Student name: VISHNU PRASAD KOMPELLA Student number: U1906952 Course work Title: The failure of Carillion due to their weak corporate governance. Table of contents: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Executive summary Company background The initial stages of Carillion failure The factors which made Carillion go to ashes. Responses from different stake holders. Litigations/ charges against Carillion Financial panorama The after effects Recommendations/conclusions Bibliography Appendixes Abbreviations and acronyms Indicative Bibliography: 1) Syed shah. 2018. WHAT HAPPENED TO CARILLION PLŠ”?. [Online]. [20 March 2019]. Available from: 2) Andrew , R. 2019. Companies 'should check Interserve contracts' following outsourcer’s administration. [Online]. [19 March 2019]. Available from: 3) Josie cox. 2018. Carillion Collapse- as it happened. [Online]. [20 March 2019]. Available from: