DESIGN DIESEL-PHOTOVOLTAIC HYBRID POWER PLANT By AHMED IBN OMER AHMED AL-TAIEB INDEX NO. 084009 Supervisor DR. ALI OMER REPORT SUBMITTED TO University of Khartoum In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.Sc. (HONS) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (CONTROL ENGINEERING) Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering July 2013 1 DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this report entitled “Design diesel-photovoltaic hybrid power plant” is my own work except as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any degree and is not being submitted concurrently in candidature for any degree or other award. Signature: _________________________ Name: ____________________________ Date: _____________________________ 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost I am grateful to THE ALMIGHTY GOD for establishing me to complete this project and for bestowing upon me the courage to face the complexities of life. I am grateful to my dad for giving me the life I ever dreamed. I can’t express my gratitude for my mom in words, whose unconditional love has been my greatest strength. The constant love and support of my sister and brother is sincerely acknowledged. I would have not finished this project without the support of my friends who has always been there for me whenever I need them, the encouragement they give to keep me going and their love to empower me that never fails all the time. Thank you. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. ALI OMER, for his excellent guidance, caring, patience, providing me with an excellent atmosphere for doing research, confidence in me. His comments and questions were very beneficial in me completion of this project, He gave me a lot of positive perspective in life. He who taught me things far more of my understanding. I thank him for challenging me to do this project. To you sir, I give you lots of thanks and respect. Thank you. I place on record, my sincere gratitude to engineer NAHLA, I express my heartfelt gratefulness for her guide and support that I believe I learned from the best. I would like to thank my project partner MOHAMMED OMER ELMAJZOUB, who as a good friend was always willing to help and give his best suggestions. It would have been a lonely journey without him. To my friend OLA ABUBAKRE who helped me in researching on different fields concerning this project. Thank you. To all my collage class mates, thank you for your understanding and encouragement in my many, many moments of crisis your friendship makes my life a wonderful experience. I cannot list all the names here, but you are always on my mind. This thesis is only the beginning of my journey. 3 ABSTRACT Diesel generators are often used to secure the basic energy supply in countries where the public grids do not provide a reliable source of energy. Despite comparatively low investment costs for purchasing the machines, the operating costs for maintenance and fuel are rather high. The current development of the crude oil price on the global market, in particular, is leading to a drastic rise in costs. In addition, there is the logistical problem of transporting the diesel fuel, which has a strong influence on the overall costs, particularly if it has to be transported to remote areas. A photovoltaic hybrid system can be included as an additional source of energy to reduce the fuel consumption of diesel generators and hence their high operating costs. The favourable price trend of photovoltaic systems provides for a short amortization period. The actual challenge lies in technically conceiving and implementing the diesel/PV hybrid system without the use of energy storage systems, which are costly, and whose temperature sensitivity and limited life span are a limiting factor for the entire system. Also an economic evaluation takes place in the process of determining the best operation scenario. 4 المستخلص غاٌبا ِا تستخذَ ٌِٛذاث اٌذ٠زي ٌتأِ ٓ١إِذاداث اٌطالت األساس١ت ف ٟاٌبٍذاْ اٌت ٟال تٛفش اٌشبىاث اٌعاِت فٙ١ا ِصذسا ِٛثٛلا ٌٍطالت ,باٌشغُ ِٓ أخفاض تىاٌ١ف االٔشاء ٌ ٙزا إٌٛع ِٓ اٌٌّٛذاث اال اْ تىاٌ١ف تشغ ٚ ٍٗ١ص١أتٗ با٘ظت اٌثّٓ .اٌتطٛس اٌحاٌ ٟأل سعاس إٌفظ اٌخاَ ف ٟاٌسٛق اٌعاٌّ١ت ،عٍٚ ٝجٗ اٌخصٛص ،أد ٜإٌ ٝاستفاع حاد ف ٟتىاٌ١ف تشغٌِٛ ً١ذاث اٌذ٠زي. ٚباإلضافت إٌ ٝرٌهٕ٘ ،ان ِشىٍت ٌٛجست١ت ٌٕمً ٚلٛد اٌذ٠زيٚ ،اٌتٌ ٟذٙ٠ا تأث١ش ل ٞٛعٍ ٝاٌتىاٌ١ف اإلجّاٌ١تٚ ،خاصت إرا تُ ٔمٍٗ إٌِٕ ٝاطك ٔائ١ت. ّ٠ىٓ تضّٔ ٓ١ظاَ ٘جٌٍ ٓ١فٌٛطاضٛئ١ت وّصذس إضافٌٍ ٟطالت ٌٍحذ ِٓ استٙالن اٌٛلٛد ِٓ ٌِٛذاث اٌذ٠زيٚ ،باٌتاٌ ٟتىاٌ١فٙا اٌتشغ١ٍ١ت اٌعاٌ١ت .باستخذاَ ِعذاث ِتٛسطت اٌثّٓ ّ٠ىٓ تسذ٠ذ اٌتىٍفت االٔشائ١ت اٌعاٌ١ت ٌٕظاَ اٌفٌٛطاضٛئ١ت ف ٟفتشاث ٚج١زة. اٌتحذ ٞاٌفعٍ٠ ٟىّٓ ف ٟتصّٚ ُ١تٕف١ز ٔظاَ ٘ج ٓ١د٠زي\فٌٛطاضٛئ ٟد ْٚاستخذاَ ٔظُ تخز ٓ٠اٌطالتٚ ،اٌت ِٓ ٟ٘ ٟاٌتىٍفت بّىاْ ,وّا أٙا حساست اتجاٖ دسجاث اٌحشاسة اٌعاٌ١ت ٚتمًٍ ِٓ عّش إٌظاَ. أ٠ضا اٌتم ُ١١االلتصاد ُِٙ ٞف ٟعٍّ١ت تحذ٠ذ أفضً سٕ١اسٌ ٛ٠عٍّ١ت ت١ٌٛذ اٌىٙشباء عبش إٌظاَ اٌٙج ٓ١اٌجذ٠ذ. 5 LIST OF CONTENTS DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY…………………………..2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT………………………………………….3 ABSTRACT……………………………………………………….4 ……………………………………………………………المستخلص.5 LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………..11 LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………13 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………..15 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION………………………..16 1.1 Overview……………………………………………………………...16 1.2 Problem statement…………………………………………………….16 1.3 Motivation……………………………………………………………..17 1.4 Objectives……………………………………………………………...17 1.5 Report layout…………………………………………………………..17 2 CHAPTER 2: THEORY………………………………….19 2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………19 2.2 Photovoltaic…………………………………………………………....19 2.2.1 How solar cells work………………………………………………20 2.3 solar PV systems……………………………………………………….22 2.4 PV system components………………………………………………...22 2.4.1 PV modules………………………………………………………...22 6 2.4.2 2.5 Balance of system (BOS) components……………………………..26 Site location…………………………………………………………….26 2.5.1 Site analysis………………………………………………………...26 2.5.2 Why AL-FASHIR………………………………………………….27 2.6 Economics………………………………………………………………29 3 CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESIGN…………………………31 3.1 What is the solar power plant……………………………………………31 3.2 Problem statement……………………………………………………….31 3.3 Guide lines of designing PV solar power plant………………………….32 3.4 Determine the number of solar panels used……………………………...32 3.5 Overview about the PV solar panels market……………………………..33 3.6 Recommended solar PV module to be used……………………………....34 3.7 Recommended panels arrangement for the PV solar system……………...35 3.7.1 Configurations details……………………………………………......35 3.7.2 PV panels connecting technique…………………………………......35 3.8 Electrical calculations……………………………………………………...35 3.8.1 Calculations according to the configurations…………………….......35 3.8.2 DC output power calculations……………………………………......36 3.9 Inverter details & specifications……………………………………….......36 3.10 System architecture and inter connections………………………………...37 3.11 The power plant area calculations…………………………………………40 7 3.12 The location………………………………………………………………..42 3.12.1 About the town………………………………………………………42 3.12.2 Coordination and geographical site………………………………….42 3.12.3 Detailed map for the site……………………………………………..43 3.12.4 Weather and climate informations about the targeted area…………..44 4 CHAPTER 4: FEASBILITY STUDY…………………….....46 4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………...46 4.2 Classification of plant costs…………………………………………….......47 4.3 Power plant cost analysis……………………………………………….......47 4.3.1 Total production cost………………………………………………......47 4.3.2 Fixed charges………………………………………………………......49 4.4 Annual power plant production…………………………………………….50 4.5 Fundamental informations about the original diesel power plant………….50 4.5.1 Load curve of the original power plant working with D.G……………50 4.5.2 List of the D.G in the power plant and their corresponding capacities..52 4.5.3 The original diesel power plant fuel consumption per year…………...53 4.6 Solar PV power plant load curve…………………………………………...55 4.7 load curve using hybrid solar PV-diesel power plant…………………......56 4.8 The annual income behind the hybrid technique for the solar PV ………..57 4.8.1 The annual income from selling electricity……………………………57 4.8.2 Annual income from saving an amount of diesel. …………………....57 8 4.9 Project economic evaluation………………………………………………58 4.9.1 1st scenario……………………………………………………………..58 4.9.2 2nd scenario…………………………………………………………….60 4.9.3 3rd scenario…………………………………………………………….62 5 CHAPTER 5: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………….66 5.1 Solar PV power plant design………………………………………………66 5.1.1 Number of solar panels used………………………………………….66 5.1.2 Recommended solar panel type……………………………………….66 5.1.3 Recommended panels arrangement……………………………………66 5.2 Electrical calculations results……………………………………………...67 5.2.1 Calculations according to the configurations………………………….67 5.2.2 DC output power………………………………………………………67 5.3 Inverter details and specifications……………………………………….....68 5.4 System architecture………………………………………………………...69 5.5 The power plant area……………………………………………………….70 5.6 Feasibility study results…………………………………………………….71 5.6.1 Capital cost of the solar power plant…………………………………..71 5.6.2 Fixed charges of the solar power plant………………………………...71 5.6.3 Annual power output for each system…………………………………71 5.6.4 Annual income for the solar power plant……………………………...71 5.6.5 Economic evaluation for several scenarios of operation……………....72 9 5.6.6 Expressing all scenarios in one chart……………………………………….73 5.7 Solar PV power plant design……………………………………………………74 5.8 Power plant output……………………………………………………………...75 5.9 Inverter………………………………………………………………………….76 5.10 The power plant area……………………………………………………………76 5.11 Feasibility study………………………………………………………………...77 6 CHAPTER6: CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RECOMs. …….79 6.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….79 6.2 Future recommendations………………………………………………………...82 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………….86 APPENDIX A-1: DATA SHEET OF THE SOLAR PV MODULE….88 APPENDIX A-2: DATA SHEET OF THE INVERTER MODULE....89 APPENDIX B: ALFASHIR CITY CLIMATE AND TEMP. …….... .90 10 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Basic photovoltaic cell…………………………………………………………20 Figure 2.2: How a PV cell processes sunlight……………………………………………...21 Figure 2.3: PV module……………………………………………………………………..22 Figure 2.4: Example of solar inverter………………………………………………………24 Figure 2.5: Annual GHI of Sudan………………………………………………………….28 Figure 3.1: Overall solar power plant system………………………………………………31 Figure 3.2: Market scenarios of solar PV module………………………………………….34 Figure 3.3: Solar module……………………………………………………………………37 Figure 3.4: String……………………………………………………………………………37 Figure 3.5: Group……………………………………………………………………………38 Figure 3.6: Overall system…………………………………………………………………..40 Figure 3.7: Sudan map……………………………………………………………………….42 Figure 3.8: Solar power plant location……………………………………………………….43 Figure 3.9: Annual GHI………………………………………………………………………44 Figure 3.10: Climate informations about the location………………………………………..45 Figure 4.1: Load curve of Al-Fashir diesel power plant……………………………………..50 Figure 4.2: Load curve of the solar power plant……………………………………………..55 Figure 4.3: Load curve using hybrid solar PV-diesel power plant…………………………..56 Figure 4.4: 1st scenario cash flow diagram………………………………………………….59 Figure 4.5: 2nd scenario cash flow diagram………………………………………………….61 11 Figure 4.6: Diesel prices and pass through…………………………………………………62 Figure 4.7: 3rd scenario cash flow diagram…………………………………………………64 Figure 5.1: System architecture…………………………………………………………….69 Figure 5.2: Expressing scenarios in one chart………………………………………………73 Figure 6.1: Hybrid control system…………………………………………………………..85 12 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Average temperature of al-fashir……………………………………………………27 Table 3.1: PV solar panels market……………………………………………………………...33 Table 3.2: Recommended solar PV module……………………………………………………34 Table 3.3: Inverter input specifications…………………………………………………………36 Table 3.4: Inverter output specifications………………………………………………………..36 Table 4.1: Capital cost for the solar power plant………………………………………………..48 Table 4.2: Fixed charges of the solar power plant………………………………………………49 Table 4.3: Contents of al-fashir diesel power plant……………………………………………..52 Table 4.4: Al-Fashir diesel power plant annual fuel consumption……………………………...54 Table 5.1: Number of solar panels used………………………………………………………...66 Table 5.2: Recommended solar panel type……………………………………………………...66 Table 5.3: Recommended solar panels arrangement…………………………………………….66 Table 5.4: Calculations according to the configurations………………………………………...67 Table 5.5: DC output power……………………………………………………………………..67 Table 5.6: Inverter details and specifications…………………………………………………....68 Table 5.7: The power plant area…………………………………………………………………70 Table 5.8: Capital cost of the solar power plant…………………………………………………71 Table 5.9: Fixed cost of the solar power plant…………………………………………………..71 Table 5.10: Annual power output of each system……………………………………………….71 Table 5.11: Annual incomes for the solar power plant………………………………………….71 13 Table 5.12: Economic evaluation for several scenarios of operation……………………………72 14 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Kw kilo watt Mw mega watt GW gega watt W watt WP watt peak PV photovoltaic GHI global horizontal radiation DG diesel generator I interest rate IRR internal rate of return NPV net present value PBP payback period DPBP discounted payback period PI profitability index SDG Sudanese pound $ United States dollar = 7 SDG V volt P power 15 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 overview A new era in power generation has just begun by using the renewable resources techniques. Solar photovoltaic is rapidly developed in the last few years. By the end of 2011, a total of 71.1 GW had been installed, sufficient to generate 85 TWh/year. And by end of 2012, the 100 GW installed capacity milestone was achieved [1]. Solar photovoltaic is now, after hydro and wind power, the third most important renewable energy source in terms of globally installed capacity. More than 100 countries use solar PV [1]. Sudan exhibits a high potential for generating electricity using photovoltaic technique, due to its high GHI between 2200-2530 KWh/M2 and its long daily sunny hours between 7-11 hours. As a matter of fact there is now more than 45,000 house hold using the photovoltaic technique Solar systems merits are indicated in the low operational costs; obviously no need for continuous maintenance because there are no moving parts in the system and no fuel is being consumed. Solar systems demerits are indicated in the high capital costs, but now researches are being developed to reduce these costs, obviously solar systems produce an excellent choice for remote area power demand which is off-grid, because the costs to join these areas to the grid will cost more times higher than the capital cost of such solar systems. Photovoltaic diesel hybrid system is considered as an effective choice for fuel saving in offgrid area where the diesel gensets are considered the only source for generating electricity. 1.2 Problem statement Sudan is a large country with an area exceeds the half of a squared million miles, the electricity grid is obviously hard to get it covered , remote areas like ALFASHIR city which is located far away in the west, its solution was to implement an off grid region there, this grid supplied by diesel generators, the problem behind using diesel generators that they consume a lot of diesel and in the case of no fuel a black out will occur, diesel price is increased in the last few 16 years, and what make the situation much worse is the increasing in the fuel transportation price due to the current country political state, here the need of the hybrid pv-diesel power plants raised, so 4MW solar photovoltaic is designed to reduce the amount of fuel consumed by the diesel power plant. 1.3 Motivation The PV hybrid system is to supplement the diesel generators, thereby reducing fuel consumption. The primary motivations for installing PV are to reduce operating (fuel) costs, improve reliability and availability of power, and achieve greenhouse gas reductions and other environmental benefits. AL-FASHIR city is considered as a remote area and as known that the diesel price is high enough in such regions due to the high price of transportation and the annual increase in the diesel prices itself, also in order to establish a new era of clean energy and greenhouse gases reduction, the idea of the hybrid pv-diesel appeared to meet this new era demand. 1.4 Objectives The main aims behind this project are: To study and design a 4MW solar photovoltaic system in AL-FASHIR city to operate with the original diesel power plant in a hybrid form. Study and develop a feasibility study for the new designed photovoltaic power plant. Illustrate some future recommendations to help in improving system performance. 1.5 Report layout This thesis is organized into six chapters and two appendices as follows: i. Chapter two (literature review): this chapter expresses a brief idea about the project, the history of the similar work done before, the components of the system and some economic definitions that will be used later. ii. Chapter three (system Design): this chapter contains the design steps for the solar photovoltaic power plant. iii. Chapter four (feasibility study): this chapter detects the feasibility of the hybrid pvdiesel system idea and evaluate between number of operation scenarios. 17 iv. Chapter five (results and discussion): this chapter contains the list of results that have been obtained in chapter three and four and comments on them. v. Chapter six (conclusion and future recommendation): this chapter summarizes the work that has been done in this project also it contains future recommendations to be done In order to improve the system performance in future. Appendix A-1: contains the data sheet of the solar photovoltaic module used in the design chapter. Appendix A-2: contains the data sheet of the inverter module used in the design chapter. Appendix B: contains full climate and temperatures information about ElFasher city. 18 CHAPTER 2: LITRETURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Solar Energy The sun is probably the most important source of renewable energy available today. Traditionally, the sun has provided energy for practically all living creatures on earth, through the process of photosynthesis. Two main types of solar energy systems are in use today: photovoltaic (PV), and thermal systems In Sudan average solar insolation is roughly 6.1 kWh/ m2/day, indicating a high potential for solar energy use. As stated before in the previous chapter in this project we aim to use the photovoltaic effect to produce a 4 MW solar energy that can be used as hybrid with the diesel generators in Elfasher to produce electricity to the city, so that we can decrease the high cost of the diesel used by the diesel generators and also control the emissions of CO2. So in this chapter we will discuss the photovoltaic effect and how to generate electrical energy from solar cells using this effect, then we will discuss the PV systems and its components and how it can be used to generate an AC power. 2.2 Photovoltaic photovoltaic(PV) is the process of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors and photovoltaic effect. To generate electricity using Photovoltaic effect you will need solar panels which composed of number of solar cells containing semiconductors materials which include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium gallium selenide sulphide [2]. Photovoltaic effect Photovoltaic is the direct conversion of light into electricity at the atomic level. Some materials exhibit a property known as the photoelectric effect that causes them to absorb photons of light and 19 release electrons. When these free electrons are captured, an electric current results that can be used as electricity. The photoelectric effect was first noted by a French physicist, Edmund Bequerel, in 1839, who found that certain materials would produce small amounts of electric current when exposed to light, In 1905, Albert Einstein described the nature of light and the photoelectric effect on which photovoltaic technology is based, for which he later won a Nobel prize in physics[2]. Figure 2.1 basic photovoltaic cell [3] The diagram above illustrates the operation of a basic photovoltaic cell, also called a solar cell. 2.2.1 How Solar cells work? Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made up of at least 2 semi-conductor layers. One layer containing a positive charge (N-type), the other a negative charge (P-type). Sunlight consists of little particles of solar energy called photons. As a PV cell is exposed to this sunlight, many of the photons are reflected, pass right through, or absorbed by the solar cell. When enough photons are absorbed by the negative layer of the photovoltaic cell, electrons are freed from the negative semiconductor material. Due to the manufacturing process 20 of the positive layer, these freed electrons naturally migrate to the positive layer creating a voltage differential, similar to a household battery. When the 2 layers are connected to an external load, the electrons flow through the circuit creating electricity. This process is depicted in figure 2.2 Figure 2.2 how a photovoltaic cell processes sunlight. 21 2.3 Solar PV System PV system is the system that uses the photovoltaic effect to convert the solar radiation into direct current (electricity). PV system in its simplest form may contain an array of PV module, one or more DC to AC power converter (inverter), electrical wiring, and May or may not contain batteries. Solar systems can be a small PV system is capable of providing enough AC electricity to power a single home, or even an isolated device in the form of AC or DC electric (rooftop systems), or it can be large grid-connected photovoltaic power system capable of providing an energy supply for multiple consumers. 2.4 PV system components The system we designed in this research can be considered as large grid-connected system, and its components can be list as follows: 2.4.1 PV Modules It’s a group of solar cells connected in series and parallel to construct one panel. Each module is rated by its DC output, and typically range from 100 to 320 watts. The PV module is considered as the main component of the PV system, as it's converts the sun light into DC current. A typical PV module is shown in figure 2.3 Figure 2.3 PV module 22 There are three main types of photovoltaic solar panels for both commercial and residential use. They are: i. Monocrystalline. ii. Polycrystalline. iii. Amorphous Silicon also called "Thin Film". All three types of solar panels have both advantages and disadvantages depending on the end user's budget, the size and type of environment where they are used and the expected output of the system to name a few. Monocrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Panel Made from a large crystal of silicon. Monocrystalline solar panels are the most efficient and most expensive panels currently available. Because of their high efficiency, they are often used in applications where installation square footage is limited, giving the end user the maximum electrical output for the installation area available. Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Panel Characterized by its shattered glass look because of the manufacturing process of using multiple silicon crystals, polycrystalline solar panels are the most commonly seen solar panels. A little less efficient than monocrystalline panels, but also less expensive. Amorphous Silicon "Thin Film" Photovoltaic Solar Panel These panels can be thin and flexible which is why they are commonly referred to as "Thin Film" solar panels. Amorphous silicon solar panels are common for building integrated photovoltaic applications because of their many application options and aesthetics. They are cheaper and are not affected by shading. Drawbacks are low efficiency; loss of wattage per sq. ft. installed and heat retention. They can be manufactured using silicon, copper indium dieseline (CIS) or cadmium telluride (CdTe) 23 In this project we use a Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Panel with a 300W DC output. For more information see APPENDEX DC to AC Inverter .A DC to AC inverter as it's clear from its name converts the DC output from the solar a modules into an AC that can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network. An example solar inverters is shown in figure 2.4 Figure 2.4 example of solar inverters 24 Solar inverters may be classified into three broad types: i. Stand-alone inverters used in isolated systems where the inverter draws its DC energy from batteries charged by photovoltaic arrays. Many stand-alone inverters also incorporate integral battery chargers to replenish the battery from an AC source, when available. Normally these do not interface in any way with the utility grid, and as such, are not required to have anti-islanding protection [4]. ii. Grid-tie inverters which match phase with a utility-supplied sine wave. Grid-tie inverters are designed to shut down automatically upon loss of utility supply, for safety reasons. They do not provide backup power during utility outages [4]. iii. Battery backup inverters: are special inverters which are designed to draw energy from a battery, manage the battery charge via an on-board charger and export excess energy to the utility grid. These inverters are capable of supplying AC energy to selected loads during a utility outage, and are required to have antiislanding protection [4]. In this project we use an eight large grid-tie inverters, for more information see APPENDEX 2. 25 2.4.2 Balance of system (BOS) components A solar PV Balance-Of-System or BOS refers to all PV system components other than modules and inverters. This includes the combiners/ junction boxes, ground mounting components, cables/wires, switches, enclosures, fuses, ground fault detectors, and more. BOS components include the majority of the pieces, which make up roughly 10%-50% of solar purchasing and installation costs, and account for the majority of maintenance requirements. Essentially it is through the balance-of-system components those we: control cost, increase efficiency, and modernize solar PV systems [4]. 2.5 Site Location The site location of the PV system is the location where the system is to be constructed. In our case the site location will be in EL-Fashir city. 2.5.1 Site analysis EL-Fashir is the capital city of North Darfur, Sudan. It is a large town in the Darfur region of north-western Sudan, 120 miles (195 km) northeast of Nyala, Sudan [6]. El-Fashir lies in the geographical coordinates of 13° 38' 0" N, 25° 21' 0" E. The climate of the city in general is hot with average temperatures between 20 and 35 Celsius. Table 2.1 show the yearly average temperatures of the city. El-Fashir has 264,734 residents (2006) [7]. 26 Month Temperature Mean Value (C◦) High Temperature Mean Daily Value(C◦) Jan 19.7 Feb Mar Apr 21.7 25.5 28.1 May Jun 30.1 30.7 Jul Aug 28.9 27.9 Sep Oct 28.5 27.5 Nov Dec 23.0 20.1 average 25.98 29.8 31.9 35.6 37.8 38.9 38.4 35.4 33.9 35.7 36.0 32.7 30.0 34.68 Low Temperature Mean Daily Value (C◦) 9.5 11.4 15.5 18.3 21.3 23.0 22.5 21.8 21.2 18.9 13.6 10.3 17.28 Table 2.1 average temperature of EL-Fashir[6]. 2.5.2 Why EL-FASHER? EL-Fashir has diesel power plant with a capacity of 14MW to support the city with the electricity, but due to conflicts and Rebellion in the area the diesel prices is increasing, and This will cause the increase the cost of generating electricity. In this case introducing a PV system in addition to the diesel plant to decrease the diesel cost will be a good choice. In addition to the above reason the location of EL-Fashir is considered a good location for a PV system because of its high annual GHI which is between 2350-2400 [KWH/M²], figure 2.5 show the annual GHI of the area. Also its average daily sunny hour range between 7.6 hours per day in August and 10.7 hours per day in November [7]. 27 Figure 2.5 annual GHI of Sudan 28 2.6 Economics In order to evaluate between the operation modes and scenarios some economical definitions must be illustrated: Payback period i. Which is the period of time needed from the beginning of the business until the capital cost of the business is covered. Payback period = It must be less than the project life time to consider the project successful. It’s an initial indication, not accurate and ignores the effect of time on the value of money [19]. i. Discounted payback period This term is related to the payback period but it considers the effect of time on the value of money when using an interest rate in the business. It gives an accurate indication about the state of the project. It must be less than the project life time to consider the project successful. Discounted payback period = ( ) Both payback period and discounted payback period ignores the state of the project after covering the capital cost so they are just an initial indicators [19]. ii. Net present value Brings all the annual incomes to the year zero considering the effect of time in money and subtract the capital cost from it the residual is the net present value. Must be a positive value to consider the project successful. 29 iii. Net present value = annual income( An accurate indicator [19]. ) Internal rate of return The value of the interest rate when the net present value is set to zero. Must be more than the original interest rate. Internal rate of return can be calculated from the net present value formula or by using excel functions. iv. An accurate indicator [19]. Profitability index Indicates how much the business is profitable, in another words the degree of success. v. Profitability index=( Profitability index must be more than 1 to consider the project successful. It is an accurate indicator [19]. ) Cash flow diagram Exhibit the overall business operation in one diagram containing the capital cost, the annual income, project life time and the interest rate [19]. 30 CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESIGN 3.1 What is a Solar Power Plant? A Solar PV Power plant is a concept of generating electricity from the sun and converting it to the AC energy that we use in our daily lives. PV modules are installed on fixed metallic support structures arranged in long rows, adequately spaced themselves, facing south (in the Northern Hemisphere) with an appropriate tilt, or deployed on tracking devices to follow the sun. PV modules are electrically connected together in series and parallel and then connected by DC cabling to the centralized inverters which convert DC power into AC power. String Inverters are connected together, on AC side, to the plant Medium Voltage network, and then the produced energy is delivered to the HV or EHV Grid by means of one or more step-up transformers. The picture below shows a simple schematic of a solar PV Power plant: Figure 3.1 over all solar power plant system [9] 3.2 Problem state The aim of this project report is to estimate and calculate the approximate design of a 4MW solar PV power plant (utility scale). The total number of solar panel required and the different parameters of the solar panel estimated. A site in AL-FASHIR town (western SUDAN, located 120 miles (195 km) northeast of NYALA) is taken virtually to estimate the solar intensity of the site which is most important for calculation of such type of report [10]. Also the brief details of the materials/equipments (solar panels, Inverters) used to set up a 4MW power plant have been highlighted. 31 3.3 Guide lines of designing PV solar power plant i. Determine the capacity of the PV solar system power plant depending on the demand or in our specific case the needed capacity to meet the most financial efficiency when the PV power plant combined with a diesel generation in a hybrid system. ii. Determine the various components which will be used during the designing period such as solar panels, converters, protection components. iii. Beginning with the given power plant capacity calculation should be done to obtain the optimum number of solar panel must be used. iv. Take a look at the PV solar panels market to determine the specific module that must be used (according to its cost and specification). v. PV solar modules should be arranged to meet the planned power output of the system. vi. An electric calculation should be done to make sure that the output of the system has been managed well according to the used configuration. According to the previous solar PV panel’s arrangement determine the suitable converter vii. to be used. viii. Take a look at the market prices to determine the converter type (according to its cost and specification). ix. Calculations should be done to determine the area of the power plant. x. Determine the most suitable location for the PV solar plant and its weather informations (G.H.I, temperature, day light hours). 3.4 Determine the number of solar panels used First of all the total capacity of the PV solar power plant = 4MWP. Average sun hours in AL-FASHIR town per day= 5HRS. Total power per day=4MWP x 5HRS=20MWP. Total watt-hours per day=20MW.HRS/DAY. Maximum solar insolation AL-FASHIR town=6.35KW-HRS/m2/DAY. Divide total WATT-HRS/DAY by solar insolation=20MWP / 6.35KW-HRS/m2/DAY = 3,149,606.299Wp Multiply this figure by 1.25(efficiency factor) =1.25 x 3179650.238=3,937,007.874 32 No. of solar panel Divide this figure by the WP (here 300WP) of the chosen solar panel 3815580.286 300 13123.359 13120. For better efficiency and to utilize the inverter and other components better we should consider the no. of solar panel=13120 panels. 3.5 Over view about the PV solar panels market Price trends August 2011: Module type, € Trend since Trend since Origin Wp 2011- 2011- 07 01 0.88 - 3.3 % - 17.8 % 0.91 - 4.7 % - 22.8 % 0.61 - 2.2 % - 13.3 % 0.59 - 1.7 % - 13.2 % Thin film a-Si 0.50 - 2.0 % - 16.7 % Thin film a- - 3.4 % - 25.0 % Crystalline Germany Crystalline China Crystalline Japan Thin film CdS/CdTe 0.57 Si μ-Si Table 3.1 PV solar panels market[11] 33 Figure 3.2 market scenarios of solar PV modules [11] 3.6 Recommended solar PV module to be used It’s pretty clear from the previous part 4.5 that the PV solar module prices are decreasing which is an indicator of the rapid technology improvement in the manufacturing process; this improvement will enhance the characteristics of module. specifications and module details: Rating of solar panel Wattp (W) 300Wp DC Voltage (Vmp( V)) 36.72V DC Current (Imp (A)) 8.17A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc (V)) 45.50 Short Circuit Current (Isc (A)) 8.65 Table 3.2 recommended solar PV module [12]. 34 The above specifications are available with TITAN ENERGY SYSTEMS LTD. Their module spec TITAN M6-72 Polycrystalline (high efficiency) has been used as a reference. A datasheet/spec. sheet of TITAN M6-72 Polycrystalline has been provided in this report. Please go through it for more details about module characteristics and dimensions. 3.7 Recommended panels arrangement for the PV solar system According to the calculations done in part 3.4 and the demand of the plant: The total number of solar PV panels to be used=13123.359 panels. From 13123.359 panels, total 13120 panels are considered to generate the required energy=4MW. 3.7.1 Configurations details 13120 panels are divided into 8 groups, each group containing 1640 solar panels. In each group, 1640 panels are further divided into 82 strings Each string contains 20 solar panels. 3.7.2 PV panels connecting technique In each string, the solar panels are connected in series to increase the voltage. In each group, the 82 strings are connected in parallel to increase the current. 3.8 Electrical calculations 3.8.1 Calculations according to the configurations Output voltage of each string=36.72x20=734.4 VDC Output current of each string=8.17 ADC Output voltage of each group=734.4 VDC Output current of each group=8.17x82=669.94 ADC 35 3.8.2 DC output power calculation Output power of each string=734.4x8.17=6.000048 KW Output power of each group=6.000048x82=492.003936KW Output power of 8 groups=492.003936x8=3936.0314KW=3.936MW. Overall efficiency of power plant (as a capacity factor) = Actual capacity/estimated capacity= (3.936MW/4MW)x100=98.4% 3.9 Inverter Details & Specification Type of the inverter: central inverter considered, PVS800-57-0500kW-A, 500 kW. Recommended specification Input (DC) Max input power 600 kWp DC voltage range, mpp (UDC) 450 to 750 V (- 825 V*) Maximum DC voltage (Umax (DC)) 900 V (1000 V*) Maximum DC current (Imax (DC)) 1145 A Voltage ripple < 3% Number of protected DC inputs (parallel) 4 (+/-) / 16^ 2 Table 3.3 inverter input specification [13] Output (AC) Nominal AC output power (PN (AC)) 500 kW Nominal AC current (IN (AC)) 965 A Nominal output voltage (UN (AC)) 3) 300 V Output frequency 4) 50 / 60 Hz Harmonic distortion, current 5) < 3% Power factor compensation (cosϕ) Yes Distribution network type 6) TN and IT Table 3.4 inverter output specifications [13]. 36 To meet the above stated criteria, central inverter manufactured by ABB is considered.PVS800-57-0500kW-A inverter manufactured by ABB considered. Total 8 inverters of PVS800-57-0500kW-A type required to generate the 4MW power. 3.10 System architecture and inter connections solar PV panel (module) Figure 3.3 solar module [14]. 20 solar panel connected in series will form a string Figure 3.4 string [8] 37 82 string connected in parallel will form a group: Figure 3.5 group [8] 38 8 groups will form the overall PV solar power plant system: Figure 3.6 overall system [8] 39 3.11 The power plant area calculations According to the specifications of the module we use: Module length=1975mm=1.975m Module width=988mm=.988m Module angle with respect to the ground=25degree. Direction of installation=facing the south. Module length after installing with 25 angle (will decrease by 6.6%) = (1.975x0.94) =1.845m. Module area=length x width=1.845mx.988m=1.822 Distance between each 2 modules in a string (to provide walk path and prevent modules to shade on each other) =module length=1.845m. Notice that modules arranged inside the string in form of 10 columns and 2 rows. String length= (10xwidth) + (9xdistance between the modules) = (10x.988m) + (9x1.845m) =9.88m+16.605=26.485m String width= (2xmodule length)+distance between modules = (2x1.845) + (1.845) = 5.535m String area=length x width=26.485mx5.535m=146.59 Distance between each 2 strings (large enough for mentainance service cars=module length x 3=5.535m Strings are arranged in the form of 41 columns and 2 rows inside the group. group length=41 x (string length) + 40 x (distance between them) = (41x26.485m) + (40x5.535m) =1307.28m Group width = (2xstring width) + (distance between them) 40 = (2x5.535) + (5.535) =16.605m Group area =length x width=1307.28mx 16.605m=21707.38 Distance between each 2 groups (suggested to fit a road with 2 lanes) =10m The groups as well are arranged to form 4 columns and 2 rows inside the power plant. Power plant length = (4xgroup length) + (3xdistance between them) = (4x1307.28) + (3x10) = 5259.12m power plant width = (2xgroup width) + (distance between them) = (2x16.605) + (10) = 43.21m Power plant area=length x width=5259.12x43.21=227,246.57 41 3.12 The location 3.12.1 about the town Al Fashir, Al-Fashir or El Fasher (Arabic: )اٌفاششis the capital city of North Darfur, Sudan. It is a large town in the Darfur region of northwestern Sudan, 120 miles (195 km) northeast of Nyala, Sudan. A historical caravan post, Al-Fashir is located at an elevation of about 2,400 feet (700 m).The town serves as an agricultural marketing point for the cereals and fruits grown in the surrounding region. Al-Fashir is linked by road with both Al-Junaynah and Umm Kaddadah. Late in the 18th century, Sultan 'Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed of the Fur Sultanate of Darfur founded his capital city at Al-Fashir, and the town developed around the sultan's palace grounds [10]. 3.12.2 Coordination and geographical site Figure 3.7 Sudan map [15] Site coordinates: 13.6333° N, 25.3500° E [16]. 42 3.12.3 Detailed map for the site Figure 3.8 solar power plant location [17] The figure above shows the recommended site for the power plant to be constructed in, the site is a large area outside the town but not far away to present a transportation problem, and it’s about 4.5km from alfashir diesel power plant. Such a site will be perfect to construct such a huge PV solar power plant. 43 3.12.4 Weather and climate informations about the targeted area Figure 3.9 annual g.h.i [18] 44 Figure 3.10 climate information about the location [7] 45 CHAPTER 4: FEASBILITY STUDY 4.1. Introduction A feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of the potential of the proposed project which is based on extensive investigation and research to support the process of decision making. Feasibility studies aim to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats present in the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success. In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and value to be attained. As such, a well-designed feasibility study should provide a historical background of the business or project, description of the product or service, accounting statements, details of the operations and management, marketing research and policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax obligations. Generally, feasibility studies precede technical development and project implementation. From our point of view an existing business or proposed venture referred to the PV solar power plant, feasibility study should answer the question “Does the project idea make economic sense?” The study should provide a thorough analysis of the business opportunity, the outcome of the feasibility study will indicate whether or not to proceed with the proposed venture. The power plant cost estimation includes the determination of one or more of: 1- Total capital investment. 2- Total production cost. 3- Net profit. 4- Payback period (p.b.p) and discounted payback period (d.p.b.p). 5- Net present value (n.p.v). 6- Profitability index (p.i).[19] 46 4.2. Classification of plant costs i. Total capital investment: Fixed capital investment. (Manufacturing and non-manufacturing). ii. Working capital. Operating costs: A. Direct expenses: a. Variable. b. Fixed charges. B. Indirect expenses.[19] 4.3. Power plant cost analysis 4.3.1. Total production cost Businesses that know their production costs know the total expense to the production line, or how much the entire process will cost to produce the item. If costs are too high, these can be decreased or possibly eliminated. Production costs can be used to compare the expenses of different activities within the company. In economics, the cost-of-production theory of value is the theory that the price of an object or condition is determined by the sum of the cost of the resources that went into making it. The cost can compose any of the factors of production (including labor, capital, or land) and taxation. 47 Utility (Fixed) PV System Price: Capital cost Amount $Price/unit $Cost 13,120 module $0.5/W dc 1,968,000.0 Inverter 8 inverters in a power $0.22/W ac 0,880,000.0 (500KW ac output) plant of capacity $0.23/W ac 0,920,000.0 $0.16/W ac 0,640,000.0 $0.9/m^2 0,204,522.0 $0.15/W ac 0,600,000.0 components pv Module (300W dc) 4MW Mounting hardware Power plant capacity 4MW Wiring and conduit power plant capacity 4MW Land reclamation Power plant area 227,246.57 Labor Power plant capacity 4MW Total $5,212,522.0 Table 4. 1 capital cost for the solar PV power plant [20] Note that: Land reclamation is a function of the power plant area but other costs are function of the power plant capacity in Watt ac. Solar PV modules price is a function of both number of modules and the module output in Watt dc. The land which the power plant will be constructed in is assumed to be free of costs because the power plant is a governmental business. 48 4.3.2. Fixed charges Any type of fixed expense that recurs on a regular basis. Fixed charges can include insurance, salaries, utilities, vehicle payments, loan payments and mortgage payments. These charges allow both individuals and businesses to create more predictable budgets and estimate their cash flows more accurately. Depreciation $0,158,688.0 Local taxes ,insurance and rent $0,000,000.0 Table 4.2 fixed charges of the solar PV power plant Note that: Depreciation is the gradual decrease in the economic value of the capital stock of a firm, nation or other entity, either through physical depreciation, obsolescence or changes in the demand for the services of the capital in question. Depreciation is determined using the straight line model , it assumes that depreciation is a constant amount for each time division (year in our project)[19] : DT=depreciation (in $). P=present value (total production cost of only equipments) = $5,212,522.0 F= future or salvage value (10% of p) =$0,521,252.2 N=system life time (25 years). $0,187,650.8.0 Depreciation do not affect the cash flow of the project but its effect will be indicated in reducing taxes that would be paid over the equipments and. Depreciation is an indication of the state and the value of the unit at a given time (N). 49 Local taxes, insurance and rent are all set to zero because it is a governmental business and free of costs. 4.4. Annual power plant production Annual power plant production is the amount of electricity that has been generated during one year .This amount can be calculated using the next formula: A= actual annual generated power (KW). G=ideal generated power / hour (KW/H). N=number of hours (H). 4.5. Fundamental informations about the original diesel power plant Expressing some of the characteristics of the original diesel power plant. 4.5.1. Load curve of the original power plant working with diesel generators load curve of alfashir diesel power plant 16 14 12 10 8 6 load curve of alfashir diesel power plant 4 2 0 Figure 4.1 load curve of al-fashir diesel power plant [21] 50 According to the load curve the Power generated in one day is equal to the summation of the power generated each hour : MW/day = 232.25MW = 232250.0KW Annual generated power can be obtained taking: ( 84,829,312.5KW Another way to calculate the annual generated power by calculating the value of the capacity factor “F”. Ideal annual generated power can be calculated by multiplying the full 14MWP/H capacity of the power plant by 24H by 356.25 days. Ideal annual generated power= ( ) =122,724,000.0KW. 0.69 Capacity factor of the diesel power plant is 69%, Generators with relatively low fuel costs are usually operated to supply base load power, and typically have average annual capacity factors of 0.70 or more. Generators with lower capacity factors may indicate they are in operation during peak demand periods and/or have high fuel costs, or their operation depends on the availability of the energy source, such as hydro, solar, and wind energy. The annual generated power using diesel power plant equal to: 84,829,312.5KW. 51 4.5.2. List of the diesel generators in the power plant and their corresponding capacities According to the Sudanese thermal power generating company ltd. Al-fashir diesel power plant consist of diesel generators with different capacities , the generators informations and the total peak power output is illustrated in the following table: Generators number Generator output (MW) Total capacity (MW) 3 3 9 4 1 4 2 0.5 1 Total power plant peak output 14(MW) Table 4.3 contents of al-fashir diesel power plant [22] 52 4.5.3. The original diesel power plant fuel consumption per year Fuel consumption is one of the key characteristics that exhibit if the power generating process is successful and feasible or not, because the variation in the fuel types leads to a wide variation in the fuel cost and the availability of the fuel sources near to the power plant is the major reason behind an effective and efficient power generating process. Sudan as known is currently suffering from the rapid increasing in the fuel costs due to its unstable political state with the neighboring countries which affected the transmission process of fuel and pipelining. On the other hand Sudan is a very large country so transmission fuel from its source to its destination which is the power plant will cost as much as the fuel cost itself! So in our case of a diesel power plant located far away from the diesel source which is Port Sudan, then the diesel cost will cost too much and here the idea of the diesel solar PV hybrid power plant rises as the perfect solution for the diesel cost issue. Because the diesel power plant have a few capital cost but high annual costs which is operational costs and fuel costs , solar pv power plant have a high capital costs but nearly zero annual costs, so obviously the two systems complete each other. According to the Sudanese Thermal Power Generating Company Ltd. Al-fashir diesel power plant consumes: Diesel oil “D.O”. Gas oil “G.O”. Heavy fuel oil “H.F.O”. The following table illustrates the type of fuel consumed and the corresponding amount, cost per unit “Ton” and the total cost of the annual fuel consumption of Al-fashir original diesel power plant: 53 Sudanese thermal power generating company General generation department Annual Cost of the fuel consumed by power plants Al-fashir Fuel consumption(ton) Fuel consumption cost(SDG) Total consumed fuel Month HFO DO GO HFO DO GO cost per one year 1 0.0 753.64 352.76 0.0 1697950.92 1047682.35 2 0.0 538.84 442.02 0.0 1214006.52 1312799.40 3 0.0 621.51 629.71 0.0 1400262.03 1870223.85 Do total cost + go 4 0.0 904.51 356.11 0.0 2037861.03 1057646.70 total cost= 5 0.0 820.5 410.09 0.0 1848586.50 1217967.30 19,866,728.7 6 0.0 770.6 360.5 0.0 1736161.80 1070685.00 + 7 0.0 680.3 612.7 0.0 1532715.90 1819719.00 16,710,407.6 8 0.0 590.8 600.1 0.0 1331072.40 1782297.00 = 9 0.0 870.6 314.7 0.0 1961461.80 934659.00 36,577,136.3 SDG 10 0.0 645.7 680.32 0.0 1454762.10 2020550.40 11 0.0 910.3 300.8 0.0 2050905.90 893376.00 12 0.0 710.6 566.6 0.0 1600981.80 1682802.00 Total 0.0 8,817.9 5,626.41 0.0 19866728.70 16710407.60 Table 4.4 al-fashir diesel power plant annual fuel consumption [23] Annual fuel cost in al-fashir diesel power plant = 36,577,136.3 SDG =$5,225,305.186 54 4.6. Solar PV power plant load curve load curve of the solar pv power plant 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 load curve of the solar pv power plant 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Figure 4.2 load curve of the solar power plant Remember that the PV system is designed to work together with the original diesel power plant as a hybrid system, so it’s designed to generate electricity during day time. According to the load curve the solar PV power plant output per day is equal to the summation of the power output per hour. The generated output per day 33MW/day=33000KW/day. The annual generated output . 55 4.7. Load curve using hybrid solar PV – diesel power plant 16 14 12 10 load curve of alfashir diesel power plant 8 6 load curve of the solar pv power plant 4 2 23:00 21:00 19:00 17:00 15:00 13:00 11:00 9:00 7:00 5:00 3:00 1:00 0 Figure 4.3 load curve using hybrid solar pv- diesel power plant The above chart represents the fact that the output power of the hybrid solar PV – diesel power plant is divided between the two power plants. The diesel power plant generates electricity all day long to cover the peak hours and meet the continuous electricity demand of al-fashir city. The solar PV power plant generates electricity during day time to contribute in meeting the continuous electricity demand of al-fashir city also. Solar pv power plant generates electricity with no annual fixed costs like fuel consumption and operational costs so it’s obvious that in the current situation a part of the generated power became free of cost since solar power plant consume zero ton of fuel per year ! Since solar PV power plant generates electricity with free annual costs it saves the amount of fuel that supposed to generate this electricity. This amount of fuel saved is now can be considered as annual income cash money and can be used to help in reducing the payback period of the new solar PV power plant along with the annual income from selling electricity. This could help us selling electricity with the same ordinary tariff which equal to 0.26SDG/KWH, because alf-ashir city was a war zone and people living there cannot 56 stand a higher tariff so the previous idea will help catching benefits behind the new solar power plant but without increasing the pressure on the consumer because electricity as known is one of the major necessary goods. 4.8. The annual income behind the hybrid technique for the solar PV power plant In this section the annual income of the solar PV power plant will be determined. It is all about two incomes: Annual income from selling generated electricity with the ordinary tariff as explained previously. Annual income from generating electricity with zero fuel consumption and saving an amount of fuel that was supposed to be consumed by the diesel power plant, this fuel is considered as an income to the solar PV power plant. 4.8.1 The annual income from selling electricity Solar PV power plant generates 12,053,250.0KW per year. Electricity tariff 0.26SDG/KWH. Annual income from selling electricity =3,133,845SDG =$447,692.14 4.8.2 Annual income from saving an amount of fuel from the diesel power plant and consider it as an income to the solar PV system Back to the original diesel power plant before introducing the hybrid technique the power plant was generating an annual power output equal to 84,829,312.5KW and consume an annual amount of fuel equal to $5,225,305.186 The new solar PV power plant generates annual power output equal to 12,053,250.0KW. This contributed power saves an amount of fuel that was supposed to be consumed by the diesel power plant. Since the two power plants sell electricity with the same tariff and both power plants operate together to meet the same demand then the saved amount of fuel 57 that can be considered as an income to the solar pv power plant is equal to $742,454.6 4.9. Project economic evaluation 4.9.1. 1st Scenario Solar PV power plant designed to operate alone without introducing the technique of hybrid systems. i. Capital cost = $5,212,522.0 Annual income from selling generated electricity = $447,692.14. Interest rate = 10%= 0.1 Power plant life time =25 years. Payback period As calculated from previous sections [19]: ii. Payback period = Project is acceptable. = = 11.64 years < 25 years Discounted payback period Discounted payback period cannot be calculated which indicates that the discounted payback period is more than project life time, project unacceptable. 58 iii. Net present value Figure 4.4 1st scenario cash flow diagram From the following cash flow diagram the net present value can be obtained as follows [19]: =447,692.14( iv. ) Net present value = annual income( ) – 5,212,522= <zero Project is unsuccessful. Internal rate of return Let net present value equal 0. Let interest rate I equal irr 0= annual income( ) Inter the above equation to calculator, solve it for irr, calculator ask for an estimated answer in the range, let it be 0.1 [19]. Irr = -0.096= -9.6 %< interest rate. Project is unsuccessful. 59 4.9.2. 2nd Scenario Here the technique of hybrid systems is introduced, the power plant consist of a solar PV – diesel hybrid system: Capital cost = $5,212,522.0 Annual income from selling generated electricity generated by the solar PV system plus the saved amount of fuel from the diesel power plant system = 447,692.14+742,454.6=$1,190,146.74 i. Interest rate = 10%= 0.1 Power plant life time =25 years. Payback period As calculated from previous sections [19]: ii. Payback period = Project is acceptable. = 4.379 years < 25 years Discounted payback period Discounted p.b.p= = iii. = ( ) ) / ln (1+0.1) Discounted payback period =6.045 years <25 years. Project is acceptable. Internal rate of return Using calculators inter the equation above and solve it to irr, or by using excel build in functions. [19] Irr = 0.2269 = 22.69% 60 iv. Net present value From the following cash flow diagram the net present value can be obtained as follows [19]: Figure 4.5 2nd scenario cash flow diagram =1,190,146.74 ( v. ) Net present value = annual income( ) =$5,590,487.58 > zero Project is successful. Profitability index Profitability index =( = ) =1.07 > 1 Project is successful. When profitability is higher than 1 it is an indication of the business success [19]. 61 4.9.3. 3rd scenario This scenario exhibits the same case of the 2 nd scenario but it considers the annual increasing in the diesel cost: The annual change in the diesel prices is expressed by the following curve : Figure 4.6 diesel prices and pass through [24] 62 It’s obvious that lately the price is increased in a rapid manner. At 2011 the price was 6SDG/gallon and at 2012price became 7SDG/gallon. So the change in price was determined as following (7/6) =1.16. Capital cost = $5,212,522.0 Annual income from selling generated electricity generated by the solar PV system plus the saved amount of fuel from the diesel power plant system, this amount increases annually with respect to the increase in the diesel price. Interest rate = 10%= 0.1 Power plant life time =25 years. 63 i. ii. Payback period 1st year income = 447,692.14+742,454.6= $1,190,146.74 2nd year income= 447,692.14+861,247.3=$1,308,939.48 3rd year income= 447,692.14+1,033,496.8=$1,446,739.05 4rs year income=447,692.14+1,240,196.16=$1,606,586.5 Total until 4th year end=$5,552,411.77 > capital cost Payback period= Project is acceptable. =3.755< 25 years Net present value From the following cash flow diagram the net present value can be obtained as follows [19]: Figure 4.7 3rd scenario cash flow diagram iii. Net present value (using excel) = $33,159,147.55 > 0 Project is successful. Internal rate of return Using excel internal rate of return can be obtained. Irr = 0.344928 = 34.49 % > interest rate Project is successful. 64 iv. Profitability index Profitability index =( = ) =7.09> 1 Project is successful. When profitability is much higher than 1 it indicates a higher benefits occurring [19]. 65 CHAPTER 5: RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION 1st RESULTS 5.1 Solar PV Power Plant Design 5.1.1 Number of solar Panels Used Calculated number of solar panels 13,123.359 panel Actual number of solar panels 13120 panel Table 5.1 Number of solar Panels Used 5.1.2 Recommended Solar Panel Type Module name TITAN M6-72 Polycrystalline Rating of solar panel Watt p (W) 300Wp DC Voltage (Vmp( V)) 36.72V DC Current (Imp (A)) 8.17A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc (V)) 45.50 Short Circuit Current (Isc (A)) 8.65 Table 5.2 Recommended Solar Panel Type 5.1.3 Recommended Panels Arrangement Unit Contents Connection type String 20 solar panel Series Group 82 string Parallel Pv power plant 8 group Parallel Table 5.3 Recommended Panels Arrangement 66 5.2 Electrical Calculations Results 5.2.1 Calculations According to the Configurations Output voltage 734.4 VDC Output current 8.17 ADC Output voltage 734.4 VDC Output current 669.94 ADC String Group Table 5.4 Calculations According to the Configurations 5.2.2 DC Output Power String power output 6.000048 KW Group power output 492.003936KW Solar pv system power output 3.936MW Efficiency of peak power output 98.4% Table 5.5 DC Output Power 67 5.3 Inverter Details & Specification 8 inverters are used; each group’s power output is connected with one inverter. PVS800-57-0500kW-A Input (DC) Max input power 600 kWp DC voltage range, mpp (UDC) 450 to 750 V (- 825 V*) Maximum DC voltage (Umax (DC)) 900 V (1000 V*) Maximum DC current (Imax (DC)) 1145 A Voltage ripple < 3% Number of protected DC inputs (parallel) 4 (+/-) / 16^ 2 Output (AC) Nominal AC output power (PN (AC)) 500 kW Nominal AC current (IN (AC)) 965 A Nominal output voltage (UN (AC)) 3) 300 V Output frequency 4) 50 / 60 Hz Harmonic distortion, current 5) < 3% Power factor compensation (cosϕ) Yes Distribution network type 6) TN and IT Table 5.6 Inverter Details & Specification 68 5.4 System Architecture Figure 5.3 System Architecture 69 5.5 The Power Plant Area Panel Length 1.845m Width 0.988m Area 1.822 Length 26.485m Width 5.535m Area 146.59 Length 1307.28m Width 16.605m Area 21707.38 Length 5259.12m Width 43.21m Area 227,246.57 String Group Solar pv Power plant Table 5.7 The Power Plant Area 70 5.6 Feasibility study results 5.6.1 Capital cost of the solar power plant Capital cost components $Cost pv Module 1,968,000.0 (300W dc) Inverter 0,880,000.0 (500KW ac output) Mounting hardware 0,920,000.0 Wiring and conduit 0,640,000.0 Land reclamation 0,204,522.0 Labor 0,600,000.0 Total $5,212,522.0 Table 5.8 Capital cost of the solar power plant 5.6.2 Fixed charges of the solar power plant Depreciation $0,158,688.0 Local taxes ,insurance and rent $0,000,000.0 Table 5.9 fixed cost of the solar power plant 5.6.3 Annual power output for each system Diesel power plant Solar power plant 84,829,312.5KW 12,053,250 kw Table 5.10 annual power output for each system 5.6.4 Annual income for the solar power plant Income from selling electricity $742,454.6 Income from saving an amount of diesel $447,692,14 Table 5.11 annual incomes for the solar power plant 71 5.6.5 Economic evaluation for several scenarios of operation: 1st scenario Evaluation result Un acceptable Payback period 11.64 years Acceptable Net present value $-1,148,802.5 Un acceptable Internal rate of return -9.6% Un acceptable 2nd scenario Evaluation result Acceptable Payback period 4.379 years Acceptable Discounted payback period 6.045 years Acceptable Net present value $5,590,487.58 Acceptable Internal rate of return 22.69% Acceptable Profitability index 1.07% Acceptable 3rd scenario Evaluation result Acceptable Payback period 3.755 Acceptable Net present value $33,159,147.55 Acceptable Internal rate of return 34.49% Acceptable Profitability index 7.09 Acceptable Table 5.12 economic evaluation for several scenarios of operation 72 5.6.6 Expressing all scenario in one chart net present value 35,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 net present value 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 1st scenareo 2nd scenareo 3rd scenareo -5,000,000.00 Figure 5.2 expressing scenarios in one chart 73 2nd RESULTS DISCUSSION 5.7 Solar PV Power Plant Design According to the design calculations The needed number of solar pv panels is 13,123.359 panel , but as shown in results the number approximated to higher number of panels which is 13,120 panel , this approximation has been done due to two factors : i. ii. The number of panels cannot be in the form of fraction. Solar panel output and the rest of the power plant components are not ideal, so losses can be decreased to the minimum value by adding an additional number of solar panels to meet the losses in the output. The above modification yields the desired power output, if the above two factors have been ignored the output will exhibit undesired losses. The recommended solar panel has been taken as the best choice due to the following factors: i. Low price. ii. Panel Type. iii. Manufacturer. iv. Powerful output. v. Weather conditions resistance. vi. Small area. vii. Warranty. The power output of the solar pv power plant is affected by two factors the current output and the voltage output so : i. Panels inside the string are connected together in series to increase the voltage output of the string. ii. Strings inside the group are connected together in parallel to increase the current output of the group. 