----- L-2 L-2 3 7 48 5-49 2 P.2) 55 5-49 5 (o-8) (0.2) 55 1 (0.1) (0.1) 8 L-6 .6 5-49 6 548 9 1 _-1 (0.4) -a(0.8) (0.1) ___ lO.2) 27 --12 5-50 1-2 5-48 6 8 7 1 1 0.8 0.2 20 5-54 2 2 20 1 1 --- (0.4) 9 10 5-48 11 5-48 3 ___ 1 --- --- -- L-2 1 1 20 1 2a ___ .-20 1 ;*:;. --- ;*:; . _-- (0.2) [O.l) 24 5 --5 5-53 5-52 L-2 5-54 1 2 5 3 _-- 1 --- --- --- l-4 4 1 1 1.5 0.5 20 1 (0.4) (0.1) L-4 l-6 5-57 5-51 6 5 2 4 1 1 (0.8) (0.2) 5-50 3 LOO 1 &O) (1.0) 5-49 3 20 1 P.3) 10.4) 5-48 6 20 1 10.2) 1O.V i-52 1 --- ___ ___ (0.1) 83 8 63 15-Day maintenance sllowance per 100 equipmentc I Illustration II 0 0 7;;i B 2 2 Federal stwk NO. I Descriptioll g4 p‘5 aIi3 g I) d t ! g” % 5 - - - Pl D ,__ Pl D __ 5315-731-280: P P xl Pl ii -H __ __ __ __ 1008-819-4501 1005-731-27% _______^_____ Pl D __ 1005-515-2884 Pl 0 __ 1005-800-8818 Pl P __ 1005-800-8880 xl -- __ xl -- 1005-688-428Z me PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: dowel, S, 0.128 x 100 (butt plate) (5152885). PIN, TAPERED, PLAIW: S, 0.149 dia. 7/18 lg. (mount bracket) (7312803) (MlC only), PIN, TRIGGER: (7791387) ---PINION: elevating (7312738) --PLATE: butt (5584277)-------PLATE, BUTT, SHOULDER GUN STOCK: (8584283). PLUNGER, BUTT PLATE: (5152884). PLUNGER, EXTRACTOR SPRING (8008818). PLUNGER, HAMMER SPRING: (8008880). REAR SIGHT GROUP---------RECEIVER: (8528291) (Ml and MlD only). RECEIVER: (7312804) (MlC only). RIFLE ____________________-- T 1005-588-4331 1005-711-8209 F __ 1005-884-8015 Pl 0 -- 1005-313-9441 xl -- __ _-----_______ Pl F -_ 1005-814-8873 Pl D -- 5305-731-2801 C F _- 5305-983-8849 Pl Pl F F Pl __ ROD: (5584331) ____________ 1 ___ m-v -a- ___ 1Dl 3 200 10 2 20 20 -__ 10 1 1 : ___ 20 1 -em 20 1 P-8) (0.2) 12 3 20 1 (0.2) (0.1) 4 5 ___ ___ --1 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ A”2, --- 1 --- --- c”2” --- .-- ___ --- 7 __ 20 ROD ASSEMBLY, OPERATLEtG: 25 (7790722). 20 UFETY, SMALL ARMS: trigger houeing (5548015). 20 EREW: gas cylinder lock (7287797). --3CREw: locking, clamp (7312808) (MlC only). 20 CREW, BUTT PLATE, SMALL: (8148873). 10 JCREW, CAP, SOCKET HEAD: 5, phoa-fin., fl-fil-hd, no. 10 (0.190)-32NF-3 x 9/32 lg (mount bracket) (7312807) (MC only) 10 3CREW, CAP, SOCKET HEAD: S, phos-fin., no. 8 (0.138)40NF-3A full thd, fl-fil-hd, 0.138 max hx 0.228 max dia, 3/S lg under hd, S/32 hex eocket (hinge locking) (9890835480-2) (‘MD only). ;-:; . ___ mm_ __- ___ 0.5 24 75 ___ 5 ___ 5 (0.51 (0.5) ___ 1 2 1% 1D lD2 1 1 F-i; . 5.:;. 25 7 I 8 1 (0.4) to.11 10 8 1 (8.8) W2) 82 1 2 --- -__ 1 0.8 0.2 3 -a- 2 0.8 --- 2A 5 1c --- 50 cs 0.2 10 -8 -51 (1) Federal stock NO. 0 Descrlptioa . l Pl i305-269-6419 Pl i305-501-3678 Pl i305-501-3677 Pl 5305-600-888: Pl i305-731-2611 ?& i305-013-0611 Pl i305-731-262: Pl Pl 1005-614-7427 ‘005-554-6017 Kl _____-_-_-__ Pl 005-731-2614 Pl .005-600-8885 Pl .005-515-2863 P .005-600-8887 Pl .005-614-7568 Kl SCREW, CAP, SOCKET HEAD: s, phos-ctd, fl-fil-hd, hex socket, l/4-28UNF-3A x l/2 (front sight) (96906-35460-21) SCREW, MACHINE: 6, fil-hd, no. 10 (0.190)-32NF-2 x 0.701 max lg (stacldng swIve1) (5013678). SCREW, MACHINE: S, N-M, no. 10 (0.190)-32NF-2 x 0.52( max lg (stock ferrule) (5013677). SCREW, MACHINE: S, phosctd, fil-ck-hd, slot drive, no, 12 (0.216)-28NF-2A. 3.171 18 (butt swivel) (6008881). SCREW, MACHINE: S, phosfin., fl-fil-hd, no. 2 (0.086)56NC-3 (7312615) (MlC only). SCREW, WOOD: rd-hd, br, slot dr, no. 7 (0.151) nom dis 1/2 lg (130611) (MlC and MlI: only) SETSCREW: S, phos-fin., filhd, no. 6 (0.138)-40NF-3 x 13/32 lg (support clamp) (7312623) (MlC only). SIGHT, FRONT: (6147427) ---’ SLIDE: (5546017)------------SLIDE CLAMP GROUP (MlC only). SLIDE ASSEMBLY: mount bracket (7312618) (MlC only). SPRING, HELICAL, COMPRESSION: 6 coils, slide clamp (7312614) (MlC only). SPRING, HELICAL, COMPRESSION: 6-7/E coils, c!ip latch (6008835). SPRING, HELICAL, COMPRESSION: 8 coils, butt plate plunger (5152863). SPRING, HELICAL, COMPRESSION: 20 coils, hammel (6008887). SPRING, HELICAL, COMPRESSION: 200 total coils, operating rod (6147568). STOCK: (6535466) ------------ 1 0.4) 10.1) 15 5-5 7 2c1 0.4 0.1 45 5-5 5 2c) 0.2 0.1 18 5-41 2(1 0.5 0.2 l( 1 ___ ___ 2 5-5 LO( 1 0.4 0.1 10 l-4 l-6 5-5 l(1 ___ ___ 6 l-4 5-5 2(3 2c1 .-_ (0.2) (0.2) -_- ig.;: * i ___ 12 10 ___ 5-5 8 5-5. ‘B 5-51 !E .__ ___ ___ ___ 5-5! 2 ia 1 ___ _-- 4 5-51 !C 2c1 LO.4) 10.1) 15 5-5: 3 2() ___ ___ 57 5-4! lD3 2(1 (1.0) [0.3) 12 5-4: 4 2(1 (0.4) IO.11 46 5-51 1 ___ -__ -_- __- 5-4, 65 (2) (. t f 0 s 0 IL 12 2 5 e f 8 z ig - 2 a - - Pl l? xl ,__ Px Pl P 0 Pl Pl F H Pl 1 % g’ 1 .9 s f i;; - 2 d d - - -__1065-653-5467 .-_ _-_------___ -_ 1965-596-8889 .__1005-600-8891 -_ 1065-6m-66Ml STOCK, GUN SHOULDER: (6535467). STOCK ASSEMBLY (6535466) -SWIVEL dock (6968889)-----SWIVEL, STACMNO: gas eylimier -891). SWIVEL, STQCKz (6068866)--TELESCOPE: M84 (7597774) (MlC and MlD only). R LWO-X9-7774 0 .__ llw5-554-6026 TRIGGEE trigger houe@g (5546026). se MB _--I-__d-___ 1005-778-0580 5305-990-6435 LEVER: (7791211) ----------SAFETY, WINTER (7790903) SCREW, TAPPING, TRREAD FoRMIN& (7791415) TRIGGER ASSEMBLY, WINTER: M5 (7790808) WASHER, IilNGE RETAINING: trigger assembly (7791237) 20 _- 1 (9.4) I -- 10 20 1 1 0.4 0.8 20 1 1 1 0.4 --- 20 1 (0.2) l0.u 0.1 0.2 35 i-41 10 20 2 z4! i-4! i-e .i 6 i-4! l-4 l-6 i-51 i-5( i-4( .EB 3 3 1 2 2 2 4 ;:t, 2 (9.1) 10 --_1 em_ (O-4) 2 2 (0.8) -em em_ ___ ___ -_ ___ B-l B-l 3-l .C 2 .A 1 1 (0.4) _- -mm 3-l 1 10 1 (0.1) mm_ mm_ 3-l B Km, WINTER TRXGGER xl Pl Pl .- .__ : Pl 0 -_ LOO5-775-0364 Pl 0 __ 1065-010-5022 _- MATERIAL FOR REPAIR OF WOODEN COMPONENTS P Pl II Ii .__ .__ 1005-525-3523 1005-719-0954 SCREW: (5233523) ----------SCREW, STOCK REPAIR, SMALL: br (7190954) 20 -mm --10 -mm --- * * * * mm- ___ 100 --- mm_ 100 -mm ___ 100 m-m ___ 100 --- ___ 100 SPECIAL PACKAGING MATERIAL The volatile corroeion inhibitor listed below is required when the Major Item is packaged For storage purposes. 1005-336-0211 1005-018-3254 1005-875-9765 1005-875-9767 1005-336-0212 BAG, BARRIER, VCI 50 m-w TREATED: (7265933) CAP, REAR SIGHT ELEVATING 10 ___ KNOB: (7791345) PROTECTOR, HANDLE: LOO ___ (7799231) PROTECTOR, MUZZLE: LOO -aplaetic (7791037) TUBE, BORE, VCI TREATED: 500 --(7266316) &urce, n8nC8, (3) (2) (1) r, 1S-Day m8inte- maintenance .Ilowance per )o equipmenta and mcovembility code :C) (8) (6) Federal stock No. De8criptlcIn c” 2 e e 0” P - TOOI. AND EQWMENT AUTRORIZED FOR UNIT REPLACEMENT RIFLE, CALIBER .SO, Ml, MlC (SNIPEBS) and MlD (BNIPEBS) 005-556-4174 ~995-691-1s8: .995-694-166: .240-763-15s .905-791-337: .995-650-4514 ,995~722-690: L935-652-995 .995-799-676: MS-628-970( L995-726-619! 1995-654-408 1995-268-356~ 095-726-611( BRUSR, ,C LEANING, SMALL ARMS: bore (5564174) BRUSH, CLEANING, SMALL ARM& chamber (7799582) BUFFER, CLEANING ROD: (7268275) CASE, TELESCOPE: 11684 (7691596) (MC and MlD only CASE, LUBRICANT: (7790995) CASE, SMALL ARMS CLEANING ROI): (7267754) ENVELOPE: fabric, 2-button, 3 h x 4-7/8 w (7228907) EXTRACTOR, RUPTURED CARTRIDGE CASE: (7799352 HANDLE ASSEMBLY: cleanin@ rod (7266115) REFLECTOR, GUN BARREL: (7790138) ROD SECTION, CLEANING, SMALL ABM& (7266109) SLING, SMALL ARM& Ml webbing (6544058) SWAB, SMALL ARMS CLEANIN& cotta, 2-l/2 eq (loo0 in pk& (5919316) SWAB HOLDER SECTION, SMALL ABMS CLEANING ROD: (7266110) ia _- _-- l( m-m s-m .oc ___ _a- 1c __- __- 71 -_ ___ v-m mm_ ___ I __- -- I _- s-e 1 _- l( l( -- l( s-e l( __- ___ -mm es- w-m _- 1c SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT The is-day level is not applicable. The following items are requieltioned and ilwued, if not otherwise autborieed, to Mainteanoe unita performing direci and general support maintenaa of the major itenne. Iteme rnaj be requieitioned as required fo replacement under their indivic ual stock numbers. 67 (2) (a) 0 7s 15-Day maintenance allowance per 100 equipment2 Fedeml 8-k NO. F $ Description E+. 0”.i .-ii .L: : ‘i; 3 .z s &933-726-584! [Ilustmtion TOOL SET, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE: (7265849) (for .30 rifleMl Series) Cd. 3: 3 1 & __, 1 __ 1 __ * CONSISMNG OF: L933-604-6302 1933-556-4343 L933-345-6122 L933-398-4108 L933-731-9919 &33-897-6706 1220-731-9918 1220-731-9911 :933-731-992Q i140-652-8243 l-BOLT, FIELD TEST: (6046302) l-GAGE, BREECH BORE: (5564343) S-GAGE, FlRING PIN PROTRUSION: min 0.044, max 0.059 (7274736) l-GAGE, HEADSPACE: (1.950) (7319954) l-GAGE, PLUG, GA8 CYLINDER, DIAMETER: (7319919) l-GAGE, RECEIVER: (7799709) l-GAGE, RING, PLAIN: no-go, 0.5991 id (7319918) l-GAGE, SNAP, PLAIN APJUSTABLE: no-go 0.525 id (7319911) l-GAGE, TIMING: (7319920)--l-TOOL BOX, PORTABLE: w/tray, 7h, 7w, 16 lg 441-C-853) e-e ___ 1 mm, -_- 1 __ --_ 1 1 __I v-e __, w-m __I ___ ___ ___ ___ _-- 1 __a ___ ___ 1 __. -me _-_ -_. ___ ___ __. -em 1 1 ___ 3-3 3 3-4 2 3-3 5 3-4 3 3-3 4 3-4 1 3-3 6 S-3 7 3-3 3-2 1 3-3 3 The following Baeic Small Arms Direct and General Support Maintenance Tool Set is authorized, as required, to all Maintenance Support Units with a Small Arms Repair Mission. ,933-775-0366 TOOL SET, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE, BASIC SMALL ARMS: (8426358) 1 NOTE: See SC 4933-95-CLE04 components. L933-726-5848 TOOL SET, DEPOT MAINTENANCE: (7265848) (for cal. .30 rifle Ml Series) 1933-604-6302 l-BOLT, FIELD TEST: (6046302) 1 __ ___ ___ 1 __. ___ ___ * CONSISTING OF: ___ m jj 8 .a 2 933-659-5353 :933-588-1055 :933-713-7938 :933-558-434s :933-345-8122 ~933-731-9904 933-398-4188 933-398-4107 933-731-9933 933-731-9919 DSS-731-8820 D33-015-8889 DSS-988-9318 220-731-9911 933-731-9920 933-804-5949 933-714-2289 033-714-2282 933-714-2283 933-713-7939 933-831-8048 L-FIXTURE, ASSEMBLING, BARREL AND RECEIVER: (8595353) 3-FIXTURE, ASSEMBLING, EJECTOR: (5881055) L-FIETURE, BARREL AND RECEIVER: (7137938) L-GAGE, BREECBBORE: (5554343) J-GAGE, FIRING PIN PRGTRUSION: min 0.044, max 0.059 (7274738) L-GAGE, GAS CYLINDER CHECK: cal. .30 (7319904) k-GAGE, HEADSPACE: 1.940 (7319944) I-GAGE, HEADSPACE: 1.948 (7319950) I-GAGE, LOCATING, LCCKIN8 LUG& (7319933) )-GAGE, PLUG, GAS CYLINDER DIAMETER: (7319919) )-GAGE, PLUG, THREAD, RECEIVER: (7318820) l-GAGE, RECEIVER bridge location (7799737) I-GAGE, RING, PLAIN: no go, 0.5993 id (7799727) I-GAGE, SNAP, PLAIN ADJUSTABLE: no-go, 0.525 id (7319911) I-GAGE, TIMING (7319920)--S-GAGE ASSEMBLY: ahhg bbl, w/pin (8045949) L-JAW, REAMER ASSEMBLY, HEADSPACE: (7142289) #-REAMER, HEADSPACE: (7142282) I-REAMER, REAMER ASSEMBLY HEADSPACE: 0.441 dla of flutes, 2-11/18 o/a lg (7142283) l-WRENCH, BARREL AND RECEIVER: (7137939) B-WRENCH ASSEMBLY, GAS CYLINDER LGCK: (8318048) 0 % i%* D88Cdptlon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-3 I’ -.__ .__ -__ -__ .__ .__ .__ ._.-_ .-_ . ; -__ 1 ___ 4 m-w 3 m-s 2 ___ 5 w-v 3 es_ 2 ___ 5 ___ 2 ___ 4 1 a__ 1 .__ 1 .-_ m-w 8 1 .__ B-B 7 .__ m-m .__ ___ 1 .__ ___ 1 .__ m-w 1 .__ .-se LB 1 .__ __B 4 1 .__ ___ 2 1 1 1 ___ 1 2 LA 1 89 WE 10119 Figws B-l. Winter trigger kit 6910690emptedsd view. WE Figute B-0. Tool boa /l-C-863. 12660 6 WE 12664 figcue g-3. Figwe 72 i ment. SpecialtO0ls andeq” P B-4. Spe&l tools and ePWent* i Figure B-6. Special tools WE 12663 and equipment. I 4 - WE 12661 Figure B-6. Speoial tools and equipment. Figure B-7. Special tools ana’ equipment. WE 12662 74 By Order of the Secretary of tk Army: HAROLD K. JOHNSON, Genard, United Statea Amy, cmcial: Chief J. C. LAMBERT, MajarGeneral, United The Adjutant States of Staff. Army, Cmarcll. Distribution: To be distributed in accordance tenance for Rifles, Caliber 30, Ml, with DA Form 12-40 requirements MlC and MlD. for Direct and General Support Main-