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Context Clues -Finding Nemo

Context Clues
Context Clues and Sharks
Context clues help us attack unfamiliar words,
and sharks attack fish. Like sharks, we have to
attack! Let’s get inspired: Fish are friends!
Context Clues
• What are context clues?
– Context clues, or information
surrounding unfamiliar words,
can help you figure out the
meaning of words that you
don’t know.
• Why are context clues
– Context clues can help you
understand what you are
Context Clues Strategy
1. Cover the unfamiliar word.
2. Read the sentence again.
3. Choose a word that makes sense in the blank.
Attack these words!
• What do the underlined words mean?
• While many perceive a shark to be a ruthless
killing machine, only about 25 species are
reported to have attacked people.
Attack these words!
• What do the underlined words mean?
• The idea is that shark attacks and fatalities are so
minuscule that you are more likely to be kicked
to death by a mule.
Types of Context Clues: Synonym
• Words with similar meanings
• His argument is fallacious, so it’s very
Types of Context Clues: Antonym
• Words with opposite meanings.
• Although some teenagers are loquacious, others
are closemouthed.
Types of Context Clues: Description
• The unknown word is described or explained
• She suffers from Insomnia, so she needs pills stay
Types of Context Clues: Example
• Specific examples are listed
• Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and
stars, are studied by scientists.
Think about It
• What does the word “context” mean?
– The word context means…
Practice Together: Attack!
• Pedagogical institutions, including high schools,
kindergartens, and colleges, require community
support to function efficiently.
• Pedagogical means _____________.
• Circle the strategy you used:
Practice Together: Attack!
• He was so parsimonious that he refused to give his
own sons the few dollars they needed to buy pencils
for school. It truly hurt him to part with his money.
• Parsimonious means _____________.
• Circle the strategy you used:
Practice Together: Attack!
• His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause of
most of his trouble.
• Pertinacity means ___________.
• Circle the strategy you used:
Synonym Antonym Description Example
Practice Together: Attack!
• She was reluctant to be team captain, but she
was eager to continue being the goalie.
• Reluctant means ___________.
• Circle the strategy you used:
Synonym Antonym Description Example
Context Clues Strategy
• One more video! Just to sum up everything we
have learned 
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgaSmJKR9HM
• Now, read the diary page from Ryan and see if
you can use context clues to make the words
make sense!
Ryan’s Diary Page
Dear Diary,
I overslept this morning. I had to eat my bowl of poof-poofs very
quickly, and I almost missed the tramzam. When I got to school, I
realized I had forgotten my zilgping . Luckily, Ms. Jutzi is very zoosh,
and told me I could bring it tomorrow.
After school, some friends and I played plingming. It’s a new
game I am learning. We scored 7 points and they only scored 5
points, so we were the zoiters!
Dad says that next weekend we’re going to the fladder . I can’t
wait! I love to swim and play in the sand. I hope I don’t get a sunburn
Well, I better go to bed soon. I don’t want to wake up late again
and miss my tramzam!
Until tomorrow,
Let’s ATTACK these words!
• What could the word poof-poofs mean?
►The sentences tell me it is something that can be eaten. I
know that it is a breakfast food because Ryan said it was
morning. I also know that it goes in a bowl. What do you
think it is?
►The most logical guess would be a type of cereal.
• What could the word tramzam mean?
►The sentences tell me that Ryan was going to school and he
almost missed his tramzam. What do you think it is?
►The most logical guess would be a school bus.
• What could the word zilgping mean?
►The sentences tell me that it is something Ryan needed at
school. I also know that it is ok if he brings it tomorrow. What
do you think it is?
►The most logical guess would be Ryan’s homework.
• What could the word zoosh mean?
►The sentences tell me that a person can act this way and that
Ms. Jutzi is being kind and allowing Ryan to bring his
homework the next day. What do you think it is?
►The most logical guess would be friendly or understanding.
Doing Great!
• What could the word plingming mean?
►The sentences tell me it is a game Ryan and his friends play
against each other and that points can be scored. What do
you think it is?
►The most logical guess would be a sport such as basketball or
• What could the word zoiters mean?
►The sentences tell me that Ryan’s team scored 7 points while
the other team scored less points. What do you think it is?
►The most logical guess would be that it means winners.
• What could the word fladder mean?
►The sentences tell me that Ryan’s dad said he could go there
and when he gets there they will swim and play in the sand.
Ryan also mentions not wanting a sunburn. What do you think
it is?
►The most logical guess would be a lake or a beach.
• And, remember, we already figured out the word tramzam
probably means school bus.
Closing Review
• What are context clues?
• Why might they be important?
• What’s the context clues
• What are the four types of
context clues?
• When it comes to context clues,
how are we like sharks?