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Gender Roles & Stereotypes: Essay Analysis

Can the influence of others and perception change gender roles and stereo types? Scott
Russel Sanders believes so. In Scott Russel Sanders’ essay “The Men We Carry in Our Minds,”
views on gender roles and stereotypes are discussed through use of personal anecdotes and
imagery. Susan Basow, Gender: Stereotypes and Roles, theorizes “…there is little physical or
psychological evidence to justify gender stereotypes as reflecting clear distinctions between the
sexes. Most of the differences that do exist are the result of gender roles, not the cause.”
There is no physical evidence to prove one sex superior to the other, however, the influence of
others and the perception in society has caused there to be an inequality amongst the two. Along
with this, this same subject is explored in Susan D. Witt’s “Parental influence on children's
socialization to gender roles” Each of these scholars reveal how they believe these affect gender
roles and stereotypes; and in turn, illuminates the role that perception and influence have on
gender roles and stereotypes.
At first glance, it is easy for the reader to understand Scott Russel Sander’s personal
perception of the conflict of gender equality, due to the author’s use of personal anecdotes. Upon
closer examination, the author’s use of personal anecdotes adds emotion to the tone.
Observations about the tone of the essay reveal personal conflict. Noted scholar, Madeline E.
Heilman, observed that “… gender stereotypes and the expectations they produce about both
what women are like and how they should behave can result in devaluation of their performance,
denial of credit to them for their successes, or their penalization for being competent.”
Similarly, Sanders really pulls the reader with his effective use of imagery makes the anecdotes
more realistic for the reader. Due to sanders’ use of personal anecdotes, the reader is better
equipped to understand his personal perception of gender roles and stereotypes.
Overall, The combined use of personal anecdotes make the essay personal and intriguing.
Sanders keeps the reader attentive throughout the entirely of the essay. In essence, this technique
helps readers understand how sanders personally feels and how perception and the influence of
others can change our gender roles and stereo types.
Basow, S. A. American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association,
Heilman, Madeline E. “SPSSI Journals.” Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111), 17 Dec. 2002,
Witt, Susan D. "Parental influence on children's socialization to gender roles." Adolescence, vol.
32, no. 126, 1997, p. 253+. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine, Accessed 9 Jan. 2020.