74 5.8 Power Plant Output As mentioned previously the voltage output is maximized by connecting panels inside the string in series “the voltage output of the string became the summation of the panels voltage output”. Notice that the string current output remains the same as the panel current output. The current output is maximized by connecting strings inside the group in parallel “the current output of the group became the summation of the strings current output”. Notice that the group voltage output remains the same as the string voltage output. Dc power output expresses the system high efficiency due to the approximation of the solar panels number. Usually solar PV systems have a very low efficiency when it designed to stand alone because power is generated only during day time nearly 7 hours per day which yields efficiency up to 30 %, when batteries introduced to the solar system the efficiency stepped up into a higher value. When the solar system operate together with another power plant for example in our case a diesel power plant efficiency stepped up to the maximum values and solar pv power plant became a the best choice ; because the previous power plants make the perfect mix between renewable resources and fossil fuel plants because both have a positive effect that solve each other limitations: Solar power plants are known by their high capital costs, low efficiency and nearly zero operational costs “no fuel needed and no moving parts to be maintained”. Diesel power plants are known by their moderate capital costs, high efficiency and its high operational costs “due to the diesel high consumption and the maintenance of the moving parts”. As solar power plant introduced to the diesel power plant in a hybrid form of generation , the original demand that was supplied by the diesel power plant only will be supplied now by both power plants. 75 That means part of electricity will be generated by the solar PV power plant, which means a considerable amount of fuel will be saved, this fuel can be considered as a saved cash money and help in paying a part of the capital cost of the solar PV system to overcome the problem of the high capital cost. Also dedicating the solar system to operate only during the day time will increase the efficiency of the solar power system and that is the major reason behind the idea of the hybrid system Solar system will decrease the amount of the consumed fuel which will decrease the maintenance costs. 5.9 Inverter The recommended inverter has been taken as the best choice due to: i. The inverter’s size. ii. The inverter’s price. iii. Weather proof. iv. The output of the inverter meets the desired demand. v. Warranty. 5.10 The Power Plant Area Notice that the panel is not laying on the ground but it is mounted on a structure with 25 degree facing the south, so the length of the module must be modified according to that “length will decrease but width will remain the same”. Panels inside the string must be spaced by a distance equal to the solar panel length to avoid shading. If this point ignored major losses will take place on the output of the solar power plant because each panel will shade on the next one and decrease its output. Distance between each two strings inside the group must be large enough for maintenance and services cars so it was taken as three times the length module. 76 Distance between each two groups inside the solar power plant was designed to fit two lanes road nearly 10 meters because power plant area is as large as a small town so roads must be taken into consideration to achieve the transportation inside the system. 5.11 Feasibility study Solar power plant capital cost was estimated by determining the needed number of units of each component and the price per unit. Some costs like panels costs, inverters cost and labor can be determined as a function of the system output capacity, this method is considered as a standard in estimating capital costs in large scale power plant systems. Panels cost is a function of the solar system dc power output, other mentioned costs are functions of the solar ac power output. Land reclamation cost and mounting cost are functions of solar PV power plant area. Depreciation annual cost do not affect the cash flow of system , it is only an indication that the system components value is decreasing so according to that the taxes that are being paid will decrease as well Taxes and insurance are assumed to be zero because this project is a governmental business. The amount of diesel saved by the solar pv power plant in the hybrid solar pv-diesel mode is considered as in income for the solar power plant. 1st scenario expresses solar pv power plant with high capital cost and low annual income, system generates electricity which is being sold by the the ordinary tariff which is too low to meet this capital cost, system economically operate with an interesting rate which makes the payback period longer than the project life time and the net present value indicates un paid loans on the power plant project so project is unacceptable. 2nd scenario expresses the idea of the hybrid systems, the annual saved amount of diesel by the solar power plant plus the sold electricity amount are considered as an annual income for the solar power plant project, due to the high price of diesel the annual income is increased and now it can meet the capital cost yields in shorter payback period and higher net present value, so project is acceptable. 77 3rd scenario consider the same case as the 2 nd scenario but taking in consideration the annual increase in the diesel prices, this continuous increase yields the shortest payback period and the maximum net present value , of course the project is acceptable, this case only to exhibit the future state if the prices of diesel keep increasing. 78 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 conclusions In many regions of the world, power grids are either inadequate or nonexistent. As a result, industrial consumers often ensure their power supply through diesel generators. Five hundred giga watts of power from diesel generators provide industrial companies with electricity worldwide. However, fuel costs for the generators continue to rise. The price for one liter of diesel has already exceeded one US dollar. In addition, if the fuel has to be transported to remote regions, the effective costs increase even more as a result of the necessary storage. At the same time, PV system costs have dropped by more than 50 percent within the last three years: Solar power is often the most economical alternative energy source for remote regions in the world’s Sun Belt. It simply makes sense to combine PV and diesel systems so that solar irradiation which is both abundant and free can profitably be used as an energy source in industrial applications. A “hybrid” is something that is formed by combining two kinds of components that produce the same or similar results. A photovoltaic diesel hybrid system ordinarily consists of a PV system, diesel generators and intelligent management to ensure that the amount of solar energy fed into the system exactly matches the demand at that time. Basically, the PV system complements the diesel generators. It can supply additional energy when loads are high or relieve the generators to minimize its fuel consumption. In the future, excess energy could optionally be stored in batteries, making it possible for the hybrid system to use more solar power even at night. Intelligent management of various system components ensures optimal fuel economy and minimizes CO 2 emissions. Diesel generators demerits are: i. Pollution Air, noise, heat ii. Dependence of fuel World-wide increase of oil prices; limited resources in future iii. Transport to the sites 79 Long distances and cost intensive transports iv. Storage of the fuel at site Safety problems - explosions, vandalism v. No unattended operation is possible High personnel cost vi. High maintenance cost and limited life-time of Diesel generator Solar photovoltaic systems merits are: i. Decrease environmental pollution Reduction of air emission ii. Energy saving Reduces production and purchase of fossil fuels iii. Abatement of global warming CO2 and other greenhouse gases are not produced iv. Socioeconomic development Develops employment opportunities in rural areas v. Fuel supply diversity Diversity of energy carriers and suppliers Challenges that was met during the development of the designed solar PV power plant: i. Site dependence of renewable sources Site survey with long term data acquisition & forecasting ii. Hybrid renewable energy system design Configuration and sizing of the hybrid system components with the objectives: A. Supplying the power reliably under varying atmospheric conditions B. Minimizing the total cost of the system C. Maximizing the system efficiency by efficient energy flow management strategies D. Optimization through studies under real operating conditions for a reasonable tradeoff among conflicting design objectives iii. Economic viability E. Cost-benefit analysis of hybrid system for reasonable payback period 80 Solar photovoltaic diesel hybrid systems makes sense only For industrial large-scale loads in remote regions, complementing diesel generators with photovoltaic is the ideal solution under the following conditions: i. ii. iii. When the effective cost of diesel exceeds one US dollar per liter. When intelligent communication between the generators and PV systems facilitates demand-oriented use of PV power. When local solar irradiation conditions allow the use of PV (especially economically viable with PV yields above 1,500 kWh/ ). Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In 2011, CO 2 accounted for about 84% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Carbon dioxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle (the natural circulation of carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants, and animals). Human activities are altering the carbon cycle both by adding more CO 2 to the atmosphere and by influencing the ability of natural sinks, like forests, to remove CO 2 from the atmosphere. While CO 2 emissions come from a variety of natural sources, human-related emissions are responsible for the increase that has occurred in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution. The main human activity that emits CO 2 is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) for energy and transportation, although certain industrial processes and landuse changes also emit CO 2, Electricity is a significant source of energy in the world and is used to power homes, business, and industry. The combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity is the largest single source of CO 2 emissions in the world, accounting for about 38% of total world. CO 2 emissions and 32% of total world greenhouse gas emissions in 2011. The type of fossil fuel used to generate electricity will emit different amounts of CO 2 . To produce a given amount of electricity, burning coal will produce more CO 2 than oil or natural gas. Back to the advantages of the photovoltaic, reducing co2 emissions is considered as the major reason behind using it because it minimized the amount of fuel consumed by the diesel power plant. Photovoltaic diesel hybrid systems can be amortized especially quickly in sunny regions, with little or no grid access. For industries such as mining; raw material processing; agricultural companies such as flower farms and water desalinization systems and 81 tourism facilities with a high energy demand low power generation costs, quick operational readiness, maximum reliability and availability are fundame ntal. The environmental benefits are also convincing: CO 2 emissions and noise pollution are significantly reduced, minimizing the environmental impact. Environmentally friendly and cost-effective? Yes, we can do that! 6.2. Future recommendations: As time goes and the capital cost of the designed power plant is paid, solar photovoltaic can be developed by: i. Maximize the size of the solar photovoltaic power plant by adding more units of solar panels and inverters so that the output will be increased and more amount of fuel will be saved. ii. Later after continue resizing the solar power plant until it matches the demand batteries can be introduced to the system to save the generated power to meet the full demand during the day and night time. iii. At this point of time the diesel power plant may reach its operation life time end so no need for replacing components because the demand of the area now is being met by the solar power plant which means that the electricity is generated using pure renewable resources. All the previous points indicate a new era in generating electricity in al-fashir city and in Sudan, the amount of cash that the government used to spend on buying and transporting fuel all the way to al-fisher diesel power plant will help in initiating infrastructure projects which will help in creating a better place for the western human been, in another words war will take no place in the region. Also a periodic cleaning must happen to ensure that all the solar panels are in a good state and no dust or any other type of covers shading them. This cleaning process can be done manually using personnel or by using special cars to wash the module every once in a while. Periodic service and mentainance must take place to insure that all the solar panels inverters, wires and mounting structures in the perfect state which will yield in a longer plant life time. 82 Also security personnel must be employed to insure that all the components will not be modified stole or handled by an unauthorized person because any modification will affect directly the power output. Reporting and data storage is an essential method to improve the performance and indicating the undesired results. Lightening the power plant during night time because its area is more like a small town and it includes traffic roads within, lightening insures that service and maintenance can be done during night time which will save the day time for electricity generation. Repeating the project idea in so many cities with diesel power plants to end up with pure renewable resources consuming in the future. Establishing studies about the photovoltaic technology and initiating researches to reduce the capital cost of the PV systems so that in the near future the capital cost of a standalone PV system became feasible. Initiate large scale solar power plants to improve its areas and also to encourage the development of the industrial areas around the solar power plants. As a matter of fact after constructing the solar power plant a control system must be created to connect the two hybrid power plants together. The control system ensures that the current demand is met by the current peak capacity of the solar power plant and the rest is complemented by the diesel power plant output. The current peak capacity of the solar power plants refers to the maximum power output at this moment. The above technique ensures that the maximum amount of fuel will be saved. An intelligent controller such like plc must be used to achieve the above mission. The controller input is an analog input ”because it’s a range of values”, this input is produced by a light intensity sensor mounted in the power plant , a solar cell can be considered as a sensor in this case. The sensor output “controller input” is a range of values, during night time the sensor output is zero, as sun begins to raise the light intensity increases and according to it the sensor output increases. 83 The output of the sensor is transmitted to the controller which accepts analog inputs; here the controller’s input is divided into ranges. The controller output signal is transmitted to the diesel power plant, and specifically to one of the diesel generators to shut it down which gives an indication that the amount of demand that was met by this diesel generator is now met by the solar power plant. When each range is reached the controller makes an action by transmitting a signal to the corresponding generator to be shut down. As times go the controller input reach the full range which indicates that the solar power plant is now operating in full capacity, at this moment the controller transmits a signal to shut down the corresponding diesel generator. At this moment the demand is met by the full capacity of the solar power plant and complemented by the diesel power plant. As sun falls the input of the controller is decreasing in its range, as it decreases from one range to the other the controller send signal to the specified generator in the diesel generator to start up and meet the demand. At this moment the output of the solar power plant is decreasing. When the controller output reaches zero this indicates that it is night time and the solar power plant output equal zero. At this moment the controller send signal to the last un started generator to start up, currently the diesel power plant meet the demand alone and the solar power plant is out of the operation. The above technique illustrates the control system inside the hybrid solar diesel power plant. An example of control system is illustrated in the following figure: 84 Figure 6.1 hybrid control system 85 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Wikipedia photovoltaic page, <>. [2] Solar cells, < news/science-at-nasa/2002/solarcells>. [3] Solar system inverters, <>. [4] Solar system components, <>. [5] Climate informations, <>. [6]"Al-Fashir" (description), Encyclopedia Britannica, 2007, webpage [7] Specific climate of al-fashir city, <http://www.el->. [8]Amrit.Mandal, "Utility scale of a 1MW power generation", Technical Report [9] Solar power plant general diagram, <>. [10] Al-fashir city information, <>. [11] Solar panels market, <>. [12] Titan company, solar module data sheet, India. [13] ABB company, inverter module data sheet, Zurich, Switzerland. [14] Solar module, <>. [15] Sudan map, Google satellite maps application. [16] al-fisher coordinates, < coordinates>. [17] al-fisher satellite map, Google satellite maps application. [18] Lahmeyer international December 2011, photovoltaic Sudan development. 86 [19] DR.M.E.ABU GOUKH, 2011, engineering economy, 2nd edition, Sudan currency printing press. [20] Solar technology conference 2013, USA projects data sheet. [21] Sudanese company for electricity distribution, AL-FASHIR, 2013, load profile data sheet. [22] Sudanese thermal power generation company, AL-FASHIR, 2013, diesel power plant. [23] Sudanese thermal power generation company, AL-FASHIR, 2013, fuel consumption. [24] International monetary fund, November 2012, IMF report number 12/299. 87 APPENDIX A-1: DATA SHEET OF THE SOLAR PV MODULE 88 APPENDIX A-2: DATA SHEET OF THE INVERTER MODULE 89 APPENDIX B: ALFASHIR CITY CLIMATE AND TEMPRETURE 90 El-Fasher climate and temperature: General information: The average temperature in El Fasher, Sudan is 25.7 °C (78 °F). The range of average monthly temperatures is 10.5 °C. The warmest average max/ high temperature is 39 °C (102 °F) in May. The coolest average min/ low temperature is 9 °C (48 °F) in January. El Fasher receives on average 290.5 mm (11.4 in) of precipitation annually or 24 mm (1.0 in) each month. On balance there are 34 days annually on which greater than 0.1 mm (0.004 in) of precipitation (rain, sleet, snow or hail) occurs or 3 days on an average month. The month with the driest weather is January, February, November & December when on balance 0 mm (0.0 in) of rainfall The month with the wettest weather is August when on balance 138 mm (5.4 in) of rain, sleet, hail or snow falls across 13 days. Mean relative humidity for an average year is recorded as 24.3% and on a monthly basis it ranges from 13% in April to 51% in August. Hours of sunshine range between 7.6 hours per day in August and 10.7 hours per day in November. On balance there are 3503 sunshine hours annually and approximately 9.6 sunlight hours for each day. On balance there are 0 days annually with measurable frost and in January there are on average 0 days with frost. 91 El Fasher, Sudan: Climate, Global Warming, and Daylight Charts and Data 92 Climate (Average Weather) Data 93