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English assignment 1

Date 31/3/2020DOS- 02 /04/2020
Let us revise and learn at the same time ……Read thoroughly before you answer
Q1 Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:
One infant grows up and becomes a jockey,
Another plays basket ball or hockey,
This is one the prize ring hates to enter,
that one becomes a tackle or center,
I am just as glad as glad can be
That I'm not them, that they're not me.
With all my heart do I admire
Athletes who sweat for fun or hire,
Who take the field in gaudy pomp,
And maim each other as they romp,
My limp and bashful spirit feeds
On other people's heroic deeds.
Now A runs ninety yards to score,
B knocks the champion to the floor.
C risking vertebrae and spine,
Lashes his steed across the line,
You'd think my ego it would please
To swap positions with one of these.
Well, ego might be pleased enough,
But zealous athletes play so rough,
They do not ever, in their dealings
Consider one another's feelings.
I'm glad that when my struggle begins
Twixt prudence and ego, prudence wins.
When swollen eye meets gnarled fist
When snaps the knee and cracks the wrist,
When calm officialdom demands
Is there a doctor in the stands?
My soul in true thanksgiving speaks
For this most modest physiques
Athletes, I'll drink to you
Or eat with you,
Or anything except compete with you,
Buy tickets worth their weight in radium,
To watch u gambol in a stadium
And reassure myself anew
That you're not me and I'm not you.
1. The poet admires the sportspersons who
a) Win the gameb) perspire for goals
c)Beat other participantsd) enjoy playing.
2. The poet’s spirit enjoys
a) The great sport feats of the players b) seeing them getting injured
c)Knocking one anotherd) fighting for the goal
3. What makes the poet not be a sportsperson?
a) Wisdom not to be a playerb) wisdom to avoid playing
c )Fear of injuriesd) careless playing leading to injuries.
4. The player will do anything
a) To see the players playing b) to go to the stadium
c ) For the sportsperson
d) for the well-being of the players.
5. The word ‘prudence’ means
a) Athleticsb) wisdom
c) Skilld) bravery
Q2 Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate form of the verb given in the
The world …………1………….. (be) online. Everyone ………………2(use) computers and internet for
business and pleasure. There is growing concern about the effects this has on children. Nowadays
children ………………3…………… (spend) a lot of time online ……………4………….. (play) games,
………5……………. (chat) with their friends and ……………6(watch) videos.
Priceless childhood hours …………7(spend) sitting indoors opposite a computer screen instead of
playing outdoors.
Some people believe that children should ………………8(allow) to spend time online. In their opinion,
the hours spend on the computers are actually very good for them. Their logic is simple. Nowadays
computer skills are absolutely essential for success in the workplace. Therefore, the time they spend on
thecomputer ……………9(be) actually helping them to gain the skillsthey…………10(need) to become
productive adults.