1/3/2012 FILTRATION Water Treatment Course AAiT, Z erihun Alemayehu FILTRATION Filtration involves the removal of suspended and colloidal particles from the water by passing it through a layer or bed of a porous granular material, such as sand. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 1 1/3/2012 CLASSIFICATION Based on the filter OF FILTERS media Sand filters, e.g. natural silica sand Anthracite filters, e.g. crushed anthracitic coal Diatomaceous earth filters, e.g. diatomaceous earth Metal fabric filters (microstrainers), e.g. stainless steel fabric filter. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu CLASSIFICATION Based on the depth of OF FILTERS filter media Deep granular filters, e.g. sand, dual‐media and multi‐media (combination of two or more media), granular activated carbon Precoat filters, e.g. diatomaceous earth, and powdered activated carbon, filters AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 2 1/3/2012 CLASSIFICATION OF FILTERS Based on the rate of filtration, sand filters can be further classified as Gravity filters Slow sand filters rapid sand filters high‐rate sand filters Pressure filters AAiT RATE Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu OF FILTRATION Rate of filtration (loading rate) is the flow rate of water applied per unit area of the filter. It is the velocity of the water approaching the face of the filter: va Q As where va = face velocity, m/d = loading rate, m3/d.m2 Q = flow rate onto filter surface, m3/d As = surface are of filter, m2 AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 3 1/3/2012 EXAMPLE A city is to install rapid sand filters downstream of the clarifiers. The design loading rate is selected to be 160 m3/(m2 d). The design capacity of the water works is 0.35 m3/s. The maximum surface per filter is limited to 50 m2. Design the number and size of filters and calculate the normal filtration rate. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu EXAMPLE SOLUTION AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 4 1/3/2012 MECHANISM OF FILTRATION The theory of filtration basically involves, transport mechanisms, and attachment mechanisms. The transport mechanism brings small particles from the bulk solution to the surface of the media. a) b) c) d) gravitational settling, diffusion, interception and hydrodynamics. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu MECHANISM OF FILTRATION They are affected by physical characteristics such as size of the filter medium, filtration rate, fluid temperature, size and density of suspended solids. As the particles reach the surface of the filter media, an attachment mechanism is required to retain it. This occurs due to (i) electrostatic interactions (ii) chemical bridging or specific adsorption. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 5 1/3/2012 AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu SLOW SAND FILTERS In SSF water is allowed at a slow rate through a bed of sand, so that coarse suspended solids are retained on or near the surface of the bed. Loading rate of 2.9 to 7.6 m3/d.m2 The raw water turbidity has to be < 50 NTU. The filtering action is a combination of straining, adsorption, and biological flocculation. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 6 1/3/2012 SLOW SAND FILTERS Gelatinous slimes of bacterial growth called ‘schmutzdecke’ form on the surface and in the upper sand layer, consists of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, rotifera and a range of aquatic insect larvae. The underlying sand provides the support medium for this biological treatment layer. Slow sand filters slowly lose their performance as the Schmutzdecke grows and thereby reduces the rate of flow through the filter. requires refurbishing AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu CLEANING SLOW SAND FILTERS Scrapping: the top few mm of sand is carefully scraped off using mechanical plant and this exposes a new layer of clean sand. Water is then decanted back into the filter and re‐circulated for a few hours to allow a new Schmutzedecke to develop. The filter is then filled to full depth and brought back into service. wet harrowing: lower the water level to just above the Schmutzdecke, stirring the sand and thereby suspending any solids held in that layer and then running the water to waste. The filter is then filled to full depth and brought back into service. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 7 1/3/2012 TYPICAL SLOW SAND FILTER Raw water Supernatant water Weir Schmutzecke Sand filter bed Grave l System of underdrains AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu TYPICAL AAiT Finished water SLOW SAND FILTER Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 8 1/3/2012 TYPICAL SSF CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Advantages Simple to construct and supervise Suitable where sand is readily available Effective in bacterial removal Preferable for uniform quality of treated water Disadvantages Large area is required Unsuitable for treating highly turbid waters Less flexibility in operation due to seasonal variations in raw water quality AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 9 1/3/2012 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR Parameter Design life Period of operation Filtration rate Filter bed area Height of filter bed Initial Minimum Effective size Uniformity coefficient Height of underdrains + gravel layer Height of supernatant water AAiT SSF Recommended level (UK experience) 10-15 year 24 h/day 0.1 – 0.2 m/h 5-200 m2/filter (minimum of two filters) 0.8-0.9 m 0.5-0.6 m 0.15-0.3 mm <3 0.3-0.5 m 1m Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu EXAMPLE. SSF DESIGN Design a slow sand filter to treat a flow of 800 m3/day. Solution: assuming a filtration rate of 0.15 m/h, Required tank area = (800/24) x (1/0.15) = 222 m2 Use a tank 23 m long x 10 m wide. From Table 6.1, the height of the tank require is: System underdrain + gravel ≈ 0.5 m Filter bed ≈ 0.9 m Supernatant water ≈ 1 m Therefore, total tank height = 2.4 m and tank dimension becomes 23 m long x 10 m wide x 2.4 m high AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 10 1/3/2012 RAPID SAND FILTERS The most common type of filter for treating municipal water supplies. During filtration, the water flows downward through the bed under the force of gravity. When the filter is washed, clean water is forced upward, expanding the filter bed slightly and carrying away the accumulated impurities. This process is called backwashing. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Advantages Turbid water may be treated Land required is less compared to slow sand filter Operation is continuous. Disadvantages Requires skilled personnel for operation and maintenance Less effective in bacteria removal Operational troubles AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 11 1/3/2012 TYPICAL GRADATION OF RSF after backwashing, the larger sand grains settle to the bottom first, leaving the smaller sand grains at the filter surface. Allows in-depth filtration: provides more storage space for the solids, offer less resistance to flow, and allows longer filter runs. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu TYPES RSF OF RSF based on filter material, three types: Single‐media filters: these have one type of media, usually sand or crushed anthracite coal Dual‐media filters: these have two types of media, usually crushed anthracite coal and sand. Multi‐media filters: these have three types of media, usually crushed anthracite coal, sand, and garnet. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 12 1/3/2012 RAPID AAiT SAND FILTER Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu OPERATION OF A RSF Terminal head loss. Constant rate filtration AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 13 1/3/2012 GRAIN Geometric mean (Xg) and Geometric standard deviation (Sg) Effective size, E, or 10 percentile, P10, E = P10 = (Xg/Sg)‐1.282 CHARACTERISTICS Sieve analysis a plot on semi‐log paper of the cumulative frequency distribution, SIZE Uniformity coefficient, U, or ratio of the 60 percentile to the 10 percentile, P60/P10. U = P60/P10 = (Sg)1.535 AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu RSF FILTER MEDIA TYPICAL PROPERTIES PROPERTY UNIT GARNET LMENITE SAND ANTHRACITE GAC Effective Size, ES mm 0.2 - 0.4 0.2 - 0.4 0.4 - 0.8 0.8 - 2.0 0.8 - 2.0 Uniformity Coefficient, UC UC 1.3 - 1.7 1.3 - 1.7 1.3 - 1.7 1.3 - 1.7 1.3 - 2.4 g/mL 3.6 - 4.2 4.5 - 5.0 2.65 1.4 - 1.8 1.3 - 1.7 Density, ρρ Porosity, ε % 45 - 58 Not available 40 - 43 47 - 52 Not available Hardness Moh 6.5 -7.5 5.6 7 2-3 Low AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 14 1/3/2012 FILTER HYDRAULICS The loss of pressure (head loss) through a clean stratified‐sand filter with uniform porosity was described by Rose: where hL = frictional head loss through the filter, m va = approach velocity, m/s D = depth of filter sand, m CD = drag force coefficient f = mass fraction of sand particles of diameter d d = diameter of sand grains, m ϕ = shape factor and = porosity AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu FILTER HYDRAULICS AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 15 1/3/2012 FILTER HYDRAULICS… The hydraulic head loss that occurs during backwashing is calculated to determine the placement of the backwash troughs above the filter bed. where De = depth of the expanded bed, m = porosity of the bed and s= porosity of the expanded bed f = mass fraction of sand with expanded porosity Laminar AAiT Turbulent Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu SETTLING VELOCITY AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 16 1/3/2012 REYNOLDS AAiT NUMBER Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu EXAMPLE 3 A dual medium filter is composed of 0.3 m anthracite (mean size of 2.0 mm) that is placed over a 0.6 m layer of sand (mean size of 0.7 mm) with filtration rate of 9.78 m/h. Assume the grain sphericity is = 0.75 and a porosity for both is 0.40. Estimate the head loss of the filter at 15oC. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 17 1/3/2012 SOLUTION Calculate head loss for anthracite Calculate head loss for sand AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu EXAMPLE 4 Estimate the clean filter headloss for a proposed new sand filter using the sand. Use the following assumptions: loading rate is 216 m3/d.m2 , specific gravity of sand is 2.65, the shape factor is 0.82, the bed porosity is 0.45, the water temperature is 10oC, and the depth of sand is 0.5 m. AAiT Sieve No % retain d(mm) 8-12 7.3 2 12-16 17.1 1.42 16-20 14.6 1 20-30 20.4 0.714 30-40 17.6 0.0505 40-50 11.9 0.0357 50-70 5.9 0.0252 70-100 3.1 0.0178 100-140 0.7 0.0126 Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 18 1/3/2012 SOLUTION AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu SOLUTION… AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 19 1/3/2012 SOLUTION… AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu EXAMPLE 5 Determine the depth of the expanded sand filter bed being designed for Example 4. AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 20 1/3/2012 SOLUTION AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu Any Questions? AAiT Water Treatment By Zerihun Alemayehu 21